lrinrc ttupcrt DaUp rSctos M.iuiUy, Ftbruary 21. 1049 Ma t'7 lu luttcfHtirivftt dml rwwsTwr to Wie iifirpiiilrtlni? of Pffnr Rupert r,d kit rfNKrmiiinm- r-..mnnina rrn ar.rt central BrniaQ Cviiimnu imiri4ri.i iu Second (..- Mail, fost Office Deportment. Ottawa) PtsfcJlsh! errr fwmoon' except SundaT bt Prtr.r Rupert Dally News Ltd . 3rd Avenue. Prince Rnpert. British Columbia, O. A HUNTER. Managing Editor' H O. PERRY. Mauai;!ng D'rector. OF CANADIAN PRESS - ATOn BUREAU" OP CIRCULATIONS CANADIAN DAILY NEWSPAPER ASSOCIATION SCBSCRIPFION RATES - nr.j Chrrter Per Week. Mc- Per Montlv 7Sc: Per Year. 8 00. ..1Tt Hy Mall, P"T Mmilh. 60c; Per Y-ar. 5 ckj I KIN CELEBRATE ! FOUNDERS' RIGHT ! It was 29 years ago that Hal ' Rogers, a veteran of the first World War with ideas for a i young man's service c l u b. j "founded the first ' Kinsmen ! Club and Saturday nieiht 80 j Kinsmen. . their wives and ; guests gathered at the Odd-j fellows" Hall to celebrate the j annivrsary. - i The assembly sat don to -.. .. I ' 'A -vjitr. "v" i ' - - - " . - c - - -;i'?4a'J 1 "!w . x X 4 candle-lit tables and enjoyed . . . the finest of all fine cuts f ; ir rc.ucr . I Tike Pride In Canada j T IS increasingly evident that a Canadian? we I ;ne?d a good deal more pride and faith than we ?(4rn to possess at the present time. As we step ftrward to meet the problems of this reconversion jvyiod, we should be bolstered by a strong feeling oC pride in our accomplishments of the past few years and by a serene confidence in our ability to overcome the difficulties of the future. Instead there is a tendency in certain quarters to hesitate ar.d falter and to grasp at any illusion of security r:ther than to stride forward. . Too many people point to the political and economic swing to the left in European countries and suggest that we do likewise. Let us clear that prisonous fog of inferiority and lack of faith from oir thinking. Economic and political hospitalization may suit some of the wounded, torn, battered and weakened 'countries of the world, but certainly tbat is no prescription for a young vibrant healthy cwuntry just taking its place among the great i a chow mein and" cold-plate, supper served by members of ; j the Hollywood Cafe staff. Fol-j lowing the supper President I George Dibb supervised the in- : 'l troduction of guests and Intro-' duced William Bremntr who ' briefly outlined the pro-reas of ; the Kinsmen Association since it was organized by Hal Rogers in Toronto, February 1920. Dancing commenced at 9:13 and continued until the early hours. During intermissions R. E. Monudor entertained wfti impersonations of a radio an- nouncer and a woman celt'brat- , : lng her twentieth wedding an-niversary. Recot'ding arrange j meuts by W. S. Noble and pia"" accompaniments by R u s s e 1 1 j Cameron provided music fori the dancers. Arrangements for the party j were in the hands of Russell j Cameron. James Thompson ; W WtM 1 - 1 SHIP BUILDING During the van Newfound!ana shipyards were bo-y turning out small vessels. Now the government-built yard have b en Mid to private interests who are building small ships for the fishing and coastal trade. &s a many fine yachts. This photo of the C'.arenviUe yards shows workmen shaping th woo-jen beams for a vessel shown in the back (CP Photo i V m ground. HOSPITAL ASKS in lot unstre.v-PH , LODGE HAS ROLL CALL trut institution in its relation with the community. "The board has to ' provide safe administration of present asseu of the association and plan for its future service." . IFOR SUPPORT ! DespUe the increased Members of Prince Rupert and John Christensen accent firsl and 3. Df-peiyjfttt 4 'Accent follows & diminutive chains Pldum heavy until they are too . broken."-j.jhns(in 1 given bv the province to the LS BIG BUSINESS Oddfellows and Centennial Re- , Prince Rupert General Hospital Tnat tn hospital is "big bekah Lodges held their annual NEW ENGLAND IN : under the last year's hospital- btwine&T eiui be seen from Uie roU call in the Oc'dfenows' Hall nrmir Rnnif WAR ,i;ation service legislation, the faet the 1948 operating ex- last week, enjoying a social eve- tUMlU DUUfv "MR .institution sua remains under penses were about $150,000 and ning attended by 90 members BOSTON New England, which local control and requires sup- that its current assets total of both groups. Congratulatory has been known to make bon- Better English By D. C. WU iJAMS 1. What is wrong with this sentence? "I walked a short piece down the road." 2. What i th correct pronunciation of "charlotte russe"? 3. Which one of these words is misspelled? Defendant, dependant, combatant. 4. What doe the word "diiu-Inutlve mean? Answers 1. Say, "a short distance down the road." 2. Pronounce shar-lot roos, a as in ah, o aji pjn ana interest Dy mice ku- aimost $,000, capital assets at messages were received from fires fi doubtful novels, now, pert citizens. Hospital Secre- depreciated value. $206,000 and m3iny members who were unable turns a scorching glare on comic tary D. C Stevenson declaied sinur fund assets $19,800. to atund. books because it is believed some Music was the major order of are filthy. Church leaders and the evening, with community police officials have blasted cer- singing being enjoyed. Mrs. J. tain of the comics as Juvenile W. McKinley accompanied the crime-breeders, equally bad fur singing on the piano. Mrs. J. children and adults. Delorme also sar.g several solos. - -- at me weeic-ena. Problem faced by the Board He made the comment in may be seen by the relativ in-reference to the annual meet- crease in costs of 1948 operatiou in of the Prince Rupert Hospi- over the previous year. And tal General Association which financial problems have not will take place next Friday disappeared entirely as a result when reports of the year's ser- of the hospitalization scheme, vice to the community will be "It looks as if the S7.75 a day reviewed and 1949 officers and allowed by th government for 1 A cake, presented by Mrs. S. William Jefferson left by air today on a trip to Vancouver. Chines V. Cox was rallied. Commodore Cale '.lwiiiui w sunxt Tuesday. 1: pa.. directors elected. . ; insured patients may not be fashion, and brought $22 which "Some people are of the quite adequate for our needs." was used to defray expenses or Sunday. !9 p, c r the gathering. ALICE RM, STEWAM opinion that since the B C. Mr. Stevenson said-Hospital Insurance Service has ' Last year, dietary qosts fsr Mrs, J. Deicjrrr.e, represent ine. taken an interest in hospitals, patients and staff rose to the Rebekahs and Ltn L. Gar- Sunaaj, U p the local associations, through $22,600 from $18,200 in 1947, a ner representiii" the Oddfellows, Fon sorni ) I V ; " i j ... , ; . . : t I CHARLOTtr P Ml .... : iucu uuaiua 01 unctiuis, nu tureci reiiectioii 01 tne increase ere chai-men of the joinf com- ; longer have any power." he basic living cost. Medical and mtttee -hich arranced the fur-c- ) commented. "Such an opinion surgical supplies rose to $14,200 Uon ' lis erroneous" . last year from $10,300 the prey- s.s. Cftui!lam. F;-t: 10 p m for w)rt i Tt Pays to AJvertise! Advertise in the Daily News ('!IR1.()TT h s s Coquitlam, Mi: 10 pm. Fit A.NK J. SB Prince Eupt-r: Third Avt-r.ue COMPLETELY RENOVATED "Better Than Fver" ' Best Food and Service 'n Clt, Phone 17 for Send-out Order Third Ave, David Chow. Mgr j "Although the hospital serv- i0Us year and salaries and ice is primarily interested in wages increased from $65,100 in j seeing that adequate hospital- 1947 to $79,100 in 1948 with ap- lization is provided to the pub- proximately no .increase in 'lie at a minimum cost, it is stili staff. ; important that the public ac- While much of these higher ! cept membership' in the local costs were offset by increased 1 Hospital Association and to ward rates last year, it appears j choose a board of directors who that this year, revenues will be .are competent to see that their iess fluid. Therefore, it is the countries of the world. Let us here develop the way of life which made U strong, let us take pride in our strength and have fttith in our courage, initiative, ability and enterprise to build an even better Canada, RUSSIA AND NORWAY "THE SOVIET GOVERNMENT made a very un-I wise move when it offered Norway a non-aggression pact if she would refuse to join an .Atlantic Union. For the immediate effect and that not only in Norway was, to recall the unhappy experience of such pacts in the years between the wars. The offer of "individual non-aggression pacts had been one of Hitler's favorite devices for preventing the formation of. defensive security groups Xvhich might thwart his plans. And not only that, there 'were the Soviet Union's own famous series ' of non-aggression pacts with all her immediate iieighbors Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, I'oland and Rumania, The three Baltic States have been swallowed. Poland and Finland were invaded. Rumania was forced to cede a province. The very vords "non-aggression" pact have been a salutary (though from the Soviet point of view deplorable) Reminder of the Russian aggressions of 1939 and of Stalin's entente with Hitler. J It may, of course, be that the Soviet leaders had -realized- the impression which the "offer" would create in the Western world and had realized also that there was no chance of luring Norway into acceptance, but that they thought ( the gesture . necessary for other reasons. ' They are plainly trying to create both in Russia hmd in the satellite states the picture of Stalin 'making peace offer after peace offer and of each offer being rejected by the Western "warmongers." That in order to counter a certain uneasiness and disquiet at home. It may be intended to 'reconcile the Czechs and Poles Hand probably the Hungarians) to a new purge and a tightening of Communist control on the plea that iron discipline is Essential in the face of danger from without. It is, by the way, notable that the Soviet press now talks of endeavours to "encircle Russia" another phrase which is unfortunately reminiscent of Hitler and Goebbels. See I s for Your WALLPAPER REQUIREMENTS ""i &i 4.MKM.Muu44 "5? TONIGHT hospital provides equipment Board's hope that there will be and facilities." no continuing rise in costs. While a constant decrease in "These matters and the ap-public interest in hospital man- pointmenf of a competent board agement affairs over the last of management are directly the decade mignt be construed as interest of the' public," Mr. a compliment to the type of Stevenson said. "They mean management and administia- something to every member of tion provided, Mr. Stevenson I the community." sees this as no reason for the I 17 ' - FOR PltOMlT DEXIVERY AT LOWER COf!T Wf A REPRESENTATIVE WAREHOUSE STOCK rif-prf.fentjnn: Uoodyear Tire & KuJther Co. Ltd. Canadian Wesiinghuuse Co. I. til. Uanin fieneral Dry I'.iiltrries tf ChhuiU I. til. IWslUan- ( MHpany of ll.C. (i. IL VHMi & ( o. Ltd. IM-Hby lUolhtrs Si t it. Ltd. Imperial VViiwnn Rat ('. -!- Hear . . . institution to be "forgotten'' by ! the people served. At present, there" are only 20 paid-up .members, entitled to a voice in the Association's affairs, a number much too' small for the size of the community. In addition there are a dozen life members, but only three of Deluxe Delivery PROMPT? YES SIR! FAST? YOU BET! COlRTEOt'S? YES MA'AM! PHONE 383 We Buy and Collect Bottles Hon. R. C. MacDOIIALD MINISTER OF MINES AriD MUNICIPAL AFFAIRS PRINCE RUPERT SUPPLY P.O. Box 772 712 Second Ave. "4H WANTED these are at- present in the city. They are D. C. Stuart. M. M'. Stephens and James H. Thompson. "That is a small interest In the hospital," Mr. Stevenson said, "considering that the public must elect a board which must determine the policies oi Al I'l.icvrm v wii.1. nr. m t i:ri'r l FOR T" :f Subject . INIi ftMTKNS Mlt 1949: CAMP MANAGERS IM)AT CREWS ONE SKUT i r t ii'a'M X, SON CHIROPRACTOR Phone 311 WE Mcllride St. DELIVER B R I T 1 S II COLUMBIA'S Ml NING PROSPECTS ; John F. L. Hushes D C, Ph.C. RIIPFRT MARINF. REALTY MO M lllf llta VlM- THE WE MAKE GUARANTEED REPAIRS ON SINGER MA-' CHINES; ' ADJUST OTHER MAKES FOR FREE ESTIMATE Phone 861 Singer See ing Centre 639 Third Ave. W. PRINCE RUPERT 42 21-22 Besner Block Phone BLUE 442 for Appointment lionts 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p m. and 2 to 5 p ra. KVKMNUS .Prince Ri.pert Florists 300 3rd Ave. 3ox516 Tel. 777 Flowers lor All Occasions BAPCO FLOOR ENAMEL Skeena Construction & Cabinet Co. BI ILDERS AND GENERAL CONTRACTORS FLOOR SANDING AND CABINET WORKS ESTIMATES FREE ON REQUEST I'. O. Box 1676 :: Phone Red 633 A quirk drying hiph quality enamel for Whff' Monday and Friday. 7:30 p.m. foi those unable to come during th room. room, bedroom, children's room, rumpus day. KBCEPTIONIST In attend that demands both colorful effects and extra l' ance ai i:ruuJii8. 7 M ' . K) Made In a wide- range of colors REAL ESTATE INSURANCE INCOME TAX RETURNS PREPARED CFPR 10:15 p.m. GAL I HALF PINTS 5ac QUARTS $2.00 t Wislu ermen! Ormes Drugs THOMPSON HARDWARE CO. DRUGS It. E. MORTIMER 324 2nd Ave. (Near CFPRi It's the 4 7 FOR ALL TYPES OF PRINTING PRESCRIPTION CHEMISTS STORE HOURS WEEK-DAYS, 9 A.M. TO 9 PJU. SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS -12 NOON ""O 2 P.M.. 7 PM. TO 9 P.M. l TRex Cafe Get .that high speed engine of. yours ready to do a job this coming season. Avoid the last minute scramble, have us check it over for you. If an "overhaul is required we should have the engine now in order to strip down and secure any. parts that might not be immediately available. TIME IS LIMITED.- We are equipped for and specialize in "ihe overhaul of CHRYSLER MARINE ENGINES. RUPERT MOTORS LTD. PHONE 566 GREETING CARDS PENS AND PENCILS OFFICE. -SrPPMES HO,ME STATIONERY tt l IT fr Tasty Mean . . yytt Chon Suey Clnw Mein - SEE Emergency bicycle deliver from 7 p.m. till p m and Sunday ially car delivery service from 0 a.m. till 6 p.m. .... Cnm-inlly Bibb. Printing Co. Chinese i"11'1" " ... , Second Avenue opposite Prinze RP 173 -7:00 a.m. to 3:30 a.m PHONE 81 Besner Block Phone 234