prfnrt Rtiprrt Daflp rectos th-dar. Jul- 23. 155 LETTERBOX j SHOWER FOR BRIDE-ELECT Ray Reflects . . . . . . and Reminisce A pleasant eve-ran? was spev.l ley and Burns Lake. . aijij . jt5iafi. u!s rrr cetera r 1 cr.ra. 3nn2i Ociuaaia liatlanwi a faecrtd La.l. Post o:ii Department, onavai J prLE0 Kupert Daijy Nm Ltd.. Sm Arecu. Prlic Bupm, BritlaSi Colombia, ' Q. A HTJITTER. Maaaein? Editor. M. O. PERRY. Managing Director. MZatBElt OF CANADIAJf PRESS - AfDTT BtT?FAO OP CIRCTTLATTOK8 i CAS ABIAS DAILY KFPAPER ASSOCIATION j r SrBSCRIPTIOS RATES ! - a n (j t at the home of Mrs E. H. Hicks. Peopie are t--ld that quite a Montreal was not hain any Fra-wr Street la-t Fricav. aheu -.OKJ Cumet. Per W-i. 20r: Pr Wocth. 7Sc: PfT Year. 8 00. 1 By Mx Pel atoatn. SOc. Per Year. i 00 i Proportion of tourists journey- reformation, feeling it had not a shower tu tfmt m honor of i ng to AJasica are from the yet become e&emial. A respect- Miss Anme Pa-h who is shorj-; southern States. Visitors off ed member of the Witness staff - !y to become the bride of Vin-j the S8. Prince George. Tuesday as cignified as a carefully cent J Cukrov of San Francisco. , evening chanced to be listening trimmed wiite beard. Prince The home was decorated with I to the Shrine Band program. Albert coat and tilk hat could vht and nir.k Vki "IKETS-ij t .... i which included Dixie And maie him. taused the surprise Pavich mas presented with a ; one could well believe it. one frosty morning ' corsaee bv Miss Dishka Penoff. Introductions being, in order. I; Miss Mary Adcock. who is to douMe-l,, MEX'STBtf, dines, t , assortment, , Special ...... Tourists are critical of the Jral" I!C as veteran eras- &e Miss Pavich s bridesmaid. j north and, at the same time, do not forget praise when and where it is deserved Where I candid opinion is helpful, it's friendly to fire a few remarks. paperman. and it was op to me carried in a decorated container to confess I had. all alone. ; cf beautiful gifts. Refrvsh-taken him for a judge. How the , ments were served by Mrs. Pen-gang laughed. And none heart- off and Mrs. Hicks, ier than the old gentleman, no Those attending included less. It was John Dougall him- Mrs. V. Cukrov cf San Fran- We Do Progress SOMETIMES we are inclined to complain that developments of our area is slow and various suggestions are made that we think might speed the advancement of the country. But, if we reflect, we can come to the conclusion that much has been accomplished. We who have been resident here during the years do not sometimes realize it but to former residents returning the development is more apparent and they quickly perceive that we have not been standing still. Living in its midst we do not always see the picture in its true perspective. Of course, it is not a part of human nature to be always content It is the discontent that keeps us striving for better things and spurs us on to keen study by the path-finders. The leaders of the camp Lave tieekled to preserve parts of tl,e oi.l beaver dann for a m us urn site. A ccnr.piete bt-p.ver skeleton discovered by the boys during my stay, will become an item of interest for this museum where the boys 3re enthusiastic COliectof a. A beautiful euing anion? the mountains, ritht in the wilderness within a few miles of ton. this location is unequalled as a Scout Camp. The Terrace Sout Oroup was represented by three first class Scouts. Aaron Haaland, Francis Gavin and Roy Clifford in the recent Jamb-tree at Ottawa. May I through this lett?r thar.k Ake'.a Haaland. his assistant Reverend Maliett and their boys for their hospitality. C. S. W. HANSEN STr.AMSHIP PRINCE RUPERT SAILS FOR VANCOUVER AND INTFRMF.DI.ITE PORT EACH THURSDAY at 11:15 p.m. For KETCHIKAN WEDNESDAY MIDNIGHT For Reservations Write or Call CITY OR DEPOT Ol FIC E PRINCE RUPEUr. B C. Canadian National self. irom BOVS" T SHlt, ERfUtt rtmenL s., wvs- Wool, PANTS-S,mi.- txjortD scorr camp Ec'itor, Daily News: Bing a King Scout in Denmark some 25 years ago. it was indeed a pleasure to me when I was kindly Invited to attend a Cub camp by Cub-Master J Kaaland and Rev. P. Mallett of the First Terrace Troop in July tins year. Terrace, located at the mighty Skeena River some 95 miles east of Prince Rupert, is a thriving community laid out in a beautiful mountain setting, and the surronding country abounds in wild life and game. The Terrace Boy Scouts enjoy what Is thought to be a unique position in that they cn outright their own campsite and buildings, thanks to lenerous donations by Hon. E. T. Kenney and many other public-minded people. The camp U lcaui 12 miles frcm Terrace 2nd an excellent road leads to within 10 minutes walk of the site on beautiful Lake Lakelse. Lovely sandy beaches abound, hot springs are lcoated within a '4 mile of the beach and! boating, swimming and trout fishing fivt wonderful recrea-1 tion for the boys, after the more serious side of Cub-life, such as Nature Study, First Aid, Camp work. etc.. is over. The camp itself, right on the beach, is built on an old beaver dam which gives the boys a splendid opportunity of studying the building habits of Canada's national animal. Black Bear, Rabbit, Moose, Fox and other wild life are frequently seen on roads leading to the camp, and their tracks are the object of : ; Cisco, mother of the groom. ; Mrs. Desanovit-ch of Prince ; George, aunt of the bride-elect. Mrs G. Pavich, Mrs. Swarfield. Mrs. G Christy. Miss Mary Ad-j cack. Miss Derhka PenefT, Mr ! J. Gurrich. Mrs. G. Penoff. ! A former president of the ; Vancouver Tourist Bureau says ! what this province needs is a I song something with spirit in ; it scrn?thirt :fcp"Mv O1'' Bi-j tbh Columbia Home." In the I first place. Mr. Vancouver, your isor.g is one word too long. The ACTIVITIES OF FUN CLUB 'M'VS' SCHfM Ble and kk, Special name sounds so very unweUdly. Fu" Club visited the grain 1 A coa, of ordl.larj.T is j And in the second, the most of us -'"or on the waterfront Tues- ,rom one to thn thousandlhs j cannot find building material. 0RT nd greaviy impressed of an incn ,hick . iet alone the cost. One must itn the immensity of the build- '. Icome down to earth. Anyhow., tog. A tour of inspection uiih svAVAWVyWAsvsw i a. l. nas no tepnen f oster. piMiiaiiuns provea mos- m-i few colored folk, and who wants teresung. After the indoor to live in a log cabin even if the sion. the lure of the sea caiie-i un does shine bright every day. the club members to "Larv ia- If your subscription Is in arrears and you do not retelve your paper, please do not blame the publisher, the news boy of the poet office. Jus do a little straight talking to yourself. Co-operation of subscribers in this regard wouie be appreciated. It would save a lot of trouble and every ! I SMITHS I I rmr .Moving irom the Maritime? to i goon, a small pool of salt water down by the railway tracks. It was one of the most excit.'nj trips so far and promises to li-re try one's luck on the Montreal j papers meant a modest wage the club back again for even more adventure on the briny. ! The weather was not as favo'-i j increase, associations worth mitviating. hard work, and now and then a hard look from a body would be happier. Sub- -.WRITING OUR HISTORY IT IS NOT too late even yet to record the early I-history of this part of country but time is passing ;snd it should be done before long. More and more . of the pioneers are leaving or passing to their last " rewards. The suggestion that our history should be re-: corded is no new one but to get someone to do it 5eems to be the difficulty. There are alwavs, it seems, so many other things to do. Possibly the example of a community in the Peace River country may be of interest.' In this community a group of old timers recently met with a view to organizing for the publication of a permanent record of activities from the earliest days. ( There should be some pioneers here who have "".the time and are in a position to take such a matter as this in hand. ,1 mt Phone i:i-' j copv-reaaer w no oDiected to "u-c ""pea lor on v eanso,y . scriptkms are pavable in ad-; rong srr iling. Montreal a bu the Fun Club went for a ! vartce. j great old town has age, tradi- boat trip and picnic to Salt AW.w.VAWw.v.w tion. more than a million peo- Lakes after being shown through j ' BALAGNO Floriits i pie. the best of shews, a streak ' the Co-op Bakery as weil as the iiox 1193 of humor, cold winters and hot Northland Dairy. summers and undoubtedlr a ; fascination. t V, You Worked Hard For Your Money BAKED HAM Better with Tne Herald, more than a cen- tury old even a generation aso. stood on Victoria Square look-, ing across toward Craig Street, Beaver Hall Hill and St. Cath- i erine Street then th rein ANYTIME CIEAN YOUR CHIMNEY ... Let as Inspect, repair and clean your chimney new Be prepared for Fall. We also sperialiie in repair of utters, down pipe and roofing. noin sncn a ruc? vf r.. v. .. . i . , ... Place First Woman In Top Health Spot , . ltMJ naj , suuppir.g nuo oi tne Canadian ihearied the division of nursing . m e t ro p o 1 i a. The Herald's isince 1948. Before entering the i neighbor on St. James Street WASHINGTON ? Lucile' pub!lc nPa-th service, she was ; was The Star, with a crowd out . assistant director of the L'ni- i front eagerly devouring the lat- Fetry has been appointed an versity of Minnesota school of lest bulletin In sensation sized assistant surgeon-general of the' nursing and instructor at the i letters clear for All 'DDCDKDrn United States public health ser- Johns Kopkir.s and Yale schools I dy to the Star office sto-.d. l itui Hiibw p- y Vfhy not make it ork hard for you? By investing it cjrefcilly ani e mcai carefully in a selectej Iim of: Dominion of Canada Bonds Public Utility and Industrial Bunds Preferred and Common Stocks In veraee return or it ij on your money of more thn 5 J t may be ubuintd. Mjy we make supcsiions? Wrire. photie Of visit our irmi concr.ieiit urin.e. There is oo c'jare or obligation. James Richardson & Sons csTM.m.o iiu Pocific Coast Offkes: VANCOUVR VICTORIA vice. She is the first woman to of nursing. I The Witness, then in decline. ' The difficulty appeared to be, too great an inclination to re' INTERCITY CHIMNEY III Free Estimates Phone Red 241 Rtt.. Authorized Licensed Chimney Service. Ail Wuri form people and Individuals. - ' - J All Tf SITPLIES F"H ! PBINTINC I STATION'F.RT I" Sl Jrt! Ave. W. Phone Red 40 HOLD IT GBFFTINC Vi FF.NS AND P! NEIGHBOR! COTTAGE CHEESE New Creamed Fresh Made VALENTIN DAIRY Tour Dally ALL-WEATHER SERVICE DIBB PRINTING ( A HEWHOME Deserve the Best EESNER BLOCK MJJiMMiir m in I if hi i... tiiw.f in r t mw v r "V." ' Have you been to the VARIETY STORE for your Post Cards and Views of Prince Rupert? Don't forget Souvenirs and Novelty items including a large selection of Burnt Leather Ooods and Hand-Carved. Totem Poles. Ad.trtlse m tht. Dally Ntwst ARRIVED . . . RE" CTRTTFICAT OT TTTLE NO S042-I TO LOT TWEVTY-FOUR 124.. BLOCK TW ENTT-NI.TI! (. Gas Opcralr HOLIDAY MEMO TO MOTORISTS ! SECTION SIX i8l. CITY OP j PRINCE RIPERT. MAP 923 j WHEREAS saiistacTWT proof at loss oC the boTe Cm-iifH-t oi Title j Issued In the name of N'H MacLna h bn Jiled In thu otfic. notice! Is rx-n-bj given that 1 shell t thej expiration of one month from the j dve ol the f(rt publication hereof.! Issue m Provisional Certificate of ' Title In lieu of Mid lost Certiflrate. unless In the meantime Ud oto- jeetion be made to me tn writinr j DATED at the Land Regl'trr' Of lice. Prince Rupert. B C. this' EASY VACUUM CUP WASHER $206.50 EASY GYRATOR (GASOLINE) WASHER $196.50 FOR BULBING StPPLIES AND ESTIMATES PHONE 363 MITCHELL & CURRIE LTD. Builders and Contractors Just a reminder that there is plenty of driving weather ahead 19th da of JulT. 1949. A D 1 1 and your ear will need more care. Count on us to check for ANDREW THOMPSON. Deputy Registrar of Titles (1841 tiifrp RF4II Y NO I'F1 signs of wear everytime you drive in. ........ ... - . , , . V tniti T it no it T1IF. t"' Take your next trip on business or pleasure by CPA, and after that you'll do it regularly! For CPA service makes every flying minute a pleasant one. Modern planes, fast schedules and a competent stewardess to look after your comfort. MaeMvsi M J J JJJ -f jjrj j JffflJJ JM" l .i--. f rr,rr rjffWjj it 1 n m.i i ii f,, n mi NOW Q.C A. OFFERS . DRUGS FROM PRINCE RIPERT DAILY FLIGHTS i except Sundays t to VANCOUVER in 5 hrs. 25 minutes SANDSPIT in 1 hr. 5 minutes PORT HARDY in 3 hrs. 35 minutes For information and Reservations - Consult your CP. or Travel Agent JJ it V v EVERYONE Doesn't Get Two Weeks With Pay but you can give your wife a "once - a - week holiday" by arranging for regular dinner dates at the . . . ONCE-WEEKLY SERVICE PRESCRIP1ION CHEMISE TCI S STORE HOUPSWTFK DAYS. 9 AM- arnnS TO J Dep Prince R1l-.,' rvVj" T pert at VS 2!i DST E- 7. 7 4 fndaj. For uifcvmauon aua' SS Reserrattom C MIX V T Jf at CI! at the QCA. Office """V Kiliaa At Cfcratopber B'.ock . m 7 PAI. TO 9 P.M- Qvit Centre DimsgRoom For Reaerratlona aad Chicken In The Rough Vhone Red 701 Emergency , DaUy cr dellwry ierrlre " from 7 P'- , from t .m. Ull 6 pm. gnd Sun1!' QUEEN CHARLOTTE AIRLINES LTD rrrrrfrririiiiijiriiiijjuil