Prince Rupert Daily News Tuesday. February 7. 19."C I Modern Eiiimciil Added To Canadian National Fieri Warm I Victoria Report i Vr.drP'nr'Pnt rin"T n,";PaP"r devoted In tif iipl.nllcnn of Prlnre Rupert I Ai.horiwl a- sv,nd C!n Mall. Post Offir- Denartment. Ottawa) . en o 5"?!7l.?2-liy J"'" , M 3rd Avenne. Prinre K..rt. iirltlM. Columbia. mitmbfr hffEMPRR !tk OF ;";!a'I,,':1''e: K"'"'- " O. PERRY, MsnaKlng Direr-tor. CANADIAN PRESS ATOIT PUKRAU OF CIRCI'LATIONS CANADIAN DAILY NEWSPAPER ASSOCIATION , SUBSCRIPTION RATB3 m-, UUy carrier. Per Week. 2Cc: Per Month. 75c: Per Year. .800. Si?Sstr BJ Mall. Per Month. SOc; Per Year, IS 00 $Ve' S 9 JacketJ I , . bv J. K. Nesbitt i , Wouldn't Snow On Opening: Day He a Shame Rumblings In Coalition VICTORIA The capital is hoping and praying j the snow will he gone by Valentine's Day. That's the dav thp session miens. It's a rlav hn Men's Di tCSi'. Pure wool Town Planning Rennlr. CN R is holiest user of dioscl loco-inoiive power in Canada. System total is now 148 units and in additional arc on order. Ntiad dicsi-N are Ir-Ihk tested in transcontinental la.ssenRer service. Tliirty-eifilit units of modern sleep- j ing car eiiiipnient and lounge car-were aiiiloi to service in anil 7') are silieduleil lor lliis year. C.VK carried 14 million revenue paenaers I last vear. j More tlian ?MH) new freight car units were added to service in New equipment included Kinilnlas. triple hosiers, reeiers, l.uiKs, Uj and auto-tnolnle ivirs. (. K movei! nearly 77 "nili, .u revenue toi'sul in igli: hist year. nrJNCE RUPERT IS no longer a citv of temnor- , . j j ,, .... the ladies appear in their new Spring finery, when Now Men's Drosl SOX Bignf, From I 'AYV flWfjltari lint 1 KnrtAmiMn. .i.-.-.,,-..,.... ...... ;tne lirst him ctuc-us crocuses are are usually usuany in in bloom oioom in in the me lawn lawn oi of "y ""-""""g cuiiitntiiiiLv oi pc!-; manent residents. It is. or should he, developing a j the Legislative Buildings, it would be disgraceful, civic pride and a consciousness of its own appear- ; a civic shame, loyal Victorians think, to have the op-. ance. Apart from all that, it should be thinking in f erring in the snow. terms of comfortable and congenial living, not only Au January victoria had snow of the people who are already here but of those who jaml b!izzards such as few 0l- the Tory wing of the cabinet, ' timers could recall. Icicles hung , Finance Minister Anscomb is W Q rvrt1.- tn!n 1 ,i .u. R ay Reflects . . . n- Reauln, RHEUMATISM! ARTHRITIS!- ' Their terrible pain Is often neediest NowonlvSlrf and llemiiiisci' . . . tv. iimhc wicii iioiiies ami Llie IlUIll- irom eaves in Hip rw tm ,.r .v. ,.. . To bring qufclt relief from pain rlu to rhum 1 imm, Mrlhritw, winlira, lurribKU mart Beuntia, i 1 s kH)til of !)!.( IN tobifUi ttMiav! Mmit ; iieuplft who have uflrretl trtHn ulbiiiK; linf tt l'll ill'wlliiK li.-.f ...,. ",i '-Canadian h.l.Un o-i . . . ,,m ..v tuoir iiih liicil ici maiifiiL iiitinsi v s , -i.i.uuiaii laouiuu, miu vsci.ipueu so coon a man to run th n .c OVERCOATS styles. Sofris' WOfl Clofh, g- coming andmore livintr will be required five feet high alollg sidpwlk': -32 ar old Lloyd De.wiiier S" than f0'10? a,;e receiving collPg- iiiuif. space Mill lie ICIJUIICU. Virtorians! Prnmhipri rfou .v,. tin i . . W l0"k at 't. If SOme iitte , traillillC in British Pnllimhin lh" eoiulilKin. runni.t limiw whut joy and Town planning has been proposed in Prince Pu.JuTXT pi 7 and iVX! e unk win i the ,u- They are Jng putCSed -'XT .. . it- , , i ...... ' " nlm y tUie be Davillir for nmnor lhi., K .-J ---j . ." have !n helped l,y IMIl.ClN. s-zes l-'i-i l ut-iui e i)Ul noinmg very milCll nas ever been i weary oi sioKing nres. to get hospital insurance out of u .v, . r B'auea ana wasnea, k.ui.. am what cunt. iy doi.c in i ' . xi omy ine snow is gone tne a mess.- ff ' V . ren 'n a ;d.uuu:iNt.u.i....vii.ii. ! - "oi, . . :day the House all will, be . i-ii 1 , , , opens Youne ConservativeR p inct sures which have never been very strictly invoked . l0rKiven. a, ,rnlaZTZJZn 1.5 iaiu on a nine CJlSier 10 SIU11C. IlOllrlSh. It Used tO be "run Over Inmnu-nona roina with n h a. kR. lt j ; Cwm, . Irtli.t IN eilttw V"U Itu it uiy iieip ynu litw., 10 tne Corner and get a peck Of ,nd iruv u be 0. very ninlir.ui yu nrad. ' Rn and nuieed, nave neen auei'ea when circumstances voune Libera s A New Jerst-v wnmnn rmxirto , WP vii,, iiun.reni nh ii.n .u ; kl,... . i f . . . i TUy -r t ., ..... ...u. .m.i,.niHl liv ei I rtnt! linn. 'I Iim i WIIIV The 01 more or less doubtful excuse arose. . I i i I A heroic action , 1 nuises jne younger J -' - O ' element '"""iiV in III the LI1C 10 Pllce she sprained her thumb ,1,ii;7-;n:i1,m,,iu.-t-.ryii1 tt:i 1 a , . . T..., , "'-v wuson ana Ajieen tsona m .conservative party know fhero ,, those , ,. , , thevre , . are interested . in the orderly system-; I fighting an epidemic of diPh-! finished unless they J cs- get v- on the Ull II tne policeman was expected - v. vv. v to London tOnt.) Free Press is well wh.-ui-ih hiiu o-tn niy Vuuc . Ikilein Limit!, Turonto 10. Ontario. , .ic ttvfitijiiiifiii 01 me CUV along attractive and ! "lel,a a ,s"'aiea innian res- own. They want the Conserva- a about it is not made clear. stocked with unusual reading modern Ines who feel that real town nlannino- i :frvation- as rpPoi-ted by this col- tives in Opposition the next four DetI0't Free Press. - ' matter. When London was a vil- IJIiIU,1to lb umn last week, brought British years with Mr. Ansromb lase. it :& Iieceitv replac- seems there was a law lirireilt Tbm- 1 ' lhej aie a advocating t he-j Columbia a great deal of public- . tnE Harold Winch' as Leader of An , whereby a widow, when she mar- netting up of a town planning commission to consist 1 ity- I ! the the Opposition. Opposition. They They know know this this toT n IfMr (, f T ' thiS rieci a. brought all of her first of citizens of special qualifications who would act as L?frtaJn raen is !? the the only only chance chance Uie the Conse' doubts, take iJTntZ hu'sband's gainst her new Conservatives Classified ad., orinr; results. an M.lvin-v l.rwl,. i fi n , , , I.1 . " " have nave oi of forming iorming the the eov- gov- flffi. ,,. " , nusDanu, unless they were mar- . I Flowers fur ; - j 300 3in Ave. E. '-'".v . L-uuiicu. aucn a OOCIV . Magazine - is carrying an item-, ....... ernment Hi- in in the nic next next eWtion election. . .7 "" m a ried rled on on the the corner corner nf of a a st street. In nue. would maive recommendations and Crystallize ideas ,anatllan Broadcasting Corpora- I hey know, too, that i they stay some cities out west, for example, tli .'-it fnnlrl -it lnot Un .M-,.-.;rl.. J i... ii. -i uu" i"i i leuuns one as unnrrr nc to ttn I ihi. the practice migh!, putting it V VVUIH II.. beamed ftVPIW! th nthnr nn thootl 1 tlu.j . . . n..i t nun. u. i For Fnend! KEAi. ESTATK INSURANCE INCOME TAX RETURNS I'KEPAHr'J) And Advice In , ; - ""j" uc uiiisiiru, entirely i-nnce rtuperi s puDIlc library U1,U1,J u" finoarrassijig. mum- T..- r i . in main aS, 1 lllice lUipert can SO far be con- e. nightly News Round-up. No- swamped under when the people is coming along well and while on Kldered. like Topsy, to have "just growed." It is ill"- ne WaS a this ex- next go to the polls. the subect how many recall the I British children now get free deed, about time M0 nurses' who merely But how to out of time w'hen Andrew some real idea Were beino- con- get Coalition Carnegie orange juice from the guvern- 'ceived T Wre ding th6ir and not anny tne Public ls the offered a Iibrary building to the ment. Their parent, on the li. E. -MOIiTI.MEK 324 2nd Ave iN.-ar c:H'H . -o "v..v.. wimci lauica " ...... ...o ,cin7i usi LJf uiin iiuuu, fctt 1ICI UUllalia till. 1 took iook their meir chances cnances nl at ihe the electinn election h"" Politely rejected. icjectea. And Ana there tnere was Building, Ins; Decoration ISLAND BUILDERS' General Bui 50.". Mi I'.ridr St j I The Conservatives still look for iast. June. They were elected as a nothing small or shabby about ! a good excuse to split Coalition. Coalition. one of Ar'Ws They .didn't think for gifts, then. Prince ! They had hoped the hospital in- one minute they would came out awav back In 1909 or 1910, how- surance confusion wnulrl oivo it . .. ... . ever filing ,1.. , .. PriiLlCIZINC, ELECTIONS Dr. J. F. L. Hughes left aboard the Coquitlam today for a visit to Vancouver. K 10 GENERAL ELECTION in Great Britain h - " ui me election wnn many iewer ""ru me uescripuun. J ' t- tlinw D,,t 4 V, i , ... MEN'S 10" LACED RUBBER I XI - i..,n , uccu aCii- legislative seatsthan the Liberals. ! , , ., ,. I N eNei p.t.Mded as attractive a field for so many 'us enough. The conservatives Coalilion wm ,Qbab -different forms and types of publicity as the one !fnn he pT!op!e wa"1 h;)spital smoothly enough through the x i r , . (insuiance. II tracy attacked its . .7 taking place now. It IS not SO much a matter of in- ! administration by the Liberal Cmm8 SPSSum- There will be in-; terviewino-leaders. iwini creasl6 discontent, but it win be ; venortW meetino-, nrl nwa5tia of the cabinet the nhi, . ' . .. . ' " " " . . , .J " r smothered, if at all possible, until mit the nnll Tt is rlitnn-.r1v mnvo tViot, TV.,f T , might get the idea the Tories are J ,. . : , , , i wicui uioi. uuiitiuii, no.ainct w,i,, , autnc uuu excuse can De iouna, m MILL SNACK Bigger or .v.,.u M Ji'ftl 11UIJI HUH, . , Conservatives will take no chance i 0 ' already the home of thousands of trained observers, Js the-present objective of special writers from al over the globe. Many will view developments from the standpoint of where they come from. The attitude of parties, the w hite-collar workers, personal-cities, defence, finance, food these represent only :. the' beginning as typewriters click, dispatches are ' filed and the voices of broadcasters are heard from sea to sea. ,eCR HAMB'J' Better oiu AX' Full Cmirsf 5-7?: DPEN 6 a m ( Special Salt' of English ( 'lifts find Sfi u cits 95 cents We have just received a large shipment from England and in order to get a lower price we had to order more than we want to keep in stock at one time. We are offering the surplus at a low price to reduce stock. All are English bone -hina in various attractive patterns. SEE OUR WINDOW SALE LASTS ALL THIS WEEK $575 FAMILY SHO i on that- They know hospital in-' surance is here to stay because I the public demands it. ' The Conservatives take great ; pride in the fact that the unpal-; atable sales tax has been most j successfully administered under letterbox ! AND XOW CATS! j Editor, Daily News: j As so much has been written ! about dogs, I think it is high i time something was done about l cats in this town. For months a j mother cat and three kittens ( .Inst oft T:. h fith St. Ph " GREATER THAN NIAGARA STORE LIMITED Charlie Ruberts Ird Ave. Iinx fifi! !h. 357 WHEN CANADIANS view Niagara they usually conclude that nowhere else in their countrv can the sioht be eoualled. Like thp mainritv V1CKERS' IS DISllltiO IN CANADA AWD 15 DISTtllUTtD ir CatVfrt , This advertisement is not published or dis. j played by the Liquor Control Hoard or by the Government of British Columbia. . of thp nnnilbltid'l throi- tvnvulc tVivrmrrVi tVin Tlnmin.. Baps i (have have been wished on us as we . .... , . . . - have a shed and owners harl nr. JOHN H. BULGER OI'TOMKIKIS-I mmion may he said to have been restricted, lens ot ( shelter. Now, due to cold and , thousands have never crossed Canada, and seen the ; hunger, one died and another is; If Winter c Spring be ft Use Boptonc decoro' vjreat LaKes. racuic s one or tne Maritime nro- " au,""u,"6 e done about such cases? Is the t'JXtM MK.VMFK town not large enough for the S.P.C.A.? Thanking you, I remain. MRS. NELS RUUD, . 15 '9th Ave. West. Thompson r Celt John Bulger Ltd Third Avenue I m 1 1. .-grc iflfaV"- u vinces. j t Rut let's get back to Niagara! Newfoundland's prei.iier, in a speech the other evening, described a flight over parts of Labrador and, by the time he finished, the celebrated fall in Ontario seemed to have shrunken. He admitted having viewed in Labrador the most awe-inspiring sight ever witnessed "a falls, far higher and broader than Niagara." And he had lived much of his llife unaware there was such spectacle. PRINCE GEORGE SAILS FOR VANCOUVER and Intermediav. Ports Each Thursday at 11:15 p.m. HOLLYWOOD cafe MOST UP-TO-DATE CAFE IN THE CITY ,;, HOTEL ARRIVALS Prince Rupert Charles Cameron, Victoria; Mr. and Mrs. W. Harvey, Montreal; Doug Boult, Prince George; G Joy, Prince George; Ian Gal-'oway, Vancouver; Mrs. G. Parsons and daughter, Douglas, Alaska; Clara Zach, Mount, SHOE SALE EVENT a OPEN FROM 3:30 P.M to 3:30 A.M. vve Specialize in Chinese Dlshea OFF CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING IN THE DAILY NEWS PAYS! Kor KETCHIKAN WEDNESDAY MIDMUII1 For Reservations Write or Call Oregon; Mrs. T. Hoffman. Ter-' CHOP SUEY-CIIOW MEIN For Outside Orders I'lIONF 133 ace; D. Murnhv. Rastit- t Vi TO Va OFF REGULAR PRICES w. verier, city; Mrs. G. F. Snow- ! den, Vancouver. CITY OR DEPOT OFFICE PRINCE RUPERT B.C. BROWNWOOD PHONE , 79 PHONE 79 Mr. and Mrs. P. Harvey sailed 'his afternoon on the Coquitlam for a trip to Vancouver. Mr Harvey ls identified with the Dominion Bridge Co. here IHaHurr ORMl tarntary DRUGS J DRin 1FU1R SALE FUR COATS Clearing or the . Lowest Prices in Years BUY NOW and SAVE 40 EVERY COAT GUARANTEED F0WLIE & RUTTLE' Limited PRESCRIPTION CHEMltf STORE IIOUPJ3-WEEK DAYS. A.M. TO' SUNDAYS' AND HOLIDAYS--12 NOON 7 P.M. TO 9 P.M. HOURS Weekdays 9 a.m ro 9 p m Sundys 12 Noon to 2 p.m. 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. SIXTH STREET AND THIRD AVENUE Ad.Crtr"' Til- C-r,-, M.lii,w "Remember that unbreakable watch of yours? Dally car delivery aervtee trom 9 a m. till 0 p.m. Emergency from 7 pm and S! . Well ,it wasn't!' fftjffiWWIIWIWIIWWIWWWIW !