Prince Uupm Daflp nctos Wednesday, July 27, 1943 Ray Reflects . . . ... and Reminisces !V ! - if' -j. y -s : MEN'S sho la tndcpandent (Sally Dtwipapajr aeTotea to me upbuilding of Price Rupert ana an communities comprising northern and central British Columbia (Autborlnxl aa Second Clan Mall. Post Offl Department, Ottawa) Publtshed eerv afternoon except Sunday by "m&c Rupert Dally News Ltd.. 3rd Avenue. Prince Rupert, British Columbia. Q. A. HUNTER, Managing Editor. H. Q. PERRY, Managing Director. MEMBER OP CANADIAN PRESS AUDIT BUREAU OP CIRCULATIONS CANADIAN DAILY NEWSPAPER ASSOCIATION SUBSCRIPTION RATES JCTra; Wty Carrier. Per Wt 20c: Per Month. 7ftc; Per Year, 8 00. BS&TitiTC By Mali. Per Month. 60c; Per Year, as 00 Anyway, one did not really be The federal government is in possession of about fifty million gin to enjoy life until after MEN'S mi S I pounds of surplus butter. But ) don't run away with the no-! tion that the oat. handed vou eighty. Possibly worried Cabinet minlstAs, who have the job of providing old age pensions, are not in full agreement with him. ... i 4 h f 1 . :: M . . ' " : ; j" U i ' ' -' . ' . '" . . ' . v '-, i , . ' 't . - ; I in the average cafe is going to MKN'S and Y0, SVITS U'iirvl..j be any wider or deeper. tloul.le.breavN. special MEN'S Tl!( w, Elliot Lambert, millionaire, recently married Nancy Nied-ringhaus, heiress, quit college and high society in St. Louis, to become a policeman. It would make a fellow feel a bit above the average to be arrested by anyone with all that cash. assortrnt-nt, u. special MEN'S DltFss SHIRTS l,,' from h. it Speaking of hotels, we like the efficient service, clean rooms and quiet organization. Therefore we ask hotel operators to go warily when advertising "all the comforts of home." Do you want your bathroom in the hotel to be r. place where newly washed stockings drape and catch a man's neck, where pink underwear is spread around, and the multitudinous jars of face cream cause a man to hunt for a cake of soap. r c 1 ft- V ' fat -4f--- B0YS' T SIIIRts, Halifax. Montreal and North j Vancouver have been awarded,' contracts for the construction! of submarine chasers of the 1 wrtment. Sprtiat BOYS' Wririi ,., m ) PANTS Kemi-dju. latest and most approved pattern. Prince Rupert has no job this time. Instead .there is a shipyard with a first class record. Backing the Pact "JUDGING FROM the political lining jp in Con-sj g-ress with such leading Republicans as Senators Vandenburg and Dulles, and some Democrats too, for the first time taking major issue with the administration, it may be that half a loaf may have . .to be better than no bread for President Truman in his program of military aid to European nations in support of the Atlantic Pact. However, the commitment to aid, rather than the specified extent of aid, may be considered the really important thing at this time. . It would be inconceivable that United States would accept the pact, as it has done, and then leave it an empty document. Effective military aid to :'he signatory nations is, after all, a vital corollary . !JtQ. the pact itself. r- 1. It may even be politic in the meantime for the United. States to keep down the astronomical figures. In the final analysis, having come along this far, United States may be expected to go all-out rthe rest of the way. In fact, it is too late to stop . now and. anyway in the cold war as in the fighting I war, United States' own salvation rests in buffer Europe which, now as then, must be supported. CANADIAN DELEGATES TO U.N. LISTEN ATTENTIVELY-Hector McNeil, United Kingdom minister of state, left, emphasizes a point for members of the Canadian delegation to the United Nations General Assembly at Flushing Meadows New York. They are, left to richt: George K. Grande delegation secretary; Hughes Lapointe, parliamentary assistant to Canada's secretary of state for external affairs; and H. H. Carter, adviser to the delegation. sorlment. Sptdjn BOYS' SCII 001 Blue ana khai .Special There was one thing about the election in Yukon. No one had to figure on the C C F. and the idea of a coalition wasn't even mentioned. March: "Concord." wm l SUFFERED AC0NIZING "Does the band play every time ! A contract having been let, the general remodeling of the PAtNf TOURISTS HEAR BAND CONCERT The scenic look-out on Totem Park was a bit cooi and breezy last evening and, for that reason, a tourist steamship arrives?" inquired a visitor. It was explained that this was hardly practicable. building bought by the Canadian Legion may be completed by until 4iKvir4 w4r4ul, fat Kt nf Vines Hrti! Ciptwict. CuftUnt IM fw ftm Mkf the following popular program was rendered: March: "Invercargill." Serenade: "A Night in June." March: "Victorious Legions." Waltz: "Vienna Dreams." Overture: "Oeratic Mingle." March: "Officer of the Day." March: "Colonel Bogey." Waltz: "La Golondrina." . Medley: . "The Southland." March: "Precission." Serenade: "Anona." November. There will be nothing better north of Vancouver and, as for grandeur of site and outlook, there will be few loca ' atiM. At an ruo (hrtL vANEA. tions to equal it in all Canada. l,( SMITH iE Miss E. Watson and Mrs. A. Dowther returned to the city this afternoon on the Prince Rupert from a trip to George Bernard Shaw, ninety three Tuesday, said he was now certain he would live a century. ij 3ALAGNO Florists ) mm .'hone Green 787 Box 1193 Plume 171 - Pi j HOTEL ARRIVALS the concert given by the ghrine Club's City Band was played under shade trees down the hillside and convenient to the Canadian National general offices. The program commenced at 8:0 p.m. by which time the steamer Prince George had arrived from Alaska and many passengers were already commencing to make their way up town. The presence of the band, in neat and smart-looking uniform dress, came as a pleasant surprise to many. Dozens remained throughout and applause was frequent and hearty. The weather man was - most considerate. Most of the day had been dull and cloudy but, by early evening, there was a distinct change for the better. The Advertise Hi me Dunv Kews! f Prince Rupert H. L. Gray, Vancouver: Mr. and Mrs. H. Rimmington, Win ANYTIME IS TIME TO nipeg; Col. and Mrs. - J. C. Hodgson, Ottawa; R. Giraud, Vancouver; A. P. ChaDman. Vancouver; J. Barry, Hazelton; CLEAN YOUR CHIMNEY Mr. and Mrs. V. Graham, Vancouver; p. Lakie. citv.. J: D. Vft V.V.V.' Campbell, Edmonton; A. L. Hin- overcast sky cleared up and, del, Edmonton; W. D. Flndlay, ... Let us inspect, repair and clean ; your chimney now He prepared tor S. t all. We a ho specialize In repair of I (utlen, down pipe and roof i nr. DISTRICT AIR MAIL NOW THAT commercial air service has been established, even if on a charter and un-. scheduled basis to such district points as Queen Charlotte Islands and the mining camps of Stewart and Alice Arm, it is to be expected that the postal department will not delay long in the granting of air mail service. Long have these districts endured slow and infrequent passenger, freight and mail services. Now that there is an improvement, through use of aircraft in the straight transportation, it would seem reasonable that advantage would be taken of the new service to carry the mails, even if the quantity is limited. Queen Charlotte Islands and the mining camps have also been given better communications in the way of long distance telephone service. The only lag is now in the mail and it would seem simple enough to improve that particularly in view of the new business and industrial development which requires the fastest communications possible. INTERCITY CHI MNEY SI ifftj. Vancouver; Mr. and Mrs. Tom-anocy, Terrace; Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Fitzpatrick, Springfield, Illinois; Mr. and Mrs. G. Wid-stone, Scoppose, Oregon; Mr. and Mrs.- M. Peek-Vout, Terrace; Mr, and Mrs. H. De'Shene, Seattle; A. Wood, Vancouver: i. C. Bull, Chicago;. Miss L Brinkman, Vancouver; T. A. V Tremblay, Victoria; Mrs. B. Kirby, Stewart: H. Brooking-ton, Vancouver; J. rmii-J;, .Smi-thers; F, A. Van de Leuvel, Halifax; L. A. Swaine, Vancouver; T. C. Craigham, West-mount, Quebec; W. A. Whyte, Vancouver; H. J. Bjerman, Han-ford, California- Mr. and Mrs Free Estimatf-s I'hune Red 241 Reasoni Authiirii'd Licensed Chimney Service. All WorkC Wi ui vy, from then on, it seemed every hour was an improvement on the preceding one, finally merging into another of prince Rupert's jilstly celebrated sunsets. With Peter Lien as bandmaster, STEAMSHIP PRINCE RUPERT SAILS FOR VANCOUVER AND INTERMEDIATE PORTS EACH THURSDAY at 11:15 p.m. For KETCHIKAN WEDNESDAY MIDNIGHT For Reservations Write or Call CITY OR DEPOT OFFICE PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. Canadian National I Quality KITPLIKS FOB i' Mfltfier Khous Tgesf-.' STATIONKRY Hj Feeney, Cedarvale; Hon. and (aKEKTISC m !4iMlUiiiiUMk ;iiihwiliatt)liiriiil!iiiiiiriiiiiilil! Vf.SH AND rr.vj COTTAGE CHEESE New Creamed Fresh Mad' VALENTIN DAIRY Your Daily DIED PRINTING ( Cover Your House BKKNFR BLOCK Mrs. L. A. Steinhardt, Ottawa; Miss D. Steinhardt, Ottawa; Mrs. G. Norberg, Terrace. SCHEDULE -TRAIN for the East Monday, Wednesday, Friday ' 8:00 p.m. - Prom tbe East TuMday, Thursday, Saturda 10:30 p.m. ALL-WEATHER SERVUCE ' .Advertise in the Dally News! ARRIVED . . . UE: CERTIFICATE OF TITLE NO 8042-1 TO LOT TWEN'I Y-FOt'H (24, BLOCK TWENTY-NINE SECTION BIX 161. C:ITY OP i Advertise in the Dally News! ins Oficnilii THE JUNIOR LEAGUE WE WOULD LIKE to put in a good "word for the Junior Baseball League which opens its schedule of play tonight at the Acropolis Hill ..Grounds. The idea behind the Junior League is . twofold to have another organized sport for the teen-agers, players and fan alike, and to develop a reservoir of players for future senior company. Considerable effort has been put behind the or-ganization by the backers and there is a good deal , of enthusiasm among the lads themselves. I : '. : Now; we would urge the fans to turn out and , do their part by making up a crowd on playing . nights to cheer the boys along. ' A most discouraging thing for players is empty benches. There can be no sustained enthusiasm . Xmless some spectators and the rooters are on hand. :.'S6 let's help the boys along, now they have gone .' this far, with our attendance and support. PRINCE RUPERT, MAP 923 WHEREAS satisfactory proof of loss of the above Cert if ten le of Title Issued In the name of Neil MucLeiin has been filed In this office, noilie Is hereby given that I shall at the expiration of one month from the dte of the first publication hereof. Issue a Provisional Cert If irate of Title In lieu of said lost Certificate, unless In the meantime valid ob HOLIDAY MEMO TO MOTORISTS ! EASY VACUUM CUP WASHER $206.50 EASY GYRATOR (GASOLINE) WASHER $196.50 , with Asphalt Roofing lor Year-Ruund Protection For Estimate's Call .163 MITCHELL & CURR1E LTD. Ilnilricr and t'onti wi tiira i Just a reminder that there is plenty of driving weather ahead jection be made to me in writing. DATED at the Land ltegl.-try Office, Prince Rupert. B. C, tljl.s 19th day of July, 1H4B. AD. ANDREW THOMPSON. Deputy RoRlstrar of Titles. (14 1 and your car will need more care. Count on us to check for mini' TIIKRE IS REALLY NO () F' signs of wear everytlme you drive In. ailllllliHBIl ABOl'T IT DO IT THK "F.ASf i immtkMP EARLY ADVERTISING COPY IS APPRECIATED L 1 ' " I OR Mi DRVl Recall NOW Q.C A. OFFERS A DRUGS 518 3rd Ave. W. Phone Red 400 ft Hold it neighbor! ONCE-WEEKLY EVERYONE Doesn't Get Two Weeks With Pay' but you can give your wife "once week a - a - holiday" by arranging for regular dinner dates at the . . . SERVICE. ' . 1 ,. - SI . 'V a --a . r,.,. Flight Departs. Prince Uu 'Oa,. f s PRESCRIP1ION CHEMISE STORE HOURS WEEK DAYS, 9 A.M. TO 1 SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS-12 NOON TO 1 7 P.M. TO 9 P.M. pert at 09:30 D S T. Every andN Friday. For Information 1 ! Have you been to the VARIETY STORE for your Post Cards and Views of Prince Rupert? . Don't forget Souvenir and Novelty items including a large selection of Burnt . .. Leather Goods and Hand-' ' Carved Totem Poles. Reservations CAM. 4?fl or Call at the QC.A. Office Klllas & Christopher Block Emergency biff" from 7 p.m. and fin""5' Dally car delivery service from 9 a.m. till 6 p.m. Civic Centre Dining Room Tot Resmtlon add Chicken In The Rough Vhone Red 70 QUEEN CHARLOTTE AIRLINES IIU