r artiw now BATTERY WINS Continued from age 4) punch. Murray and Ralph Smith got some cpm. . . n jprfnee nuprrt Dafl? T3rto ttBr- Thursday, July 15, 1S43 OLD TIMERS' SOCCER TEAM lip iruiJ BAjtvT MOXTBEAL. u'y I5th Ske-er magic I rail 1 ,1 "BUILD B. C. PAYROLLS" I it ' ! tl-e ay tbiiJU tvur u,a jierfwlion V":t I. ; ,nin 'n' UUV u.lr;n V4.. .. ... . , I yuU M" j--- - . y vaivu, jou I f ' ' t ' f ' , , " " " '. L" - - r ' ' Further steps have been taken in connection with a football game between the old-timer's and representatives of the present league players. At present the veterans think they could take the Canadian Legion In "taiEristi ( f. kiiuw, is pwuitit-u uauerju jenymg fiiu-rtw' f frail D ,ftitrfi,U'd Xunu. Follow tlM: OfM instriMion fjartly for un-aJiug iull ' I"- 'if fMMxul murt j:u.". or jelly from tiie r-atne amount of fni:t. rvno preserves the true bright colour uwi MEN'S FASTBALL SCHEDULE "July 17 Co-operative vs. 99 Taxi. July 19 General Motors vs. Gordon & Anderson. July 21-Canadian National Recreation Association vs. Gen.-eral Motors. July 24 Gordon & Anderson vs. Co-operative. July 26 Gordon Si Anderson vs. Canadian National Recreation Association. July 28 General Motors vs Taxi. HANDY IN ANY KITCHEN favour of the sun-riiM-WNi frail. The is a book of V ui,j,t the labcl very trW hottie. r-Top fons 'i'l Blo-Yr- Ran was rarely in serious troub"- 1 Teams: Battery-Morgan. james F Goats. A. Gomez. Ferguson, D' Oomez, Holkestad, Parkhou,; Pavllkis, Ward. W. Gomez Veitch. Canadian U-fuon- Brodie. Nel-son. Dawes, McCriminon Eby Greer, Glen Smith. Ralph SmW Christian, Yeliand, Dave Murray. Goal scorers PavUkis, Park-house, NeJson asainst own team i. Referee, Sid Wood.side; linens-men, Eob Murray, Jock McOreish CILHILY (IP STANDING W D h 120th Battery 2 3 1 High School 2 3 1 Canadian Lenion i 2 3 For Against Pt 120th Buttery 10 6 7 Hjv,b Schooi 12 10. 7 Canadian Letdon 7 13 4 Friday evenings game brings irU'sl'i'Ht according t0 n,y "l"'t-year-ild are ,u .iulu ik aimieod ly ilieinj. The "'"''iu'vuui'' (ur yju) can get one is 1 VlJJhU-UMMd AI.L-V.HKAT box j thjr first "come-back." According to the Old-'Bimers' Brain Trust the following will ; be the pool from which their team will be selected: Marchac'. ! (goal 1 ; Alex. Haig, Bob McKay, j backs; Andy Ronalds, Sam Cur- rie, Neil Ross, Angus MacDonald, : half-backs; Jack Wilson, Bob j Murray, Sonny Dickens, Pat For-: man Charlie Eaptie, Hank Dickens. Jock McGreisll, Jim j Norrington, forwards. I The Board of Strategy hopes for "defence in depth" (they I ii',V I-i't- W. Ontario. Aid, wh,W Ui. re i. more ' ''.vi y"lf o-.v ui'4y. i of the iuu.-t plea. K'-lloW' Atl-nue. .11 a inue cpnui m ji, !, r,! K" Vuu '""Sll trn and its BO lrp aJlj tJuie to uitl 10 f.irii:. " 1:1 l'! Yes, you'll agree too that Pacific's satisfying, richness is grand, and good for you. Tho milk of a hundred uses, you'H ; find 'Pacific Milk very handy around the kitchen. PACIFIC MILK Irradiated and Vacuum Packed A LIGHT FOR THE LADY'S CIGAR A member of the Swedish cabinet, the Hon. Karen Koch, cau.ses a flurry among the guesu at a dinner held in New York City as she accepts a light 10 her cigar from Acting Mayor Vincent Impellitteri. The occasion was a party litld to oificially bring to a close the Swedish pioneer centennial celebration held in the United States. Qlni," to i'ft your -yet i on ji ate theai. nower-Perft iu form nod eoluur. on 4h cowt of juy ja. la unliatftKl quantities. Just Low to handicap the opposition has not been decided. But suggestions wiU be welcomed aud should be addressed to: "Brain Trust", Board of Strategy, Old-Timers' Football Selectors, co Daily News Sports Editor, Daily News, Prince Rupert. j figure they have enough now I "around the middle") and arc 1 I inviting more volunteers so that) CN'JLA. TOPS (Continued lr.as Pase 4) 1 tempted to aume good porch reading like iiat iru-uimni inuiWti hut story, M My 'j ri"lu J.uie". ii'ia it rjw-li lovrr lutuuu (iumI pru-tp la) tl wt to umrrii-d liu in.Lii ... or tiw oiiifpuim liwiiwon by l.rle Uirm y, "Vcg, Catin-tli:,n K'l, but do iheyT" (you're cxitnpt, tiiuniili!) . . . ur. jttnw rmU inui yoirv j.rniiii "i. tli'iM" S Dim rei-ifx-i fur delirium., quick- they can throT in spares when 1 BASEBALL SCHEDULE ihey are needed and that might be fairly often. the Ln;ion and the High Schooling 37 ba tiers, he s.ruck out 11, touth. r. Min the Battery and ! walked three and gave up nine tn; H",h S'-hot.l tied for the ! hits. For Co-op, Slater faced 50 letgae leadership, although the; batters, aUowed 18 hits, struck gunners have the better goal j out none and gave one base on average, the High School will be; balls. U9-KU1 . . . imj utai only a If iijit j-uii U el u C JJ J. tor July, lia U iur tri'i(t A few of the old-timers were, practising . . . not too strenuously . . . last night, and they July 15 Merchants vs. Savoy July 18 Savoy vs. Moose 5r Cwkaarili hare unluiii..y Savoy vs. Merchants a:'e: .planning . on getting into Moose vs. Savoy i really first-class trim in the next July 20 July 22 out to win and to get revenpe against, the veterans who beat tln-m in their last encounter. He Knows How To Pick 'Em . . . Yessir, he picked us to service his car for warm weather driving and he's pleased as punch. Says he never had such a thorough job done, so economically anywhere. YOU GET EXTRA SERVICE July 25 Smithers vs. Rupert rouple of weeks. They have a July 27 Merchants vs Moose fair amount of weight some of July 29 Savoy vs Moose j it in the wrong place and they Aug. 1 Savoy vs. Merchants are hoping to have "free air" way of teirjg ei altiflivr ob a dot an mur' day! liut Una i iiu . problem rf you Imim a buttl ut i apair, t ai new ruuut deo-doraat that ii i tiaa Ilia CN.R.A Cembella If f 3 Vanetta lb 6 4 Schwab c 6 4 Jensen 3b 0 2 W. Stevens 2b 6 1 DEATH KNELL 1 Continued from Page 4t SUMMER TIME'S TEA TIME... JigUiul unut uf piuoj,iir into your liomr. All you do miny ; Lahti p 6 mutuel handle each day that i Tschabold ss 5 it becomes increasingly evident j Kay cf 0 the fans have no desire to try j Mazzone cf 5 uneap the liottle and pull tip tin 5017iO27 n?:- -:r vK'rfTi (JWJm uiu uejeai a zi per cent siasn Wesch rf in every dollar they wager." j MfConnell say. that when the Dominion Government vacated CO-OP , your fr? Few of ii ! ,i.UJll tu U.I M '0r '.r, ,i! Vju e..n I " itMir' B,'J at i rk sli ojiv !ung j Mil-. w :i:UK . . . wl . wi.r du'y io look out for I i.iviV too drrim of fc id e.irh eve iiinlil ''! . a:,j wli"D vi r your , io! Viioui:h i 3 II vsr Tuimd, '' . or':nt. in Hi'inr'T . . . ,, -.t.l. (iu.'i and liK.'it '. an uti-a tax tn v.,ur .Ism eiiit:iina T irieJ-!t l.i ii I nil tin liiamni i . . isn-iite nd tctib-ti-HM eutly a !i ri'i'uhic tlial nftinrd a t juur lmiirifiA for , 1,'jrs's a g"ar, i dewert for your youfi- A iiers' iipirr- 'LZ3 tiiuc ...U.ey'U &FJ rail it i'ii:i(ly the tux fielri triiek ninrgtare operators fOSlUia CI wii k . . . and w how tf.e tiflinca ol your cnpljBfd dihjpur aU Viosl at once! it pays to keep your home a diiuiljr aa you ar j-ouiif in aojiiHierf And X'apuir la a rral wonder-worker when it ttMtm to liUikiUuiif cookiiig odoim . . . atnle tobacco emoka . . . and " dur " or binl-eage ntiella yet rtta lea thp.n a rent em h time' to Aak lot VAFAJK in the , r-Ui, lb-oiiM9 Uttl at dnii? aud dtiMK.iutbt tora evry. wltanl w. Smith c, ss &:aU:r p believed that trie five er cent wouid go back to the fans. Bui. he savs. "the neoDle t 0 1 2 0 0 n 1 1 21 yjr,' v -f.i J JT W - ; ; ''' J . 1 12 0 J YiZ 4 .. :; "jy-tj ;x "Sy :: , , t - ; Pallisttr (he ordinary Joes were due fot "ovich ss, c a rude shock. The provincial nrovinoiat " government just added the Iive'B- 8f,har" 2t 0 to seven per cent they already , "'y " i had and thus grabbed 12 per. ocnaru 11 i 1 1 z u ' , , j z i 37 5 9 27 8 , - ! i cent of the daily take." MrConnell contends that 1 CN.R.A the 331 004 03317 I 1 - " 1 I 000 200 012- b V 1 New Stotkof WATERMAN'S Pens and Pencils has just arrived. A fine graduation or going-away gift. DI6B PRINTING COMPANY f- Wii-er and au track's "-P provincial tax and the mne-per-ent slice is killing racing. "The government has been , r" lor M-edLlJ 111 lf 'V itis all rouudl J J u t (. w k a .:u"ier's rro;. ol I'Iui'Ik rrW'i v .,, ., fKutt N H r.l.l I.IU.KkV PIE u m -.,u d.a, t T 45-.-y n .fu'.e THIRD AVENUE -f SJjM MAKE IT RJGHT .;; i urged to give five per cent back to the fans, but so far no indication has been given that they will do so.' NEW LOW RECORD LuM u tk the track set a new record in reverse as only $50,000 went through the mutuels. It was the lowest handle recorded at the track. Meanwhile Alf (Vancouver j "Nuyf that summer's here tea, hot or iced, is the drink most people are turning to. Hut althoutih the formula for ood tea is as old as the hills end as simple a. A. B.C., many people Ktili do not know how to nuke tasty brew. f you follow these instructions carefully you should have no further difficulty: preheat the teapot, measure one teaspoonful of tea toeach tencupful of water I which mu,-t befresh and really boiling), add one teaspoonful of tea for the Pot, steep five minutes, and presto, you're ready for t lie refreshing sip. To keep the teapot warm, grandma used a tea cozy. It's still a good idea. 'Ttfa tln-trr i- lrun bimiU Cora IN. TERRACE . . . A Modern Department Store Nationally-known lines in Ladies' Wear, Yard Goods, Men's Clothing, Shoes . . . " '1 .t'rxm j ct Wi Wind! Lam You to far and lovely plucea tome holi-d.wlime . . . voull want to be mire that the yluai)le you leave lie-lii4 n in K44v-tii The lx t .:' I know to jj tliia fnivloin frora jre ra to auiro your je. -U lyt aii rr and aii' li like, wh uell aa vour vuluslile paper, in t!i v;.ultatf the ilANIC OF MttXT. RK'I.. on ran r.nt a .Saf. 'j Tiffotil Box for hn9 than th rot of your dUy piie; t Ko .iJc about Ihia t your nr-arot H of M braixh to-imi.TOW. Vou'!l find HcfM li k'titi(( ran be the romw-iu.i'ie of your holiday taee it I'uid! ' , ' ? ( iu paatry. ft"-'-'-' I'.-.-.Te-ummn-i. ' - 'I . P us a new Self-Serve Food F-w v - ............ m x jTvjzrr!zi-2i 1 r ----- L , .-,v..- . Section with a Free Delivery T Service. 7) "f1- uafaak-J crjJ Fill 1 i Mi tuaet.'wr lr.J C'nrn Svrua nd P(ar o cr tii net. " m r.'.-i.iior ot ( am re :,ire. dfit w.ti o--.it v 'n Up Crut. Bt " ico tin r i for is f neat to .lid de r ' nuc haR.r.a lor 15 o U u: uri'.i u..i. muess una THE SKEENA MERCANTILE Sum Cottrcll bemoans the fate of the B C. Turf Club who reh;ns at the track. "It's like a morgue compared to Cah'ary and Winnipeg meets At this rate they will need a barrel of money behind them to keep going." Cottrcll says that visitors from other parts of Canada are SAILINGS to VANCOUVER and way ports Every Monday 10 p.m. ' On Tht eoca . . . tlt'a what the awira u r: are ! ini-'u'-aun in brauti'.ul n m-U" iiguru-aiMi tuili with tlw rv I'V L'amul.'a favourite deniitiiers. In a 'i-e of U'terly lasrimw oloura. they re ;r i-niiiT w.-arat,ili,v i ur nswitn aiuta hold their Miat rouderful'v. IN THE Seabee Amphibian Plane Non-Schedule Charter Service Commercial Hunting amazed at the lack of attend-. ance at the track. He quote.-one as saying that the fans bet "','"!lt .a '. They mildew smi raoth-lroof. That's Hi': " nj'tun WW a favourite -rfcuire of bftluin: be.uiiiea . ':"J U' J' ''-n yon huy youra, remen.tKr to Icok for that l'i .-Mad, ol Cl-I, SyUm Yarn' I murn on one Dig race 10 as to ALASKA Ketchikan, Wrangell, Juneau and Skagway July 16 and 19 to A LEU T BAY and Vancouver July 21 and 24 K"S iVa fa tarv Fishing Sightseeing SKEENA AIR TRANSPORT LTD. PHONES Terrace: W. H. Martin, 23; E. T. Kenney Ltd., 35 Prince Rupert : Prince Rupert Hotel, 466 "'in nlmot too bij fir tha Mitchell cinum int ai timeal Haven't vuii often thought If 11 1 fond When the thermometer hits the Inch apotJ and unexpected guciM.i drop mi you ran meet t h e Mhiation 3 v. .v.v. 'fB.lill'llltl nil - JWwAS i I A I SERVE IT ICED . . . rwily and ralmlv ii you keep $ Winnipeg as they do in an entire day here. McConnell winds up: "When $150,000 is watered during a day at the races, tne actual money amounts to a total of about $00,000. It is played ' through the machines over and over again w:th 21 per cent coming out each time, it is easy to see how the fans wind up broke. The kt'verninent, of course, contributes nothing it merely lakes and racing and the fajis suffer accordingly.' You saw It In tbe ta;ly Newa 3 l' "ti t nle.va "',:,1 a rumpua I . ",M n " " H-ini H rbv I I Ij.n-tieo full ,o over. I 1 la!,y I ll If,rouk. I I'.i.iv-na.ly diwl,bility 3,:"'l"'"-'li'd to heln With the thermometer in the 80's and 90'a, there's nothing quite like a lonif tinkling glass of iced tea. To offset dilution caused by melting am, you should make the brew double strength, being sure of course to use boiling water and steep for five minutes. Fill tall glasses with cu'oed or crushed ice and pour in freshly steeped tea. Use a strainer when pouring. Add fine granulated sugar to taste before pouring the tea, or sugar syrup afterwards. Garnish with thin slice of lemon, add a sprig of mint if you like, and there it ia, an iced drink to delight the palate. i Ami he'll 1,ke J J o'"i" when he. a FOB THE BEST IN AUTOMOTIVE SERVICE ... See Your ' GENERAL MOTORS DEALER I Chevrolet Buick Che. Trucks PoDtiae Oldsmoblle G.M.C. Trucks - MACHINE WORK A SPECIALTY Terrace Machine Shop & Garage ; TERRACE, B.C. a , iiiniMiou-ta'it' "d (iiotiueil rKi.i.1,1 ''"'I'lrte VKelable lJeef N k- t.n., ... t - m:sz BABY AND afOHN H. BULGER OPTOMETRIST JoAn Bulger Ltd. Third Avenu Fastball Standings YVKATIIALL'S PHOTO FINISHING Developins, Printing Enlarging QUICK SERVICE Amateur and Professional Supplies inosB con- f : 5-ouuce tma I NEW SHIPMENT OF SUPERBLY TAILORED SUITS 99 Taxi 2 007 CN R A. 4 2 .6C7 General Motors ..3 2 .600 Co-op 2 G. and A 2 4 .333 J""' ;n the 1 ill It. a bottle or two of V.. I). Smith't pure Crape Juii'p on hand for fiii h ettiergeneiea. For Im'W a rvinli-iiiK drink rturyooii likea . . . nbtjr aa it roiuea frottr the lmttie diluted and aweetetied to taste . . . or "fancied up" with pinner at and a aliee of an oronce. When it'a K. 0. SMITH'S you can lie mire of the appetiairut flavour-richtie' of Nianara'a delicious Concord Grapes a .For K. 1). Smith's Crape Juice is bottled full-ttrcttyth! (let a buttle or two at your froccr'a tomorrow., I'm rc.ro Willing T Cuo-' Mitaw that Una vv. is a certain way -s to lfin that V-fK2-'l husband of JjZL I yours out from t J, 1 R behind his w nuiruuut paper I It'a an open secret between Ilioua-J asda of wivie t.hat hiisbumls react most enthte-iasticallv to ("HASH 4 AN UOli N COl l'KK w'ien 11 a aiTVvd pipin hot at break fast-tunel Yes, everyone pets entlius-iaalic atHiiU, Chase & .Sanborn because it's audi enthusia"! ie ruffes . . . rich. awH'il '"h RI A'; f.ill-bHlied flavour I So if vou d Irkt.tliat mn of yourn to aav ;i "Honev. thii ia HI. Ah rollecl . . . ewik vow jrorer to end you a pound of Chase A Sanborn ntfht you'll acree it n awav. I'm mre lurs!v I't- feV 1 NUituea HJVyl ' ill eliapes ""Mlioua. Tlial'i why I v""ll I SAl'HO fan for-vou've diseovered how si; i it- 1 ) - f.- I lt-killer kllia mwet n.lliliu ft' A well-groomed appearance plus that feeling of confident assurance that springs from being comfortable and correct is yours it) any of our new suits. OTHER NEW ARRIVALS AT ACME INCLUDE A new range of gabardine and worsted SLACKS, casually corrett SPORT JACKETS and these ever-popular CROYDON RAINCOATS. We can supply all your needs in ... . BUILDING SUPPLIES including WALLBOARDS, FINISH LUMBER, PLYWOODS, SASH AND DOOR, NAILS, PLUMBING SUPPLIES PAINTS PHILPOTT EVITT & CO. LTD. "Serving the North Since 1920" Phone 631 632 COAL LUMBER PAINTS tpray for ftwa, m0.h aud "'v''s cl utliea and furnilurt f'r the DDT cryatati' yru.lied away in a jiffy. ''Uwtn-e ila nent it'a o 0 ! A A for it, witk itl i,""i;l--.ra.ver...and wk for f '""'"'ve Sapho 10";. DDT cotlee. you can aiiauie across UaDnda the beat-lasting ueparliuent atort-a, buyl YOUR BEST EATING PLACE FULL-COURSE MEALS II a.m. to 8 p.m. ' BANQUET HALL FOR LUNCHEONS, DINNERS AND PARTIES CHINESE DISHES BROADWAY CAFE 608 3rd Ave. W. Phone 200 money j - """" aa Lviieby . . , that a what u.o i. i""'.' ii iu It ' I'Prftct proteotion for your tofa tender ekio ra for it'a tbe bafy pder mada with olive oil . . . iiV- moiiture rWaat-1 Make tlua test. Mnooth a t3 1111,9 handa-tuea gprmKie n f-ur W'A water. It'a trulv iK. any it resirta ihf w:'ltp:r ? yy maA ... .. i j ; ...ir.i vour b.'ioy ACME CLOTHING STORE -iitiv. akVi :ry 1 He'll never ,ZT y ,a,"y " eid Hii4ur " if you rnaka a happy habit n 4.B.T every time you T chww. bm dlrl D '"( JtarUam Brent, 1411 Cn; siOI'll. i"--rfor "P't oi Z.B,'f. BABY POWDiiftl Baby iU luve iU OURCLASSiriED AD8-THEY GET RESULTS nay TRY OUR CLASSIFIED ADS THEY GET RESULTS ? . ' ' I . 1 -! ,