., Prince nitpett Dailp Wtiw fctd. Thursday, July 15, 1943 ' . Local News Items Al AMI LONDON, During a lull in Baseball Tonight, 6:30, Mer a House of Lords debate, a peer was heard complaining to his chants vs. Savoy. (It) neighbor: "I don't mind the washing up, but . . . ". Miss Maxine Lewellyn left to day by air to return to Montreal R. B. Skinner is sailing tonight on the Prince Rupert on a holiday trip to Vancouver. Mrs. Skinner went south las', week. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Eden-shaw of Massett returned to the city Tuesday night from the Islands after having attended the funeral of their little nephew Terry Yeltatzie, who was burned " V WW' A shipment of Jack and Jill Shoes have arrived. The Family Shoe Store. (It) Mr. and Mrs. T. McKeown and three children are sailing on the Prince Rupert tonight on a holiday trip to Vancouver. Earl Barr of the Columbia Cellulose Co. left on today's plane after a brief visit here with her family. Miss Lewellyn Is a TransCanada Airlines steward ess on the transAtlantic flight riplicinits Vlavotir W,iW"J Wfi to Scotland and England. RICHARD HUDNUT HOME PERMANENT (The improved for a business trip to Vancou ver. to death. W.'D. Griffiths, popular- local humorous monologuist, enter Olier Besner arrived In the city on the Prince Rupert yes' process used in their famous New York Salon). Complete Set with Plastic Rods, $3.75. Refills available at $1.75. :uCutcheon Pharmacy Limited. (171) tained the Prince Rupert Rotary terday from Vancouver for a V'"' M ? 1 i i?. fc- ill .3 t . -. 'if, , ... . - ;''"& Club at luncheon today. Presi business visit here. Hotel. . i . dent D. C. Stevenson was in the Mrs. Spiro Gurvich returned chair and there was a good at Mr. and Mrs. Marc Gormley arrivals tendance of members with a lew to the city on Tuesday night's train after a month's visit at Mrs. Gurvich's home in Wood- guests. Prince Rupert Erdal, Prince C. A. Berner, C N R. divisional A. H. K'ftj j short"! rain on a holl-l .KIPPS- ! H. Jnyee a U' PrinCe Vancouver. ,? to Itching Ml Feet George; DIME ON THE SUBWAY superintendent, is returning to and son arrived in the city by air yesterday from Vancouver. Mr. Gormley is the new forester here, succeeding J. E. Mathe-son. They are taking up residence in the home of Samuel Massey on Fourth Avenue West which t hey have purchased. row, Saskatchewan. George White, who has been on a trip to Saskatchewan, re !Ln"d vr,;";;P0r!ey ?T! ?e "rst dime as the Iir5t e-gulPing turnstile is un ia.i.j, ,..ww.v, ww.. aim. at limes sauare marking th Nm,. vri, r-; .u turned to the city on Tuesday night. the city on tonight's train after a trip along the line as far as Jasper Park in company with J. P. Johnson, vice-president in charge of western lines with headquarters in Winnipeg, who has been on an inspection tour. sit fare boost going into effect. Transit Clerk Alvin Coldwell unveils the new turnstile. The crowd on hand for the passing of the nickel fare cheered up at the announcement that Esther and AiVln were to wed Saturday, and gave them a big hand J. Smith, formerly a business Reference was made in a man of Trail, arrived in Prince Rupert from Vancouver at the' first of the week and is now operating the Prince Rupert Shoe MIGO CASUAL SHIRTS Comfort with" style and quality, the MIGO shirt can be worn equally well with a necktie or without. We have a wide variety of shades and fabrics to suit all tastes. WAR VETERAN'S Mrs. J. Tyndali, Vancouver; T. A. Gjernes, Vancouver; R. Hry-horchuk, North Battleford; Mr. and Mrs. O. L. Brown and lam-ily, Victoria; H. M. Chambers, Palo Alto, Calif.; W. Myers, Palo Alto, Calif.; Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Coull, Victoria; Mr. and Mrs. B. W. Dysart and daughter,, Nelson; Mrs. E. Freeman, Los Angeles; V. L. Freeman, Los Angeles; Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Ross, Sherburne, New York; D. Can-dow, Vancouver; O. Besner, Vancouver; G. B. Mulligan, Toronto; Repair shop. iisii-.lf-' Brl. . wip yu 5.( than iiliytlU'iti jnmfully P-nP-tlw.t 1ulclll' ..-,ri umr yuu rc " fwrv tenure HONORS GIVEN Daily News story appearing yesterday to an old picture of railway construction at Fraser Lake in 1914. The owner of the picture is Alex MacKenzie, pioneer merchant, who values it highly. Mr. MacKenzie arrived here in 1910 and for years was identified with the G.T.P., being at Fraser Lake when the scene was photographed. AIR PASSENGERS To Vancouver Mrs. Marriott, Miss M. Llewellyn, A. Olsen, L. Berg; H. D. Foster, G. B. Mulligan, O. J. Moscrip, E. Barr, J. H. Johnson, L. Bayes, J. Sneddon. C. A. Casey, C. Jones. To Sandspit W. A. Lund, Mrs. A. Husband, Dennis Husband. From Vancouver E. Ander H. H. Church, Department of Veterans Affairs officer, is sailing on the Prince Rupert to ncn. ,,l b...-ri' r irruat- .ol!l'r The funeral of the late Reginald Gilbert Lipton, whose death occurred on Saturday last at the Prince Rupert General Hospital after an illness extending .,ihlrs night to return to Vancouver after a business visit to the city. IF BABY IS CROSS FIND OUT WHY HEALTHY BABIES are not crow. Your baby should not te cross. If he if, then something in his little system is 'out ol order." probably ilahy's Own Tablets can promptly "put it right." Mrs. H , of H'nelon Falls, had the experience. She writes: "My little girl was irritable, levensh and sometimes sick at her stomach what a relict it wan. attr-r Riving her baby s Own Tablets, to see iiuw mucU better she was." Sweet-tasting easily crushed to a powder, if desired. No "sleepy" stuff - no dulling etiect; Promptly effective m simple levers, const i pa MinPb EmcrHki tt,u,c at Orm- ... drui sum- I' Mlurf In Mf CI W. Munroe, Reston, Manitoba. over several months, took place Mrs. A. Guimond of Quebec and Mrs. A. Vezina of Ottawa are arriving in the city on tonight's son. K. Ker, Miss E. Kirkham, yesterday from Grenville Court Chapel. Br. Undertakers, with the customary honors which the RICHMOND, Surrey, Eng. (P Mrs. Fanny Blackie, 103 be train for a visit with their ter, Mrs. Joseph Garon, Second Mr. Stephens, Mr. and Mrs. M V. Gormley and son, S. Anton-sen. From Sandspit Mrs. M SALT LAKES FERRY SCHEDULE Daily except Mon. & Tues. Leave Cow Bay Floats Wed., Thurs., Fri. 2, 2:30, 4:30, 6:30, 7:10. Steady Canadian Legion awards a vet-'. Avenue lieved oldest Richmond resident, died. A glass of beer was a daily routine with her. Flynn, G. Mills, J. McDonald, R. Hryorchuk. tion, teething troubles, upset stomach and oUiei minor ills. Never be without a full bos: of Baby's Own Tablets, Sirfaneits bo otten strikes in the night. 25 cents. Monty back if you are not satistieii Mr. and Mrs. George C. Mitchell and family left yesterday afternoon for Smithers where they will take up residence for the summer holidays. Saturday Every hour from 10:30 a.m. eran. Rev. Charles L. Lomas, chap-1 lain to the forces (Imperial),1 who is chaplain to the local branch of the Canadian Legion, officiated both at the chapel as well as at the (.'rave.side. He referred appropriately to the respect in which the deceased was held. Mrs. A. Dowlher is sailing on the Prince Rupert tonight on a business trip to Vancouver. Sunday Continuous from FOR SPORTS WEAR May we suggest a SUN VALLEY sports shirt. Fine wool fabrics in patterns and plain colors, SUN VALLEY shirts are the ideal combination of wearing comfort and smart appearance.. PRINCE RUPF.RT YEARS AGO July IS, 1913 10 a.m. Last boat returns 10 p.m. Adults 50c. Under 16, 25c v .n W0ll TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN I will not be responsible for any debts incurred in my name, other than by myself or my two daughters. Spiro Gurvich. (It) Rev. W. F Kerr preached to a capacity audience at the Empress Tiieatre. He gave an account of the proceedings of the Return All schedules weather permitting. Mrs. E. J. Smith acted as ganist, the hymns chosen for the service being "Rock of Ages'' Announcements All ftrivrrilaemenM da thin column 111 b chiii-Red for full muntb t 36 cenu word Loyal Order of MiKi.se public basket picnic excursion to Ter-ace August 1. Catholic Bazaar, October 8 STOKERS he- congress at Toronto which attended. f) C IT 30 MORE HEAT SMITH & ELKIXS W tzfi Phone I'M Box 2Tt Boring for coal on the Yakoun River, Graham Island, the Graham Island Coal and Timber Co. struck a flow of oil, according to travellers returning from the Islands. I it and "O God Our Help in Agesj Past." Legion Members, who were shipmates of the deceased1 when serving aboard C.G.S. Al-' berni, acted as pallbearers. They! were J. W. Webster, John Mac-J leodo, J. V. Yeoman, II. McD.' Savage, Thomas White and Nor-' man MacKay. The attendance at the chapel !,a::d the beautiful floral tributes were evidence of the esteem in which the deceased was held. Interment took place in the ! Soldier's Plot at Fail-view Cemet-i ery, the "Last Post" being sound- and 7. (168) j Queen Mary I O D E. Bazaar, October 20. Rebekah Fall Bazaar, November 3. ' Canadian Legion W.A Bazaar, November 10. Presbyterian Fall Bazaar, No. M One m nA, : new NiniiiEit - t mma' w ill. Ml Illllll SAVOY r tAct-se 'Chicken in ihe Rough' : Wiljiam Sibbald and Jack O'Brien were building a burglar-proof jail at Ma.ssett for the provincial government 118. to take home w Aft in Lan" HOTEL Ju.y 15. 1923 I' CALL RED 705 $ CIVIC CENT R E 5 !I)IM.C, ROOM lAW.VAWAV.WAVAV 1 l J. Ranee of the Alaskans have taken direct to ed by Bugler W Salvation Army Home League Sale, Nov. 23, 2:30 p.m., Sons of Norway Hall. Cambral Chapter, I.O.D.E. Sale November 25th. President Harding their demana Canadian Legion that-"Prince Rupert be thrown ECIIEESE , 4 - Fresh Made UN DAIRY B Dally IER SERVICE i Carl Zarelli, Prop. Phone 37 P.O. Box f 41 FRASER STREET GOOD HAY CROP Prince Rupert Florists 300 3rd Ave. Box 516 Tel. 777 Flowers For All Occasions open to AlasKa, accoiumt; Lukin Johnson, Vancouver Daily Province correspondent, who was on a tour of Alaska with the presidential party. Prince Rupert X 7 EENZIE SITURE biitcd The Bulkley Valley is hav- in'; an excellent hay crop' this year although the grain is a little slow, reports Emery C. Bar-Rer, former Teikwa farmer and now a local news stand proprietor, who made a week-end motor trip to Teikwa. Weather has been quie wet, but that has not! This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board, or by the Government of British Columbia The government merchant ship Canadian Scottish came off the drydock pontoons after an overhaul. The vessel had come to Prince Rupert direct from the Orient and was scheduled to leave tor Nanoo.se Bay to load lumber. ; 1IADK may let j your f AKKK'S iuH Sthat wi;i hurt the hay nor lias it deterred B the harvest. S I M M E K S21 3rdAve. com- A "monster carnival,' SLUGO" SLUGO KILLS SLUGS AND CAN BE USED IN FLOWER AND VEGETABLE GARDENS AS WELL A3 GREEN HOUSES. ir for s i -Il. pkg- THOMPSON HARDWARE CO. LTD. 225 Third Avenue Phone 101 piete with a queen contest and j $1,500 in prizes, was to be held . in connection with the annua. ? fair and exhibition, the Nor- ; thcrn B. C. Agricultural Associa- i tion announced. ! Announcing . . . CHANCE IN OWNERSHIP OF THE PRINCE RUPERT SHOE REPAIR SHOP 211 Third Street J. SMITH, formerly of Trail It.C, is the new proprietor. Quality Workmanship Guaranteed Courteous and Prompt Service at All Times (167) Maki'ltaain the filing Wii "I utu it'i my -etonomicil nature. Monautl LASTS LONGER on roy i i i . i ir m ji . i l Modern Etiquette By ROBERTA LEE BLOUSE and SKIRT Days ...iinie in Q What arc some h1"""" etiquette that every child should be taunht and remember when ' attending a party for children? a To arrive on time; to greet the little host and his mother; ; bring hi 1HTUUE hill l' Foam tiisliioninj; Swhiclc t Plastic 'iIp Covers Willi and telling. PrTi the old laying the better the quality, the leu il colli. Savei me time and rerk loo. ... I'd rather do good job witb Monateal became I know il will ty beautiful longer." BLOUSES REDUCED IN PRICE SHEER CREPE JERSEY GIBSON GIRL and Jl'DY BOND Broken Sizes Sf,l.H and up and a GAY MEXICAN SKIRT if it Is a to present his gift, -to enter all birthday parly; games willingly; to speak in a n.nnmipred way and nevei yM inn & r-J 4 "- . ii,f to say uoou mi;"' to forget to both nis nri "Thank you A will complete this . . weauier tuaiumt. From a 1948 uirvty. Moving, Paeking' Crating, Shipping and General Cartage and Storage For Complete, Reliable and Efficient Service, call Lindsay's Cartage & Storage Cor. 2nd and Park Avenues Established 1910 Phones 60 and 68 HEW ROYAL HOTEL A Home Away From Home 50 Rooms, Hot and Cold Water PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. Phone 231 P.O. Box 198 host and mother when leaving the party. . q Should a man always rise when being introduced? A Yes always, regardless of whether the other person is a woman, old or young. man or a $3!).50 r DeLuxe C Curtains UN's CFPR) li'UE 818 If you wish to carry Shower Insurance choose a SHORTY RAIN COAT in Gabardine Twill Lightweight, Waterproof Fabric for casual wear. TRY ill. 1 'Pf rated equip- s PERSONALIZED PLAN CARRYING CHARGES ftATMM TOUCH WI1tKi BUDGET with Sweet 16 NO INTEREST NO Pin Tables, l ncm wfHoi Ttmo I t u. nHMi m rtTTmct - ex ate T:il)l( rjOO.00; Ill ll'llllltlllll. OWVtRTlIlK T flQ-Cf ) ) A lid ( r KN 0 NOTICE wishes to The Dally News to the rule draw attention S classified advertising is Pblc at Jn time J the office at pance rPre-ntinK copy for adver-tislng Those desiring to ad-velu e m this manner in the ask.d to Daily News are the office and respec. assist S rule by refralningjrom telephoning classified adver tislng. m Niinton (168) I c. FOR TASTY MEALS Zfo Catuagt that Q imiZ 9 9 with f out ahy p C,,P S"Cy ChW MCi" OPEN 6 AM. TO 2 AJJ. CHINESE DISHES OUR 'SPECIALTY. SECOND . AVENUE, OPPOSITE PRINCE RUPERT HOTEL GORDON AND Cowgill I'aphcr f Printing King 1 216 4th St. ANfcERSON LTD. Phone 3!1 McBride Street Pri,ce Rupert, B.C.