Ptince Cuptrt CMft iSetof Friday, October 28, 1919 FOR BEAUTY AND UTILITY IT REASONABLE COST STORE ROBBERY SPEEDILY SOLVED . Alertness on the part of a city merchant was responsible for the quick solution to the breaking and entering of another suburban store on Thursday. G. P. Lyons, proprietor of a HERE'S Scotch Dance, Oddfellows Hall Saturday, rvtahw ta Double S.O.N. WhLs-t 8:00, Dancing at .10.00. Refreshments Music i i i AHFIELD NAMED COMMISSIONER F. E. Anfield, president of the Prince Rupert Boy Scouts Association since its Inception in 1947, has been appointed district commissioner in succession to Col. A. Hamilton Grant who recently left the city. In view of the appointment, Mr. Anfield will be relinquishing the office of president when the Association has its annual meeting on November 4. by Mike Colussi. . (It) Dancing from 8 to 12, followed of refreshments. Admission 75c. Before Joining Vancouver s There will be All thicknesses In stock from Vi" to " At New Lower Prices , Phone now for your copy of . ' "Extra Living Space In Your Home" MAILED FREB t ' IN younger married set Peter Wil- ly t 7:30 p. m. of the8 Br. v liam Stubbert of Prince Rupert grocery store at Fifith Avenue and his bride, the former Laurie and McBride Street, telephoned PHIiaT i wmera Club; Civic Centre. All Interested please attend. (252) the police after a youth, carryng Donalda Maywood S m it h, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Smith, are spending their hon U&McCaffery a large quantity of silver, had changed some of the coins for a $5 bill Thursday morning. Tuxedo eymoon on Vancouver Island. Vancouver Sun. soclation Annual meeting, Civic Centre, Friday LIMITED PHONE 116 Nov Civic Centre ladies' lounge.-All interested please attend this Important meeting. Coat an.. Trousers (ART DAY (258) F. M. Burns, Inspector of cus Previously, the police had received a call that Spero's Quality Grocery Store on Eighth Avenue West had been broken Into during the night and, at the time of the second call, was being investigated. Connecting the two Incidents, the police rounded up a 15-year-old youth who admitted to the theft. Entry Into the store wa3 gained by forcing the back door of the store. About $11 in silver was taken. ANNOUNCEMENTS . Sonja Ladies Bazaar. Oct. 28 St Peter's W. A. Fall Bazaar. Nov. 3. Card tournament, Catholic Hall, Thursday, Oct. 27, 8 p.m. Moose ' Temple Card Party, Nov. 3. Civic Centre Bridge November 4. Lutheran Tea and Home Cooking November 5th. Legion Auxiliary Bazaar, November 9. toms, after a visit hern on official duties, sailed by ths Prince George last night on h;s return to Vancouver. R. B. Skinner, Mrs. Percy Welter, Mrs. Rose Marshall, Mrs. C. H. Collins and Mrs. Percy Bond. Leslie Parks amused the guests with his balancing act. Robert McKay made a humorous speech. Mrs. H. T. Mun-cey, senior regent also spoke on bcholf am the Women of the Moose. Robert ooJs played accordion ill Obervca Regular meeting of Opei jji-km's by B. J. atlng Engineers, Local 510, Fri day Oct. 28uv at 7:30, at the Presbyterian Fall Bazaar, Nov. Carpenters Hall, members oi Local 115 are invited to at solos and Mrs. Rose Marshall 17. Women of the. Moose dance ;s j T. Kasper and wo- K men ,r, aitend--i Day was en"i touted at the . iple " laal night. I .( M'ilS f ol-, sang. ALUMINUM CO. HEARINGS ON Another Interesting feature tend. (252', D. O. Stenstrom and A. O. Oddfellows' Hall, November 18. of the proccdlns vus the pre sentation of a past governor's 6 Brandstrom, consultants for the Columbia Cellulose Co., aiwor one If. Collins I'w p.-oaramlaard merit to C, . . i. 't htt nrjnntjj t inn H'lncT m jHa Kr ' Smart, Double Breasted Tuxedo Coat and Trousers, Stock Sizes .... $75.00 Single Breasted Tuxedo With Silk Vest . . $83.00 Made to Measure Tuxedo a ifter rmcn J2 Jut one coat of B-H "Freconette" coven unsightly kaleomine, wtllpper . you fj " i,h "tin? wuhable lurface. Drict to the touch in t couple ol hour. I ,V raund-1 Secretary Harold Munccy. Prince Rupert Symphony i Orchestra Concert, Nov. 18. ! I.O.D.E. Chapter's Fall Bazaar, Nov. 24. St. Andrew's Cathedral Fall Bazaar, Nov. 26. Saturday. United Church Xmas Bazaar, Dec. 1, Crange Ladies Sale, Dec. 7. of ther periodical week's visits' here, sailed by the Prlnc Georrje last night on their return to Vancouver. .. The first of a series of nestings being held in central Brlt'th Columbia concerning the application by the Aluminum Company of Canada for water ri'iU to the Nechako River system is taking place this week, at Wistaria on Ootsa Lake. The chief purpose ol the hearing is to receive the objections or claims, if any, from and music was by Mrs. Kora Thompson and Robert Woods. Mrs. D. E. H. MacLean and two .acinj. the program HilioWen skit, 9VeIty band, by in costume j the occasion, lint oirt were Coat & Trousers $83.00 children sailed yesterday after L. J. W. Dec, inspector, for the Salvation Army Home League Sale of fancy work and home cooking at Sons of Norway HalL Dec. 8 at 2:30 p.m. MINES OWNER AND FINANCIER Robert A. Bryce who was elected president of Che Canadian Chamber of Commerce at Its meeting in Montreal this week, went Into northern Ontario in 1907 with his degree of mining engineer from the University of Toronto and three years' experience in Mexico. Today, at 68, still a giant of a man Customs Department, Is sail- farmers and other residents in 1 the areas affected. cpsan, Mrs. Ev- ing on the Camosun tonight McBride Street Phone 311 We have a limited number of Tuxedos in stock,, but ;dy Hardy, Mrs. on a Dusiness irip 10 Masset. noon on the Princess Louise for Seattle where they will take up future residence, Joining Mr. McLean, former C.P.R. agent here, who has been transferred to the Puget Sound port as dock agent, P. Aldred, who has been in the if we do not have your Are You Planning To Build? size we can promise quick delivery from the factory. standing over six feet, he is President of two gold mines. employ of the Columbia Cellulose Co. heref sailed yesterday afternoon on the Princess Louise lor Vancouver whence he wd" proceed to Montreal where he will embark November 18 on th'; Empress of France for England. iir.z is oavabie In advance. Please refrain from .iaflKuS, c per wuiu uci uiacriiuii, minimum 1 h..i... fm.. .i : 3C22Ji2rt ' ifc Notices iuc. Cards ol Thanks, Death Notices, Macassa Ltd., and Reliable Mines Ltd., a director of several financial institutions and industries, and a member of the Board of Governors of the University of Toronto. He is a former President of the Canadian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy, and has long been active in the Canadian Slirriace and Encasement Announcement)-. $2. Then plan with builders, me.r who know how to select materials and use them to give you the most satisfaction. Call on us. W keep costs down, but give you the very best. SPECIAL DISPLAY. DOUBLE PRICE Sam Yates, veterans' welfare SITUATIONS WANTED officer from Vancouver, will be tn Prince Rupert next week on ifitopin; room one of his periodical vlsli on WORK WANTED Capable woman to look after children in daytime. Phone Red 5a (234) HELP W.a.V.i.3 ornwicci ior jut-n. Phone Chamber of Commerce ' (CP Photo) Official business. He will arrivt SMITH & ELKIMS by the steamer PrUica George on tTE-Your ap- Wednesday morning and leave ion saw !t in the News! the next Monday evening. Ktrvnse. will this couple PLUMBING AND HEATING GREER & I 6RIDDEN I CONTRACTORS AND 5j BUILDERS I RED 561 P.O. BOX 781 I St lath. Apply BOYS AND GIRLS Opportun-lty or earning, after school hours by delivering Daily News routes. Honest, reliable boys and girls apply at Daily News office. UI Phona 171 P.O. Box 27 i fjppiT. brass,! r See B. U. ! m prices. i254n I-OK RENT- -senew, 1 bed rlJlt ntm ojccimuk !tu Mr-i urv suectaoio youiiK way. vy tio'Yun. 30-30 Duily News. III ;2!'!i ,,UU?U? FOR RENT Room board and uirars ana 1 , - . ... iwiiim uiue. (tf) s. 1 bed chest- KfcAL fcSTATE a and record 1 i Table and for SALE Six room . Wartime u snap. Own.-r with earaKe. fine view, w am w. ai- newiy decorated, with range i nnri heater Full DrlCC S2.7UU. ? hi::'- PRINCE RUPERT FISHERMEN'S CO-OPERATIVE ASSOCIATION Stock-taking Arrangements Terms. R. E. Mortimer, 324 NX. " w X Ford Sedan, H50. Can be 2nd Ave. Phone 88. (257) Siaiiun. 12 to jqir SALE For Cash Four . (253). , roomed house, partly lurnlsh-it., i , eri on Park Avenue, lots 7. 8, 5 Subd. DL 381 chairs J , Block 2, mmw-... n er m m 'm Mittins lerrace. oius un uuc i HO-Sn I 254) 'e in by November 10 and ad-dressed to J. H. Smith and R. '.strung port- M. Cory, Executors of Estate le model like of late R. W. Riley. Highest A Phone Red or any bid not necessarily at- ! Overlook 1 253) I cepted. (17). (255) 3 Oklsnuthile FOR SALE 5 room house; wheel, heater J laree utility room; furnished or uniunusnea, uhkiucmv, close in: concrete foundations. Also a 4 room house inKt ff MrRrlde: basement The Stores Dqits. will be closed for business on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, November 1,2 and 3. All orders for delivery Friday, November 4 must be in not later than Monday, October 31. Monday, October 31 ends the present trading f period and members are requested to have all accounts paid on or before that date. TiBine recent-i Phone Blue 52" , (254) Bass Aeeordiani lun. Blue 825 i (232i White oarrisiap School for Tomorrow The newspaper boy ... . the boy who delivers your papers ... is a typical Canadian boy. He la the business man of tomorrow. And as a carrier, he learns those lessons which will prepare him lor a successful future. Carrier Competition Starting on October 3 the Daily News Is sponsoring a carrier competition with a bicycle as first prize and many other valuable cash prizes. The boys will be awarded points for obtaining new subscribers lor dependability and for efficiency in collections. So any help that you can give your carrier will be appreciated by him and he In turn will try serve you .... his customer .... to the utmost of his ibllity. rental cottage at rear only $1000 down. For these and others. See Armstrong Agencies. 307, 3rd W. Ph. 34i or Green 297 leves.) (257) VOOU M tXAB " fcaml ( KtUoff Br rUka. Toy-cn milk. Freahv, urn!e it . . . 11V T4IM AT NO HIS. " KlIof g'i ran't frotaer thaa othw br flake, and Mnptr carton t Kellofg a. Dept. 4-A, London, Ont. tilt douWa your monty back! RlDtV lAXATTVl. CoaUini nouh Ump. 1020 (tf) FOR SALE See this Value SMI 6 room house on Amone, libpf " . snf -in lv i 3 lota; view; basement; plast bran to help rfulanty, aaany ioiaa 'Hliri XI., -u n ndt Try them. Shot Kniirlin.. ;ch uniy $41.00 ."fiiiiltioii $3.00 Wfrv. I.nnitoH ered; immediate occupancy; priced low for quick sale; includes oil stove and other iurntture. See Armstrong Agencies Ph. 342 or Green 297 (eves.) 1257) 'or ,),vno and Mfy rciimded Sove Hales n Ottawa (280) FOR SALE Newly painted 4 room wartime, with back porch, bunk-bods for child- i-pii vniiv fnrnishiKl in excel PRE-STOCK lent in and on lar'ie 'N NAMES er snivels. lot S2 nnn down: AudIy Ro bert E. Montador Ltd. (25B) MISCELLANEOUS TODAY YOU CAN BUY A GENERAL ELECTRIC t. jM7i . Ref r iterator Hey Kids!! Get Ready For Hallowe'en oi Grannies CLEANER CUTTING SAWS Your khub Mill nut. cleaner ,,';lrreie Mixers-.' Trucks- ni.J truer, fastei, if they are filed bv machine. Mechanical pre CLEARANCE SALE at Kaien Co-op HARDWARE -j; nice fori- cision, quick service. Brm: your saws to us. Saw Service tta,?"s .and 160 3rd Ave. E. (255) i '"I I At A I SIppI w.. , .. "allium FOR SALE l : For : Fire Crackers, Masks I Roman Candles, Rockets FOR SALE Furnished 3 room trjlilur nfnrmvi:i.t.ion for A anaii. Blue 508. (255) G-E REFRIGERATOR OFFERS 1. Dependable service at low cost. 2. 7 cubic feet of space. 3. Sealed in steel mechanism. 4. All-steel cabinet. 5. Plus all modern features. nation c',nvcV"rs. Be" Co. Ltd, -';-... Jtf "Furnl- FOR ONLY $33750 FOR SALE Wick Oil burnliv ranee in mxid condition. Al cream enamel with warming Wood kit! OVen Phone Rori R!)4 eves. Make your choice at . . . (255) riric Hot mm '- UNTIL OCTOBER 29 ONLY CONGOLEUM RUGS BAROLEUM and REXOLEUM RUGS YARDS GOODS -FLOOR MATS INLAID LINOLEUMS All LESS 20 on regular retail price FOR SALE 1947 three-ton ON DISPLAY AT NORTHERN B.C. POWER CO. LTD. Wagons. Fargo truck with power takeoff, hoist, and jrravel box MileaRe 24,348. Price $2400.00 Call at 247 1st Ave. Ease oi .w"Kntlv uh PHONE 210 phone Blue 884. (254) BESNER BLOCK PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. STEWART. B.C. 'W-. .Linoleum Co"e Prices. B c 't'iB tclt 324. ' BOX 1127 251 i"!"-" PHONE 179 FOR SALE Used doors., windows, lumber. Phone 543, Call Cth Are. W. vUf)