Ptfncc Rupert Dailp Hrto Friday. October 28, 1949 P C D D Radio Dial V I I l 1240 Kilocycle (Subject to Change in Timely Topics from Terrace Mrs. C. R. De Kergommeaux, Terrace Reporter Women' Institute Having Crisis New Rector Coming For Anglican Church WHY PAY M$T Kill Mrs. MvNabb entertaining. FRIDAY P.M. 4:15 Stock Quotations and Interlude 4:30 Sleepy Time Stories 4.45 Musical Merry-Go-Round 5:00 Henry Morgan Show 5:30 Music from Alberta 5:45 Bill Good Sports Review 6:00 Musical Varieties 6:45 "Saddle Rockin' Rhythm" 7:00 CBC News MORE! ( s Aii appeal Is being made to all interested in keeping alive the Women's Institute In Terrace to attend the next meeting when G-MEN Mrs. Maxted, senior, has arrived from Ontario to make her home with her son Jim, who so recently lost his wife. a social will be held following the OUT Of loutine business meeting. The members have not been turning I 7:15 CBC News RoundUD THEIR I HOLES! W. Burke ana Miss Valerie Booth left on Tuesday's train for J out at the regular monthly meetings as hoped for and, for a time it has been felt among the most active members that the activities of the other organizations In town are gaining preference In the community with the Institute coming out second best. Thursday night's meeting at the home 7:30 Organ Encore 8:00 Musical Prog. 8:30 Vancauver Theatre 9:00 Eric Wilde 9:30 Arthur Phelps 9:45 Canadian Short Stories 10:00 CBC News 10:10 CBC News 10:15 Natalie Minunzie Recital 10:30 Chopin Anniversary Series 11:00 Weather and Sign Off Vancouver. Mr. Burke's position on the local teaching staff has been filled by Donald Cochrane of Vancouver who arrived on Thursday morning's train to teach at the High School. Mrs Dudley Little is relieving temporarily for Miss Booth who is expected buck as soon as her health is Improved. ill of Mrs. W. Robinson was not woll attended. Mrs. Harvey Phillip presided. Wool which was left "I d ask you in only the place is a mess. a! Am EATUKUAt AM. I over from articles knitted for overseas parcels was put up for sale and purchased by the members. Refreshments were served at the close of the meet P. Murle sr.. and Ronald Ilnri-nell left on Sunday morning oi. a motor trip to the southern part of the province. They expect to be away about two weeks. ing. 1:30 Ballet Club 2:15 Musical Program 2:30 - Encores 3:00 This Week 3:15--CBC News . 3:25 -Rec. Int. 3:30--Divertimento 3:45-T.B.A. 7:00 -Musical Clock 8:00 -CBC News 8:10 Here's Bill Good 8:15 Pick of the Hita 8:30 Morning Devotion 8:45 Little Concert 9:00 BBC News 9:15 Saddle Serenade 9 :30J Saturday Story i 10:30 World Church News 10:45 CBC News and Com'ty 10:55 -Weather and Interlude 11:00 -Saturday Date 11 :30 Weather Report 11:31 Message Period 11:33-Recorded Interlude 11:45 -Personal Album SATURDAY P.M. 12:00- Folk Music Mat. Sat. I Buy My Clothes At Peoples St ore And Save The Difference 1 Arthur Murray sailed yrsteiday afternoon on the Princess Louis? for a business trip to Vancouver. Fred Nash, accompanied by R. Walker and Edgar Hamlin left on Tuesday morning's train for Hazel ton and Vanderhoof on survey work. i 4:26 AIR PASSENGERS 9:45 Melodies for Juniors 9:59 T!me Signal 10:00 Bandstand 10:15 Waltz Music 12:30 BBC 1 :00 Journey Into Melody St. Matthews W. A. met at the home of Mrs. R. Corlett last week, "Activated" Sh. ll I'miiium-il.r , C. P A. gHMtluie your car ran u-,'! the meetinc havlne bren nn.. Have you seen Peoples Store price on Ladies and child-rens Fall Ready-to-wear. You'll know what I mean. Peoples Store Fall prices on both ladies and childrens Fall coats, dresses skirts, blouses, underwear and nightwear are so reasonable and so "want-able" too. See for yourself To Vancvuver-L. W. Jorsrcn. ' , .... " . r . - . ... ,t " ' iH--u ior a ween uuc 10 me aeatn ,, D ,, a. s :rwM: Mdsricehpres,iT-r- ra MaxUrf who was to have been MacPherson. G. Bums. To Sundspit C. R. ""auras a i iier nomc mis q O y' ' . month. Two minutes silence was Bjerkan. mm CASH PRICES ALWAYS PAY RUPERT PEOPLES STORE observed In her memory. In view of the fact that a minister. Rev. James Russel of . St. Barnabas Church, New Westminster, Is ex-t pected here in the New Year, the IW.A. will undertake to have the I rectory cleaned and prepared for From Vancouver J. Johnson, Mrs. J. S. Edwards, J. James, N. Bellis, J. Niemi, A. Robinson, C. W. Nash, Mrs. A. Nichols, J. G. Robertson From Sandspit C. Johnston Q. C. A. To Masset Mrs. A. Holland the coming of him and his wife. Wyflfj ' 1 i -!l E EBtE HOTEL ARRIVALS I Some effort Is to be made to have double doors made for the vestr by the addition of another door. Oeneral regret was expressed b the members at the recent accident of Mrs. Gibson president ol jftount Rental I i Prince Rupert i R. L. Turner. Vancouvor I Canaotan U-mishq Mr. the Diocesan W.A., who was ex and Mrs. A. Keamert, Terrace pected in Terrace on Tuesday on Grl it from Your Shell Dealer SERVICE CABS PHONE 555 ! L. W. Joraensen. Vinmnvpr s,., O return from the Dominion ev. . A. Peake, Edmonton; Annual In St. John, but who was (Capt. Pat Carey. Terrace; T. forced to cancel her visit due t.-Fraser Terrace; Mr. and Mrs. breaking her ankle in Vander-r, ,.?u ' cIow,la: Mrs- hoof. Refreshment were served , Cos ell, m La Crosse, Wisconsin, by the hostess following the close LAY - AWAY FOR CHRISTMi Uiotuifuidheci Tamuy 01 IK SALE OFFICIALLY CLOSED LAST WEEK-END, HOWEVER PUBLIC DEMAND FORCED US TO CONTINUE THE SALE FOR ANOTHER WEEK. SATURDAY IS THE FINAL DAY OF OUR tie, Terrace. J. J. Kenny, Vancouver; C. W. Nash. Vancouver- H. Brown, Port Simpson. i 3lve in t;iC ai.y i.ews! Thij dvefUiement is not published or displayed by the Liquoi Cuauul ikuxd K by tiie Government of British Columbia. .lias tn Wile. ; Swfetheart or F that last andr: dated as the yi AVOID DISAPPOINTMENT . ORDER YOUR Odd Sizes in Children's Shoes 'mr ' HALLOWE'EN APPLES FREE for boys and ifl A girls Oct. 31st after scliool mytlii'iK for hours to 6 p.m. dirts'- of the business session. The next meeting will be held at the home Of Mrs. de Kergommeaux with DAN McKINNON TERRACE: DIES ' T5RRACE Donald Alexander McKlnnon, Klondyke and Terrace pioneer, passed away at the local hospital at 9 p.m. on Wed nesday after a long Illness. Born In Bruce County, Ontario, on February 16. 1863, deceased came to Terrace in 1911 from the Klondyke where he was married to Miss Mamie McMahon In Skag-way. He was liquor vendor for many years, retiring about cli:ht wife. Funeral services are being years ago. He Is survived by hi? held this afternoon. A. MacKENZIE FURNITURE LU 27 Third Avenue r REDUCED TO $1.95 & $2.95 fink Ct 2s j PURE SOAP BUY ON BEST BOXED ASSORTMENTS HANGINU I ROM 50c IP See them today at MARKET TODA j It s Infants and Children's Oxfords the Wit BALAGNO Florists, Phone Cireen 78" Bos 1193 " """" nn in noun j,i tka'ntiwmmniimaiafakmMam hESNER BLOCK. 3RD AVE. l'HONF 2?, I VANCOUVER VICTORIA SEATTLE Tuesdayi 1:30 p.m., Calala Suiulay. 9 p.m.. Camosun ALICE ARM, STEWART AND POUT S'AIPSON Sunday, 11 p.m. FOR SOUTH qi'EEK CHARLOTTR ISLANDS S3. Camo.'.un, November 4 und 18 10 p.m. f'Otl NORTH QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS s.s. Camosun, October 28, 4 p.m. FRANK J. SKINNER Prince Rupert Agent Third Avenue Phone PB8 V3APLE LE IJROWN & BLACK Sale Price . . $1.75 . . .ih SOAP FLAK TURK BROADWAY CAFE HEAL ECONOMY jil.nel In ' -f Ask ;'jiu REAL ESTATE INSURANCE INCOME TAX RETURNS PREPARED R. E. MORTIMER 324 2nd Ave. (Near CFPR) & ECONOMY VALUE Another Product of Canad.i Packers LlmM 7 WOMEN'S ODD SIZES A Table of Women's Odd Sizes Reg. Price up to ... $8.95 $2.95-- BEST I 001) FINEST COOKING for take-home orders pdone 200 Hours 7 a.m. to 1 a.m. !!!!!! t 1 THAT MAN IS HERE AGAIN BE WISE! A SPECIALTY 'M0, 'Fit: 1 THESE ARE BUT A FEW OF THE REAL BARGAINS OFFERED IN WOMEN'S. MEN'S AND CHILDREN'S SHOES w A. J t J it-- Fargo Trucks Iff I MatJkafteMaik-a xiiia SAT., OCT. 29 AVAILABLE FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY IS THK LAST DAY qt'EEN CHARLOTTE AlKLiM 'Tl' ANNOUNCK I A change in fares Between Prince Rup''1 1 "rt '3i , tive Oct 15. 1949 by authority of 'tha Air Tr-ins'" 2- Ton Chassis and Cab, 152" Wheclbase with reinforced frame & 2-speed roar axle 3- Ton Chassis and Cab, 170" Wheelbase with reinforced frame & 2-speed rear axle rtr0, THIS IS THE END ot Canada. New Fares Will Be ,?ro ?s Be Comfortable NOW IS THE TIME TO HAVE STORM SASHES INSTALLED FOR THE WINTER. For Estimates and Supplies PHONE 363 MITCHELL & CURRIE LTD. Builders and Contractors To (live Your Furnace lis Annual Check-up from THOM SHEET METAL LTD. Phone Black 884 FAMILY SHOE STORE viui ' s. a i v LIMITED Rupert Motors Ltd. Phones: 866 Office, 566 Shop 3RD AVE:. PHON E 257 A J IVI 11 QtTEEN CHARLOTTE A i KLINES llM,JEi Box 280 Prince Rupert, B. CPhoiJ r I