Til' Frinee Rupert Daily Hew? lr Tuesday, February 7, 1950 vs Liquor Control clal Hotel Board. Time Table TIAIK SCHEDULE f or the East. j Monday, Wednesdayj Friday 8:00 p.m. From the Eat . ." Tuesday, ..Thursday, Saturday . 10:13 pin. I Feb. 5 Savoy vs. Roval Hotel To M To ln,Ut . ol 8dertisin. ; Liquor Control Board vs W.E.AC., Basketball league schedule for the remainder of the 1949-50 sea- i Schedule For 10-Pin Bowls Friday Feb. 10 Mugwumps vs. Clover-leafs, A E. Smith vs. Gyro, Para-mounts vs. Leftovers, City Transfer vs. Thorn Sheet Metal. Feb. 17- Thorn Sheet. Mptnl t.c rr. Kupert Plumbing vs Commer-! clal Hotel, Grotto vs 09 Taxi, j Fe"x 1299 Taxi vs Pr. Hupert Plumbing, Commercial Hotel vs , Grotto, Liquor Control Board vs i Royal Hotel, W.E.A.C. vs Savoy. Classified ads Brag results. It's business wise to advertise. son is as follows: Feb. 7 Rupert Hot'ei vs. Stones, High School vs. Peoples, Merchants vs. North Stur, Brown-woods vr;. Co-op. Feb. 11 Kinsmen vs. Bov 'aKe thij i 'l-u. j liquor control Hnnrri Trn7frr. "I ity ' vs Savy- W EA C vs Royal Hotel. Scouts, High School vs. Sea Cad-1 ie-Tr V Clover- Commercial Hotel vs 99 Taxi, Pr. ets. Merchants vs. Fashion, Bo-Me-Hl vs. Brownwoods. Feb. 14 Stones vs. Boy Scouts. Dora's vs. Peoples. Fashion vs. i wZ . P ; RPWt Plumbing vs Grotto. ..Feb.. 24 A. E. - Smith vs. Mu- . fl wumpS,CyrovSCtoverleafs.LefU!QF,b- 26-Grl Vs WEAC-overs VK Thorn Sheet kfe". SaVy VS Comm-'rcilI Hotl. Pr. ' "' vs Li- Con-MunonK.. Paramos f'T Cit, Transfer "" - t , i"'"1 Roarfl- Royal Hotel vs 99 Taxi. i North Star, Bo-Me-lli vs. Co-op. ! Feb. 18-Rupert Hotel vs. Sea 1 M'ir' 3Cay 1 lansf,'r v- Gyro, mounts vs. A. E slilh m, leafs W Thorn Sheet Metal. TuTf' VC("- rial Hotel, Giotto vs Savoy. 99 SuMay. iTaxi vs T .iniir rnni-nt . ' Jan. 29 Pi", KUDert Pllimhlnrr Pnu.il IT,ii..l .... n.. r t i " . i v.- t i . ii.il mi-i l 1-llllUD- ing . vs. W.EA.C, Savoy vs 99 Taxi. Royal Hotel vs Grotto. Commer- , Cadets, Kinsmen vs. High School, iNoi lh Star vs. Merchants, Co-op vs. Brownwoods. Fi b. 21 - -Sea Coxlels vs. Stones High School vs. Doni's, Fashion vs. Merchants, Brownwoods vs Bo-Mc-Ill. F. b. 25 High School vs. Boy Scouts, Kinsmen vs. Rupert Hotel, North Star vs. Fashion, Co-;u vr. Bo-Me-Hl. F. b. 2S Peoples vs. High PfhiMil, Merchants vs. North Star, Brownwoods vs. Co-op. iMens Bowling league Schedule hadtome nj lZ contribution to Britain's drive for dollars is this Brttl.Ji Hush Commissioner's offiee In Ottawa re port a number of Canadians have submitted bids. i 'V. r. i-iiuiu Feb. . 13 J. C.'s No. 1 vs Odd- 4. ' - foil,,,,-, t f ht i ... A.i , Storapp VS Trlnln T -i .... ' Mar. 4 Reserved for any it ponements. Senior Bo-Me-Hl V""":: vs rt' CHAMBER TO KEEP WATCH generating plant, w.ou ma s wuu. ifUHJU. . ' . Ol-UECS rnnttnnA fwun Da.. . v,n,l .., ... .. Philpott Evitt vs Commercials : rables vs D & S. J. C.'s No. 1 v 4 "sc " f ueiauun vs. urownwods. I Mason's In- In (lcU'"tT, of Ma-1' G" Grand Cafe vs W. t woods vs Cold Storage D s vs vs Grand Cafe Bro i ! Mallet, vs Home nnn-ntn i woods vs Rupert Motor,' rZ "othUxs the Chamber .T??ny' sesled that SLa"s- Munsor.'s vS Triple C's The good-natured wd: SeogrQin's KmqsPlat CANADIAN MHIskt The price is r?0(-Vaturei' . .'. !Rinn - ' - i could do. Had it not heen for the "a sucn weamer conui- Undesirables vs C.P.A.. J. C' Mo. Grand Cafe, Man son's vs C.P.A ber, there there , . would would have been seen here as had ex- i vs n & fi, J. Cs No. 2 vs Stones. Chamber, .been nfirkino- motors i.m toiea aurmg tne last sixty days crescents vs Blain's, Cold Stor- Scotians vs Rupert Motors. Thorn Sheet Metal vs Triple C's, Undesirables vs Blaine's, Stones vs cown ThU'd Avenue and stop -; "" ' J e .au .101 oeen age vs R t Mol PnMpott at every corner. The olace '" , Evitt vs Od.ifdlows, Mallots vS mum w. i. stages. i (B'alls River Tl aATarUaamant n not publlahad or dlsplaytd by tba Liquor Control Boar! or ky tha Government of rltUh Columbia. amoer at tms meeting, he "T"" ... Ambasadors, Scotians vs Can Feb. 20 D& S v: W. I. Stages. 1 nab was . . . . ten, snouia appoint a commit- ..wwnvt..i tee to en Intn th rhnU mntt something wgwii, Timm tjneet Metal vs m iL.r-.A. vs urana yaie, Hansons' fresh Jrult ommercials, Hrownwoods vs of power. He moved accord- woulcl have ever anticipated. As 1.35 it was there was enough capa- 'll)me Cii- Metal vs Runert Motors. Undes- Bananas in inlv. seconded hv rtr u n n dvr1innt It - net D"Mitfcu or j l .. ; Irables vs Stones, J. C.'s No. 1 vs i Apples, cookingi' 3iij." Large, and the motion was,city 10 keeP 8lnS for another .25 - ""! V.OIIHIIbig. I Blain's, Ma'lets vs Commercials.! LemonsVlaree Cai 'doz ' 2ft carried: .month if nesessary. were two aspects to the power scotians vs Home Oil, Brown- j -raueiruit 3 for 29 A D RHcnie rose to the de 1 "uuc"' ivltIw ana ur. ju. m. suuauon: ( 11, tne current eraer- woods vs Triple C's, J. C.'s No. 2; ,Navei- J0-''i fence of the present mayor who reen,t 'nquired if the F""- 2 the long range vs Oddfellows. Crescents vs Am-! 'iZ'Z: : ihad onlv been in ffw ?0U,?cU.had made arrangements situation. CHIROPRACTOR hn r. L. Hughes, D.C, Pb C 21-22 Besner Block Phone BLUE 442 for OFFICE CLOSED During Cold Weather Open Again About essionaluiuiPm bassadors, Philpott Evitt vs Can. ; Celerv. lb. ... i0. ,, time. , 10 0Dtem .technical advice in the Leo-jo.. . Rhubarb. 2 lb 21 W F Stone twmwou.,. present situation and was told 27-Crescer.ts vs Oddfel v.tt t -0 advice lows. Philoott Evitt vs Ambas , ., .made in city council as to the ' "k ."T..T.T ... .u."ee. lrom ule I 1 t 1 "wtiiuLH. . IU, CCliU nn . 1 r. Q i r rlon ,,,, e . i-wiiiiiiiiuij. sadors. Mallets vs Can. Leeion Racii.shes. bunch oa FOE a Scotians vs Commercials. Thorn I Mushrooms, lb. ra WKSnS' " Ham prPOSed lhat the that there was 2 IZ dty lf- Counc11 be to obtain End of February 60 10 a ROCK k CCS nui2l'uu ijeuuce " "r - AJ-.iO i Sheet Metal vs Home Oil, vc? of " - 'j pvnprr nn xtia nnon u .. i.- iioKnur unions. 3 ibs CALlt CauliltowriKr-.: 1SITb 29 mayor had been an SuT: . " ! jomatoes. Colif. lb as alderman for manv vMr ,7. r..""" """''u". L-abbaue lb nf; D . . ' H was 'hat this was some M. J. Si New, Moor AUWortc "ooert McKay, a former alder.! tM .u.. ... luiuaioes. no. i 1 lb. it, iw.-ot Potatoes 1ft ih -""iS Bytown, Machine Works Sales Service and Parts Simplex Oas Engines - ai h p. I'S h p. Cummins Dependable Diesel; 65 h p. - 550 h p. Inquire about our long term . Warranty and Service -. - 1 uini mic special cummiiiee man, inquired if there was one 'might consider man present at this Chamber, On motion of J. T Harvey the meeting who had ever felt or utilities committee (consisting " suggested the need ot . extri of Robert. Mnir,,, t,. F 0 N E F O N E 53 Cucumbers, lb' "" "" 21 Vegetable Marrow, "i'bV 07 S(,ua.sh. lb. ..... ....r'Bva Cannea VetetaMes Dill Pickles, gai. j 5 Cut Green Beans, fev ...Z 17 io. 5 reas, fancy as) A.P. GARC power. am., wim-id McLean and Robert EBY & SONS Contractors REPAIRS - REMODELLING FOUNDATIONS Let us help you plan that new home under the N.II.A. Phone Green 883 Box 586 President Felsenthal expressed Parker) ChartereiJ was requested to uro- me opinion that the Power Diced Beets. Der tir. "' jg: Company had not been suffic- WaX HfflllS phrio n, ti.i. i . . . A. L B. Prince 8 CABS Tort notel, 3rd Ave mil Mixed msurea agalnst a Power oeas and carrocs carroff'Mo'M T'T Pumokin 2 for 25 rtage- 11 as now takin Baked Beans, 20-oz. tin V.'.'.''" .2a! a loss but at the Mme ttm oil Stand ceed with consideration of the matter at once, ascertain what the city council was doing and report back to a special meeting of the executive of the Chamber to be held on Friday of this week, O, R. s. Blackby felt that there Approi Feb. l-15-0e B. r V 'i iL .SCl'BV FURS BILL SCUBY FURS BILL SCUBV FUR J otner businesses and citizens had to take a beating. Frank Skinner felt that the power company should show its ounea ueans, lij-oz. tin. ea Tomatoes 28 oz. Frtk. .Viitu Quart oe Pint fo Cream. U uint .... Eew 654 1 S.Ann! l Feb pert. Ten. good faith by-snendine mnnov lUf SIDNEY GONICK OPTOMETRIST Complete Visual Analysis orncE hours 0 a m. to 5 p.m. 23 & 24 Besner Block Telepnone 213 Evenings by Appointment Meaium cartons 53 j Pullets, cartons MSI Duuer First Grade, lb. 97 T ; t JvrrttfCmcfll ti Ml M.,kA mm Jil.. L. MARGAP.E 11 marearine. lb. 33 to assure against recuerepce of such a situation as this before asking for a renewal of franchise. . .. Mr. Black Mr. Black announced to the meeting that the -company had now Invested $500,000 for a new e L qor Control Bo1 w by Um OrruM tH Columbk t-neeise Canadian Cheese lb 53 OPTOffl in 'fOR 'Hill UE Alii Evanorated Milk. Root STONE I 10-oz. tins. 1 for J3 Case .Z !7lo I T)R fiAPMRT T? ir Flour CHANDLER'S PORTRAIT STUDIO Film Finishing F.nlarglni Hash I'hotfl? laken at Horn. Pastry Flour, 7 lbs ... .6 iiil' wo- hiirU BLC V 1 ,1 " UIAA41U1 XJ, I J.. MONTGOMERY DENTIST 8uite 7, Smith Block Phone 525 , P.O. Box i2l8 UILL oUUdi ruiiS Phone Green 389 216 4th S Fiour, 24's' Coffee lb 62g2 I Was Nearly Crazy With Fiery Itch- Uatll I dlironrari Dr. D. D Dnnlf mIlnt- joi-u ....... .r. tki, pur., cuohp,, liulu m.ii.lioS ,rt comlon (rom cru.l , h "! J.U...I l,y .rm. pimp. r..h... .thl.li , leut .nd othw itth troutiln. Trial aitti. it! ( Uch or oion.y back Krugant far l) l 11 P.O BO FKINCK RUPERT, B.C. .11. stiDi tiKS uiLL SCUBY FURS v ' 1 1 Jf?' I BILL SCUBY FUR i a weLuxe auantitv lb ....1.05 lurange Juice 2fi VICKERS IS DISTILLED IN CANADA AND IS DISTuTtQ sv CalVftl, aienned .. Graneiruit ... '""". 1 S " Tomatoes. 20-oz. ea 18 " 28-oz. 24 tsallon ""(. Apoie. 20-oz. tin. for"..."'."" M 4o-oz. t a PHOTO FRAMES Frame Type Mounts See our fine selection of glass and metal frames WRATHALL'S Phoro Finishing This advertisement is not publisher! or ili?. played by Hie J-itiuor Control lto;ir,l 01 br tlie Government of British Colimihia. Canned rruita nneappie, crushed 38 .V.". neces, 2U-OZ .. 4 Aoricots. 20-oz 3(1 Cherries, ancy,'20-oz.'"" "" " 38 Loganberries. 20-oz 29 Peaches, choice ....l..."7 .24 MANUFACTURERS' AGENT Wholesale' Warehouse carrying a representative stock for prompt service lo the trade ' GOODYEAR TIRE & RUBBER CO.- Tires, tubes, batteries, hose, belting, accessories. CANADIAN WESTINGHOUSE CO.- Lamps only, fluorescent and incandescent, 6 to 230 volts GENERAL BATTERY, CO. of CANADA Radio batteries flashlights, ignition batteries G. H. WOOD & CO-Industrial sanitation, paper towels cups deodorizers. DUSTBANE CO. of B. C. Dustbane, Sisal, Janitor supplies hotel and restaurant supplies IMPERIAL WIPING RAG CO. and others Now in Stock- Moving, racking, Crating, Shipping and General Cartage and Storage Complete Reliable and Efficient Service, also agents -for Canadian Liquid Air Co. Ltd., for Oxygen. Acetylene and all welding supplies. Lindsay's Cartage & Storage Limited Cor. 2nd and Park Avenues Est 1910 Phones GO an.l 11 Pure, lb 24 V " HELEN'S GEORGE RC BEAUTY SHOP I Public Accoun(- Permanent Waving tors. Incoiw' Beauty Culture In all mm; ,U branche 0 I. R0f 20 ona 4th Street Phone 855 s. B lAIRP - Besner Block - PIANO TECHNICIAN - Tuning, Voicing and Repairs HANDV MIKE COLUSSI HOME si Phone BLACK 758 GENERAL C0V 973 10th East - i . Building and lint DR. P. J. CHENEY R000ri8L DENTIST SUITE 5. SMITH BLOCK PH0" Black 334 .... Phone Dhftna 785 p.o. Box 1401 p. 0. ' COLORED PLASTIC PANTS DISPOSAL DIAPER HOLDERS SNOW SUITS TO CLEAR ouui if ning iim 3j 1 Soait Soap. face, bar ... ...... in v. ) Laundrv rnko I Soao Powders, larse"" 38 j Cherries. J4 lb. PKt. J. ,45 1 Coconut, lb A I Almond Paste lb. ?u llie slork shopK PRINCE RUPERT SIIPPIY HftlKF M'mi Cake Mix, lb I..." 45 Dates, fancy. 1 lb. nkt '3 303 3rd Ave geeaiess Raisins. 2 lbs. 35 Seeded Ralsms, 2 ibs. 26 Blue 810 i P O. Box 772 Phone 632 VlrWWWVAAl .VAW.'.Va. She ed Almonds. 6 oz 35 VALENTINE CARDS B & W Tfj f0SPYMTr Qood Food For Tasty Meals At Reasonable Prices Chinese Dishes a Specialty CHOP SUEY rUrtW iiriki FOR YOUR WALLPAPER HANGING For Your Interior Painting and Decorating Call SPENCE & MATUIK Phone Blue 215 233 1 1 Street Strawberry. 24-oa. 59 Ra-jDerrv. 24 oz Blackberry, 4-lb' V. Cherry, 24-oz. LSZ" 54 Peach 4 ik -23 ond QUALITY REPAIRS Tor Downtrodden Heels Md Worn Sole. MAC SHOE HOSPITAL g0 774 Second Ave. VALENTINE CUT-OUT BOOKS Cord Wood, C KindlinR wax! PHONE ! 4 s --m ...T.TTT,..-T,,irpMJ nuiicoi. 3-1D. 'jg Meats . I Turkey fi5-7nc! Roastina Chicken, "ib , 62 Bnnb0H?d a'd Wiled. "Ib.".':. :9fl acon. side, niece 85 ptiate Roll, lb r, wv sausage, ib. ::zzzz:: ii Full Selection Now At BROADWAYTATF 3 KAIEN T: FOR ROCK AS BASEMENT ' Phone Blue Catherine Laurie PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER 1 Third Ave. West " PrJnce Rupert Realty Co ) Phones: Qreen 667-Days ' New Residence Phone Number Red 864 Best Food mis yimmjm A I ork Choos. lb a , Pork Sausaue. lb . fio , Steak. T-Bone. lb. H 75 Steak, round, lb. nt nTrTl0ia- lb- f wnra- Jb::;::::::::::::::::::::::::::" f i fjai ln. Sausaie. jb '.' l Bacon, pitg. i2 Ib .ZZZr 50 (There mav be variation's 'in I I prices in various stores "?S?nd") MATS Finest Cooking 2nd Ave. Opp. Biipert'ljotel 7:00 a m. to 3:30 a.m. Phone 173 for Outside Orders UPHOtfi 33r4Aje. Bo, 1118 Red 40a Shrme Bond Concert. Feb. 3, Civic Centre Hours 7 a.m. to 1 a.m. -Phone 200 . Phone Blue S' 330 5 For Take-Home Orders- 1 1 "?r.iP. . sneclal or Newspaper advertising pays 0ff in dividends. "' uimuuh are listed.) Prlnc T?Tf!?n"ffWI,WWnTWtTfWittTIl.J 'v a W 'M