J . hi - - " s r ORMES DRUGS mm Daily Delivery NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER Published at Canada'i Most Strategic Pacific Port "Prince Rupert, the Key to the Great Northwest" PHONE 81 VOL. XXXIX, NO. 31. PRINCE RUPERT, B. C, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 7, 1950 PRICE FIVE CENTS SITUATION C ENTIRE y ! UWnl I WER itiOfioriS For Benewal Chamber Of Commerce To Keep Watch i i SONG WINNERS reement Oith North 'ower o. Bef erred f . .. "A- J Steamers Fear Rail ;i Gets Lcgol Advice Suggesting "Sub-j Dcfouit" Casey Proposes Suit ici! Monday night at a special meeting fer consideration of a proposal of the ;i,-h Columbia Power Company for a Suggested City Partly Responsible Busi- -ness Views Aired View was held by some members of the "Prince Rupert Chamber of Commerce at the monthly meeting of the Chamber last night that the city council might share vith the Northern British Columbia Power Co. at least some of the responsibility for the present 1 power emergency In the city. OTTAWA it A "ruinous rate VANCOUVER Ira Dilworth, j general supervisor of CBC's , international service, today an- j pounced British Columbia win- ' ners of CBC's song writing con-test which offered $2500 for tein ) winning songs. Jean Coultbard j of Vancouver won for "Quebec i May", and Margaret Mclntyre ! cf Roberts Creek for her "Lost i Lagoon." ' j NEW FRENCH CABINET ! PARIS Prime Minister Gorges Eidault today formed a new government, the first since liberation which has contained no Socialist ministers. MERCl'RYS BEAT SWISS VROSA, Switzerland Edmon ton Mercurys today showed all-round hockey mastery to down a Swiss tram 4 to Z, maintaining the winning streak of their ear renewal of its franchise to supply war" may emerge Hthe railways luce Rupert with electrical energy until arc allowed indiscriminate use- or , i ,vi i ...v 4i power to eliminate competition considered whether there the city had mpanR . lmB r. JprntI rr" a Canada Steamships Lines lawyer said today. ' under the ' - j with Hi" 0f u,e coutieil ought to be duoct- i iri.uilt had ivn f iculiirltf In the rlmiivr j HOME AGAIN In Ottawa following their, expulsion from Communist-dominated Czechoslovakia are Cpl. J. C. Vanier, left, of Rochebaucourt, Que., and Sgt. Rcgiiiald Dunko, right, of Toronto md Lauder, Man. Mrs. Danko, holding her ihrec-ye ar-old son, Ralph, left Prague shortly after the two R.C.A.F. members of the staff of the Canadi an air attache there were expelled on charges the Canadian government has said are "baseless." St. Danko holds Brian, 5, who doesn't like cameramen. The two airmen denier) charges that th?y engaged In espionage. (C. P. Photo) Ahon "aruiard of Montreal, paragraph of the brief, reading! as ' follows- I ln a b tf Prescnled to lh Royal " 'As stated In Clause 29 of the Commission on transportation. !"a" ""-P have their, present agreement bylaw Time Is 10 U,e wal1 b,'cause of I ."un- the essence of this agreement and i,,di i-xiiialed. vi-til ! no 'H'" ,ls 'lie pri'.sent VMllllUi-.-. ' I'.vi ivt-d specie t i if mailer i liaivcv. eity iX.ip vM il iipm- The Chamber instructed its utilities committee to go Into the power situation and report to the executive. With Thomas B. Black, general manager of the Northern B.C. Power Co. and also vice-president of the j Chamber of Commerce, on hand , to answer question's, usual open current continental tour. Al the railways' favor. He alleged ' t l t 41... 1 f ' ft I tiuiL, uuu'i Lin- tigii-ru cual i Immigrants Arousea tv mt'iuou. ui? ittuwu)!t can ouuiiii ; of every provision thereof.' It is hoped that the proposal now made may be rega-ded as ol immediate importance and a decision readied without delay.' "It is gratifying lo have this quoted by the Power Company. Terrace Holds IBy-Eleclion a monopoly of the, shippers' busl-I i J ! ncss by offering-him unusually I lt lldllldX ing procedure of the meeting was suspended so that the power situation might be given the right of way on the agenda. A letter from President Fel- Love Affair Sow rates. Pin vis paced ihe Merks with a bat triek. CONTINUE AIR SEARCH VANCOUVER Seven Vancouver planes of the Royal Canadian Air Force, which were out yesterday, were unable, on account of unfavorable weather conditions, lo engage in the scaxch for the missing C-54 transport. Meanwhile search HALIFAX Nearly 1,600 immigrants will arrive here Wcdncs- uuu 'A m il me b'us ii.sclf iinder the ; ii i k il proper ,..iis iii) i!s be-i;h In .t, by - ririfiiiinencU-v .a .mil taken in of the Ki.fr .-iioila'iO The Canadian National Railways, he said, had suggested this TERRACE -S. N. G. Kivkaldy. postmaster here, was elected village commissioner at a special election Mord'-n follov irj the re. signaUon a month aso of former commissioner. Charles A3arn, senthal to Mayor G. W. Rudder-ham suggesting that the city council had been remiss ln failing to call a special meeting to power be extended by allowing day whrn tl,c Samaria docks to from Europe. The Cunard liner carriers employ agreed charge, indiscriminately and without embarked U00 displaced persons al Cuxhaven. .Oermany, and 400 control, for the uuriM.se of can- However, the fact that time is of the essence of the originul agreement does not., in our opinion, make time of the essence of any submission which is made under the present circumstances." DISCISSION Following reading of the one original resolution by Aldeiiium Casey, Alderman Black pointed cut a considerable poruon of the document was incorrect and that from its com- deal with the matter and take a definite stand, was read. Robert McKay, chairman of the Chamber's utilities commit- luring business petltors. l.lancs frcm I'ort St. John have been moved to Wbitehorse to cone .- rale on the area between Snag and Whitehorse. theatre proprietor. In calm, sunny 25 atvvc weather, resident.! carve out t : vo' e and out of 184 balMs cast Mr. dy won out over his ri)cr.cnt Harry P. Phillips by 50 votes. ,i;:ir'ii further W'; li.iiii from ;i;.p;ireiHly !iuiii- of the t.'ii'ie has HOLLYWOOD U-Swclling up- , roar against the international j ' love of Ingrid Bergman and Rob- ert Rooselinl, which an Alabama ministerial group charges "tends 1 to glorify adtiitery.' 'stormed today at Ihe fates of Hollywood, j. Human Cntnoiic and Protest -ant churches, censorship buards even Lcrislatue in Texas calls cn .theatres to ban the film which r.p."rked the romance "Stromboli." Rossellini ha i been reported in Riime as sayh g thai he i.s the father of the child. . Miss Berpni'Mi i.s still married i tee, did not see where the Cham- ber could do anything. In his I opinion it was the city council's j business. passengers at Le Havre to take them to their various destinations from the Maritimcs to the , Pacific Coast. " , ,; y: According to the passenger department of the Canadian Na-i tional Railways here, four special j trains will be operated from dock-' iide by the C.N.R. Two trains will J go to Montreal, one to Toronto WINDSORS RETURNING LONDON The Evening Standard said today that the Duke S. N. G. Khkaldy 116. Harry P. Phiiips-66. shouij chuck his vri.iiv U that !""1C gentleman orrcci it would i n?u'S." Unity Is Bulwark Holy Name Basnet Crowd of 150 Addressed by Bishop Sfiml ( Imrter Presented "The wording of the ros-jlu- 4 1.... " .....it -mli.t'l "in in a apuiiy is in i under Us linn, nivi. ttoi j iiiyin-vj, o j T. Nor'on Youngs felt that the letter of the President to the mayor was quite ln order. A great deal of blame lay with the mayor and city council, he felt. " No i'ormal demand had even been made upon the power company to increase power facilities. THE WEATHER Synopsis A weather disturbance moving .if n cOit-tvi fniilFD in iit flMlf and the fourth to Winripcg, carrying passengers bound;- fo various parts of Western Canada With the post war immigra- general way a compiaim mu'insi passed a failure of the company to comply .te Casey with the terms ol the contract, it Brown it is a General trend. It does not G to Dr. Peter Lirdsfom. At Memphis, Tennessee, the ci- j of Alaska this morning was caiM- Minn lifmni tn rtnnnftn nhniit. nvo- C-. .isor sn id that all i d to ex- necessarily mean the vorcine is An nrlrlress on familv and Car- i or-pr.rflii-iT tn f.vleml irnvernmpni tj-eOUPci man's films would be ban .. t... 0.j Anllmnv I 11 r. i ...111 I BCT There was too much of an attitude of merely "thinking about it." The city needed proddins, Mr. Youngs felt. W. J. Scott did not agree that (Continued oa Pa?e Four) 1SU uniiy uy iviuou vi.t. iuiuiuiv jrcpoiLS, me oitiuuua win uiiug Jordan O.M.I., Bishop and Vicar- j 24 persons for the Maritime prov-Apostolic of Prince Rupert, feat- J inces, 290 to Quebec, 793 to On-ured a banquet gathering under tario, 345 to Western Canada and the auspices of the Holy Name ! more than 100 for various un-Socicty of Annunciation Church i known destinations, which was held in the Catholic Included among the imml- ned there if ( fficials-ruled such action wa? legal. Representative R. E. Blount of Big Snrinps. Texas, introduced a resolution in the Texas legislature to ban "Stromboli" in the state. and Duchess of Windsor may take up residence in England. The newspaper says that the Duke has requested real estate dealers to be on the look out for a country home conveniently located near London. MAY EXTIUOITE Fl'CHS WASHINGTON Chairman Brian MciWahon (Democrat, Connecticut) said Sunday night that the Congressional atomic committee was exploring the possibility of American extradition Ml Klaus Fuchs, the British scientist who is suspected of passing atomic and hydrogen bomb secrets to Russia. It has been revealed that Fuchs was interred for two years in Canada during the last war, having been sent over from Britain after a round up of aliens. Later he was released to assist in scientific research. the foundation of a suit." Alderman Black further argued that specific clalnu in the resolution were incorrect and not according to the agreement. "Insofar as the booster pump Is concerned, the city cannot supply sufficient water through an 18" main -and as far as taking writer from Woodsworth Lake, there is nothing in the agreemtvit that stops the company from usin water from that souvc." "Gentlemen," City Clerk H. D. Thaln cut ln. "to avoid further School Hall one night last weeK. grants will be handicraft workers, ing snow aaU rain along the coast and will cany increased cloudiness and snow Hurries'into the interior tonight. Tomorrow will see less thower activity on the coast and frequent punny intervals in the interior. Temperatures tomorrow over most of the province will be close to the normal range of 30 to 40 for early February. However in the far north near the Yukon border sub zero weather will continue. Fc recast North Coast, Region Intermittent rain and snow mixed today. Cloudy with occasional snow flurries tonight and Wednesday. Little change in temprature. Wind, southerly. 30 m.p.n. dccrca-lng to 15 m. p. h. this evening. Lows to domestics, nurses,, farm and hy- HEARTS DEFEAT dro electric workers, and others DUNDEE UNITED skilled in various trades and Empire Games Canada Gets Two Titles 1 Such unity, His Excellency prescribed as a bulwark against threats to the present way of life. During the proceedings F. Earl Anfield, who was one or the guests of honor, in his capacity i U agreement bK,veen city C Puur Co. as 'v hi entering PuvuT Company :;ii;; with terms j U'Tidecl to i:il i:ity clerk ;uiii;y of engas-. ' expert advice "i? with the ' iv.wr Utilities '! the British Commission In and future Hie city. i-.ro I! T -J' lae Mayor and L.ive looked 1 I'lesented '"'''fstiiy on the '"pi.ils covering ;i,l'!lneut,, rate general occupations. . GLASGOW (? Hearts yester- . , , day defeated Dunr'ee United 2 ta ' Mrs. G. H. Seaman of Terrace 1 in Scottish Cup soccer first is spending a Jew days in Prince round replay in overtime. Hearts Rupert. She is staying with Mrs. now meet Aberdeen in the sec-B. E. Eyolfcon. ond round. arguments, lt would be simpler to cut out the preamble s.) that only the crux of the lejoluiion i remains." i Alderman Casey usread with the city clerk's suggestion adding that "if we have no real as district commissioner of the Boy Scouts, presented to Bishop Jordan the charter for the Fifth Prince Rupert Scout Troop. Mr. Anfield gave a brief address on the Scout movement. Accepting the charter, Bishop Jordan expressed appreciation of the formation of the troop in 1949 under AUCKLAND P Canada's track and field stars, still seeking their initial first-place medal ',at the 1950 British Empire Gaines, today saw two of the Dominion's j records wiped from the books but I her weight-lifters and wrestlers fared better hi the Commonwealth competition.' Picturesque TODAY'S STOCKS (Courtesy S. D. Johmlou Co Ltd.) night and Highs tomorrow at rort Hardy 25 and 35,-Sand-pit 25 and 35, Prince Rupert 25 and 32. Pi ioneer uies ' HIClllST iMllllcs claim . . . forget it." He then turned to Alderman Hluen and said: "Will Alderman Black honestly stand up and say that since the aureemcnt was oK'iwl, the renewal, f figures he Ericf I the sponsorship of the Holy Name Society, also speaking briefly on the fundamental alms of the Scout movement. ! About 150 persons attended the banquet which was presided over by N. R. Young, president of the (Contrinued Pagc5 Colorful resident of Prince Rupert for more than 40 years, Joseph Decicco, 78 died in General Hospital Sunday. Born ln Italy, he came to this country a few years before arriving In this city. A single man, Mr. Decicco is survived by a brother in Italy, who had once visited him here, Vaucouvcr . Bayonnc j Bralorne 9.7S B. R- Con 03 j B R X 013 Cariboo Quartz 1.25 j Congress New -16 Hedley Mascot 27 Pacific EaiitTn -05 j Pend Oreille 5.55 j Pioneer ..... 3.25 .53 .27 .13 .11(1 99.59 1.14 .55 .29 4.01) . 6.15 .35 .37 Wednesday, February 8, 1950 ' llif.ll 5:01 20.8 feet 17:23 17.8 feet Low ll:2'i 5.4 feet 23:27 0.G feel Strikes Hit Coal Output Holy Name Society. The hall was attractive in candlelight but, by the time ihe tne 111 'v'-paa:r re- ' ' Polished at li" 1 'v.it Com-11 been un r: -" in this ' hat, in f0l-.. ' mid apiea-" to substan-1 i's oiiginal '' eircum 1 lia k j- wuuiti "" ('i'y to ci...i ; 'wiill-d un-"' "n itt-tifi a '''imagos or PITTSBURG (f Coal produe- actuui proceedings started, tlon in the UniU'd States plum- lights had come on. ! On ace'out of powci shortage, the Regular Monthly Meeting, Brunch 27 Canadian Legion with Initiation of new High point of the Canadian truck endeavours was a two-three in the 880 yards final won by England in a stirring finish. Jimmy Varaleau of Ottawa Canada's lone " contestant ir. weight-lifting, won the title. In wrestling Henry Hudson, 29 Dominion, welterweight champion from Montreal, took the middleweight title. - England's three triumphs wortli fen points apiece hi un official team standings, enable: her to close some ground on th front-running Australian lean It was still touch and go betwee; England and New Zealand fo. second place with Canada hold ing fourth position among twelv countries. I Canada's Don Pettie shove: lie may spring Canada som 1 points when the final oi the 220 yard dash Is run on he nex , track and field day Thursday. 11-' f inisiied third to Australia ; and a nephew in San Francisco, Peter Bruno, a former business-. man of this city. I The "deceased had been ln fall- ! j ing health for some time. When the cold snap hit this area, he moved into the home of Mrs. G Mazzel from his small dwelling, in the 700 block on Ninth Avenue West. His eonaition had no im-' I proved so he entered hospital The evening's program included piano solos by Alan Forman. accordion numbers by Miss Stella Chuurin. vocal solos by Father O. meted today In the wuke ol inc. soft, coal miners' country-wld'j strike. All signs point to rising unemployment in the coal-using industries. About 372,000 diggers are Premier order - 03',:. Privateer I'-'1-: Reeves McDonald 2.40 Reno I H Sheep Creek 38 ? Silbak Premier 12 -Taku River .12 Salmon Gold 04 Vananda 06' i Oils An"lo Canadian 4.50 A P Con -23 Vz Heat tie- ... Bevemirt Robin Buffalo Canadian ... Co. Smelters. Con west Donalda Eldona Fat-t Sullivan Giant Y'Ku;fe God's Lake - Hardrock Harrieana Heva Hosco . . ,. Jacknife : Joliet Quebec Lake Rowar. Laeaska Littls Long Lae Lvnx MaHs-'n Rer lake . MeKe-.me R'-d Lake Mcle"d ockshutt Mnneta NU'MlK, Not "da Louvieourt Pick'e Trow Reacourt Sail Antuiil.) Senator Rotivn Fherrit. Gordon' ,SU-eo Rock Sturv.enn River Silver Miller Upper Canatia members) will be held in the Canadian I-;uon Hall al 7:30 p.m. sharp, Wed., Feb. Itlh. i32 P. Mohan, accompanied by C. P. Balauno, and vocal duets, with on strike in fourteen states. They self-accumoaniment on guitar ,i :r CoM-linidsl they will not be "bllick" and t,anjo, by the Misses Cios and two weeks ago and was there tip ! "1141 jacked" into heeding the federal Mea Vernier, recently aruveu ime of his death. I .00 ' a . .07 . .(H! . .CG .70 .05'. .04 ''2. .51 .13 'i ... 2.00 . .51 2.63 .34 .. 1.55 .. 68.25 .18 i.n . .04 ... 3.75 .28 .. 2.2n' . 2..V! .22 .63 3.25 mer in the eariy auys oi nif Hl XI A far Atlantic 15 Calmont 52 C &. E 7.fi0 Central Lcduc 1.30 ,!,,! 'M'.'-eeiru it, ' "ii' aiy jii'b- be d- alt '-'""iiul. On 'he . I hat, in from Holland. Other guests or honor, besides the Bishop and Mr. Anfield, were Fathers F. Rayner, E. Green and O. P. Mohan. Taft-Hartley Act. The strikers can produce aboui, 2.200,000 tons a day. Throughout the country less than two weeks' coal reserves remain stored above ground. "i the ong'.ial his life, his later years were taken ip by working in a small garden beside his dwelling and cutting kindling wood for neighbours. ' Fnueral services arc expected to be held Friday. He was a devout Roman Catholic and going :i-te Johnny Treloar in one semi-iina The supper, provuicu oy uk.-Civic. Centre Dining Room, was served by John MacDougall with the assistance or M. Murphy. W. could franc' pa1 ele-ctov 11.75 .10 2.00 4.55 .3!!'b . .07 9.10 .08 .12", Home Oil M"rcury Oka It n Paciric Pete ., Princess Roval Canadian Royalite Toronto Athona Aumaque The passenger train from th. East, due at 10:15 p.m. will be twe i inlliiiin-n niii fit" 1 about in his bare feet hi seasor ' tj I! followed ii BASKETBALU t TONIGHT 8:30 p.m. fc o ........wlv h Page, J. Penland, M. Gagnow, u. Sharon, Ed. Ling, M. Albert, D. Mulroney, R. Schaeffer, J. Bug- and out, he y,ns a familiar fig- J hours and forty minutes late h i tire about the city since the eariy arriving due to late connections; orig'.iai Civic Centre WEDNESDAY Tickets Ormes and Civic Centre at Jasper. days. I or. v.o-ops vs. diuhi"vu. j , the yinka and Jmes MacDougall,.