COMMISSION is GIVEN ' Continued from Page I) COLD WAVE l 7 Prfnte Rupert Daflp I3efo3 Friday, October 28, 14 would thus obtain decent recep-; tlon facilities, and have access ' to the beat Canadian programs j Instead of having to rely on Unit- ( IS Lake by an official Radio Inspec- oi we Department of Transport. The rnnnrt. rt-nrle o. ei lows: "I have carried out. a ..j,,, adio reception conditions here' ,. -ii ic rameL extremely necessary mafi. COMING! Be Wise. Re Ready, When the Cold Weather Comer,. Order Your COAL. Now and be Warm and Comfortable This .Winter. TODAY FROM Call 631 ORDER cetect ar.y radio nterfr-rpnrr. from the power plant or from the overhead distribution system. Neither have I been ahl. in bring in any broadcasting stations up to the time of writing '9 p.m. I.' BOOSTER STATION'S "During the past ten years re- pealed representations have been made to Die Canadian Broadcast - ng Corporation by various Boards ILPOTT Delicious Flavour FV1TT f Co. Ltd. Sl'PfLIES oi irade and other public bodies vast area is far short of that from tVnti-al British Columbia, available In the laiger centres of and Uie situation regarding radio Southern British Columbia, is fully set forth. But the time Is therefore it is essential that toeU now opportune to again stress ler radio service be given the that lines to transmit miin nm. area bv the rtir" n.t,. . Outstanding Quality PILES i You can't expect relief from piles unless you remove the basic cause which lies deep inside the body. PYLTOKE TREATMENT, a liquid taken raly, is comprised of ingredi-raly is compounded of ingredi-Iheir ability lo heal and remove this deep-seated cause. Hun- j areas or satisfied FYLTOM! users are your assurance of re- suits wun tne first Dottle or the rice refunded immediately. PYLTONE, $1.75 at all drur-Cists. (Hi Bl Jl.niNG IUJAH' i TRIED Handel's "Messiah." If compet ence is established, the group grants through to Prince Rupert service - X" are available finrl th-.ut .. tha on -" ' may introduce introduce tne mi'iiner fhat va.i now oe the annual minstrei Bhow Dl0 . miuifi viic cuivurc. vious remedy is to have repeater' "With better radio service there tor Uoosu-r stations Installed a''ts no doubt that more radios to be cm .the stage." Vu:deihoof, Burns Lak, Smithtrs i W(Juld be in service and thus pro .rsjls. ram wnnn is iu public enler- r Mimtiay nielli of tainment objective agan this ed States reception, which dur Ixig the day Is extremely vari able. bi . . D,rt t reie.. .k... j sUUo, the full CBC Programs LiieH .r i programs as at present, "As is generally well known the entire area between Prince Rupert and Prince George is developing ranlrilv with dustries being established the requiring additional staff. The cultural entertainment of thlsl . " - - w vwm tauiu is a very definite sten forward in )uiiArjn uA duce more revenue in radio fees for the CBC. -.' "The DrOVlflinir flf " -radl service by the CBC. as re- tiucau-u uy mis organization ana others would not only be sincerely appreciated by the popu iatlon concerned, but would assist materially in the present and future development of the huge area of Central British Columbia. Steamship Movements tut Vaaeun . ". Sunday ss. Camosun. 9 nm. Tuesday. Catala,.l:30 p.m. Thursday s. Prince George Nov. 7 Princess Louise, 5 p.m. Nov. 19- Princess Norah, 5 p.m. Nov. 30 Princess Norah, 5 p.m. ' ' from afuei,et -Sunday ss. Catala, p.m. Wednesday ss. Prince George, Friday s. Camosun, 2 pjn. Nov. 2 ss. Princess Louise a.m. Nov. 14 ss. Princess Norah, a.m. W siMU'tloUH winter, wiairman n. i . u-:K u' i i.i .... is I The xn:irm1u.c.Hl.t leu - ' uiai, .IvillB to Ihp north nnM ....u j i ti itiiitviiiif nir null' viiif'i n; r iitijs '5 ' ,..t.. .1.. . from lany in uik iirsi wiwr snum. -- in I ii i mi - h i ii I.. i. i i in -I . I br ANNOUNCEMENT Sidney Gonkk, Optometrist Graduate of 'Lo.s Angeles Gdleg( of Optometry is pleased to announce that he has opened permanent offices' in Prince Rupert for tlie practice of Optometry in Rooms 2 'A and 2-i:l Resner Rlock "My new neighbor used NOTICE TO 4'OM'K.4(TOKH TENDERS are invlled by the uo-derslKiird for the erection oi additions to the Nurses' Home of the Prince Rupert General Hospital, Prince Rupert, B. C. Plans and specifications and forms of Tender may be obtained from the undersigned or from the Architects. McCarter & Nairne. 1930 Marine Bldg., Vancouver. B. C. on deposit of a cheque for Fifty Dollars (150 00) which will be refunded on return of Plans nnd Specifications in Rood condition. Sealed Tendprs shall be filed In duplicate with the Administrator, Prince Rupert General Hospital. PrUice Rupert. B. C. not later than 6:00 PM. Wednesday, November ii rd, 1949. Each tender shall be accompanied by a certified cheque In the amount of five per cent ibc ) of Uie Tender, and by a Completion Bond li t ter. . The lowest or any tendrr may not necessarily be accepted. D. C titevenson. Administrator. Prince Rupret General HospltRl Prince Rupert, B. C. 2r4l HEW ROYAl HOTEL A Home Away From Home 50 Jtobrw Hot and -Cold -, ." water PEINCE RUPERT.. B.C. ' fPhoje281 P.O. Box 196 Nov. 25 ss. Princess Norah, a.m. I nr Alice Arm and Stewart Sunday ssi Catala, 11 p.m. From Alice Arm and Stewart Tuesday ss. Catala, tun. For Ocean Fab TRAIN SCHEDULE For the East-' Monday. Wednesday, Friday, 8:00 p m. From the East , Tuesday. Thursday. Saturda: 10:15 p.m. Advertise in the Dally News! I ,;w A .- -J' '- i I "his advertisement is not published or ' lisplayed by the Liquor Control Board or jy the Government of British Columbia. A ruweed shoe fur the fellow who wants that chitrp look In footwear ... tln-ne solid items will keep their appearance for many months of co in fort a hie wearing.. - ' i ASK FOR LF.CKIE'S BY NAME QUALITY SHOES Thursday ss. Prince George, W IS pm. , Nov. 7 .ss. Princess Louise, S p.m. . ... . v Nov. 19 ss. Princess Norah, 5 ForibeRecrtdarGuy.. p.m: Nov. 30 ss. Princess Norah, Prince Rupert Flori Flowers for All Oeiasions ns J 100 Srd Ave. Box 516 Tel 77'A CHANDLER'S PORTRAIT BTUDIO Film Finishing; Enlarging Flarta Photo Taken at Home Phone Oreen 389 216 4th SI PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. lasses Prearrlhed when Neeewarf Evenings by Appointment Telephone 213 i 4 and Business; CATHERINE LAURIE public : stenographer 4t)l Thitd-AvA. Westr-t (Prince Rupert Realty Cal Phones: 'T Green 667 Days ; ' Green 412 Evgs; ,L " K. J. & B. CO. I PAINTING OF ALL KINDS Remodeling Rooms Bathrooms and Kitchens CJur Specialty Willing to Go Anywhere " All Work Guaranteed BOX No. 1141 STATIOnT.B BYTOWN MACHINE WORKS I Agents for SIMPLEX OAS and CUMMINS DIESEL ENGINES , Sales (Service and Parti : Boat owners and users of .Industrial Engines are Invited to our showroom to vtew;our various engines and talV over equipment problems. j DR. GARNET E. II. MONTGOMERY- DENTIST Suite 7, Smith Block Phone 525 P.O. Box i216 PIANO TECHNICIAN Tuning, Voicing and Rfpjtlrs MIKE COLUSSi: Phone BLACK 756 972 10th East : HELEN'S : BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Waving,. Beauty Culture in all i Its branches 204 4th Street Phone" 655 WELLS CARTAGE LIMITED H. S. Whalen, Manager Complete Moving Service Crating Packing Cartage BLUE 780 RED 518 QUALITY REPAIRS For Downtrodden Heels and Worn Soles ; MAC SHOE HOSPITAL Box 774 Second Ave. Sleeping Comfort YOU'VE NEVER HAD BEFORE! An automatic General Kleclrie blanket will proviile you with llie exact degree of warmth hert miilcd to your own oli-epin comfort. You just net tlie dial where you waul it . . . nnl luru on tlie heat! All tlirougli the night, no matter what the room temperature, you enjoy a new kind of 'controlled"' leep comfort. on wake up refreshed and thoroughly reMeil. Lightweight automatic lilankelH are available in three nimlels, and in three lwuulifol shd- of rose, blue ami green. Come in and elect yoiri. Sii.jU 1UJ Size -937.50 He.l Siie (Sinnle Control)-$39.50 lloulilr B.-.I Sire ( Control )-$49.50 - ' - - p.m. ". . rrum Ocean Falls Wednesday ss. Prince George, Nov. 2 ss. Princess Louise, a.m. Nov. 14 ss. Princess Norah. a.m. Nov. 25 ss. Princess Norah. a.m. ' oi . lhe Canadian National Ilriilu-av. iV, :sr ( i have to push id ..,V J " VI TUP TO .mm - i Complete Visual Analysis O Office Hours: Dally From 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Professional MATTSON'S UPHOLSTERING Phone Blue 818 P.O. Box 526 330 Second Avenue Prlnca Rupert, B.C. B. & W. TRANSFER DRY FIR KINDLING WOOD 50c Per Sack Delivered PHONE GREEN 186 FOR YOUR ROCK & CONCRETE WORK CALL BLUE 939 M. J. SAUNDERS New, Modern Equipment Al) Work Guaranteed A. P. GARDNER & CoJ CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS 1118 Melville Street VANCOUVER - B.C. MARGARET McLEOD OPTOMETRIST Room 10 STONE BUIDINO PHONE BLUE 593 P.O. BOX 1184 GEORGE I. RORIE Public Accomtant, Auditor Income Tax Returns Compiled Besner Block Phont. 387 DR. P. J. CHENEY DENTIST SUITE 5, SMITH BLOCK Phone 765 P.O. Box 1401 HANDYMAN HOME SERVICE GENERAL CONTRACTORS Building and Repairs of aU kinds ROOFS CHIMNEYS OIL BURNERS PHONES Black 334 P.O. Box 1670 P.O. Box 1670 From Alaska Thursday ss. Prince George, 8 p.m. Nov. 7 ss. Princess Louise, 3 p.m. Nov. 19 ss. Princess Norah, 3 p.m. Nov. 30 ss. Princess Norah, 3 ' p.m. Foe Alaska Wednesday ss. Prince Georg?. midnight. ,. Nov. 2 Princess Louise, a.m. Nov. 14 Princess Norah, a.m. Nov. 25 Princess North a.m. 1 mmm mm 5 AT YOUR SERVICE SIR! Bv CHIC YOUNG J1E i . It's a Great Institution innCrT TppHi pmf '-L- t Iff f JUNDERSTANP WW ( OM, PEM? HEI? J VOJ LOCK . LT" ',J J 1 W If (PW A FAM'LVOP IT IS TIME FOR Ti(?ED.PEA?")V? , ffV)f itrparlitMr " '" , ' Geis liv-Pass. J..,, . LaMIJ U . f .".,1 Cl-MLP(?EN ARE ) SUCH A JOV.' . f HEULQ HEULQ PEAk" PEAk" ) r rs i irWi I C rA rfrt ff wf ln. ' n."r; .w-' i j LITTLE I WW A U : h Vct bopso fciv V C.TSrZ:. I ' f 5zJ Our specialty high speed service at rock bottom prices. Just lean out and tell us what you need, we'll do the rest in less time than it takes to tell about it. Drive up TODAY Bob Parker's UPTOWN SERVICE STATION Second and Mi-Bride or Phone 791 'J W 1 I T 1 e "ii iiiH I 1 - r-' jt