1 PR07ISCUL LI33ART, J 1 VICTORIA, B. C. 11 ,.rrTTTTTTTTTTTYV NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIAN NEWSPAPER blue onr.iEs DRUGS STAR Daily Delivery Cabs PHONE 81 Published at Canada's Most Strategic Pacific Port "Prince Rupert, the Key to the Great Northwest." VOL. XXXVII, No. 94. ' PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., WEDNESDAY, APRIL 21, 1948 PRICE FIVE CENTS V Critical Firei Rates Issue s Up Today Jon-Confidence Uotes Are Being Decided On OTTAWA (CP) The House of Commons is expected to vote today on the ticklish freight rates issue. Actually, there will be two votes, one each on two motions of want of confidence in the government, which arise from the recent 21 percent increase in WAITER REUTHER, PROMINENT C.I.O. LEADER, IS TARGET OF ASSASSIN DETROIT (CP)- Firing through a window, an apparent would-be assassin shot and severely wounded Walter P. Reuther, president of the C.I.O. United Automobile Workers Union, Tuesday night. Hastily-summoned surgeons placed Reuther on the operating table a little more than two hours after na(j keen sno aj. trough a I freight rate charges. window in his home while he HALIBUT FLEET HEADING NORTH STREAMS BLOOD jds of people streara- Gov't Holds' Vote Margin Some Tenseness, However, Exists In Italy Following Election jil over Germany to Good Friday miracle arsreuth. They came was taking a midnight snack. Authorities Immediately began an inquiry and Prosecutor James McNally said Reuther blamed the shooting on management, communists or a screwball," Reuther's condition is described as "excellent, all things considered." NOMINATIONS One of the votes of confidence has been moved by the C.C.P. group and the other by the Pro- gressive - conservaUve party. Both motions criticze the government for not holding up the Increase but the Progressive-Conservative motion goes a bit further. It censures the government for falling to remove inequalities in the freight rate structure before the increase becomes effective. While acceptance by the House of either of these motions could mean the govern yi t ji fv - f 1 u i Of SEATTLE ..Doughty fishing vessels upped anchors at a dozen west coast ports yesterday to head for Alaska in an open scramble for choice locations on the North Pacific halibut grounds. A record armada of six hundred ships Is expected to be dispersed throughout the area when the season opens May 1. r at the possession or. ;a Neuman (above) fds from wounds each .day. Out of nail-like a her palms and out shoulder, where the Tied the cross, blood ich year on the an-ot His death. ROME P Virtually complete official count of the popular vote in the Italian Chamber of Deputies as a result of the first of the week elections shows that Premier Alclde de Gasperl's ARE RECALLED WASHINGTON, DC., The White House yesterday announced that President Truman was renominating mem Christian Democrats got 48 7 percent of the ballots cast. i. HAN TO FRITZ KUHN IS SENTENCED ment's defeat, the administration is believed to have marshalled enough support of dis-sldient members in its own ranks to ensure rejection of both opposition thrusts. ' With only 156 of 41,647 precincts missing, the Communist- MRS. ROOSEVELT IS GUEST OF ROYAL FA MILY Mrs. Eleanor Roosevelt, in London to dedicate a statue of her husband, Is shown at Windsor Castle with the royal family. Left to right: Queen Elizabeth, Mrs. Roosevelt, King George, Queen Mother Mary and Princess Margaret Rose. mm bers of the Atomic Energy Com i led Popular Front got 30.7 per- ' onnl tit Vi a mt a mission for new terms and then, 1 MUNICH, m Fritz Kuhn (missing former leader of the without explanation, suddenly The Christian Democrat vote was 12,681.527 to 7,995,601 for !L IUIHL recalled the announcement. German-American merican Bund, Bund, was was As first announced Truman convicted -j . . in absentia yesterday j YIT 171 C1 CI tn H denazification I LLtl 1sVJLVjj tne Front- Rupert Ruvai Cana- Force veteran is to be In third P,ace ls the Indepen- was nominating Sumner T. Pike uethtJ by a Bavarian varlan LEWIS CALLS MEN TO WORK Appeals to American Coal bv the Governor aem socialist unity party wnicn court as a major Nazi izi offender offender and was sentenced for a four-year term, Lewis I. Strauss for three years, William Waymack for two years and Robert F. Bacher for one year. it llied wilh Christian in- ne ,t Canada at an t Vancouver on May Democrats in the government. to serve 10 TVf . I Platform years in a labor camp found. The court was Miners to Return to Jobs Kuhn had had ties with Adolf 1 tnir.iiTmrrrM r ih. T Armine G, Boas, sanl- has 1.848,80 votes or 7.1 per-nd former technical cent- n the Air Force who Is Meanwhile, with Italian com- the British Empire munlsts demanding representa- Mmu1U, y.v,. v, - xx. HiUer and ha(j attempted snite of the conviction and fines trmminn vi m v, ' John Bracken Gives Keynote Speech at t'.-C. Convention OTTAWA, 'ffl John Bracken. . . - MacdjjtMi, ii io tucaivsgjr U1W HAw imposed upon himself and his United States. He escaped from camp on prQ?rasive . Conservative lead Dachau internment February 4. tion in the cabinet under threat j m his citation, of causing dangerous tenstlon, ring as a hospital violence" has broken out both In isolated Fogo Isl- the north and south of the coun-SVwfoundland. in 1944 try In protest at "election fraud." I commended for the Six Socialist leaders have de- lis commanding offi- manded that their ionowers PLAN FOR PALESTINE United Mine Workers' Union, John L. Lewl3 last night, in a direct appeal, called upon strilo-ing miners to return to their jobs. The assistant attorney-general indicated that, if the miners went back to work, civil prosecution would not be proceeded with and no further penalties ' would be sought. THE WEATHER Clouds were thickening " over the province this morning in advance of a storm whloK is apr proaching the B.C. coast. Rain fell over most of the coastal areas during the night and commenced in the southern Vancouver Island and the Lower Mainland areas this morning. The storm will move inland late this afternoon and give occasional rain in the Interior tonight. Another storm centre is forming off the Oregon coast and will give continued unsettled weather over the province tomorrow. Forecast STANDINGS IN ITALY ROME A late tabulation indicates that Premier .Alcide de Gasperi's Christian-Democrat party wui hold oii of the 574 seats in the new Italian Chamber of Deputies.' Communist led Popular Front parties, will hold 178. Christian-Democrats wiii hold 130 seats in the Senate against 74 by the Popular Front. TAX GOING THROUGH VICTORIA British Columbia's three per cent sales tax was given third reading in the Legislature Tuesday night. The C.C.F. made a last minute attempt to block the Act's passage by moving a six month hoist. The motion was defeated 25 to 12. 1945 withdraw Irom association wim er, yesterday placed the basis of his party's platform before sup porters from all parts of Una country. ; Mr. Bracken said he favors a broad contributory social security scheme and told of other things his party would do if elected in the next general federal' election. The Progressive-Conservative leader made It clear he wa3 receive the medal at the communist party. ot Viscount Alexander :stiture to be held at services headquarters, MENNONITES TO VOTE VICTORIA Mennonitse and Hutterites were given the franchise in amendments to the Provincial Elections Act brought down in the Legislature Tuesday. Japanese, Douk-hobors and native Indians are still excluded unless they served in the armed forces. TENSION AGAIN LONDON Russian disputes with the western powers over Germany and Austria sharpened today with new thrusts and counter-thrusts. A Russian commission has found the British plane responsible for an air crash over Berlin April 15 in which 15 persons died. VANCOUVER WINS MAGRATII, Alta. Vancouver defeated Magrath, Alberta, by a score of 83 to 59 in the first of a two-game total point series for the Alberta-British Columbia basketball championship. Tentative Proposals Put Forward by United States LAKE SUCCESS, P) A 47 MINE TAX IS PASSED incouver. The three '"11 be represented at point trusteeship plan for em- Should the coal strike flare anew, Lewis might face a still battled Palestine was yesterday counting on the support of his itiire and there will ceremonies attendant VICTORIA After four divi- offered by the United States listeners who are here to at-for consideration by the United tend a three-day annual meet-Nations. It was made clear that ing of the Progressive Conser- presentation ol the t slons and threi, hours 0f to a large number of , bat tne four per cent tax bill bigger fine and even jail for civilian contempt on Friday. Meanwhile, the result of Lewis' Prince Rupert, ueen inar it was not a formal rjroposal but i vative Association of Canada. Ion mining operations passed i0ttes and North Coast dtwatin was won lhe Britlsn Columbia Legislature mlUent rairr today and devaotmn to duty , vpstprdav. The C.C.F. wanted wlnrfS southeast 115 m.p appeal ( ) the miners to hurry was mereIy brought forward for back to the pits was an ava The convention ends today and closing sessions are expected to be highlighted with reports Of the resolution com- PiN his station of- the tax increased. h.) increasing to southeast 25 m. comment. A group of powers to be selected later should defend Pal- wment incidental to H.irnlH Winch ODDOSition v. iv,t Tlttlp chanee in 15-MiLE GAP STILL REMAINS ON HIGHWAY estine and keep order, the docu- mittee. That committee may ment said. It did not commit give some indication of the re- mendation: "Hospital kader fended that estimat- temperature. Lows tonight and ot extreme dexterity. ed $750X0o revenue from the w ns Thursday: Port Hardy 40 ommended for the B Act was .,meagre return to the anbd 48 Massett 38 and 45, r,f ovrlnitatirm of nat- i o..nn.f JQ onrt 4i ception to Mr. Bracken's announced policies. lanche of orders from twenty-seven unions to the coal diggers to be back on the job in force by Monday at the latest. The air was cleared at once and the pension strike, which began March 15, seemed to be definitely over. The Canadian Congress of Labor offeree to Lewis its "ut- f!"' rnu nuirciK ition (,rf... :B , United States troops to any enforcement program nor did it specify who would maintain peace. a 7 T 8 " . " lural resources." ouuunding hospital Hon Herbert Anscomb, minis-nohas displayed ex- K r nt finan(,e said the measure LOCAL TIDES Thursday, April 22, 1948 Margarine Is To Fore 'u and resourceful- ji..j t,P niace waa wvuiqftvu ww n . f)fl Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Starr returned to the city this after Public Works Department snow removal crews from Print e Rupert and Terrace are working to narrow down the 15-mile gap which is still blocked with winter snow on the Skecna River Highway between Kwinitsa and andling medical prob- I 1 Radio 1 Unit, Fogo ol tne two per ceni. " 12:50 21.6 feet 21.0 feet 2.8 feet 3.8 feet value of ore mined which was most support in the struggle for noon on the Prince Rupert from Costa Rica's War Over Edition to services 6:39 " declared ultra vlres ln a court Low 18:50 13 C O. has success' decision last year. 1 , the miners." 'an extended trip to the south. :: TODAY'S STOCKS : : Liberals In Both Commons and Senate I'rge Removal of Ban OTTAWA Bitter criticism Exstew about 60 miles east ol the city. No definite predictions are being made as to when the road 'r-ded a large number "a medical cases for "'her facilities exist. !n to duty under ''fumstances is con- ll,rthy of the highest ..ition.'' of the ban on margarine loomed Courtesy S. D. Johnston Co. Ltd. will be open to traffic since the yesterday in boln Houses oi frozen condition of the snow is Parliament and it all came from Bevcourt 35 Bobjo .12'2 V and Horses Insurgents Assume Control As Former President Flees CARTAGO, Costa Rica 0 Rebel Leader Jose Figueres rushed couriers to his armies today to halt further bloodshed after ratifying an agreement with the government aimed at settling revolt-torn Costa Rica's civil war in which the insurgents appeared to be the victors. Former President Teodoro Picardo Michalski and about thirty-five ex-government officials arranged to flee from a(l In Fire ' -LV'LLE, Rhode Island Liberals. In the House of Commons James Sinclair, Liberal, Vancouver North, roared out in all directions time and again. His attack was aimed straight at the cabinet and his own Liberal party. The Senate heard the same sort of thing from four Liberal senators. making hoavy going for equipment on both ends of the obstructed area. However, if a spell of warm weather were to arrive, the joo could be completed in a relatively short period because the snow would soften and make the work easier. Public Works crews have bunk cars and kitchen' cars near Uv? job nnd are remaining out all JJ1 known onlv as ard Bolts" anrt as ra horses perished n fire swept ou'; barns at Pascoag enly-sevcti horses i ln the ruins cn. However, the full scale drive week, rather than coming in at fbr support o the controversial ',adly burned thov ha.i Buffalo Canadian .09 Con. Smelters 107.75 Conwest .90 Donalda .75 Eldona - .92 Elder .48 Giant Yellowknife 4.05 Hardrock - .15 Harricana - .06 Vi Heva .lO'j ' Hosco .32 Jacknife .04 Joliet Quebec . - .33 Lake Rowan , .10 Lapaska .05 Yt Little Long Lac .99 Lynx 07 'i Madsen Red Lake 2.50 McKenzle Red Lake .53-McLeod Cockshutt ...... 1.02 Moneta - .27 Negus 2.14 Noranda '. - .49.00 the end of each clay, consequent One horse ran "re truck and butter substitute does not mean that the margarine question has been brought to a head. In Commons, partcularly, it may Costa Rica today. Former officials booked reservations on Pan-American planes less than twenty-four hours after the peace agreement had been signed by Picardo and a representative of Figueres. The agreement provides San- "" an automobile Vancouver Bralorne 7.G0 B. R. Con 02 'a B. R. X 06 Cariboo Quartz 1-26 Dentonia - .02 Grull Wihksne ... 04 Hedley Mascot 53 Minto t 01 Vt Pend Oreille 3.95 Pioneer 2.70 Premier Border 03 14 Privateer 19 Reeves McDonald 1.65 Reno 08 2 Salmon Gold 16'2 Sheep Creek 100 Taylor Bridge 40 Taku RiVer 54 Vananda 20 Congress - .024 Pacific Eastern 05 , Spud Valley 12 Central Zeballos 00 Silbak Premier - .32, Oils A. P. Con - .19 Calmont - .58 C. & E 6.25 Home 7.90 Toronto , Athona - .07 Aumaque 16 Beattle 67 killed. AJN ASKS ly, the office here is receiving little information on the progress of the clearing. In some places along the road, winter snow is packed to a depth of more than six feet and this has been increased by more recent snowfalls. Earlier this week, snow fell to a depth of eight inches at the Rainbow Lake summit. No word as to the amount of snow which fell further east lias been received ly the Public Works office here. 1(ISTS ltos Leon Herrera yesterday as-isumed the Interim presidency 'until May 8 when It is believed a constituent assembly will be am;," u"n author- called. not be even put to a vote this session. It will probably not be discussed again for another month. Fort Worth Wins From Vancouver VANCOUVER, (P Fort Worth Rangers of the United States Hockey League clubbed their way to a five to three victory over Vancouver Canucks of the fan,.!- CU IB rritv uie Pst- the war crime : trials NUREMBURG-At KRUPP ON TRIAL IN the The rebel leaders will continue to advance upon the capital, leaders said, avoiding firing as much as possible. Armed troops roamed the streets of San Jose, the capital, today and sporadic shooting was heard in spite of the peace agreement. Louvicourt .57 Pickle Crow - 1.90 Regcourt T .06' San Antonio 3.85 Senator Rouyn .39 . Sherrit Gordon 2.20 Steep Rock . 2.05 Sturgeon River 16 Silver Miller .29 in Nurembu g Ge7;any Alfred Krupp (centre, owner of Andrew Thompson returned on the Prince Rupert this af Pacific Coast Hockey League in rractwns, Britain ternoon from a business trip to the first game of an exhlbl- cSL ciL'antic Krupp munitions comumc, labor. !.. Krupp was forced - to sit his treatment of slave Shis ormer financial director, Ewald Loeser (right). The SSm of personal quarrel. ft KrupP in 1943 as a result a Vancouver. tion series. 1