Prince Rupert Doily News Tuesday, February 7, 10JO Married At I Priests' House Popular Young Couple Marry A wi-ddinir nf mni-h intrpst inl A verv tiuiet ceremony at the C. C. F. Club Meeting Tut 111- P I P1 I f. 1 : ciay 8 P- m. Metropole Hal, It I u-ulay for a uip to Vancouver SHIFFER-HILLMAN CLOTHING Prince Rupert's young people was ' Priests' Residence of Annuncla- j solemnized by Archdeacon E. j lion Church Saturday evening L Hodson in St. Peter's Church at 'saw the exchange of marriage j' Seal Cove at 8 o'clock Saturday i vows between Miss Mary Maur- Ernest Utiwin sailed Sunri-iv , r. f th dty flre nUM on the ! hi,.in. . Coquitlam J . 4 . or or 4 i 1 fartment returned to the city on evening when Sally Lorraine Wei- j een Fitzgerald, fourth daughter I ter, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. , Coquitlam Sunday evening j William Sheardown left on yes- from a triP t0 Vancouver, today plane Cor a business trip ' William McCmnc. son of Cant. of Mrs. Elizabeth Fitzgerald of j1 Frince Rupert and the late J rT-U...nn T.-.i .. .. T--: I ,1 A Of . John's. Newfoundland, and James i Percy Welter, former local residents now living in Victoria, became the bride of Charles Fen-ton Graham of Prince Rupert. The bride's blonde lovelinesS was emphasized to the fullest by her well-tailored dressmaker suit er' i William McCombe of the steamer Kay Christensen, who has been CwIulUam. Is making the round viuiting at his home here, sailed trip norlh aboard that' vessel by the Coquitlam this afternoon whlch was in port Sunday eve- David Stuart, only son of Mr. ' i ; j I fP-'fa - I l:F 'I ' i I and Mrs. David Charles Stuart to resume hU studies in Vancou- nlng and again today. A Bigger and Better Showing of Shiffer-Hillman Suits , . . More Patterns, Greater Variety of Shades, Finer Quality and Greater Values. of Prince Rupert. The, ceremony was performed by Rev. Father F. Rayner O.M.I, and the attendants of the couple were Miss ver Police Magistrate W. D. Vance City firemen were called to the sa!led Saturday afternoon on residence of A. K. Nelson at 1:30 lhn Princess Norah for Vancou-p.m. Sunday to extinguish a j vcr wcre he wil1 attend a con-chimney fire. No damage was ' vention police magistrates this done. week. of pale rose which was set off by a small veiled silver sequin hat and a corsage of azure blue carnations and white hyacinth Her maid of honor, Ruth Ketcheson, was clad In a trim navy dressmaker suit, a tiny frothy pink feather hat and wore Mona Fitzgerald and Walter Sedgewick. ' ' The bride wore a green suit with matching hat arfd Erstwhile homeless Wnmnn ,,r i Frank Pashley, D. Robinson, O. Mr. and Mrs. Stuart are tak- I ing up residence at the home of. I the Moose met in the ladies ' Hpndry and J- McClary oI hc a corsage of pink carnations ar.d lounge of the Civic Centre last ! st0CK taking department of 13. C. white hyacinth VU'.liU -''. Masaine?" j .;. 1 ;)!. v. .aid be taken j I., : . l,.44.- This will Avenue, Westvlew. week with Mrs. Harold Muncey i Paekers sailed by the Coquitlam Gromsman was Percy Welter, in the chair. Business was en- I to(iay Ior Bella BelIa after a vish twin brother of the bride. II rely of routine nature. ; here on of ficlal business. j Following the ceremony, a re The groom Is a member of a well known pioneer Prince ftu- i ', i ;-in iiai' lollowmg i ' I ... . , . - , ception was held at the home of m ttibi-o u-ni i,.. .; p.uer a. navs susnnnsinn oe IVTmip -..v.- n w a miccluj-x ui - - ' - : of tin- pert family and was born here. : He served as an officer with the Royal Canadian Air Force In the l: the Construction and Genpral cause of no lights, classes were nvi-ntly i Labourer's Union. Local 1427. resumed at Booth Memorial High Rupert Bakery Ltd. war. an-fill ions anci0n Tuesday February 7 at 8 p. School today. The school was building, toi m Jn lhe Carpcnters union thrown into darkness yesterday '' i'- fiuncmenu. i Hail on Eraser Street All mem- when an underground cable be- :!i f a com- bers are urged to attend. Busi- come broken. An overhead wire Mr. and Mrs. William Murdoch, 1161 Ambrose Avenue, for some three score friends and well wishers. The young couple stood beneath an arch of pink and white streamers to receive their guests and accept their felicitations. A dainty double tiered pink and white wedding cake was the center of attraction on the l-'u t -1 ii.: i iur f 1 tat, pur- jness Election of new secretary ; was run in so that the lighting .ro already in c. L. Moe ! (Secretary). (31) mipht be restored. . hi1 Moosi .social I I (I, I Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Thompson Some concern was felt Sun- : niiH A C Dati.Im ii nil .1 t .l t lnJn O Cokes O Pies ' O Ireod,etc - THE 'HOME OF FINE ; BAKERY PRODUCTS ' 519 3rd Ave.- Phone 643 ucfcuui ui juiuiji, on- uay aiw-'ikiuuii wuuu twu ia.Kia " -'h'tryp of the ' 'i liclri in the vor Milles sailed by the Cojuit- Edgar Mostad and Fred John- prettily decorated bride's table. Following the taking of photographs by Miss Vin Elliott, an ap- Announcements j Civic Centre Bridge Febru-J ary 10th. - , . j Lutheran Tea ana. '.Borne Cooking Feb. 11th. Canadian Legion Card party February 15. Card tournament, Catfioll? Hall, February 16. -' . . Boy Scout Concert, Civic Centre, " Feb 17. ' , . . Shrine Band Concert, Civic Centre Auditorium, Friday March 3rd at 8:15 p.m. Tickets from ' lam Sunday night orv thfcr re- son crossed the harbor in a row Linn nuuc Aim uiLer a visji. in the city. boat for crab fishing. When a pale came up, the police were notified and P.M.L. 15 was sent out to make a search. The boys i i in- fire Temple, arc now o.i is to .sup propriate toast to the bride was proposed by Robert Cameron, who reminded the guests of all the beautiful songs written for girls named Sally, most of which David W. Murray, Alice Arm merchant, was a on passenger had taken HhelieI behhvi III MiS Pig board the Coquitlam Sunday eve ;. ii,,ii,:io!i va- Island and finally got back under could be proudly claimed by the their own power about 6 p.m. i lucky groom as describing most MARCIIAND OIL HEATERS VORTEX OIL BURNERS IRON FIREMAN STOKERS ning returning north after a trip to Vancouver and Vancouver members. accurately the charms of hts ! lovely bride. Mr. Cameron re mi an- Canadian Legion Easter Bale, April 5th. !- . ! minded the young couple that Plumbing & Heating Alterations, W. N. Campbell, forest ranger from Prince George, returned to the city by plane from Sandspit Saturday after visiting . various Island points. Mr. Campbell expects to remain in the city for a marriage was a game with only two rules give and take. Cathedral Sale April 13. . j St. Peters Spring Sale April; 20. ,' ' I H. W. Stevens, district engineer for the provincial department of public works, and Robert Dunlop, road superintendent, left on yesterday's plane for a trip to 1e- - i; i-;-ii i; to be'.ary liar-. " !i-);b,:rs tr : i, t' ,lt'l-)K'., 1 i'l'kB-U'I" Bil'Uil 1 HANKS SMITH & ELKIHS LTD ! The groom replied suitably, con- curring heartily in Mr. Cameron's i sentiments, and thanking all few weeks before returning to I f, .1 V. .1 . I 1 I BOX 271 PHONE 174 vl SUFFERED AGONIZING iniiiuii-iiuu tu uuijuurirs lit vie- , p( i!lfe Gciirge loria. i . ' - ! L. de la Flore and his sister,, ..t ; Miss de la Flore, who have been present, for their good wishes. A toast to the pretty maid of honor was proposed by the groomsman. HI 3E IE ,'! I'i I! I I lil-!H1l' .-i u II. .it. I n. (iruvls- ur Onrm r. in Vancouver for some time, were TASTY & ECONOMICAL Soliif ..f ,.;iii. jti.H. fr l ertifl- passengers aboard the Coquitlam rule of Iininirnn-nts. Riinriav pvrninp Dninsr thr.niHli the I. i.nrt 11; Mniitii'iil No. I. Muntrfiil No S, (Mttil I discovered wondtrf yl, fat! Mtinf Vtfwa ' Heurrtii CaftuUt. ECUtr Ht rli4 SciMka, Nwnljia, Lumbta a4 thaaMM In : St. to Premier where they will rs- Mantn-nl No. 3. Montreal- No, 4. atia. At all 4nM afaaaa. wr- tf-y t , E C: K ! '-i-irv trull, at ii.'iiton. Montreal No. 5. Montreal No. 6, sume residence. 'Montreal No. 7. Montreal No. B. Biul Tr,. Following the serving of delicious refreshments and the cutting of the bride's cake, dancing was enoyed until well after midnight. Music was provided by Richard Tweed on the accordion ami Mrs. Helen Marchildon at the piano. Mr. and Mrs. Graham will make their home In Prince Rupert. Vans. 01 I 1 .'I (H) y For Lunches or Cold Plate Supper MAPLE LEAF Bologna IS HARD TO BEAT -or Quahfy and Savings Mineral Claims Bon Accord No. 30. Situate in the Port land Cenal f-'imiif; Division. Where 1 .oca ted : Harklcv Creek, on Mt. Oltcr. lavilul holdi-ra: L. Dc-romo niul .1 O. l.e l-'runvwls Number tif Oie liuhler'V free min-er'.'i rrrtifleate:- 2lim:'P and alosil-' Take notice that IV V. H. Jorrest ,.f l 13 A t tk ( i.f.tiltl IIU Two ambulance calls were answered Saturday afternoon. At 12:30 p.m.. Mike Iloyoshyshyn was piek'irt up at 233 Ninth Avenue West; and .taken to General Hospital. C. Jackson, 537. Eigh lb Avenue West. wa taken' to hoKpl- I 1,1X1 vr r ! ' Nil. :wllO- 1 1. Thirt v- . I MIS.IL It's business wise to advertise p.m. - :ic;ent for L. DeroiOe' atMl J. O. I-o 1-30 Francois Free Miner's tMtilieifte No. an above, inteiiil.s. at the-oml.f si"" ty days from the date hereof, to ii)-; nlv to the MiniiiL- Itecorder lor Cur-n ; . , Buy, Bologna by MAPLE LEAF A PRODUCT OF CANADA PACKERS LIMITED -hi ni, Cl- 1 M.ip 'JUil ' v priHtf of (il Title if (,rvl ynv I I hi., oll'ico. tl'iil 1 shntt im :;t)i 1mm ! urn hnre-l CIIMiivU; of i, ( i.TUtn ftt, .- ViiHd objec- wt it. iim. I'. tsl!'V Of-C. tliU lMttl A U. 3 El DC ch Av,. V, rid Suns. tiflcates of Improvements for ttlP lunose of obtaining Crown grants ol the nbove claims. And further take notice that action, under section 85 of the "Mineral Act." must be commenced be-fure the Issuance of such Certi.i-1 Dated this 22nd day of August. I rules of Improvements. 1949 ! W. H. Forrest, Agent. (H) ; i RF.VT Skin Troubles Prescription Excellent Results This prescription has quickly cleared up many types of skin troubles. It is a clear, colorless and odorless liquid and will not stain. Application is simple. Affected parts are washed with pure soap and warm water and the rirfiscrintion Exoll Concentrated .'Oil- For Complete Sheet Metal Work o - CALL . . BLACK 884 . o O SERVICE WORKMANSHIP DEPENDABILITY THOM SHEET METAL LTD. () See Us First FOR BOYS WEAR SNOWSUITS O PARKAS JACKETS and complete outfits for the school boy wumj win tu-juv a., i i tvim t t 1--'- 31007-1 in. F.'l)clivt-.toii ot ... s one Hujulred i 11IH', 1,'uMtx Five i..,t. Mi ia to con- !- i Six Mile (1.60 my or VRisrn kitekt ! Seiilfd tenders, marked "Tender lor Sewers" will be received by the lmiliTMimied up to S p.m. Monday. February 27th. 1900, for excavating. Inti;i t supplying .layiiiK and bttcktllluiK ! .-.s. Mnp 14l r.u-l'.rv proor hi tipprosimately IBBO leei 01 uuu rvriitimte of Tl-.Jii" nliiforced concrete newer pipe. is then patted on with a swab of cotton apply night and morning. "You can get this prescription from your drugfrist, simply ask for 3 ounces of Exoff Concentrated and if your skin is tender, cracks or gets dry, you should also obtain 4 ounce of l'.xofl Ointment. Cut this out to remind you or to pass to another sufferer. : S.i,;; ':;. . 't"1 ltwal - W -;t,m-nn i.ami. of Milton in this ollice. ,m ii that I shall. .,( i. in- month from - publication llere- I'r.-i.iMonal l of said l'"-st Plans ani specifications may be io-tiilued from the City Engineer, 1-rince Rupert. Tenders must contain r.epnrale quotations for (a Excuvh-tion. (b) Supplying of pipe, nnd (c) Laying of pipe, construction of manholes and backf llllnK. The City re THE SPORTS SHOP 622 3rd Ave. ".-"is. A;i: 'tiiiirrt. u. if??? ' in (lie meunumu i ,,rVeS to riyht to accept any or mi made to me 1 , portions of any tender or tenders. I Tlie lowest or auy tender will not .imt Bt-Klslry Of-1 nw!esiariiv be nccepted. It. c. this ltstb: u q. TUain, '(. A. D. 1 city Clerk. (32) ' LEAVES FILM BOARD POST Russ McLean, commissioner of the National Film Board for the last -three years, lias been replaced by W, Arthur Irwin, editor of MacLran's Magazine. CP Photo. !.!.!; , WE . CAN'T FIX BROKEN HEARTS BUT of Title (401 K'U'k U'., In tlie Supremo Court of Britibli wiiim;; AHM:r.. f'-..a:t i'( Uriti-ll ii'rs tor A "mi'vai; j;. J-'" ' ii'iiu; n.i-mp p.. - ... . WE CAN FIX BROKEN RADIOS Call Blue 992 90 Day Guarantee i .i A. A r - i Always Prompt and Courteous We're Here to Serve TOU e "Adminlstrn-1 I" I - K.tale of Ja- Deeeased l,y order of Hl V rOOSE l mill:,, K-i;un'l rs ami Chv v h . Columbia In Proljato ! In tlie Mutter of the "Admlnlstra-1 a tion Act" And In the Mutter of the Estate of William Noel. Deceased, Intestate TAKE NOT1C15 that by Order of His Honour Judge W. O. Fulton. Local Judge of the Supreme Court of British Columbia. J was on the 27th day of January. A. U. 191,0, appointed Administrator of the Estute of William Noel, lute of lX-ase Lake, Biillsli Columbia, who died on or nliout the 6th day of July. 1948, at Wiiitchorse. Yukon Territory. All pcrsous Indebted to the said estate fire " required to pay the ..f v,mi- indebtedness to me 1 v ( ), Commodore Cafe; l-iitton, iKicm rmuii ol Brl- IP KAUU ""'rv Co. I t i . KENS CLINIC "Hospitality and Good Food'S Phone 17 for Send-Out Orders, 3rd Ave. David Chow, Mgr.;! v.-a,. "ii the 3tst v I) I'.ir.n. nptxiint-l.lie esl-iH- ot Ja-..I rinu-o KM- ,lmiW.. 'h'' w:',s , livini', on Miircn ,., .now presumed i. .M,.,i to tint said -New uiiiwinii'il graver,-,. Mr:.hUv oewiniT Mai-l-.-H-;- For Satisfactory Servlca 718 2nd Ave. W. Blue 992 ' xt! eiiiiiiilinii .iev loenini; jack,; 01 n hi. i- i,.i,. H 1,. '"siljle iirieei! n ' S' rki and ALBUMS CLASSICAL, CHILDREN'S POPULAR liluek 324. ' di,' ,, 1 to pay hn( ', , (, i , 1 1 -r in i -: ir 1" ""-' ! ti.ivin-Ii il iiim- mi ., , ,,1.1 tt' ''r,'i forthwith and all persons having claims against the said cshitc are required to file them with mo. propel Iv verified on or before tho Btn cii.v of -February. 1850, falling which distribution will be made haviHK re-raid only to such claims ot which i'.lhv evil, .....i ...... ' ""-1 V ill - ... 1I . i l(- 1 macK H,U. Cil ) 1 1 M ' ,-lMll vlueh i!ir:.i Willi "if ur'lieliu-;' the lU.'ili. l.-.l!ilK i.-..i CiinmlHe (1,u.k l il-hi, i ... I,.. ,,i:..!e having re- I shall nave " '"""-u- Dated at Prince Rupert. B. 1-7I1, rinv nf January, A. D. C. this 1950. I .u ..( Man-b, ; !el).-l. v. in -.. .1 ..nlv to ' " 1 nv ot vll'-',, elair.u j. .Mr jm I'U' 1 or; Mfi i i '5jQnT Sgg them toddy ot I REGAL PRINTERS I fo0 jq n . l "jPnONEM 222 Second Ave. ijiW.cW: 13 C, "VICKERS" IS DISllllEO IN CANADA and u ommuTio y Calvttt This atlvcrtisrniL-iit it r.ot publislicJ or ciis playtd by tlie Liquor Control Board ui by tlie Government of britiah Columbia Eniest Eurl Allen Administrator -of the Estate ol William Noel. Deceased I nan i.e. ii iici iU' 'l DATitn ri-tiK-e KuiH-rt. mtr. airt is-y "f .':'fy ,VM- t'r.ser l-'ini'-T .n-iio.i C'O Brown & Harvey ii... r,u Prince Rupert, B. C. 1,1-afor inn 1 31 1 'I'rollis,,. "boat' no-! ,. V'liope. Puiiv i,,''.yli"K. Plimic i 'i ; i i'l l: a' Hll )'- i - (4l)). v;- 7,..... ..... IS,.) ' K' 1 A i