l-WF -V. Prince Rupert Daily Wewi , Friday,' January 20, 1950 ' sadors. miv.- W. I. Siagei. Feb. 20 D& b v: V. I. Stages. C.P.A. vs Grand Cafe, Manson'f vs Cold Storage, Thorn Sheet Schedule For 10-Pin Bowls iMens1 Bowling ! League Schedule Scolians vs Cob-: bhcet Metai Metal vs Rupert Motors, Undes- storage vsTrini." Basketball Time Table "----- YMe-Hi.. ; j Feb. 7 Rupert Hotel vs. Stones, lliRh School vs. Peoples,- Merchants Vs. North Star, Brown-woods vs. Co-op. (Friday Section VS W.I. '"aoies vs oion.s, a. v,. -s mu. i main s, CPA .-j Btnln's. Mallets vs Commercials. Manson's v.n.. ' Jan. 23 Ambassadors ' Stages, Oddfellows vs : t Jan. 20 Gyro vs. Leftover, Btones. woods vs Triple C's, 3. C-'s No. 2 vs Oddfellows, Crescents vs Ambassadors, Philpott Evitt vs Can, Legion. Feb. 27 Crescents vs Oddfel- Prv. - Basketball league schedule for 1 " Fpt- 11 Kinsmen vs. Boy "-the 8c0llte' Hifih 6cho1 vs- Sea Cnd-" wmatacteB of the 1949-50 sea- ' . , et.s. Merchants vs. Fashion, Bo son lS as follows: I Me-Hl vs. Brownwoods. -Jan. 21 Stgnevvs. Sea Cadets, Feb. 14 Stones vs. Boy Scouts. Iiish- School v. Rupert Hotel. Dom's vs. Peoples, Fashion vs. Fashion vs. Nort.h Star, Bo-Me-U. , North Star, Bo-Me-Hi vs. Co-op. Cafa, Blain's vs C.P.A., Btones vs D & S, Manson's vs Thorn Sheet Metal, Crescent vs Rupert Motors, Scollans vs Brownwoods, Phiipolt EvlLt vs Triple C's, Mallets vs Cold Storage, Undesirables j vs Can. Legion, J.C.'s Nx 1 vs i Commercials, J.C.'s No. 2 vs Homo j Oil. i It's busing wise Feb. 1& Rupert Hotel vs. Sea Cadets, Kinsmen vs. High School, vsi Co-op. Jan. U4 Sea Scouts, Dom's vi Cadets vs. Boy North K'm" v Morihnnt Prt-nn 1 Hic;h School, vs. Brownwoods. North Star vs. Merchants, Co-or Jan. 30 -Scotians .vs Cold Storage, Undesirables vs Ambassadors, J.C.'s No. 1 vs Can. Legion, J.C.'s No. 2 vs Commercials, Cres-r cents vs Home Oil, Thorn Sheet Metal vs Brownwoods, Manson's vs D Si S, Philpott Evitt vs Rupert Motors, Mallets vs Triple C's, Oddfellows vs W.I. Stages. Blain's vs Grand Cafe, Stones vs Feb. 21 Sea Cadets vs. Stones, HiRh School vs. Dom's, Fashion vs. Merchants, Brownwoods vs Bo-Me-IIi. Feb. 25 Hifih School vs. Boy Seoul Kinsmen vs. Rupert Hotel, North Star vs. Fashion, Co-op ve. Bo-Me-Hi. Feb. 28 Peoples vs. High Thorn JShcct Metal vs. A.E. Smith, Ciiy Transfer vs. Mugwumps, Cloverleafs vs. Para mounts. Jan. 27. City Transfer vs. A. E. Smiih, Mugwumps vs. Pura-mounts, Cloverleafs vs. Left-' overs. Thorn Sheet Metal vs. Gyro. Feb. 3 Paramounts vs. Gyro, Cloverleafs vs. City Transfer, Mugwumps vs. Thorn Sheet Metal, Leftovers vs. A. E. SmiJ. Feb. 10 Mugwumps vs. Cloverleafs, Paramounts vs. Leftovers, A. E. Smith vs. Gyro, City Transfer vs. Thorn Sheet Metal. Feb, 17 Thorn Sheet Metal vs. Paramount. A. E. Smith vs. Cloverleafs, Leftovers vs. City Transfer.' Gyro vs. Mugwumps. Feb 24 A. E. Smith vs. Mugwumps, Leftovers vs. Thorn Sheet Metal, Gyro vs. Cloverleafs, Paramounts vs. City Transfer. (Sunday Set-lion) Jin. 22 Grotto vs. Liquor Control Bnard, Savoy vs. Pr. Rupert Plumbing, Royal Hotel vs. Commercial Hotel, 99 Taxi vs. W E A C. ve. Brownwoods. , Jan. 23 Kinsmen vs. Stones. Rupert Hotel vs. Boy Scouts, To 1 shion vs. Merchants, Brownwoods : vs. Bo-Me-Hi. ' Jan. 30 and 31 House of David vs. Rupert Jets Series. Feb. 4 -Stones vs. 'High School,' Sea Cadets vs. Kinsmen, North School, Merchants vs. North Star Star vs. Fashion, Co-op vs. Bo- Brownwoods vs. Co-op. C.P.A. FeD. b-Blain's vs tV!. 1 Stages, j Stones vs Grand Caf e, 5 M S, vs j C.P.A., Mallets vs Rupert Motor, j Scolians vs Triple C's, Tho;n Sheet Metal vs Cold Storage, J.j ... . ., , .... ' n r i k T.-lrtfi. T t 'n FINE OLD HE'S JUST, A CHIP OFF THE OLD "STICK"-To emulate father Is the goal of Les Aiming, junior, 17-months-old son of Les Ann-team. Father 'and son are pictured here as they practised to-inp;, right winger (from Ottawa i, of the Wembley Lions ice-hockey fielher on the ice at the Empire Pool, Wembley, London, Eng. Les junior, is using a hockey stick, cut down to liis size. He is wearing ordinary shoes, however, as he is not yet big enough to wear hoc-key footwear. No. 2 vs Can. Legion, Crescents vs Commercials, Philpott Evitt vs Home Oil, Brownwoods vs Manson's, Undesirables vs Oddfellows. Feb. 13 J. C's No. 1 vs. Oddfellows, J. C's No 2 vs Ambassadors, Crescents vs Can. Legion, Jan. 29 Pr. Rupert Plumbing u W P A r Riv;il Hntpl vs. Com- 1 hlipoil fcvui, vs i.omiiierciai. Giotto, Savoy vs. 99 Taxi mercial Hotel vs. Liquor Control Board. woods vs Cold Storage, p at t vs Mallets vs Home Oil, Brown-Grand Cafe, Manson's vs C.P.A., Shots Sport ' Feb. 5 Savoy vs. Royal Hotel, Scotians vs Rupert Motors. Thorn Pr. Rupert Plumbing vs. Com- Sheet Metal vs Triple C's, Undes-mercial Hotel, Liquor Control jrables vs Blaine's, Stones vs Board vs. W.E.A.C., Grotto vs. I to cloud the premises with team gas to clear the riotous crowd. "Allan Anderson, former goll expert (with the Tribune i. was doing a government chore in S A during the war ... he found the brand of bull very good, but .vhat amazed him was the barb win; entanglements outside the touch-lines to keep the customers ofl the referee's neck. l :- . K JrtijinMt iot published Of tlipphyctl by the I iiuwC . . . I. lli Gvcimiim uf Uiirixh Oihunbu. . - i.w i.J - 1 : 1 1 Grotto. I Professional ami Bum It's slightly out of season in j Canada but Vince (Winnipeg i Tribune) Leah provides some in-J teresting sidebars on soccer, j which in this country has a repu- tatioii as being one of the few j "gentlemanly" sports left. He i calls South Americans "fanatical" enthusiasts and says they ) 99 Taxi. Feb. 1299 Taxi vs. Prince Rupert Plumbing, Liquor Control Board vs. Royal Hotel, Commer-( cial Hotel vs. Grotto, W.E.A.C. vs.' Savoy. i Feb. 19 Liquor Control Board vs. Savoy, Commercial Hotel vs. 99 Taxi, W.E.A.C. vs. Royal Hotel, Prince Rupert Plumbing vs. Feb. 26 Grotto vs. W.E.A.C. ! Pr. Rupert Plumbing vs. Liquor j Control Board, Savoy vs. Com- Hotel, Royal. Hotel- vs. 99 Taxi." I 1 ' Mar. 5 W.E.A.C. vs Com Hotel, 99 Taxi vs. Liquor ConUol Board. Grotto vs. Savoy, Roya) Hotel vs. Prince Rupert Plumbing. "In 1936, Peru's good team wa-locked in a death-and-life strut;-le with Australia in Olympic soccer at Berlin. The count wat HANDYl: 1949 op a, CesvtuStv 1 HOME SEP GENERAL, C0NI-. r, . ... PIANO ipCHNlCIAN Tuning, Voicing and Repairs r: MIKE COtUSSI 1 Phone BLACK 75ft .'978 10th East . Botitc and- ShipQtd hu top the list In passion for soccer, j 2-2 at the end of regulation time Recently, feelings became so In- ! and the officials ordered an extra tense at one match the contest , period. The Peruvians . . . de was called after 11 minutes of clined with thanks." ALFRED LAMBtSON U.9 Londoninqland Building and Rf J ;' his advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor " Control Bonfd or by the Government of British Columbia. klndi Roors - CE OIL BDR: I play. The police had been forced j The news was cabled back to Lima and the hometown followers became so incensed that they pelletted the German legation with rocks, stones and spoilea fruit. The city fathers practically had to declare martial law to restore order. PHONE Black DR. P. J. CHENEY DENTI8T SUITE 8, SMITH BLOCK Phone 7W : P.O. Box 1401 334 P. 0. Bus SEE 0 B & W W RUB IT WITH A special soccer series bettvei n two arch rivals, Uruguay and Argentina, probably holds Hit-record for all-time hitdi in Cord Wood, Oi i Kintlling wood 5a thm of PAir QUALITY REPAIRS Tor Downtrodden HeeU tnd Worn Soiea . MAC -SHOE HOSPITAL Box 774 Second Ave MANSON'S JEWELLERS Stock Reducing Sale PHONE Rt KAIEN TRA FOR ROCK AND : TRAIN SCHEDULE For the East-Monday, Wednesday, Friday 8:00 p.m. From the East Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday 10:15 p.m. Jutt het and nib in MIW ARD S. kii(J notetlic q nick rrlici you get. tirelcit. (wf -diymg, ne miront or tint'lrusMiit txior. Ct boll le tiHiuy; kp it handy. NEARLY ALL MERCHANDISE INCLUDED INTHISSALE 50 50 BASEMENT 4 L1 ICONOMIC j Phone Blue 031 1 Catherine Laurie PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER 401. Third Ave. West (Prince Rupert Realty Co.) Phones: Orern 607 Days New Residence Phone Number Rod 9fi4 .MATTSf UPIlOLSTq Phone Blue H 330 Second FATTENING THE VICTIM This kindly gesture may boomerang on Erilain's light-heavyweight Champion Freddie Mills . when he." meets Joe Maxim, the American UUeholdcr, In a match for lhe. world championship on Jan. 24. Mills is shown feeding lib forthcoming opponent to a generous portion of food while lunching inr. THE SPORT SHOP SAVE HOW Print Rujx: London. - " FOR (. ROCK & CONCE w,5 a."' V Classified ads brlnf? result. tr f! I " ' "' i- ' CALL BUI M. J. SAC THUS D TWIE THME TO BUY Bytown Machine Works Sales Service and Parts " Simplex Gas Engines ' hp. 185 hp. Cumnijns Dependable "Diesels 65 h p.' 550 h p. Inquire about our long term Warranty and Service I cw, mm"-'" r AH Work Gutf : i MEN'S JACKETS Al! Sizes A GOOD WORK JACKET Reg. Price $10 95 A Real Saving at $495 JACKET SHIRTS Req $1 1.95 A. P. GARDNER TT TAT? TPP V.T) ACT f i An All Wool HUNTING JACKET Reg. Price $12.75. To Clear at $695 $6.95 100' ; Virgin Wool. Buy Them Now at A. t. ndi. Q Hotel Always Promit and CourteousS MEN'S QUALITY WORSTEDS AND GABARDINES 1 50 Pr. to Choose From. $11.95 We're Here U Servo V'OU Reg. Price $17.95 to $19.50. This is a Real. Buy or Apprnn li! 13-31 -PriW I- 10 OomH Brill II - April 15- 1 Commodore fafe'; 1'3 OFF ENTIRE STOCK OF BOYS AND GIRLS 1. 2. and 3 PIECE SNOW SUITS AND PARKAS Jan. Feb. Feb. -1 - T - , - - - - ' " " " - " ' " . I ! and a good stock of Jackets to choose from SIDNEY GONTCK optometkist' Complete Visual Analysis OFFICE HOURS 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. 23 & 24 Besner Block Telepnone 212 Evenings by Appointment pert, Terrace i t .... i ! ? "Hospitallly and Good Food"' i J Phone 17 for Send-Out Orders J 3rd Ave. David Chow, Mgr. 654 Boys' Heavy Winter SHirts Reg. Price $3.75 T Clear) $225 MARGARET Yukon Eiderdown Sleeping Robes. Rec,. Price $79 50 Don't Miss These ot the Reduced Price of $59.50 Eiderdown Sleeping Robes Reg Price $55.00. This is also a good buy at $39.50 A WORD TO THE WISE V!c pr dotcn paid toi cmptiu, Pleiit Imvc thm ii.oy wKn lh diivcr citit. Rnoffl1 RTONE B lf.it drrtttemni not published Of J.ipUytJ I th Liquor CoMiol Solid or by irit OuVfinrv rt o! British Col coii Bvf DR. GARNET E. H. MONTGOMERY ' DENTJ5T Suite 7, Smith Block Phone 525 P.O. Box i21 phoni BLUE 9 P.O. BOX I' V3 OFF ALL' TRICYCLE; and PEDAL CARS 1'3 OFF ALL SKIS and SKI BOOTS Men's GLADSTONE LEATHER BAGS Tan and Brown. Reg. Price $29.50. Now $24.95 BOYS' RUBBERIZED RAINCOATS Reg Price 5 95 All Sizes. A Giveaway at $3.95 We also have o number 6f Toys and many other things too numerous to mention. Don'r Miss This Wonderful Buy on 7x 50 Power Coated Lens French Binoculars. Reg. $98 Now $79.50 F For the best In Guaranteed Radio Service F O N E GEORGE R0R HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Waving Beauty Culture In all it? branches 204 4th Street Phone 855 U.I.JW - i I. 1 11 Puhiio. Acrountai1''' KEN'S RADIO CLIKIC tors. IncoiTieT: comp"' a. l. Rof!lE0 S. B. LAIRD, THE SPORTS SHOP BLUE 69 622W.3RD.AVE CABS Stand; York Hotel, 3rd Ave. For Satisfactory Servlco Newspaper adverUKlns pays oft 718 2nd Ave. W. ' ' Blue 992 Besner Bl in dividends.