innnt emuAnn ( BASKETBALL OPENS- 5 n rln nupcii Dalfo J3eE3" TOTS" Friday, October 28. 1S49 irniipiF MARRIED iBand to Plav as Melon-Tossing IT PA YS TO ROLL YOUR OWN WTH ) Prince Prince Rupert Rupert district district resi- I C - o m m llMJ Aif A rrnlri JCdiUN vaeib unuci nay nyani residents share interest in the marriage rite at St. Andrew' Cathedral Wednesday evening which joined Rhoda Leighton, daughter nf Mr anri Mm Robert B. The curtain will rincr up tomorrow night on a brand new basketball season 1949-50 vintage. Of FINE OLD NAVY RUM Leighton. of MeUakaUa and i course, the contending teams will provide the niain oeorge petupiece. son of Mrs. ! oul.te 0f entertainiTient, thrilU and upsets, but Mr. Annie Pettipiece and the taui ni,u,, :,i .A I,.,.. Stt Cigarette Tobacco Harold Pettipiece. of Port Ed-1"'" -'" "a.-nciuiu ran iu get an a vun gain at Saturday s opener when the league gets officially underway after League t frexy Angus Macphee tosses up , known contender. They iir.v but him uuu . m me senio, fOUr of last year s regulars and a " VIRGINIA MUD, SWEET, MIGHT League, Co-op vs. Bo-Me-Hi new coach. Still they uve Cn feature. The Prince Rupert l0p a scare in a pre-season warm ward. Officiating at the ceremony, which was attended by a number of friends of the couple, was Canon Basil S' Prockter. The bride, who is a member of a well-known MqtbkaUa family, was given in marriage by her father. She wore a suit of turquoise blue with corsage of pink and white carnations. Her attendant was Mrs. William Patterson who wore a gabar t-nnne tlub Band will be there ; up game and eked out a gy,d win With a 15-minute musical inter-inwr Rmunumiii't and xiui rf n foreset1 the future. der the direuio' consisting 0f v Mis. W. Whiftin Mrs. B Spring Brett. CARD TOURNEY WELL STARTED Fifteen tables In play set tlie Co-op have lost several of lat year's players but have pu ke j up lucte during the pre-gamc warm-up period and more music at the half time. The night's entertainment starts off with two Junior feat Mr. G. Cogswell of La Crcssu, Wisconsin, Is sailing on the Camosun tonight for Massett where she will visit her brother. Sam Simpson, well-known Island cannery operator. Nell Kingston Is leaving on the Camosun tonight to return to Llruberlost Lodge after spwd-ing the last few days in the ciiv on business. R. I. Reld of Vancouver, who has been -in the city on business for the last' few days, is sailing Moving, V dine suit of similar design in dusty nxse color. Groomsman was Patrick O. Bolton, of Port Edward. The couple have taken resi ures in the early evening. Sea Cadet playing Scouts and Kinsmen tangling with Stone's Kinsmen are the veterans in this div- 0A SfH?U anippmr ,, j some of Uie Savoy hoopsterj. They are playing shorl-hanacl for Uie opener the Holkestari brothers being California lx-und on a holiday trip. Capt. Angus Mwjjiee is coaching t'.iis yar and plans to spend most of his tmie on the bench". Hen. are the line-ups with last year's total series of card parties which are to be held fortnightly during the winter at the Catholk Hall off to a good start last evening. Convened by the president, Mrs. E. Telset, the affair proved highly enjoyable for all. j Prize-Winers, were: ! Whist- Mis. I. Keller and A. E. Edward where the ! ij;Ion. the three other teams bc-employed by NeJ-in8 entered for the first time. The dence at Port bridegroom is son Bros, cannery. I Botllad and Shine d by ALFRED LAMB t SON U? London.Enqland This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia. For Complete, Efficient S. ft Lindsay'i G Storage I Cor. 2nd and Establish Phonn tn; J umoi s have already had an opportunity to show their wai'f and the pre-season games f.'.a last week were real crowd pleas-ers. t Merchants and Fashion meet in the Intermediate division a..d points in the bracketed figures. Bo-Me-Hi Jack Sharp .41 1; Chuck Webster (7; Eric Moore i50i; Olen Carlson (79 1; 8yd Scherk '35 ; Ray Spring (127); on the Camosun tonight on a trip to Masset. Chilton. I Crlbbage Mrs. R. Letourneau and J. Garon. Bridge Mrs. A. J. Turcot te and O. R. Hull. . Refreshments were served un Bud Ratchford (96i: Dannv Bill ' 1, : . Advertise ui liie fai.y News! Ton Saw It in Thr New?! uurie are suipiises ui store jor , (57,: w McChesnev (117). 'in,, . Co-up Jim Flaten 1 1G5 ; Joe Davis 85 1 ; Herb Morgan 1881; Bob Menzies 28 ; Don Scherk 94i; Ted Arney 1 199 1 ; Angus Macphee 1182). j THE PERFECT GIFT ( J A LOVELY BIRTHSTONE RING ( w,9ra,t'w8sl Beautiful Ladies F8 "',yJj"TTl 1 I" Cfcs Birthsume Rings V1flSl 1 ( ygfl ineo,d- I 7' J ) .-?r ? Handsome Men t s -.11 CH1R0PR lobn F. L Hu(tt 21-22 Buni Pbonc Bi; Hu 10:30 II to t t".)l fans and players alike. Sd Woodside has been training Lis team for several years and an.vs at winning the title this year. He has added an extra section to the mantel piece at home to muK3 room for Bert Morgan's Grotto Trophy. Fashion are an unknown quantity so far but they have a few of last year's regulars on t-ie team and are well fortified players from the now defunct Morgan's entry. For the third successive year Monday and Fr: tlKifie unnlj! Ui Hines m line set- r" I I ' iVWv J I I ?V'- I ,ins. choice f day RECEPTIL.fl aneff affrnooiu. headliners in the Senior Division opener will, be Co-op and Bo-Me-Hi. Co-op won last year's en NOW AV xi r j LAV ixy AWAY away NOW now I ' J for rr CHRISTMAS CHRISTMAS counter 33 to 26 and looked iik sure winners of the leayje ty le. High School trailed througdfuut the season but when the cjjkips were down and the final game O Atooly de.axtoP. GEORGE COOK, Jeweller lv ;b. l.U. (i f 527-3rd Ave. Phone 2G4 Successors to M. Heilbroner played Bo-Me-Ili won the Cup play-offs. T his year Bo-Me-Hi is vh un- ThU dvtrtiaitrrt k not publithtd of dipUytd by Uiqvot Cofikol Bord r Wy tit 0""t at Bntltk ColumW. if 4fOIUY LOOK 1 4 NEW RE whI JfJEST HOT DOGS IN HIRAM WALKER'S SPECIAL OLD CANADIAN AVIIISKY BOTTLED IN BOND This advertisement i not published or displayed by the JJguor ('mtroj Hoard or by the government of British Columbia 1x- TOWN' TANTALIZING and TASTV RICH IN FLAVOR CAKES and COOKIES GOLD SEi . BAKED FRESH DAILY AT nl',nl"W"l!'IIHi:iliiHii:tl'Wi; k!!ft"lm'm''miiin J0H? RUPERT BAKERY LTD. 1 F rhis might happen to us . 619 3rd Ave. Phone 643 BUL i but the customer never lose "It May Rain A Lot in Rupert, But You'll Find No Drips Here" AT SNACK BAR OPEN 6 a.m. to 1 a.m. DAII.l Just off Third Avenue 'when be deals at JPTOK' M'XL'M STEAMETt PRINCE GEORGE SAILS FOR VANCOUVER" and Intermediate Ports Each Thursday DAN'S SERVICE STATION "Where the Werkingman Gets a Break." MrBRIDE STREET ! John M ORMES DRUGS DRUGS 218 6th St. Phone Orders 92 When Ufcfis Your TiW' RADIO JtM Gets -.h at 11:17 p.m. For KETCHIKAN WEDNESDAY MIDNIGHT For Reservations FINE PRINTING at EBY &' PRESCRIPTION CHEMISTS STOKE HOURS-WEEK DAYS, 9 A.M. TO 9 P.M SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS--12 NOON TO 1 P.M. 7 P.M. TO 9 P.M. g REGAL PRINTERS Contra! Commodore Cafe KNOCKED OUT Take It REPAIRS RE Write or Call CITV OR DEPOT OFFICE PRINCE RUPERT B.C. TO PHONE 24 222 Second Ave. Dally car delivery service from 9am till 6 p m Emergency bicycle delivery from 7 till 9 Dm. and Sunday ! J "Bettk-r' Th-n Erer" Let us help I that new hl the N.R.A. ftest Food aod Service In City! (pn'c RADIO Mil i CLNC , ?Pbone 17 for Send-Out Order; Third Ave. David Chow, Mgr.; Phone Crftn 1 nA Phone oS V.WA'.V.'.WVAVWAV FOR Baptone n.iicklv Janitors' Supplies See iK-auliful flat Paint today-" tomorrow: SI. 40 qL$ii PRINCE RUPERT SUPPLY HOUSE Ccjiplcte Stock of ... . Firecrackers, Costumes, Masks, Lanterns, Fireworks. SEE THEM TODAY AT . . . . i . THOMPSON HARDWARE CO. IIS 2nd Ave. Phone C32 WHAT ARE WE TRYING TO DO? We try to have what people want. We want our poods as good as you expect th-m to be according to the price you pay. We try to sell well known goods at the prices advertised all over Canada. Community silver. Bulova and Gruen watches Parker and Waterman pens are examples. WTe sell Big Ben clocks at the same price as the jeweller in Peterborough where they are made. We try to be earliest with the latest new goods. We are trying to build a reputation for reliability and service. No high pressure: no marking up goods to give a discount off. Just plain reasonable profit. FNnATIONAL nev. iS Agents 'or: DUSTHANE CO. OF H.C. S. C. JOHNSON WAX CO. G. H. WOOD AND CO. IJRODIE IJRUSH CO, etc. ' """"" Wt IMHHMmm I:: iL:(GABARDINE.WOl 518 3rd Ave. W. Box 1118 Phone Red 400 SUITS m HOLLYWOOD wfe 1 MOST UP-TO-DATE CAFE IN THE CITY GABA&' TOPl in UlllECtJ fashion jC Men's"'! ' CR0V lilBli BEAUTIFULLY TAILORED FILL COLOR RANGE Priced From $47.50 to $70.00 OF TASTY MEALS AT THE Rex Cafe Chinese Dishes a Specialty CHOP SUEY CHOW MEIN See Them Today OPEN FROM 3:30 P.M to 3:30 A.M. . We Specialize In Chinese DUhei CHOP SUEY-CIIOW MEIN For Outside Orders PHONE 133 i hi iy Second Avenue opposite Prince Rupert Hotel 7:00 Ja. to 1.30 a.m. Phone 173 for OuUlde Order