Prince Rupert Daily News Monday, May 29. 1950 is Dedicated To Father's Memory Dedicated to the memory of 0TICI Of HOIMPTION DVERNMENT OF CANADA HOTEL ARRIVALS Priiiee Rupert T. Wuixls, Srnjthers; T. A. V. Treniblay, Victoria; C. L. Hill, P. Lucas, E. Warlow, H. Landall, C. G. Owen, Reg. Childs, L. Fraser, G. Clarke, C. Gennls, E. MacDmald, J. F. Hindson. R. A 3 Bonds I 8:00 p.m. From tbt fast T.. j Tuesday, Thursflar. GaMrdj I 10:15 p.m. i TRAIN SCHEDULE Standard Times For the East . Monday. Wednesday, "rlday Du June 1, 19S1 ,) Nov.mb.r 15, 135 his father, the late Giacoma Colussl, one of Prince Rupert's earliest settlers, Js Colussi's i,e,eby gien fo"" ho,cler outstanding .Bonds dated June 1, ond November 15, -"T June 1, 1955, series C7 ond D2, f the ,i5 .( rnada. that pursuant to the provision Music Store which Mike Colussi,. popular local accordionist , and j musleal technician, has opened: In the former Walker Music' .u. ...t.tandina bonds of the laid issue ore Cathio, Mr. and Mrs. E. H Lamor, Vancouver; D Speak-man, T. Lodi'.e, G. J. Leighton, Watson Island; Mr. and Mrs. J Stevens Jr., Anchorage; Hamlin Edgar, Mrs. F. Nash, Mr. and Mrs. O. A. Llndstrcm, Dudley tittle and Lome, Terrace; Mr. and Mrs. Rambow, Mr. and Mrs. 1 i :r i 'Z,' tolled for redemption ond prior payment 01 an on June 1, . Agency of the Bank j fjiodo, ot r principal ill" thereof upon surrender J, A 8nds "h ,he 0ec",b' ,'50' "1 nt coupon! attached. Interest on oil soid Bonds ,11 ceaie to accrue from ond after June 1, 1950. The Government ef Canada By: BANK Of CANADA, Fiscal Agent Store premises at Second Avenue and Fourth Street. The late Mr. Colussl, who settled In Prince Rupert in 1910, was himself a keen music lover and teacher. He lost his life in 1938. A favorite childhood recollection of Mike's Is that of his I.e. ' jtWAY Tervick and family, Mr. ami Mrs. G. Trueblood Jr., Ketchikan; Mr. and Mrs. W. White, Montreal; H. Hagen, D. Hookfy. Hazelton; Mj-s. C. W. Swanson, Special Purchase . Hade by a wH known manufacturer SHEETS 81" x 100" (Irregulars) Pair 8.50 PILLOW CASES 42" f (Irregulars) Pair .! $1.40 AT jl lvuuu y urn . G Abbot, Butedale; G. A. Beare, Edmonton; H. J. Brown, Port Simpson; P. S. Bonney, Nan-aimo; I. M. Forest, Chemalnus; father trying him out on his large model piano-accordion. AU; he could see was the ceiling. Years later Mike's fathfr toid; ' him that he had shown promise , of being "lone" on enthusiasm To Attend Women's Meet ing in Ottawa Mrs. W. D. Smith Is leaving on Wednesday night's (rain for Ottawa to represent Skeena Federal Liberal AssoJiatlon at a T. Lalitinen, Cloverdale; Frank Lyons, city; J. Soloxky, Prince Georee; H. Gray, Masset; E. O. Mallory, Port Clements. and "short" on talent. Notwith-1 National Federation of Liberal Women's convention June 7 an J 8, Liberal women from all parti The people jf I'ortae la Prairie are working around the clock to provide tlie basic necessities and svnie of the comforts of normal living for hundred of refugees from the Winnipeg flood. Bobby and Krnie, sons of Mrs. N'iuk Marchuk, Fort (larry, are seen here in their new sleeping quarters . . . the hascrwnt of the Presbyterian f 'hureh in poriage. Oenerous donation to the Manitoba Flood Itelief Fund will ensure their rehabilitation. Ontrilnitions may 1 o addressid to the Fund in Wiunipeg, or paid into any Cartiwl ian liank. FINE PRINTING tt standing that, Mike has beeome a talented and popular musician end, during the war, in which he served with the Canadian Army overseas, his services were much in demand. ' There was a "modest" opening of the 'music store at the end of last week but "there will be nothing modest about our serv the British Columbia Legislature, will preside. While away Mrs. Smith expects to attend a banquet of the National Liberal Federation at which Prime Minister L S. Bt. Laurent will be speaker. 31ie Canada will be in attendance. Mrs. Nancy Hixiges, Soeuker of IlkUllk I HIM I fcellV will also visit Montreal, Eric, Pennsylvania, and Caina Bor WZ PHONE 24 222 Second Atc. ice," says Mike. den. It Pays To Advertise HOMES Mr. and Mrs. Harold Helper- son and two daughters arc j spending a few weeks at Limber-lost near Massett on the Queen ICharlotte Islands. Women ol( Moose Arrange Service Al mi f Build your now home Funeral services for Mrs. Marv thru the National Hous- ng icneme. tasy pay PRINCE RUPERT SUPPLY HOUSE : ' Manufacturers' Agent Phone 632 r We carry a representative stock of DUBTBANE ProtiueU for your convenience Control dust and germs, protect your merchandise, you clothing and your health with Genuine DUBTBANE Sweeps ing Compounds. Use It dally. , . Dustbane Sisal fur Unoseum Tile tie. j 70. Hs 5.45 7 lbs. - 5.44 lMibs. .. 9.5 UO lbs t.1i ZM lbs . UM m lbs UM't IMMEDIATE DELIVERY i See us for all your cleaning & Janitor supplies Floor Soap.i,' Brushes, Mops, special type waxes, Disinfectants, Deodorants' Cleaning Crystals, Powdered Soap, etc. Restaurant Supplies a Specialty I ments Long terms SINGER We repair all makes Sewing Machines . WORK GUARANTEED For Free Estimates if n. For Expert Advice Call Etta Newell, who passed away Monday, May 15 ,were hld las( Sunday, from the B. C. Undertakers chapel, Eev. Dr. E. A Wright officiating. The service was in charge of the Women oi the Moose. Hymns sung were "Abide Witli Me" and "Lead Kindly Light. A vocal duet waas sung by Mrs rnt tt not published OS shtwo' Co'iHol Bodid cm Mnt.ot butish Columbia SO SOFT SO COMFORTABLE SO INEXPENSIVE ta"?"Jd 1 mJ 1 4054 Phone 864 j Singer Sewing Centre Your. Local Builders GREER & BRIDDEN fiED PIPE AND WELDERS AND 1 5-50 t B. J. Bacon and Mrs. J. D. S Robertson. Mrs. J. R. Carr was I organist. Following the ceremoii I the Women of the Moose f ilea past and dropped white flowern ! i - ! ' i ; on the casket. The body was taken by Mr. j FABRICATING id dump boxes, steel lire escapes, storage jr.ks, trailers i wMiNg ami repaint 215 1st Ave. West Prince Rupert, B. C. Phones: (Iff ice Black 387 Night Red 5CI Family Shoe Store Ltd. Charlie Roberts ! Phone 357 Box 638! neweii sunaay ntgnt to Stewart Newell to Stewart for burial. L a 1uk Guaranteed , "31 'a Estimates TaVn : tA$ tS3 Dollors Grow Don't f"EAl jjrm- ' r " IS' 1SIRIAL SM8TO and Plumbing & Heating v "so X i IDiKG CO. lit. Fast Green 884 W Guaranteed You Can Stretch Them .If You Take Your Radio to WE OFFER AS PRINCIPALS 750,000 CLASS A. COMMON SHARES OF THE Prompt and Efficient Service i ii RADIO CLINIC KEN'S BROADWAY CAFE 90 Day Guarantee We pick up and deliver Phone Blue 992 l-inest Cooking Hours 7 a.m. to 1 a.m IH.I whatiMatM is mi ekl"M - 'plrJ 1 Ligwx Conirel Beerd et r tin Canmiwa BnteS OUbsk EBY & SONS LTD. CONTRACTORS REPAIRS - REMODELLING FOUNDATIONS Let us help you plan that nev home under the H.H.A. Phone Green 883 Box 586 for Take-Home OrdersPhone 200 i SPRING CLEANING TIME a , CORPORATION LIMITED - (at Prince Rupert, B.C.) At $1.00 PER SHARE For the purpose of erecting, equipping and operating a hotel, theatre and stores in the town of Prince Rupert, B.C., on a site where the Canadian National Railways had proposed to erect a hotel, we are offering 750,000 Class A Common Shares at the par value of $1.00 per share. For prospectus, etc., and details of offering of shares, till out and mail 'the attached coupon today. These shares are nvailahle from your own hank or hroker. . OFFICERS AHD DIRECTORS Olur Bisnek ..... President and Director ... Vancouver, B.G Gboqe B. Mulligan Vice President and Managing Director . Toronto, Ont. Jamm T. Harvby Secretary Treasurer Prince Rupert, B.C. Thomas D. Grien .......... Director (Past President of American Hotel New York, N.Y., Association, New York, N.Y.) U.S.A. David B. Mulligan Director .................... New yori n.Y. i Solicitors ............... Ruell, Dumoulin 6? Company, Vancouver, B.C. Registrar and Transfer AgrnM .... Crown Trust Company, 569 Howe Street, Vancouver, B.C. Head Qffic4 ...... . .'. .... 1010 Credit Fonder Building, Vancouver, B.C. McGILL SECURITIES (B.C.) LIMITED for your cleaning needs , WAXES MOPS THE BEST in Plumbing Service PHONE 108 PRINCE RUPERT PLUMBING & , HEATING BUD SCHUMAN 01d Post Office Bldg.) Mtl'SHKS GLASS CLEANER, ee etc. POLISHES, at ENGINES & EQUIPMENT W stock and Imve for salp ( iimtnlns (llcsrls. Slniilc Han KiirIop llexllilr rtirel evlinust piping, I Icxllilc fuel lines. TrotMuf I"i4e tssvivel. (;llcliri!,f Jinks biiiI Part. Isiuwi ami Iron Hi.w Hollrrn. fiston K I us. IMfip noil I'll Fit tinge. llul.Wlled Itnv Urai'lng. Jaw S'loU-lies anrlior Mgg'r-heaiK Steel and Brsse Sliafllng. Nuts, Kwl and 'a Ki'rrivs, Halllint. Klrle Rollers Bhenves. , Arnlior tiiitdy Mggerheails. Flat MHI Kttrl. VartuvK i'U's of saMrlne liur l-wae and eiHpinenf, loo inimer-iiiis lo mention. ( TiYTOWN MACHINE WORKS iMtnt m STOCK EXCHANGE BUILDING 475 HOWE STREET MArine 6435 VANCOUVER, B.C. nKaaDaai3DBii8ian W IN STOCK.... a o a n is i f 8 s f delivery to retailers In the Prince Rupert District To. McGill gecwrties (B.C.) Limited, 602 Stock Eichange Building. 475 Howe Street, Vancouver, B.CJ . "Skills Butcher's wrappings Shopping & Cellophane JOHN H. BULGER OPTOMETRIST ' Always Prompt and Courteouf 'lilMl PIw tend m prospectus and details of offering of sharts for Charles M. Hays Hott Corporation Limited XI A 141 - nd grocry bags Toilet tisswe l88 We're Here to Serve YOU 1 P'PPrs Wrapping paper CALL ADDRESS- iCommodore Cafe 0 Hospitality and Good Food"J B9 ttt HI KB fiS W8& 83 Jpkn Bulger Ltd. Third Avenue COLUMBIA PAPER CO. LTD. Sla?lt Ml nvoo riollverv COPY OF THE PROSPECTUS HAS BEEN FILED WITH THE REGISTRAR OF COMPANIES OF BRITISH COLUMBIA Phone 17 for Send-Out Orders 3rd Ave. David Chow, Mgr. 1 . m m .