Prince Rupert Daily News Monday, May 29, 1950 Flood Relief Radio Dial CFPR SHIPSand 1240 Kilocycles Kilselas Woman's Birthday Parly . Many friends from Usk and Terrace as well as from her own (Subject to Change) Campaign On iwATERFRONT 5 (Jcieot. ety old fecW village were In attendance last) The Manitoba Flood Relief; campaign is now under way j Monday night at Kitselas when Southbound to Vancouver ollowing a meeting of the com-1 I, ,r.ii ot u after an early tourist season toUMM rKTro protests LUCILLE WILLIAM mit. mittee in in MONDA F.M. 4:15 Betty Phillips 4:30 New Momer Goose 4:45 Don Messer and His . Islanders 5:00 Salon lor Orchestra 5:30 My Songs ror You 5:45 Young Man With a Song 5:55 CBC News 8:00 Supper Serenade BEDSPREADS : MATCHING DRAPES: BALLH01DEN week-end. Representatives from!vo'a8e 10 Alaska with-a tour service clubs and business estab-Partv organized by the Portland lishment In, the city have been Journal, CN R. steamer Prince named as canvassers. Each is, George, Capt. E. B. Caldwell, am James Otona frmS CARTER GLEASON HENRY McHUGH ll'.l aill 11 t iriVM sKM reoMciKM Mrs. J. Hudson of Kitselas celebrated her seventy-fourth birthday. Many beautiful gifts were presented. Games and dancing were enjoyed during the evening from early evening until well on Into the morning. Delicious refreshments featured a large birthday cake with appropriate number of candles. On Tuesday night , the young people of the village gave a sur- 6:15 Martial Airs j armed with receipt books for was in port from 6 to 12 o'clock j income tax deduction purposes Saturday night. Weather was tand will approach every one in not ail that it might have been 6:30 Musical Varieties 6:45 "Saddle Rockin" Rhythm FLOOD CONTROL IS COMING TO AN END ! flood control headq'. meir allotted territory. vrth rainfall somewhat copious The idea of a house to house but the American travelers were canvass has been abandoned in well pleased. They had several favor of the canvass through hours for shnnni tiff VlPro onH sum clown Uii- Premier A ' week auo n, , WINNIPEG Q, j- r o uiiu organizations. ' curio stores did a good business, prise party in honor of Mrs. Hud Chair-.ian of ihe committee js . son Mavor George Ruridprh nn anrl ampucii ounuay announced an- oeueved Brig, r, g other step In the Red River's command of all ri i return to normal the Army's work would end so umuii sieamer uoaultlam seeretarv-treasnrpr is -AaV .WdMliJf j . v.r-v J -"'til I LP XT f i U 'H - - " tJ' f L ! i U I - - ruh ht i " -- in .I. iii lilt i iTton r - - - , j i AIK PASbENGERS 11. D. Thain. Alderman Gourde 'lpu Jonn B00en. was in port o.. Casey is representing the ciiy. good time at 4 o'clock yesterday " Canvassers are: afternoon from the south and James Lee, fish uackins sailed at 11 p.m. for Alice Arm. I ay)-Mr.l V"" To Vancouver (Saturday) and Mrs. D. J. Slader, Engel, Inspector L. M. LaPoint, Point. Cpl. J. M. Brock, Mrs. Griffiths, Mrs. Manson, Mr. Joy, Mr. and 1 plants. Stewart and other northern H. Falls, Columbia Cellulose.' ( points. The vessel had a cap-1 B. J. Smithson, Trades ani acity cargo of freieht and fair-Jlbor Council. sized list of passengers. At 5:30 J. S. Black, carpenters. ; another vessel of the Union line Howard Hill and Superintend-;Errived-the steamer Camosun life? lOREll PATTERN - a froth fact for hr room: Wiffc Cordon Mackay Safe now LOKCU ccdsprtadt and marching droatritt, locking Very youno, very preHy, in toft Wiarfu of S.'ore, Hut, tost, J1 1 fl E Mrs. W. C McNabb, J. B. McDonald. " T Sandspit (Saturday) C. O. Lyall, G. Allison, J. Bennow. From Vancouver (Friday) D. P1- William McCombe from I u. vromez, lisn ana oock ; workers. north Queen Charlotte island points sailing at 9 p.m. for ft ID Westviews- Blanchard, A. J. Brandstorm, Butedale, Bella Bella and Vancouver. S. L. Peachey, operating engineers. H. Brain, master plumbers. Sidney. Elkins, journeymen plumbers. , A. S. Nickerson, city W. C. Lyons, D. McLean, Mrs. C. ' A. Olsen, T. H. Gowan From Sandspit (Friday) tcacners on Const Fletcher, R. Smith, M. from Juneau Zaklan, I. McDonald. H. Phll- iliXili) IT$ Thirty school their way home 7:00 CBC News 7:15 CE!J News Roundup 7:30 Summer Fallow 8:00 Alberta Ranch House 8:30 Guy Lombardo Show 9:00 Gypsy Strings 9:30 Variety Band Box 10:00 CbC News 10:10 CBC News 10:15 Provincial Affairs 10:30 Music of Canada 11:00 Weather Forecast 11:04 Fish Arrivals 11:06 Sign Off TUfcSjjrtJ AM 7 :r, Musical Cloci 8:00 CBC New 8:10 Kt-.v's Bill Gooa 8:15 M..ning Son 8:30 iusir for Mo4e;ns 8:45 Uttje Concert 9:00 BBC News and Commentary. Morning Devotion 9:30 Sunrise Serenade 9:45 Famous Voices i -nH Time Sit.t' 10:00 Ellen Harris 10:15 Morning Melodies 10;30 "Melody Time" 10:45 Personal Album 11:00 Air Kindergarten 11:15 Roundup ?1me 11:30 Weather Report ''"ssaze Period 11:33 Reeorded Interlude : 45 Scandinavian Melodies ' P.M. 2:00 -.aid-Day Melodic 12:15 CBC Newi : 2:25 Program Resume 12:30 B.C. Farm Broadcast 12:55 Recorded Interlude 1:00 The Concert Hour 1:45 CER Presents 2:00 B. C. Schooi Broadcast , 2:30 Records at Random i 2:45 Commentary A. Grant ! 3:00 The Music Box ! 3:15 Bernie Braden Tells a j Story i 3:30 Int. Commentary j 3:40 Divertimento 4:00 Meet Gisele t:.Y- , 7 Iff !. . "i iTl' '; -v - mJM : (jy rY i Douglas Frizzcll, wholesales. "Qla UP tne Princess Louise for lips, L. Anderson, A. Chisholm, R. garages blacksmiths. ' twelve hours Friday. The ship Mantha, B. Gourde, E. Gourde. Don Ritchie, transportation was elBht hours late getting to firms. . , Prince Rupert at midnight Sat- Lt. Cdr. G. Manson, West Van-Sam Julian, taxi operators, j urday. Boarding here here were couver, was In. town last week on H. F. Glassey, restaurants. I Mr. and Mrs. Harold Leverett business regarding the Sea Cad-D. C. Stevenson, General Hos- and Mr. and Mrs. R. K. Mansell. ets Corps here. piiai ana pnysicians. G. F. Williamson, Miller Bay Hospital. Don Forward, Gyro Club. E. L. Coughlan, Rotary Club. J. W. Rogerson, Chamber or Commerce. Harold Hampton, Junior Chamber of Commerce. MIZONA PATTERN - now design (or Master Bedroom: Trio bri'lionr bord.r of tht colorful ARIZONA pattern in Gr.en, Roso, Slue, State or .qua. mo an cordon Mackay Bafw bedspreads and oiolchina dropriof, lfy art wrinkle-res'stonf, mod. to wok Why have a noisy Radio? LET OUR EXPERT TECHNICIANS FIX YOUR RADIO TODAY Rupert Radio & Electric 513.95 and wear for yoart OnlM4 it C P. M. Ray, Canadian Legion. George Mitchell, contracting firms. George Anderson, longshoremen. E. A. Keehan. civir emnlovrKS 313 3rd Ave. Tt odvertisement it not published or disployed Cm Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Qt Phone 644 ; The wide variety of designs and colors available in Gordon Mackay Bates bedspreads and matching drapes offers easy Solutions to your decorating problems. And there's nothing adds color, interest, freshness to a room like new bedspreads and - drapes. Gordon Mackay Bates are priced all the way from $8.95 to $36.95. Double bed size, opprox. 90" x 112". Single bed size approx. 74" x 112". 1 Orop in ana" see them or WALLACE'S DEPT. STORE who! has a mmii Gem m Aid. J. Foreman, electrical! workers. I Mrs. G. R. S. Blackaby,' LODE. James Stewart, dry dock. j Don Llewellyn, firemen. Aid. George B. Casey, hotels,' rooming houses and liquor store. Miss E. Rivett, Provincial, Government employees. j Miss Audrey Wrathall, busi-j io do tvivl. a ADVERTISING IN THE DAILY NEWS BRINGS RESULTS. CHANDLER'S PORTRAIT STUDIO Film Finishing Enlarging Flash Photos Take-n kt Home Phone Green 389 216 4th St PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. ness ana proiessionai women. Mrs. Blance Andrews, teachers. Miss Dot Ballinger, laundry workers. C. H. Collins typographical PRECISION-CASTERING is the Secret of Planning to Build? Call 363 For expert advice on Building Problems union. A. J. Turcotte, beverage dispensers. P. A. Bond, machinists. Mrs. Edmondson, Soroptimist-i. Bob Rudderham, Kinsmen Club. REAL ESTATE INSURANCE INCOME TAX RETURNS PREPARED 0 OOM's famous STRAIGHT-LINE DRIV Mitchell & Currie 35 R. E. Mortimer 324 2nd Ave. (Near CFPR) Builders LIMITED Contractors Inspector S. B. Woods-John with EASIER STEER IN GREATER SAFET ston left by plane for Vancouver ! today on police business. Mrs. Harlod Thorn left by' plane today for Vancouver on a ! visit. swivel balance in the front wheel. This I" ance assures you easier, safer, more sctisi(i steering . . . C.C.M.'s famous "Straight Lii Drive". TW- '--pm .T r f lei And this action becomes effective imni Have you ever pushed a castered truck? If so you'll know that all the wheels ... no mat-ter at what angle they may have been . . . immediately line themselves up in the direction you are pushing. So it is with the precision-castcred front wheel of the new 1950 C.C.M. Bicycle. The curve of the front forks is a precision curve . . . which, with the angle of the framehead, is scientifically designed to create perfect diately you Starr to pedal your new CCW . . . stays in effect as long as you arc enjoy"1. jf'MlftT X the free and easy ride that only the new 1950 C.C.M. Bicycle can give. Check All These Other EXCLUSIVE C.C.M. Features! A Penetrating Sealer-and Paint Mix Tim-ber-loi it a clear liquid madt from the Kmf, toughest resins and water repellent oils and it used as a thinner for oil based paints or as I clear primer before painting or varnishing.' ? C.C.M. "Hercules" COASTER BRAKE Positive brake control plus fric-tionless free wheel assures easier, more enjoyable cycling with maximum safety. New 3-point bearing actually increases coasting distance by more than five times! RESILOSRAZING Exclusively CC.M. ... newly-developed system of low temperature brazing that does not crystallize steel. Hence the new C.C.M. frame is lighter . . . trongcr . . . safer . . , more resilient. You enjoy the new . COM. cushion-coniiort ride. BONDERIZING Every CC.M. frame is first treated with Bondcrite . . . the quality corrosioh-resis-tant base for enamel. Then high-grade gloss enamel is baked on by the famous CC.M. "slow-bake" process. The result it hard, glossy finish that will not rust even when chipped or scratched by accident C.CM. beauty is permanent! This advertisement is not published disph.yed by the Liquor Control or Bo rd o by Ae Government of British Columbia OUTSIDE PAINTING In order to tecuro t good paint job it is first necosury to tecuro good ground or prima coot. It is in this prime coat that the ddilion of Tim-Ber-Lo to paint is highly recommended. Point with Tim-Bor-Lox added, has superior penetrating and sealing qualitiea which provide 1 reinforced foundation against moisture and helps prevent the peeling and blistering of guc WE PAINT PLYWOOD lngle application of Tim-Ber-Loi will prevent separating, will greatly reduce warping, buckling, surface checking and will eliminate "Grain liaise", leaving the surface smooth and uniform for subsequent coats of varnish or paint. It costs no more to use Tim-Ber-Lox as Tim-Ber-Loi replaces the prime eoat of paint or acts as a varnisti undercoat where plywood ia later to be varnished. tvvutna coat er pojnb More than 3,000 Friendly C.C.M. Dealers Across Canada All qualified to scientifically fit your CCM. bicycle to you ... all equipped to serve you with genuine CCM. pans and dependable bicycle maintenance. kTm v,xV- Vfi, and DECORATE (Bt lore triis "d' h tn rhe bfcycio r ixterior or Interior SPRAY or BRUSH. Wallpaper Hanging " THE LATEST FAINT BURNING METHODS Available at your HARDWARE PAINT or LUMBER DEALER BUY YOUR C.C.M. BICYCLE AM C.C.M. BICYCLES Distributor 1 jLLiaaea -"i SPENCE Phone Blue and 215 233 MATUIK 11th St McRAE BROS. LTD. 1 - '4 i j,n ti- inii ii w iniiTi -wpwri&1r-trJlTriiii iiwiimwiiiiiihtiii TSatsSnr-atiagj sal I McBrids St. Phone