iger Sppiinis attempting, to arrange rematches between box Mr. and At,,. JOE LOI IS MAS riGHT AGAIN' FTnce Rupert Daily Fsewi Monday, May 28, 1950 1 rtf 'fit for Van: ers who met last month. All ',.... ""lUUVi OWEN SOUND, Ont. 9 Joe' Fight Card Jn ' New Gymnasium I First fight card In the new if in J i' ' fll S it ii r limit'" morning enrout!! "tPeachlandoBmil fighters will be from the Northern Club. Referee last Friday was Applln ill HA ia on fiu ! and timekeeper was Ted Arne7. ! gym of the Korthern Sports Eoxing Club was presented Fri- j SEEN ON THE I Nil VfStinr. .. f fl We've heord of a woman keen day night as fourteen flashy jng a man waiting;, but the other ' swirnng through Louis may fight the winner of( the June Bruce Woodcock Lee Savold fight, but hell do it only ! if it is'' necessary to protect his J financial interests. Louis said he was a shareholder j in the national boxing club whici j holds the contract or Efczard ; Charles. Howewr. there is a pos- 1 sibility that Charles will lose the j title if health continues Vo pre-' 20 lighters, matched in one de-uay we heard of a man keeping ,woek. cMui. aw o exnioiwon uouis, even women waltlng Must be uuiuru u..uu6H a.wo-m...Ul.e record of g()me sm rounas or gooa ooxmg. Feature event of the evening ill V . t was the welterweight match be Port Edward Townsite Sale Port Edward Public Auction To lie Held In Prince Rupert Follow ins the recent re-survey by the provincial gvoernment, the townsite of Port Edward, adjacent to the Columbia Cellulose Co.'s pulp mill at Watson Island and Nelson Bios. Fisheries Ltd. fish processing operations, will be put on the market during the coming summer, t was announced at the end of last week during the visit to the city of Hon. E. T. Kenney, minister of lands and forests. The sale of lots by auction will likely be held in Prince Rupert, Mr. Kenney Indicated. Mr. Kenney made it clear i -JS V vent him from defending it. ANNOUNCE s The Tlie Onenlnor Opening nf of tho the .. Hoi I that no "company town" town Penguin ' jKjh I If, UJ '. Complete HOBBY SUPPLM tween 142-pound Manfred Lea- ' vett and 141-pound Simon Wes- ; ley. A decitiion battle, Leavt-U. came out fast in the first round ith hard punches to the body! and face. He drew blood from Wesley during that two-minute; battle and even had his lighter, opponent on the canvass. But,: things turned for the worse as! Leavett w as driven back with terrific punches during the sec-ond and final rounds. Wesley took the decision. The other matches also show- ; Plastics, Venetian Blinds, Furnit n, JjS would be permitted. Columbia j Cellulose, as far as he knevv.j was not interested la the nut-1 ter of a housing development. the minister said. If any group j was interested, however, there, was nothing to prevent them from outbidding others in the saie of the lots. THIS WEEK'S SPECIAL .,.... - ; V Odd pieces of furniture, tJ 1 auk end tables, magazine rutL, Real Savings. PENGUIN HOBBY SHOP, -ed fine brands of fighters in the .squared circle. In the middle- j j weight class Johnny Fitzgerald ; Homeless anl ownrrlcs est?, pitiful victims of the Manitoba floods, stare out of the Humane Society shelter window while waiting for their owners to come and claim them.' Hundreds of such pets were abandoned by fleeing house-' holders during tlie flood disaster, and the Humane Society is doing everything in its power to bring them in and care for them until the flood crisis is over. Humane Society officials hope that as sMn as the Manitoba Flood Relief, Fund enables flood victims to re-establish their homes, those) w ho have lost pets will le able to claim them. and Bobby Berthelet exchanged EiKth Avenue and Fulton Street Phone Blue 448 or 232 Box 744 ONE YEAR TO PAY on the, material and - labour for your NEW ROOF -Siding - Insulation or Asphalt Tile 3 punches in four flashy two-minute rounds and Bobby Scharff and Wally Carlson were matched in a light heavyweight exhibition. Other fights were: Dick Bury and Ralph Wick 66 99 1 paperweight. 4 & iiiuy smiU) and ay JTystay paperweight. (t'uurtey S. I). Julinvtoii Va. I til.) Vancouver Dayenne 03 Bralorne 8 L'O Pat Parnell and Cecil JRoberU bantamweight. The crowd at the new premises was fair and Norm Applin voiced expectation that after, the fight fans became accustomed to the new quarter, a larger crowd can be hoped for. A silver collection was taken. Next bouts in the city should .12 .30 .07 Va .47 .13 .23 Toronto Athona Aumaque Beattie Bevcourt Bob jo Buffalo. Canadian ... Consol. Smelters Conwest Donalda Eldona I . rtzrzdl You Can Buy! W0mM i . Tripl. Diitilld. Witj J tJil CR1 ' i delightful bouquel. V''jV.JI .03' 4 05i2 1 20 .20 .34 6G5 B. R. Con B. K. X Cariboo Quartz Congress ... i Hetfley Mascot Pend Qreille 103 50 ' prove Interesting. They will take j 45 ! plaoe at the Civic Centre next ' Friday and proceeds will go to- .70 .33 TOPS III CANADA the ever popular hand grade suits Smart English Gabardines English Worsteds in all popular shades from $44.00 i 1 Strtnjth, for food fill Of J'l'jffl i 1 ' YOU CAN IUV NO BETTER.S . '. : : East Sullivan 6.85 Giant Yellowknife 8 85 . wards the Manitoba Flood Relief !Fund. A bunch of good fighters j who fans saw in action at the j Civic Centre .last month will be i featured and plenty of spirit' is w 1 wh. 1 r ihil dvrtnn,tnt 11 ncx published or d ip'ayfd by !hr '. We are pleased to announce that t r by tin Oovcrnmant expected to be witnessed. Man- GREER & RRIDDEN, your local building contractors, are now in a position to bring you SEE THEM TODAY Acme Clothing Store Hardrock 48 Hanicana .'. 12 Heva ll'i Hoseo .08 ',i Jacknife 08 Lake Rowan , 17 2 Little Long Lac 47 Lynx 35' Madsen Red Lake , 2.88 t McLeod Cock.shutt 3 55 Moneta .35 Negus : 1.53 Noranda 70.35 Louvicourt .20 Pickle Crow 2.41 Regcourt 08 'a a superior product tar your Pioneer 310 Premier Border .03 Privateer 14 Raeves McDonald 2.50 Sheep Creek 1.18 Silbak Premier 34 Taku River ' ,122 aVnanda 17 Salmifn Gold 00 Spud Valley 0G',i Silver Standard 1.79 Oils . Anglo Canadian 5.15 A. P. Con 57 Atlantic 1.92 Calmonl 60 C. Sc E 8.50 Central Leduc , 1.42 Home Oil 15.25 Mercury 131,2 Okalta 1.80 Pacific Pete "5.&5 Princess 58 Royal Canadian 08 building requirements, with materials from ; Classified Advertising is payable In advance Please refrain from telephoning. Classil I word per insertion, minimum charge 50c. Birth NJtlces 50c. Cards of Thanks, Death 1 Business and Professiona San Antonio 3.30 ! - ral Notices, Marriage and Engagement Announcements 12.00. SPECIAL DISPLAY. DOUBLE PRICE BlILDING PRODUCTS LIMITED, the largest manufacturers of asphalt shingles in CANADA. SHINGLES are available in weights from 125 lbs. to 210 lbs. per square, and feature the new ICS lb. TITON, the FOR SALE BIRTH Senator Rouyn 34 Sherrit Cordon 2.10 Steep Rock 3.15 Sturgeon River 20 FOR SALE One lllnet Phone Green 803. boat. 135p) NIXON At Prince Runert General Hi Knit n I Rntnrrhiu I Mav 27: to Mr. and Mrs. D. W. INlXOn nee Jean Kranse) lfwn self-locking shingle in an at DR. GARNET E. H. MONTGOMERY DENTIST Suite 1, Smith Block Phone 52f P.O. Box J21G Ninth Avenue East, a son. Don-! A. P. GARDNER & CO. CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS 1118 Melville Street VANCOUVER, B. C. tractive design. aia Kicnara. (it) rorxn. FOUND Black dudF m- WANT li WANTED Ail Dochterman. Bui WANTED ' Scraifc copper, battprifis i ators. Phone 'M If-West. . . HELP WA WANTED Reliable) PERSONAL . FOR IMMEDIATE SALE 2-vear-old Great Dane. Apply D. Clark. Port Edward. (128p) FOR SALE Rifles. Shotguns, Telescouic Siehts. Larue assortment. Variable ciiones for shoteiins. etc. 48 rounds .303 British ammunition $2. !;". Dealers enauiries Invited. Write monthly for latest de-scriDtive folders and prices. Scone Sales Co. Ltd.. 320 Oueen St.. Ottawa, Ont. (tfi PLtJMBINO and Heatlnir - Fheet Metal work. Tar and 'rave! Roofinu. Call 629 6th West. Phone 543. jLetourneau and Sons. uf ) j Gordon D. Ronson OIL Bl'RXFR SPECIALIST tin for nousewuinr HELEN'S 1 BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Wavinn Beauty Culture In all Ms branches is04 4th Street Phone 655 Hot UNWANTED HAIR Permanent-' lv eradicated with Kiu-a-Ppln 1 Springs. A; of Ocean J afternoons noons or ev west New wick or pot type burners The most jomurkabte dlscov- FOR SALE Larse four wartime supplied All types of burners ery of the me. Saca-Pelo Is house. Pieaot Avenue. Terms. Bl II.DKItS & cm Realty Co. Prince Runert Phone 667. and stoves serviced An un (126) FOR electrical cui guaranteed U kill the roots of any hair .and contains no drugs or r.heuueals. J.or-Beer Lab, .078 Oranville. Vancouver. BC (H) luroK iir Kinall. Newton. Black 8 j conditional guarantee of perfect satisfaction covers all service W1B hnllrlilliT nlllt CHIROPRACTOR JOHN F. L. HUGHES, D C. . 21-22 Besner Block Hours, 10:30-12:30 & 2-5 Evenings, Mon. & Frl. 7:30 Phone Blue 442 JtPAJRy 733 Sth West Black 503 I llll III I PJ1 VM r i7 L I WATCH Repairs nromut efficient servio. George Cook. Jeweller. Satisfaction it's Northwest f .Umlted Phone 58 MARINE and eei -metal work. 1 Metal ..Worts. Bl t:OAlPLETB' biiliiif 'fast. service. Islauf INSULATED SIDING comes ir inree shades of brick, with white or black mortar lines also the popular stone finis! OIL BURNER SPECIALIST Stove Service Si Repairs. G. D Ronson. Black 503. tf) FOR SALE ilne.SuunUe.s. Bin or the new INSULTEX shingli Ml Kb COLUSSI Piano Technician Pianos Tuned Repaired PHONE BLACK 389 210 4th Street GEORGE ROR1E& CO. Public Accountants and Auditors. Income Tax Beturna compiled Q. L. RORIE. A A E. S. B. LAIRD, B. Comm. Besner Block Phone 387 typo in buff or birch grey I fl&T Kt ' Pa nurses" craduaua NSULATION of FIBERGLASS, comes in paper encased rolls, of either 2" or 3" thickness. disk : with Kea and ' vear on please phone w reward. FOR SALE Double bed. Oil heater. Drop leaf table. Beattv Wayher. Single cot. Bedroom suite. Applv 310 6th East. . V , (126pl FOR SALE 1934" Oldsmoblle Couue. new rubbers, enc.lne A-l condition, heater. Phone Blue 527 after 5 p.m. ,U29I NATIONALLY KNOWN NAWES Line-belt Speeder .miovels: Cranes: Draglines: Adams Road Graders: Littleford Bros. Black Tod Road Maintenance EoulDment: Owen Clamshell Buckets and Rock Grepfeles; T. L. Smith Concrete Mixers: Clark Forkllft Trucks: Nelson Bucket Loaders for C'tockpUe and Cnow Removal: Rice Portable Centrifugal Fumofi; National Dragline Scraners and Buckets; National All Steel Gasoline Hoi s t s: National Portable Sawmills: National Rotary Screens and Conveyors. Full Information from National Machinery Co. Limited. Vancouver. BC (tf FOR SALE New Si used household furniture and hardware bicvcles for bovs and men. unpainted chest or drawers, end tables and coffee tables, battery radios, floor covering, rifles, pressure cookers, singer sewing machines, office chairs, sleeping bags, logging boots end scores ot other good articles. Good values at lowest possible nrlces. B.C. Furniture. PhoneBlack324. (TF) FOR SALE Two niece set davenport and chair for dav and REAL ESTI DR. P. J. CHENEY DENTIST SUITE 5, SMITH BLOCK Phone 765 P. O. Box 1401 Calvert HANDYMAN HOME SERVICE GENERAL CONTRACTORS tp-d catt Six l.n olnvcl $2.0(1 Ave. West. 'Phonj FOR SALE 1947 Ford Tudor sedan. Low mileage; In excellent condition. Price reasonable. Phone Green 481. (128p) FOR SALeZi948 Deluxe Cab Chev. pick-UD. Low mileage, can be seen at Rupert Motors or phone Red 322 after 6 P m. (124) FOR SALE "Paramount" Model l'p MS Ball Bearing. 2-stage, centrifugal Pumn ni excellent condition. Also Wisconsin Engine, model AHH 6 8 to 9.2 h p., new. Also considerable piping. Excellent for irrieation. Apply Bulklev Vallev District Hos-pitabSmithers B.C: (120c) FOR SALE DeeD well Dumo. in good condition. Aoplv Bulkley Vallev District Hospital, emithers. B.C. (126c) CALVERT DISTILLERS (CANADA) LIMITED, AMHERSTBURG, ONT. Greer & Bridden Offer you this service at attractive and competitive prices. They fully guarantee the workmanship as well as the materials. FOR SALE Bids !d two houses, ones Hut dveitucmcat ii oot publjied of displayed br the Liquor Control Bou4 bt lb Gotenuneat fititub Columbia. Building and Repairs of all kinds ROOFS CHIMNBY8 OIL BURNERS Green Rooms. Street, and house, .lutl,,w nf tWO I FOR YOUR ROCK & CONCRETE WORK CALL BLUE 939 M. J. SAUNDERS New, Modern Equipment All Work Guaranteed iTn.. hit John or Soiro Q Learn to Dance will be openeu Highest or any b ...pll,, (irpnta. I PHONES Black 334 Red 894 P. O. Box 1670 tates. per John 4 FOR SALE Westinghouse Electric Ranee, table too model, in good condition. Reasonably priced. Phone Blue 826. (tfJ FOR SALE-3-rooii hath. Phone Blaa MATTSON'S UPHOLSTERING Phone Blue 818 P.O. Box 52e 330 Second Avenue Prince Rupert. B.C. FOR SALE- See the Kermath' FOR SALE 4-rootI For free estimate or further information phone or call at ROBERT E. MONTADOR Limited Soles Agent house near oeai night comfort. Call at 1039 Havs Cove Ave. Phone Blue 836. (125p) ACCOUNTANTS MARGARET McLEOD OPTOMETRIST Room 10 8TONB BUIDINO Expert Instruction in Fox Trot, Waltz Jive, Rhumba, Tango PRIVATE LESSONS Hours: Mon. Thru Fri. 4:30-10 p.m Saturdays 2:30 - 8 p.m. For appointments GREEN 491 PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT. Income Tax snecia list. S. O. Furk. Stone Building, Red 693 nient. 2 lots. ? Balance on easvt inspection can Agencies. 342 01 1 (evenings). IJSTINGS WANTED er for well built I house in goi)d ment and furn-1 If vou are scllm ask about our ! listing ulan for q (20m) Sea Pup. 0 h.p. water-cooled manlne engine. Cow Bav Boat Vrks. ( 125) FOR TSALE 36 Troller 14 h.p. Heavv Dutv Engine. Fair condition. Apply 221 5th E. . (126p) FOR SALEtO ft. deep sea troll-r chrvsler orome. also poles, gurdies itwo spool set) complete for 28 ft. boat nearly .pew. Phone 539. ( 129p) It's business wise to advertise FOR RKNT QUALITY REPAIRS tor Downtrodden Heel nd Worn o)ee MAC SHOE HOSPITAL Box 774 Second Ave PHON BLUE 593 P O. BOX 1184 Phone 11 3rd Avenue Mary MacDonald, Director: formerly of Arthur Murray FOR RENT Our own fullv furnished suite Julv and August. "Other accommodation bv September. Please interview Mrs. J. Linnev, Summit Apt. Phone Black 277. (125) PRINCE RUPERT. DANCE STUDIO 342 or Green 2i'1