1 rvcABS provincia PROVINCIAL LIS-IARX, c l jn. vr t i . 1,1 VICTORIA, 2. C. 0RMES BRUGo Daily Delivers NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER ' Published at Canada's Most Strategic Pacific Port "Prince Rupert, the Key to the Great Northwest" PHOME 81 VOL. XXXVIII, No. 43. PRINcE RUPERT, B. C, MONDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 1949 PRICE FIVE CENTS PFS IN VANCOUVER SNOW BATTLE IS TOUCH AND GO Sides With W SPORT AND WAREHOUSE Nocway , I! V E K (CP) Eires causing $550,000 Canadian National Having All it Can do to Keep Local Line Open Windstorm Latest Hold-l'p It is still a case of touch and .unvu at vancouvtr ium, iiijnt wnen me lion building at the Sea Island airport was !Urvith a downtown six-storey warehouse. , tiews were left on duty in fire halls as all i r N 1 go in the battle between the n -becunty men fought the mazes. Canadian National Railway- ;re 1USC in the West t Uf the Coast ' it contained , and the continuing snow conditions in the lower Skeena Valley. A delayed and un THE WEATHER "ciiiuud goods and are. j tower and ad-buiienng, housing Synopsis Much milder weather is at last moving across British Col certain service is being maintained with slow trains following In the wake of the rotary snow plow which shuttles back and forth between Prince Rupert and Terrace through a OIL AND FAT CONTROL OFF OTTAWA Removal of Import and export controls on animal, vegetable and marine oils and lat,s was announced today by Rt. Hon. C. D. Howe, minister of trade and commerce. Dominant Labor Party Decides Againt Russia Meanwhile United States Assures. It llfMl KT-i Ci 1 IJ1 -- f A .if frransCanada, Can- t and uniicu ah (1 umbia as a series of Pacific storms approach the coast. For the first time in some weeks the j indications are that the milder weather can be expected to virtual trench between ureal lines were cut by ill trafric for CPA, Hed was back at v ith emergency The action follows decision banks of plowed up snow. A rotary snow plow on which Canadian National Railways has been depending lor the past few weeks to keep the railway line open between Prince Rupert and Terrace was being by the international food com continue. Last night temperatures on the coast remained at or above freezing while in the interior several near zero readings were recorded. Overcast win iioi oiana laiy uy in i-vBscolwl1 VASHINGTON, D.C. (CP) The proposed North . Atlantic pact will give its members strong assurances that the United States wall not stand idly by in case of imttcc to remove International allocations on these items. Export control on domestical i held the most of vesterdav iust lv - nroduced oils and fat. orn'..i r ..,.. " ca.-n, vi fvwiuitsa, auiue iui skies aines with wun considerable consiaeraDie rain rain are are , , , , . . i ... a:j it learned An official source said expected to the coast in the attack, was today. next thity-six hours while in that the military clause of the pact will not commit the interior intermittent snow the United States automatically to war but he said it no longer necessary. miles east Of Prince Rupert. t will be general. jay jlment ised because of a strong wind which i was swirling snow into large drifts for a distance of about ten miles. It was able to get through to Salvus during the night where today an abate LAD INJURED IN SLEIGH MISHAP Shock and bruises were re will carry strong assurance of the United States Intention to resist aggression upon any members of the pact. The precise phrasing of the military clause in the pact, now being drawn, is still secret. The United States Department Forecast Queen Charlottes and North Coast Overcast with rain or snow mixed with rain, becoming intermittent rain this afternoon. Rain tonight and Tuesday morning, becomig cloudy ceived Saturday afternoon by UNFAIR PRACTICE FINDING IS MADE WASHINGTON, D.C. ft The National Labor Relations Board ment of the wind- was being RAINMAKER - Vanciuver city officials haven't given him Uie gu-ahead but Donald Johnson of Regina has offered them his services. He says with the help of his lilUe ralnmaklng machine a Universcope, ho calls it he can bring rain, lack of which has caused an acute power shortage in lower British Columbia mainland. Johnson claims the revolving magnets of his machine drav clouds, condense the air moisture and produce rain. four-year-old Cllve Alexander McLeod, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Me.Lcod, Borden Street, In a 'sleighing mishap near his home. While coasting at the awaited before proceeding further. Behind the snow plow is an raslbound passenger train, which had left Prince Rupert with showers tomorrow afternoon. Winds southeasterly (20 of State hopes to present to Con- today found General Motors .. . about . month TOwer. mph), increasing to south east ! t VUJillL VIS DVUV11 V'UU V ; curtailment plan Juneau and Pctcrs-liMi-rmen lor the i met. with a cool Sunday from the 'Deep S'-a Kishcr-wronalors of the , . ... - - . O ' erly (30) tonight, decreasing to Corporation gunty -of unfair packed Nortn AUantic treaty pdrivrway at the McLeod rcsl Saturday night, and three east- deuce, his sleigh hot out onto bound freight trains, one load noon. Milder. Lows tonight 4ttuvl i" "J-"' reinforced by a mulU-million southerly (20) tomorrow after- lnto effect a Broup lnsurance dollar military aid proposal for Borden Street and struck a car cd with frozen Alaska fish and ! SutletiU .) plan whim has and highs tomorrow at Port Pltln wlI-nou'' consuming me countries oI western Europe. 35 and 34 United Automobile Workers' Acheson Hardy. 42; Massett, gae secretary Dean the other two with general sup plies. The passenger train has i.uuli-tl to the In-FUicrics Coiuiiiis- and 39; Prince Rupert 32 and vnlon .i.u.j. and Canadian and" European forty people on board. The Board had ruled earlier 39. negoUators will enter into the driven by Harold J.Iuncey, giving the lad a narrow escape. Ho was taken by Munccy to home and then to hospital and placed under treatment of a doctor. It Is expected he will be in hospital for the next day or two. that pensions, insurance and final stage of treaty negotiations this week. i other social security programs SAVING ATL1N CAMP, Favorable action by Ottawa towards providing a "Hie line" road from the Alaska Highway to the Between Kwinitsa and Salvus the railway line now passes through a virtual trench flanked on either side by high snow banks, which fills in soon alter come within the scope of col Meanwhile Norway ha3 de- Buried In lectlve bargaining as required cided to risk Russia's dis I by the Taft-Hartley Act. season sui'.'stlon t b'ure the Cimimis-jj.ii'tlh at Sen! lie by 's ol lishernvii and if Vancouver. Prince Seal He, nil ()I Wliolil tj mi Hie basis of past VilmiUr tuilyil-' V s workable. m Hie f'nniniii.;iiin ti. Germany pleasure and cast in her lot with the west by joining the. North Atlantic defence talks. Despite Russfan warning, the dominant Labor party at Oslo, the capital of Norway, has, approved the prowestern foreign 1IOCKKY SCORES SUNUAY National Lea-tor Ntw York 3, Montreal 2. PERSECUTION IS POPE'S CHARGE Fate of Local Boy, Who Served With Air Force is Established the plow passes, making it necessary for trains to follow close behind the plow. Consequently speed Of trains Is greatry "reduced. Normally the trip between Terrace and Prince Rupert takes about four hours. Such trains as have been getting through latoly have taken two or three times longer, their progress being regulated by the policy of Foreign Minister Hal- il'' l'l KUialillll 111 1.1 le . Sinn period as ve il as i - , , . , , , VATICAN CITY W Pope Pius told 250,000 cheering Italians Sunday that the Imprisonment of Josef Cardinal Mind- II i I . I I U.I', l"i t vard M. Lange. The vote at a party meeting was 229 to 33 but the opposition decided yesterday Mr. and Mrs. James Hadden, 415 Dunsmuir Street, have been notified officially that their elder son, Flying Officer Wm. A. Hadden, and his crew, were shot down at Kotterichen in the it.. J i ' i;iii'ii and Ij.i,i tfo Alaska iioi l.s, liuw- szenty in communist - ruled to make the vote unanimous.1 Hunearv was relielous "Derse-1 progress of the plow which they i follow. ! The train, which was duei Chicago 3, Toronto 4- SATURDAY Boston 2. Toronto 5. New York 1, Montreal 3. SUNDAY Pacific Coast San Diego 5. Fresno 1. Seattle 1. New Westminster 5. Oakland 6, San Francisco 3. Portland 1, Taoma 3. SATURDAY Boston 2. Toronto 5. New York 1, Montreal 3. here from the East at 1):4! unci district oi uermany, oep- cution.. by a "totalitarian and tember 24, 1943, and were buried anti.rellglous-. government, unidentifed in the village Th. Pontlff made his fifth SAM CARR CASE IS ADJOURNED p.m. Saturday, was at Pacific cemetery at Ursfield, 28 miles this morning waiting for the public corfdemnation of the castbound equipment to get southwest of Coblentz. Recently Cai.dinars sentence to a huge OTTAWA JJ) Sam Carr wa3 the remains have been moved crowd gatnered in the square today remanded until March 1 to the Rheinberg British Ceme-, . f t f st Peter's church, by Denutv Magistrate Joachita e pi;auisi goveminriit n k I lie pi rind III whiih "if be em l ie a on ami, i'T proposal iy iij,. have olfrred a ail revive Hie old Vjl S jeai l.iilmi'iil sclii me J Hew mii s. of Hie vohmiaiy ''itjMiich the li;,hrriiu'n tery, 11 miles northwest of He hinted that the Hungarian Sauve when he appeared in Duisburg, Germany. . government by some secret city police court on a charge of mpans hnd wtfune from the consoirlne with Russian em- FO Hadden gained his pilot's through. First of all, it was 24 hours late in leaving Jasper j due to a late connection from j Vancouver. Snow conditions j along the line Irom Jasper fur- ! ther delayed it and now it Is j Impossible for it to get in before j tomorrow morning. Unless' there Is an Improvement in wings at Dauphin in April, 1942 1 cardinal confessions of offences bassy officials to force pass- 1 a- iiwii movements. and proceeded overseas. He and of wWcn the. Primate was inno his comnanlons. acting as cent. pathfinders, failed , to return U HI TZ from a raid on Mannheim and ports. It was indicated that a request for bail may be made when Carr comes up again next week. RIOT CAUSED BY HjiMicnnaii he allow-fiinis tor the season '.'' and .r.l0t) pounds! ifi'ill'ee. LOCAL TIDES Tuesday, February 22, 1949 Northern British Columbia mining camp of Atlin appears in prospect. The provincial government haslready . pleded its slyire of the cost. Now the minister of mines Vncl resources, Hon. James A. McKinnon, advises E. T. Applewhaite, Liberal candidate tor Skeena, who has been active in the matter, that he is continuing to press for construction of the road and that he expects to secure favorable action in the matter within a few days. ISRAEL-EGYPT AGREE TIJli AVIV The Israeli cabinet has accepted draft of a compromise armistice with Egypt, an authoritative source reported last night. There whether Cairo officials was no immediate indication would also endorse the draft. , SEINER IS BURNED I i ELLA 15 ELLA The seiner Bernice L. was destroyed by fire here yesterday. It was towed away from the dock by another seiner, Otter Bay, and the fire burned out on a nearby island. DR. PR1NGLE DIES VANCOUVER Lev. Dr. George Pringle, 70 who spent ten years in the Yukon, was a padre in World War I after which he operated as a missionary along the coast with the boat Sky Pilot, is dead CZECHOSLOVAKIA WINS STOCKHOLM Czechoslovakia yesterday won the world's amateur hockey title with a 3 to 0 victory over Sweden in the final game. The defending Canadians were second after tying with Switzerland while United States was third, Sweden fourth, Switzerland fifth and Austria last. Canada was ahead of the United States in the goals for and against record. Canada's Sudbury Wolves had two victories, two ties and one defeat. NEW SKATING QUEEN OTTAWA Suzanna Morrow of Toronto won the senior singles figure skating championship Saturday, succeeding Barbara Ann Scott. Ontario skaters won nine of ten titles. Roger Wilson of Vancouver was the lone outsider, Vancouver winning the men's singles, in succession to Wally Deistle-meyer. The 18-year-old Morrow girl edged out . Patsy Earl of Toronto and Jean Matthews of Vancouver in the free-style event. 'Vs lay out H. High nothing was learned of the crew's fate until now. "Billy" Hadden was 23 years of age, skilled in violin music and prior to enlistment, was on the staff of The Canadian Fish and Cold Storage Co. here. 18.2 feet 16.1 feet 11.1 feet 6.0 feet 8:59 22:52 2:52 16:16 i ' i Mi MOVING PICTURE Low rn Hie first and .veil six days between fit. "f the "spiii," Sea- 1 ""t would allow a l:""S idler the seu- BERLIN W Enraged Polish Jews rioted before a British sector movie theatre today and for the second time blocked showing of the film "Oliver Twist" 1. then a shut- TODAY'S STOCKS (Courtesy S. D. Johnston Co. Ltd ) 1 J"ly I. oliieel ! M, snow coilUlllons, r may utt turned back from Terrace. There will be no more trains out now until equipment and crews get back In from the interior and are rested. Meanwhile divisional officials hoped today to biin in a freight train tomorrow morning carrying supplies of coal and meat which have been held up at Pacific in addition to a passenger train which may also arrive from the east tomorrow. Another complication which has been developing along the railway line has been the drying up of streams along the road which supply the trains with water. There is also a shortage of crews and equipment now against the backlog of tied up traffic after more than two weeks of serious traffic delays due to the unprccd-ented snow conditions. '"Hailmein. xehenie I 'iiil-tl to work out j " '"' prior to the r""" h.lienncn broke .32 .56 .28 .12 Aumaque Bcattie Bevcourt Bob jo ? i'""'U rules, the a lm "i"st Canadian Buffalo Canadian 16 Consol. Smelters 105.85 which they charge is anU-semitlc. Police used clubs and " fire hoses to hold back charging crowds of demonstrators but without much- success. In the milling crowd a British officer was beaten and several German policemen were injured. The Soviet - licensed press splashed headlines saying the British were sponsoring an antl-semitic moving picture based on the Dickens' novel. ""H II: her,,,,,,, r. i 1 ii hi t"'"1 to extend the to he regulated !hr , i. i " ' l.sston. ; ""'"lii'U also dis- f lit' I'lllS helAVe..,, M. and the f "t Owners f f'RiirditiR , i tie pay- , a puriion 'Wl'SI'S no , "oioiiione Vancouver Bayonne 06 Vz Bralorne , : 8.75 B. R. Con 03 i B. R. X :.. .10 Cariboo Quartz 1.40 Congress (ask) .05 Hedley Mascot 45 Pacific Eastern nil Pend Oreille 5 80 Pioneer 3.50 Premier Border 03'! i Privateer 19 Reeves McDonald 3.15 Reno ., .". 06 Sheep Creek 145 Silbak Premier 35 Taku River (ask) 37 Vananda (ask) .36 Salmon Gold 14 Spud Valley .-. .06 'z Oils- Auglo Canadian 4.M) -A. P. Con 23'2 Atlantic -80 Calmont ., ..43 Vz C. & E .. 5.35 Central Leduc 1-20 Home Oil 12 00 Mercury 12 Okalta 137 Pacific Pete 2.50 SWIM,!,,,. IN FAVOR OF COUNT t'l'iipnient In ni. n BETTER DRIVING IN PR. RUPERT Motor Traffic Is Having Serious Difficulties In Vancouver These Days Street conditions in Vancou ',,; ftipvit bo;,!, Conwest 1.25 Donalda .:........... ' .57 Eldona : 63 East Sullivan 2.92 Giant Yellowknife .... 5.40 God's Lake 42 Vz Hardrock 16 Vz llarricana 08 Heva -10V 2 Hosco .27 Jacknife .". .04 Vz Joliet Quebec 40 Lake Rowan 08Vz Lapaska 084 Little Long Lac .80 Lynx 12',4 Madsen Red Lake 2.74 McKenzie Red Lake .... ' .41 McLeod Cockshutt .. 1.06 Moneta 46 Negus - 2-.35 Noranda 57.50 Louvicourt .36 Pickle Crow 2.12 Regcourt 05 San Antonio : 4.10 OPKNS ASSEMBLY- President of Argentina Juan Pcron is shown at the presidential bench of the Chamber of Deputies as he addressed the opening' of the newly-formed Constituent Assembly fti Buenos Aires. Peron told Ids listeners that the new constitution, based on social democracy, "replaced liberal democracy." Argentina's majority party Peronista agreed to continue in force a provision of the 1853 constitution providing that the president may not serve consecutive six-year terms. K in .... . . and His Neck Saved by Deportation Being Ruled Out MONTREAL Count Jac the llsher- a Wun nut of their thick which makes driving very .PAUPERS KILLED hari,0,,s- BY FALL OF WALL in the . ,,Ui done r Her-t. ,r nrp f:ir worse for motor 1V..U1.V ,u. .a. i. a,., a ..vv, ,.,RHOM vall f ll.ltJP ques Duge de Bernonvllle may remain ln Canada as a polit . ,, .. !..' ,, ,i ii i.. ...in, .iirri.,,Hv traffic these days man wwgewie.. wall was roporled today to haw Prince Rupert, says Dougiuhj tlml buses aie "l'"1"- " killed or Injured several hund- VUlll,K Vi. Ill li.fcn nl to the cny, 8lu.ru.ge nas causeu , returned power -,ell who ml pcrsons Uncd up or food Vtymv two Ust week after spending withdrawal ot trwey m.ses o. ,mlltl.ouU ln Praia capital of course, a transportation mow- Caue Verde jand. There is weeks in the southern city on business. up Is the rcMiiu no official count of the dead but dispatches from Praia said ical refugee. In a Superior Court writ of habeas corpus by which the Count fought the order for his deportation, the ruling was in favor of the count. The order was found "irregular, Illegal and null and void." The Count is under sentence of death ln his native France for alleged collaboration with the Gcrmuns during the war. While packed snow nere nus Mr. FTizeU expects a good FAST RASKFTRAII actually improved the surface of J)pw ms at that 315 persons, many of them Senator Rouyn 442 u tflMM, mT'. uour-N'W Westminster vs. BOOTH .lie Greets in Vancouver uie ... ueau, were araggea irom me snow turned to slush under as 1' than had been ""j ruins. There was a long file of and then froze solid. Even pected. The used car market, beggars, under the tiled strip 8;30 1UKIAL H1GH-Prince Rupert Princess 374 Royal ' Canadian OO South Brazeau 18 Toronto Avhona 12' Sherrit Gordon 2.15 Steep Rock 1.50 Sturgeon River .17 Silver Miller 34 February 23-24 80c Pre!: St 50c (44) "tt miin downtown streets ne louna, weakening m muwu- iwi ai, uie jjour nuuse w lie 11 ' IU .,,,,11 .,11.,J on the immary Games Each Night is Ice four mcnesiver. i-uuaocu. now there