Prince Uupcrt Dailp rectos LtD. Wednesday, April 21, 1948 ! OutiO, Wilson. p7Ir? Sa: P.-T.A. MEETING WELL ATTENDED lntfrestinr Program For Music and Drama Festival A jont meeting of the Prince .Rupert Parent-Teachers' Asso- i ton- An Independent dally newspaper devoted to the upbuilding of Prince Rupert end 11 communities comprising northern and central British Columbia. (Authorized as Second Class Mail, Post Office Department, Ottawa) PuMlstmi "very afternoon except flundav by Prlne Riipert Daily News Ltd., Srd Awniie, Prince Rup rt, British Columbia. O. A. HUNTER. MnnnglnR Editor. H. G. PERRY, Managing Director. MEMBER OF CANADIAN PRESS AUDIT BUREAU OP CIRCULATIONS CANADIAN DAILY NEWSPAPER ASSOCIATION From Pi "i't Hardy; s J p. first being "The Owl and the Pussy Cat" with Annette Winclle. Jean Golds and Shirley Haugen, soloists. The second Included three selections from "Alice In Wonderland." Mardel Solland was a capable accompanist. The hearty applause , showed how much the audience enjoyed the numbers. Following the closing of the meeting refreshment were served by a joint committee composed of Mrs. John McLeod, Mrs. Christoff, Mrs. Mohler, Mrs. Vic King, Mrs. W. J. Line-ham, Mrs. Hamilton, Mrs. F. E Anfield and Mrs. Q. A. Hill. BUBSCFIPTIOH RATES City Carrier, per week. 15c: Per Month. 65c: Per Year, 7.00; By Mail, Per Month, 0c; Per Year, 4.00. I ciation held Tuesday evening In the Kng Edward School drew one of the largest attendances ever to be present, the feature of the occasion being an address by Mrs. S. J. Anderson, official delegate from Prnce Rupert to the Provincial convention of the B.C. Federation, held in Vancouver during Easter week. E. E. ITALIAN VERDICT THE SOVIET is not passing Italy. The western world sighs with relief. The Marshall aid plan itf moving quickly into operation. European economic stability is eettinir under wav. Truly ASPIPJ OINUIHt MM.IN 1,1 Hyndman, inspector of schools, JAYCEES PAINT una UllUlIIIlull Ul blic iviuau mm Drama Festival, gave a progress ' CITY MUSEUM repuri. uu uic h1" Second i forthcoming event and the King Museum storey room of the of NorUiern British i Edward acnooi tuns unoir, un- Columbia, which is to be used oer uw uirecuu.. ux . a. an exhibit room this aummer, iMoxley, rendered very enjoyable ttM transfnrmBrt frnm ito voc'al elections. im drab ft brieht whUe Rudolph Olsen, president of and paie crcen color combina. uie King Edward School P.-TA., tion Sunthiy when a hand of opened the meeting and then 10 Junior Chamber of Corn-turned over the proceedings to merce volunteers, led by J. Harry Mrs. Earl Becker, chairman of Biact Museum Board chair- the Prince Rupert Parent- man .attacked the , walls and Two fuiilinn things, after these many anxious days, are looking better again. Even the Soviet itself, her bid for expansion stayed, begins at times to look more tractable. Of course, this troubiea world's affairs are not settled yet. There is a long way to go. .Htfwever, there are indications that the air is clearing. It is not too late yet for acceptance of reason, the development of international understanding and the shaping of courses accordingly. Possibly, this may be closer than it has been appearing of late might have been possible. We have been accepting the assumption that the verdict in Italy would shape the course of events to come ,in Europe and in the world. We may, indeed, feel well satisfied at the course things have taken in Italy. But i. is nothing to gloat about. A key nation, strategic politically and geographically, has accepted one idealogy over another. On that acceptance it is for the other nations to corn-pose themselves. If there must be dividing lines in the meantime for the idealogies, may those lines be accepted and those on either side govern themselves accordingly ! On that acceptance rests hope for a peaceful . world. VANCOl VKR V RURAL ONTARIO KNOWS SPRING HAS AR RIVED Evelyn SUlpeton and Shirley Payne smile happily as they display their catch of smelts at Newcastle near the shore of Lake Ontario. Fishermen from different parts of Ontario are1 swarming ocr the area since smelts started running. ntATTLE Tuesday, 1:30 p.m., r Saturday, j mi. Teachers Council. celling with paint brushes. Scaf- In his talk' ou the iIusic and folding and canvass tarpaulin Drama Festival arrangements, covers were lent by Fred Scad-Mr. Hyndman outlined the plans den, local painting contractor, for the program which will In- Major part of the job was com-clude five plays and seventeen pleted during the day and final musical items. From out of town work is being done during eve-there will be a play presented nings this week. Taking part in by students of South Hazelton. the work were Harold Hampton, Four plays will be given by the Harold Helgerson, J. K. McLeocl. ami AMd CANADIAN CLUB NOMINATES FOR NEW OFFICERS OfVic Centre. Nominations will remain open until the election meeting on May 5. Following the meeting, which was well attended, the ladies adjourned to A. P. Crawley, J. H. Jefferies. Ed SHIPS AND WATERFRONT Mussallem, Eric S. Speers, David Hay and Stuart Furk. local high school. One the first afternoon musical items by the junior groups of the schools will be given. On the second after April 16 ami ron sot Tii isi April 18 . Women's Canadian Club re- the Civic Centre dining room for FRANK J. SK11 Prillf Rnw il ceived nominations for its 1948: tea. Chairman of the meeting slate of officers at a meeting was Mrs. T. N. Youngs, presi-held Tuesday afternoon at the cent. , qf Advertise in the Uaily News! ihko Ave noon musical numbers wUl be given by the 'teen-age school and church choirs. The plays will be presented each evening. Mr. Hyndman paid tribute to the committees who are working to make the festival success and urged the practical support of every parent-teacher member both by Uieir attendance and by arousng the interest of FOOTHILLS SOOTLESS Local notice to mariners, issued by Keith Dixon, agent of the Department of Transport here, announces that a light and whistle buoy, painted black and exhibiting a white flashing light, is moored in 21 fathoms, about two cables southeastward of Hammer Rocks in Brown Passage. Another notice GOAL Reminiscences By w.J. d Reflections VCV. NI T - STiJ BILKI.EY VAUEV PHILPOTT, EVITT & CO. LIS MR. KING'S RECORD MR. MAKENZIE KING today achieves in his seventy-third year a long-cherished ambition in becoming the Prime Minister with the longest record of service in the history of the British Commonwealth. With typical reserve and unos-tentatiousness he has planned no special ceremony. However, it is a time for felicitating the Prime Minister who, although becoming full of years, is Coal LumlxT Building SupplicJ Next thing it will j reports the Cape Caution bea-Are there regular con in the Queen Charlotte Did a watchman Sound area not burning but job? Thirty-nine ; will be attended to as soon as Once upon a time anything ence broods, north of San Francisco didn't be haunted, count. By and by the hateful inspections? discovery was made that profit- ever hold a able business could be trans- years is long the public generally. As the centre of the district Prince Rupert has a fine opportunity to become Uie music and cultural stimulus of what should become an increasingly valuable entertainment. The King Edward School Girls' Choir sang four numbers, tlip PHONES fl - G:2 enough to arouse possible. acted through Portland and curiosity. What's the Dlace look , I Seattle. Came a day, as they say like inside? Anyone ever glimpserl in arammer, wnen Vancouver a wan, sad face at a window? 1 ClaasiiitQ Advenisln? Pays' was acknowledged a comneti- still a nignitied and sagacious leader, competent Shingoleen and skilful. "14lfl tor. And now, fearless of successful contradiction let it be said that history will be again Even those who may not agree with him or ViflVP tint trip l'ncnivjitinn tn nrlmira Vii'm miiet tirlmir Shingoleen gives thorough protection to shin? eer-ohaft((intf"-weather conditions and at t time binds the color pigments firmly. repeated as Alaska and Prince Rupert become more neighborly. THOMPSON HARDWARE CO. Il " that Mr. King is a great man. Only a great statesman and a diplomat and a politician too, if one will have it, could have achieved the record of longevity There is just one place to keep 255 Third Avenue Pi the Cunningham art collection MEMO TO ADVERTISERS For the information of our advertisers, ABC. auditors make a complete, annual audit of our circulation and that's in the museum at Prince Rupert. If money can do it and it usually can these prized possessions will be in such a high office as Mr. King. So the satisfaction that he may feel is fully justified. And, with his record achieved, Mr. King goes on and who knows it may be for a considerable time yet. It might prove interesting to reflect where are the "greats" of that day, December 29, 1921, when Mr. King first became Prime Minister. Gone from this mortal sphere are David Lloyd George, who was Prime Minister of Great Britain then ; Waren n Harding, who was president of the United States, lost to Prince Rupert. They can never be replaced for the skill and talent which created them belong to past generations. Nothing today, is done for the love of it. Or next to nothing! What All the Ladies Have Been A; For ... Are Here At Last! NIGHT GOWNS SATIN-STRIPED AMD RAYON SPECIAL . 52-95 While Thcy Audited Distribution for your Advertising Fifteen thousand Londoners assembling in Grosvenor Square ' for the unveiling of the mem-1 orial sang "Battle Hymn of the Republic." It was a happy FOR THE LARGER WOMEN - NIGHT GOWNS in Printed and Plain 0 S.'.V i- advertising copy and attractive GOOD layouts are, of course, essential to the success of your advertising But from the' standpoint of final results the answer depends upon the distribution of your advertising. SLIPS """J mvint, wa uiic X l liUU D Ul Lilt pi UV" inces Oliver of British Columbia; Greenfield of Alberta ; Martin of Saskatchewan ; Norris of Manitoba; Drury of Ontario; Taschereau of Quebec; Foster of New Brunswick; Murray of Nova Sco-t tia, and Bell of Prince Edward Island. Even some of the names have been practically forgotten. THAT NUISANCE AGAIN Choose rayon crepe, choose satin . . choose a slip cut or on the bias . . . with a slim or flare skirt, trimmed. You're .sure of quality berniue these i proudly made in Canada. Sizes 32 to Ml. choice, harmonizing so greatly with the ideals and services of Franklin Delano Roosevelt. Eighty-six years ago, when Julia Ward Howe penned her inspiring words, there were dangers, problems, ordeals not unlike what beset nations today. "Glory, Glory Hallelujah," "Die to Make Men Free" "His Truth is Marching on" are lines that still have power to thrill. That unused building over on Digby Island, erected away in advance of the railway, Is still waiting for business. Orig In order that our advertisers may have this information and thus be able to Invest in advertising in The Daily News on the basis of known, verified facts, we are members of the Audit Eureau of Circulations. The Bureau is a national, co-operative association of publishers, advertisers and advertising agencies. Every year one of the trained auditors employed by, the Bureau makes an audit of our circulation records. This audited Information is Issued in official A B C. reports covering each member publication. You avoid guesswork and speculation when you advertise in an ABC. newspaper. ANNETTE manse When you buy newspaper advertising you are paying for an opportunity to talk to people about your merchandise and service. What you get for your money, therefore, depends upon how many people there are in your audience, where they are, how this audience was obtained, and many other facts that indicate the value of the circulation as a market for what you have to sell. WALK UPSTAIRS IN STONE liUUj Liivtj il UK JNU1, daylight saving goes into effect again in British Columbia next Sunday. Victoria, in its wisdom, the cows and chickens, the railways, the airplanes and the steamships notwithstanding, decrees that we must have it. So in these bureaucratic clays we must grin and bear it. But it is still a free country and we can still protest if we want to. There are a lot of people who do not like daylight saving and we are among them, but we would gladly tolerate it, if there was an effective agreement in the maioritv. But it is inally intended to provide immigration accommodation and at first an attractive spot, It is that no longer. Windows have long ago been boarded over. Sil- Finest , QUALITY SEEDS Best gardening obvious that it is never troW to be satisfactnrv equipment, enriching fertilizers, insecticides! We have 'em all to assure you of a fine productive garden. . until it becomes universal. Daylight saving should be national or not at all. Prince Rupert Daily News ABC This newspaper is a merrrber of the Audit Bureau of Circulations. Ask for a copy of our latest A.B.C. report giving audited circulation facts and figures. A.BX. Audit Bureau of Circulations Facts as a measure of advertising value phone or w i For your EiU"deniiig supplies - - wye . phont McBride Street . FIGURE SKATING C.C.F. FOREIGN POLICY THOSE OF OUR socialistic.' friends who may still murmur tolerantly of Soviet Ptussia-and her communism should note the foreign policy declaration of the national council of the C.C.F. That council forthrightly says in its statement that the rebuilding of western Europe as "a jwli-tical and economic unit" is one of the great needs of the day and, for that reason, the British Com-mcnwealth -should support the newly-formed union of Western European democracies. And, to make it doubly clear, the C.C.F. declares that a successful western union would lessen the danger of Russian-American conflict.' In other words, the C.C.F. agrees that only unity and strength will stay the communist peril. ADVERTISE IN THE DAILY NEWS FOR BEST RESULTS SAVOY Upholstering FURNITURE REPATR TRUCK AM) AUTO CUSHIONS RECOVERED , Ask for PLASTAHIDE available NOW! Out-of town orders given special attention LOVIN'S (Next to CFPR) PHONE BLUE 818 I IMTVt KAIEN CO-OP JUST ARRIVED! flew Presto Mcatmaster $19.95 NATIONAL AND BURPEE COOKERS COPPER BOTTOM STAINLESS STEEL WARE WEAREVER ALUMINUM CO-OP VACUUM CLEANERS Phone 179 Bok il2l 251 3rd West ROLLER HOCKEY Dust-Proof Floor Schedule: 7-11 Every Night Wednesday Night Beginners Oniy Thursday 1-4:30 p.m. Saturday fl -12 a.m 1-4:30, 7-11:30 Carl Zarelli, Prop. Phone 17 . f .0. Bos 144 FRASER STREET Prince Rupert Rupert Kupert Roller rcouer Rink ruim Z ,