HOI ES FADE (Conlinucd tuun Page i prince Uupctr Dailtj J3ctos M'juoay, February 21, 1949 TODAY TO WEDNI " " """"-iii" mi i mini, il - 1 ' lT" j'V-'' U- -sr, . fws 'Vr 'Yt-Ai . . rV tit I I Reminiscences X Dy W. J. ami KIJ I.KCTIONS played a steady game which showed flashes of finesse at times. Morgan's took Wi shots and made 9. They scored 7 of 14 free throws, iwlrciiants took d9 shots and made 9. They made 0 of 12 free throws. Junior l ean lie North Star hi 4the Junior League was the second team to Jessoui's Weekly plant dc- Ktroycd by fire early in the win It lr ter. is now being rebuilt. The f Won ih tMt nowSi' 0 7 U'f iMf hWW cost of one of tne linotypes is ,$15,000. Thinking of starting a : little paper? It's such an in flinch top place In Its league! v. Z I I I as It defeated the High School team 30 to 21. The High teresting line of endeavour. 1 ill Within twenty-five years, say incn given to study and of some B'lt III!,,,!. vision, it will be possible to WINTER HARD ON SMALL BIRDS School loss all but eliminated 1 them from the playoffs. The first half was close with High School playing 'better bull than iii the past. Their close checking kept the North Star boys' from getting good clear shots' away. The half time score was' ""lU'-nre. ,, !",(TS h d,;,,t r 1, "if U-V I,...' travel to the moon in a rocket. The estiniatod distance is only 258,000 miles and the time 48 hours. Why smile that derisive smile? Half a century ago, had This lias been a rough winter Mi" make ( on the coast and Us effects ,0s and f'' have been felt not only by hu- W'luU-mans, who, despite unusually mills anyone foretold pictures that In favor of North Star 16-13. In the second half the more pvniTiiinf'rH MnrfH fit'ir cnuarl moved and talked, listening to snowfall's, have never prWn8 bottled up the High School and I ncayy ro.MP AND PAGEANTRY The Spanish court Torm the background for "Adventures of Don Juan," Technicolor romance. Viveca Lindfors (left is seen as Queen Margaret. Don Juan is played by Errol Flynn ( right i. Robert Douglas, Alan Hale also have featured roles. somebody singing or conversing on the other side of the globe, flying miles high and the disappearance of horses his mental been without food or shelter small bn4 ,,: but on wild life as well. Junkers, bltW b Particularly haid hit by the w'iiih n. ,' PEOPLES STORE i SPRING 5 5 COATS S ; SUITS 2 DRESSES Look-New ! Feci New! Z lie New! Z : " rupert : PEOPLES STORE ; blanket I balance might have been wnicn shuts oli wurcc t iiv., snow their birds source of food arc the snowed Ull(jer i Diefenbaker For j Less Hl-Will OTTAWA Less ill-will of a their shooting paid off hi points. The High School picked off most of the rebounds but could not turn them Into field goals. High School took 45 shots and scored '10. They made 1 of 4 free thru. North Star took 53 shots and made 13. . They scored 4 of 11 free throws. Individula scoring: which remain here to Tllie Ulllv Timely Topics from Terrace Mrs. C. K. De Kergommeaux, Terrace Reporter brighten the winter monihs. hclpjc! ;i, , Bird lovers say that when deep people to snow covers inc ground, as it food ""I fur t, Tomorrow, February 22, is the birthday anniversary of George Washington, himself of English ancestry. He could never have Imagined such a difference between a couple of other Georges the Third and the Sixth. has done for the last few One of the w5ist blizzards of gers on Wednesday's CP A, the season raged in Terrace on months, the small creatures arc almost entirely dependent TrA't.RATr plane, returning from a trip to Prince Rupert. personal nature, while speaking on the floor of the Holise is urged by John G.- Diefenbaker, Progressive-Conservative of Lake Centre. Saskatchewan. Speaking before crowded galleries he deplored examples of "declarations of hatred and contempt." He " asked for a return of " paiiia- on human aid to Survive. AIR PASSENGERS To Vancouver D. K. Wilson, Thursday with temperatures very low and a biting wind blow all day, slackening off towards regulation of i through i" r. Senior Bo-Me-Hi Flatcn 13, Davidson 1, Olson 4, Carlson 5, Spring 10, S. Scherk 6, Webster 1, Sun-berg 242. Co-op Lindsay 14, Macphee Cold and lack of food can W. Jefferson, C. N. Shears, H. Hugo Kraupner and J. late afternoon and aathcriiiL'1 . nauj Harry cause the s.nall birds to perish surface of me'. British Columbia, seen in the middle of a mean winter, still has power to enchant. Colonel force a-rnin on Fi irlnv mnrnina. " ' ""LC paia a a Helgerson. To Sandspit-F. West. The frozen water main situation From Vancouver E. G. Zaeli- brief visit to Terrace on Wednesday, returning by plane the same day. mn,""J turn:.... mi- ex- 20 Beynon 12, Dominate. Alex-change of terms of abuse had ttndcr 5, Murray. H. Holkcstad same in the o. .Lancaster, icnin unurka i still remains the Rifles, on leave from his post i centre of town ner, Miss V. Tattersall, G. Dyb-havn, J. Jcfferies, D. Johnson been true of all sides of the House. "During the past two oi three days," said Mr. Dicfen- Mrs. E. S. Laird relurncd! The basketball team, which Daily News crassiried Ads get Quick Results! had been stalled in Terrace after ' baker, things have been said as military attache to the British Embassy in Afghanistan, has been spending a few days on the coast for the first time. '"Beautiful as Kashmir," lie remarked, taking a look around. il 1 ! home on Wednesday's plane from a few weeks' holiday in Vancouver. Featured To Clear! Your Choice 97c LEATHER PPICTl'RE FRAMES WRITING. CASES ITII.ITV CASES, xippir PIRSES, MOCCASINS, GLOVES a trip to Telkwa made use of i which might well have been left the basketball facilities at the ' unsaid." Civic Centre while here and the! , ; local boys were matched against SHOOTS I'KIEST The terse colonel said it. 51. Intermediate Morgans Hills 5, Eidsvik 4, Brew 2, Seharff 4, Boulter 9, Lien, Jones, Watson 123. Merchant! Hebb 11, Anderson 4, Youngman 2, Oweus 4, Moore 8, Mercer 130. Junior High School Hamilton 2. Smith 2, Clark, Hills 10, For-man 5, Jeffries, Vance 2, Shep-pard t 21. North Star J o h n s e n 2, IN Mrs. Florence Bailey and daughter, Lucille, were passen- them. The new Canadian Army dress CATHOLIC CHURCH NEW YORK Aii ,u nkno w n man walked into a Roman Catholic Chiuch of St. John the FRANCOIS LAKK MANX WATER PIPES FREEZE will include bedroom slippers and pyjamas, bath towels, gabardine rain coats, and zippcred overshoes. There has. however. IN THE SUPREME CQURT OF BRITISH COLUMBIA IN PROBATE v in II H' M.illir ir I ln ".X'liiiliiKtnition Act'' Ami III till' M.I 1 1 IT ul till' KM a 1 1' of Jinni'v 1.1'flii' KiiIiIiimiii, liiMi'iisi'il, liiti'Mutr. TAKP NOTICE that by Order ol His Honor fvtdtie W. t. Fulton. Local Judge of the Supreme Court of British Columbia. 1 was on the 17th day of February. A D 1H49. appointed Administrator of tht estate of James Leslie Robinson, o! Ocean Falls, British Columbia, who cn;d on or about the 4th day of October. I!48, ut Ocean Falls, Brltinh Colum Mrs. Earl Hanke returned After three clear cold dayslhome last Sllturclay afternoon Martyr, in tills city, and un-during which the winter's min-lwitn her bay son- Since she wrapping a llfie, fired into a Walsh. 7. Simonson 9, Young 4, been negligence. Some one forgot to order the regulation quan imuni thermometer readimr of tlle rami'y has moved down confessional, wounding a priest,' Currie, Sather 5, Sedgwick 3, tity of toilet water. 12 above was recorded it cloud- to the Co"P Mil1 settlement, i Rev. Vincent J. Campbell, in the ' Ketcheson- 30. cd up at Prince Rupert late' 1 Sunday and more snow has Arnie and Robert Peebles and The exporting of morioeles to bia. All persons Indebted to the leg. He then fled, pursued by a woman, who lost sight of him within a few "blocks. The wounding was not. serious. Soviet Russia made the Briti.sli since followed. Plumbers had Hush Neave drove to SmUhers j 518 3rd Atc W. n,,,J I said estate arc required to pay the liinount of tlieir tudcblrdiu'iui to me House of Commons laugh, when ' their scr vices beinu cleinnriiri on Wednesday afternoon re- "CANDLE -FISH" Before the advent of candles the oolichan, an oily Pacific Coast lisli was dried and fitted with a wick and used for lighting purposes. acivistect to that effect by Har-. winter in Prince Rupert with turning on Thursday evening, .old Wilson, president of the'th einr services hnino ficm-niHii ' . ! 4 BUSES FOR S rulth Willi and ull persona havlux cliiiniH uu'.ilnst tl wi til Estiitc rfi required to file them with me properly verified on or before the 31st rlny of Mnrch, 1!49.' fuilini; which rllwIcil.titlf.M will ha ,ti,ln t.,,ii,,r Board of Trade. To picture to repair frozen water nines nil I A r.vriimi.ni v.rn..i..i ori.ic. SITTING BO UKNE, Kent. Eim. (P A modern piep piper is wanted.- People have reported Premier Stalin wearing one, over the city, some with m- lng about the sales tax has been Mul rewird only to such cinims of which somenow sirucK the Attlee gov- , Darrassmg consequences throughout large rats, and sewers are be-. ; ing baited with poison. visiting the stores the district. I shiill have been notified eminent in its most sensitive ( tiple piumbing crews were be-funny bone and it's not at all 1 kept busy over Saturday surprising. i and Sunday. For immediate delivery, inter-city k-f hteel construe linn. SuitaMc for mV r any special work involving pawner lion. Ideal as travelling showrooms r h as nioliilc office and living- miarlm nn a DATED ut Prince Rupert. B.C., 1 7th day of February. A D. 11(49. GORDON PHASER FORBES Official Administrator Prince Uupert, B.C. (Ml Miss L. J: Brunton, Francois Lake teuehefc and Mrs. Mead. Danskin teacher, attended the M'hmil nwi'lii-iir mi cj-i f i n-,1., i, .,r '4 ;: SI I It J ! i i j j Union steameis CotjuiUam and C.'imiram u!.ip ii. h.ii l, l t . """"'""J : , "-tn.,1 ternoon in Burns Lake ia.su nigni.. ine lonncr, m com BUS PARTS FOR i NOW AVAILABLE Itus d'eneralors, 'ol(aj:e U"4iil.ilr man or CapU Harry McLean, arrived at-11 a.m. from Musselt and Port Clem'rnls and sailed at 10 p.m. for Butedale, Naniu, Weslview and Vancouver. The latter, captained bv John Borlcti The school children had a holiday on Monday on account of the Ski Meet in Burns Lake. They have missed several clays on account of the extreme cold since Christmas. IVont and Rear Axle Asm-hiIiI'cn I With all the lu'avy work necessary In righting Nature, now going on, one is reminded of the time Billy Vaughan Davies, now in Victoria, played a minor role In that sort of thing. Playing is right. One evening in the Presbyterian Church he was accompanying a solo. The. composition called for smiting the piano keys, to smite them thrice, and loud enough . to be something like modified thunder. Not Tar away bull-dozers "were at work at the dry dock site, and Steering ('ear Assemlilies, I'riu' line.' Civic Centre Dates - . TUESDAY Sports a ni. , 0:00 -I5o Me - III Gym Class p.m. 3:00- Ann unciatioii Gym Class 3:30 - Rup-Ree Jr. Hoys School ISuskrlliiill ,rat;u' 4:00 Annunciation Vs. Iligl 4 4:45-High 3 and Borden Basketball I.eaRiie Games arrived at 5:30 p.m. and sailed After a -very cold spell it was at 11 o'clock for Port Simpson,1 quite mild on Sunday with a All these parls will sell at greatly rtiiw set of :t:t-l)elu Kecliner Mohair I'm-nK condition. WRITE OR I'ltoNE WHSTKKN CANADIAN CKKVU-O1. Calvary, Alia. nine iiiin ana Stewart whence warm wind blowing. she will return here tomorrow morning and sail at 1:30 p.m.1 The farmers' Institute dance lur Vancouver and wayuoints. held in u,r h:,u k,i,,,,i., irom that quarter came .three 11 yl- au iau -sized lists , evening was not as well attend V.1 ". i precisely precisely' the tne same time that Mr. Davies mm. was m,lll,w. getting b:J0 -Junior: Kinsmen vs.1 " fall in Jessie: "I hope that I love wil.li :i riniei 4 (11 O H in his work in the church. Thev LOOK FOR THE NEW RED AND WHITE GOLD SEAL LABEL ed as was hoped, but it was a bitterly cold night. The excellent music of the Wistaria 'Orchestra was enjoyed and jour sets of square .dances went off with a swing. : some CANADIANS ALL John Fisher, noted CBC commentator who says It is absurd there should be distinction between French and English-Canadians. They should be "Canadians" with no hyphenation. There could a n d should be a belter understanding between them in the Into esls of Canadian unity. synchronized perfectly. Anvone would have been excused for Dorothy "Why" ........ uuwiug ins acKiiow- Jessie: "Oh. because I've, ril lodgments. ways- wanted to be a duchess.' Rupert Hotel 7:15 Women: Peoples Vi Doms' 8:00 Intermediate: Fashion vs. High School 9: 15--Senior: Savoy vs Ilrown woods Special p.m. 4:00 - Junior Hoys and Teen Girls Lcuthercruft 7:30 - Mixed Advanced Leal.hercraft 11:00 - Symphony Orchestra 8:00 -Bridge Lessuns 8:00-J.C.C. Public, Speaking Mrs. William Mummery and son Gary, are staying with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Kncfe, for a week or two. Mrs. Keefe returned on Saturday afternoon from Vanderhoof and, although able to be up and around, will not be utile to do much for quite a while. Newly Re-Oj COFFEE SHOP 351 West Tltii'l COMI'LISTELV RKNOVATKO AND llW BiirriiR than kvek IT PAYS TO ROLL YOUR OWN' Willi Cars and trucks are coming across lhe lake all the time now and there is a regular highway across the ice. '. Downy-Flakc Do-Nuts Our Sr Cigarette Tobacco Mi l l( I. Exiiiuliwitiims fur the pusitloii of AsHLsliuit. Porist Huimir will hr. he ld lit the follow I crntri'H ut tin: dnt;ps 1111(1 tlnil'H iHliCflt.Cf. Mmidiiy. I'rhruiiry 21ll.li, U;0(l u.in., Prlnct! Hupiirt. Tucsclny. March Int. l):00 u.in , Trrriire. TlHirwliiy. March 3rd, 0:00 ii in., 8inll.hrrH. 1-Yiclny. March 4t.li. B:tK) u.in,, DuriiH Ijiki". Appllciiilnii forms anil full jmr- FOR Workmen ONLY rioncer Drybuik CuaU 8.25 J'ionecr Dryhaik Tants Sfi.!l5 Khaki ( fiveralls $5.15 l-nim rants, 8-oz $3.50 I-nini I'anls, B-oz $,i.75 Denim ('overalls, B-oz. $5.10 Denim Rih Coveralls . $4.(15 l) niin Smocks $1.85 I'.lue a,-vl Wliite Itoilermaker Coveralls ji.gj Khaki Pants -Group 1 $4.50 Khaki I'anls Group 2 $4.80 Painters' Overalls $1.05 Sleelhill Pants $1.75 Moleskin Tants $5.95 Heavy Humphry Fishermen's Pants .. $11.1)5 Diouhlc Diamond Pants $5.45 Ironman Pants $5.50 Kannoeklmrn Pants .... $8.50 MILD, SWEET, BRIGHT VI NOW is the Ti0 R G ticulars nuiy oht,ulin:d from thoj i Is Your Radio Sick?: BRING YOUR RADIO RADIOPHONE SET TO ' Ken's Radio Clinic for SATISFACTORY SERVICE ; Dealers for GENERAL 1)1! Y MATTERY ! AND WES'I INOIIOCSE I 71U Second Ave. .Phone 53 i m iiTil'ti ii'iwinj in vnnr rci rip ' numb v 1 1 en 1 o iii ,f-1''" . .,r w, ,;ii iw, ,..1... 1 .icwi vnii in IIV Will IJU Kltl IV tl'-"'fv incnU coi)tcnilaU'l. Have your machine clucked toH'f (lition for the lieavy work sca-jnj CAR WASHING and SIMONIZING Protect the finish of your car from severe weather conditions. We offer prompt service und our prices are WANTED Empty Beer Bottles CITY TRANSFER MILL COI Il CT THEM AT l'OIR DOOR . TlilN DlKl.nct Fori'stcr ut Prlncn Rupert or the F'ori'st IttuiniT's office nt cx-iimlimt.ion centres. Completed application forms .should be forwarded l,o the Dlftrtct Forester by February i!2nd. or fulling this mtiKt l! presented to the. examiner at the time ol the examination. These, examinations are lielnu con-dueled to establish eligible lists for l!H! fire season employment. Kroni such lists appointment to positions now viiciint will be made aeoordliiK to emididatps' stniidlni,'t In the ex-atniniittoiiK. fundidnli'B must he citizens or one of tlx' nations or the British Coni-lu Ihii.lsh Columbia for one year inoiiweKlth. una must have resided The cnudldiite must be physically eppublr of the woik. (;niidlrlat,i;s must he 2! yeHis of n.n.. but some exceptions may le made depending on the CHiidlUale's kUiiuIIiik In the cxanilnatlon, and men between the lines of IB and 21 years are not ex KtiE US FOR YOUR RHHit'"'- nr.. 11 1. :.. '..ilM 1'' SAXOY! HOTEL uaiK-in or iu'aiii-i '""" Bob Parker's Acm vuimiim 111 Domestic KcfriKt'itrs UPTOWN SERVICE STATION CARTONED OR LOOSE WE PA-Y CASH PHONE 950 Carl Zarelli, Prop. I'HONE 37 r.O. Bx 54 FKASER STREET PRINCE RUPERT ! Northern B.C.PowerCj I o riI0E 210 or 20! V J;', ; 1" ( ; t ;. I.J CLOTHING STORE 2nd and Mcltride OR Phone 791 cluded lion. i rum tuning the txnmlnu-1 No examination fee is charged. 7.t4,21) '.'.iptva'iiiii (tuV'mwU-VO!". 9 '(ITIWWt'iPP " J 1 I :-