Tf"- Prince Rupert Doily News Tuesday, February 7, 1950 rw w rirr7Jr--n 1 odQy and Man Dies In Roof Cave In two shows each NIGHT 7 p.m.. 9pm DAVID O. SEIZNICK p,,,'.,,,, CAOl REED'S production of Theatre Has Its ! Own Power Plan! ; Harry Black, manager of the .Capitol Theatre, lias found the answer to the power shortage as far as the movies are concerned. 'He has produced his own power unit. I i The unit, which produces 15 i horsepower is composed of the I chassis and motor of an old Ar-, row bus. transformers from Nelson Bros. Fisheries and a dynamo which was brought from Poi'ilie-, ton by rail. The dynamo was used by Mr. Black during a prolonged power 1 shortage of the Kootenay Li-ht and Power Co. some ten years ago. This unit will provide enough power to light the build-; ing, run the projectors and light ;neon signs in front of the The-' atre. CHOSEN IY THE LONDON DAILY EXPRESS AS "THE starring BEST PICTURE . MADE NYWHERE wm DlESDft . IN THE WORLD" HENRI lllSBtlllli : ' : ft 1 1 1 - - tv I t : r rXM ' 1 r f i x ' ? L GlOVtS OtNISOot x-: : : Si S - - 5 s 2 2 ; Y C.C.L Shies From Reds VANCOUVER CP British Columbia Federation of Labor CCL on Sunday resolved on quick, tangible action to aid the province's unemployed but shied away from affiliation with the Vancouver Unemployment Action Association . Robert Sneal, president of the Victoya Labor Council told delegates to the Federation's sixth annual convention that alignment with the Association would mean 'collaboration with policies of the Communist party in Canada." William Stewart, president of the Marine Workers and Boiler-workers' Union and long-time critic of the C.C.L.'s endorsement of the C.C.F., was defeated by Dan Refold for the Federation presidency. Reford is the C.C.L. regional director. George Home was acclaimed for a second term as C.C.L. secretary treasurer. Murray Cottcrill, member of the national executive of the C. C.L., who outlined the Congress' plan to organize the unemployed, said the Trades and Labor Congress and "any other bona fide organization" was invited to join the C.C.L. Unemployed, he said, will be organized into non-due paying locals, chartered and affiliated with the C.C.L. Labor Council in their city. m JOHNNY'S Jottings Prince Rupert may have made a mistake 25 years ago. At least that is what some citizens here think. Some may think that Prince Rupert, winch has sunk so much money into other improvements, should make an effort to ferab the reins and control the power system. Maybe tlv: Northern B. C. Power C n.ipany cannot entirely be blamed for the present situation. The weauier hurl Now the company lias decided that an emergency delsei engine IS required. Last year, the city was faced with a similar incidence but luckily the weather Intervened. lit iv , I 1( ; ft "If J V ft r : ... .ill K 1 COLD oi A new home- 'L is never t... or t.. ' Plan to C-j-i co.vrmn mi:' ! KM) .16) i : l'r I'liins and ( ' ! FOR FASHIONS TASTE (B Rupprt Peoples Store B iiaDBOianoacaBiib i District Forester M. W. Gorm-ei.vauc! Assistant Forester J. A. K. ! Rcid left on Monday night's j train on a bi-ncss trip through i the Prince Rureri forest district. I 1 V"".'1 jS . "' V 'Bct&fof's Easer, S?eecer wifh Wonderful New Fast Rising Dry Yeast! Aid,. rman Casey said at a his r,,,. !&: 1??1H V.'tA'V ta .-ramming of ci'y council two week luplaytd I y No company Ls goinn to y the Oov James William rilondell, 55. oi. Pacific Mills Ltd. at Ocean Foils was killed approximately 10 a.m. Monday when the roof of a building caved in due to the weight of snow. The resort was rrreivrd I In the district office of the B C Police here yesterday from the i Ocean Falls detachment. Blondell, a widower, was raft building foreman on the boom. 1 A second report from Ocean Falls stated that the man u.sed the alias James William Brown, for what reason, it is not, as yet known. Date rl inquest has not i been announced up to the pre- sent time. The Vancouver office of the B jC. Police has been advised to notify relatives. It is known a daughter, Mrs Richard D. Rug- gles resides in Vancouver. ' fcp. 4" to j I., r sweat V- Htw.!.,,.,' tA .j CRASHES DURING SEARCH- This C-47 t .S. Ar my plane, one of a huge fleet- engaged in a search for a missing U.S. Air Force plane vi:h 44 ab.iard, plunged into the ro.u.a along the Alaska .'hallway eight .days ago. Six persons w iu.iuicrt in the crash but, Bid soon arrived from a nearby search base. . ,cr Pnol, I s I "'jw'., f. 4 tv s:'fv- N .'-'I CFPR Radio Dial 124U Kilocycles (Subject to Change) TUESDA I fM. 4:15 Stock Quotation and Int. 4:30 The Grey Owl 4:45 Trio Tunes 4:55 CBC News 5:00 Dance Serenade 5:30 Musical Program 6:00 Supper Serenade 6:15 Perry Como 6:30 Musical Varieties 6:45 Smoke Rings 7:00 CBC New 7:15 CBC News Roundup 7:30 Leicester Square to Broadway 8:00 Science Reporter 8:15 Nation's Business 8:30 Jr. Chamber of Commerce 8:45 Musical Prog. 9:00 Solo Guest 9:15 Current Hits 9:30 Record Album I0:C0 CBC News 10:10 CBC News 10:15 Miscellany 10:30 Claremont Hotel Orch. 11:00 Weather and Sign Off WEDNESLWl --A.M. 7:00 Musical Clock H: 00 CBC News 8:10- Here's Bill Good 8:13 Morning Song 8:30 Music lor Moderns 8:45 Little Concert 9:00 BBC News and Comty a. id Morning Devotions 9:30 Morning Concert w:59 T me Sl?na: 10.00 Ellen Karris 10:15 Carson Robison 10:30 Melody Time 10:45 Rita Martin's Musical Kitchen 1 11:00 - Air Kindergarten ! 11:15 Roundup Time ! 11 :30-Weather Report 11:31 Message Period ; 11:35 -Recorded Interlude i 11 :45 -Personal Album I 12: 00 Mid-Uay Melodies 15 CBC News 12 : 25 Program Resume 12: 30 B.C. Farm Broadcast 1 12: :55 Recorded Interlude i 1: :00 AUernoon Concert ! 1: 30 Bernie Braden ! 1: 45 Comty. My Mother ; 2: :00 B. C .School Broadcast 1 2 : 30 Records at Random i 2 :45 CBR Presents i 3 : 00 The Music Box ! 3 : 15 Don Messer and His ' Islanders ! 3. :30 International Comment. ! 3: :40 British Empire Games II your sub&cilpilon is in arrears and you do not receiv your paper, please do not blame the publisher, the new boy or the post office. Jus' do a little stra'sht taikin? t ycurself. Co-operation of sub scribers in this regard woulc be appreciated. It would sav a lot of trouble and everybody would D happier. Subscriptions ar3 payable in ad vance ai'illQT-RWl I COW' wivr- t a ti rr 1 One blanket on your bed to I keep you in "Just-Kiiiht" sleeping comfort all night long automatically no matter bow cold your room ireu. 1 hat's the ama2iug feature of the ucw j tf-1'. Automatic lilanket. On chilly nighli too you can cnioy the luxury of getting into a prcwarmcd hn) with the safe, easy-to-wash G-C Jllankct . . . the only blanket that gives you the warmth you want without the weight you don't want. (.oine into our store and see them on display. Three models to choose x3 from in three beautiful (SfjK shades, all with rich satin- igf bound edges. GENERAL ELECTRIC AUTOMATIC BLANKET 1. DOUBLE feKU one control ?39.50 2. DOUBLE BED two control $19.50 J. TWIN BED one control $37.50 ea. NORTHERN B.C POWER CO. LTD. Besner Block Phone 210 NEW FILM BOARD CHIEF W. i Arthur Irwin, editor of Mac-Lean's Magazine, has become cr-mmisioiu-r of the National Film Board lvxt month, replac L. K.jss McLean. if Photo !;t-Ci, T ' "TOT" ft I 'f, -YitK V ' ? y .,.:if.' as iar as T. B. Black is concerned 1 Vwl T "J " "-I' He is doing a marvelous iob in ' JiL, V'. ' " " J ' "'-J'' -"S' Vl lM c"'''ving power. All the blame Pv ' V t;.'."'- ' VLt shou,d- Mr- Black, I HPFF : 's V-'C V' - '? 'X ' ' " U-Li,1, ti , manager of the Northern ' D D I H P:tJiv,.r -:v'U VI4 Jvtc rNsmrrr blood for Prince Rupert." ; It is an obvious fact that it ia up to the citizens of Prince Ru-pirt to worry about citizens of Prince Rupert. No one else w Hi, and If a city' cannot realize this, then the only obvious solution is keep quiet and let someone run us and our problems. Alderman T. B. Black, following Alderman Casey's remarks at the same meeting pomtcd out that the city cannot afford to operate a power systent Report ing this meeting, I leaned a little over to Aid. Black's side as I was then unfamiliar with circumstances. I had not read the contract signed 25 years ago. Tills article holds; nn nrii..,lim..- ! itxccn I f I J r .i cnioy tht excellent .ppoirtm-nh, the delicioui food, and th ur.icclitd I rmce Uupcrt Sailings Southbound Saturday Feb. 18 Saturday, Mar. 4 Wednesday, Mar- 15 For Information and reservations contact H. II. Davies Cieiicral Atient, CINNAMON BUNS 1 M'nrr intu 1;tri:c howl. 1 r. lulv-w;irm vatT, 2 ts'. f-'ranu- hiti-ft vH';:tr : Mir tvitil iionr is i1i-.f)vr. SprinKh-with 2 vnvvU KiMnq 1 My Vi:-t. 1 a vi;n ! 11MU "Ml i; Mir writ. ScjiIiI l c. milk jiiir Hi Va c. uranniateil, l-4 tps, salt. ths. iinrttiiinc; c-.l Id lukewarm. Add to f:ist nuv, niu- and si ir in 2 wilMxaUu cks. Stir in .! c. om-e-sifted hr-;id rt.jur; beat until Work in .i c. niore ,oru-i-Mt!ed bread flour. Knead until smooth and eia-tic; i-lace in reaved r; hiuh top v.nh melted butter or short t-u in if. (.'over and set in w irni pi.-icc. tree tn.rn dra'tl.t. I.rt Me until doubled m bulk". While d"ii'li i- itrii'.'. condiine J 12 c. brown (ti;:!itl re.M- J. ,v. ,t Ups. yrMiitid ( imiaintui, I c. wa-ii,d and dried t edk s iai-ins. I'um li down (Ii-ukIi ami tlividc into 2 e'ial r-lion; futm into smooth ba!l. ea h piece into an ool-'ii Vi" thick at:d 16" h-nK; lof.;;eil Iouuli. hrii-h with nulled lmtter or niarwnriiic. Spinifde with raim mixture, lieyin-itiiirr at a i-ng edpe, roll up each piece hl;p a jelly roll. Cut into 1" idiees. Place jmm toucbiint each oilier, a rut-side up, in greased 7" round layer-cake'vatis tor other shallow pans), (.rease tops, (.'over and b-i rise until doubled in bulk. ISakc in moderate o tn. .i.HJ1, 20-2i miimtes. Serve hot, or reheated. No more takinj; chances with perishable yeast cakes that have lost their leaening power! New I Icisihmann's last DRY Yeast keeps full strength and active riHht till the moment you use it. Needs NO refrigeration keeps safely in your cupboard. Try its marvellous results in your next baking. 1. M O-" TV. JJ I Vi XL.. R. ' Sit GOOD for Life SAVO HQ a . ' ' iiFiMHMMlHSil!! nnvAl I i 1 . ,naY YEAST Ml ACTitAST!(StMSfISH'. 1 I- ' 1: 4ls x'i . 3 0-CO RODE is CRASH SURVIVORS Huddled m si.-etun;; has near the wreckage of their crashed U. A. Army plane, survivors receive aid from rescuers on a Y ukon mountainside before starting the trek to safely. In this RC.A.F. photo, the injured men are in the right foreground. The piano was engaged in the search for the missing U.S. Air For re plane with 'A persons aboard when it crashed. ' iC. P. Photo i p W. L. WOOD? fHOXE 37 f-0 KRASEkbTi prince ni NOW AVA!! t NFAV RKD f . i vuw ijni u s'S til The New MONARCi f more BMimrui f THAU THAN IVR! turoi miii r Tlicre's a whole lifetime of trouble free ervice in no co podh BooT-rRoop pipe. Soil ettlement won't crack or break It, freezing or thawing won't effect It. Tapered joints prevent leaks, keep out routs, no co rode saves you time, work, money. Use no-co rods boot-proof pipe for House-to-Sewer or House-to-Scptic Tank Connections, Downspouts, other underground non pressure uses. Get no-co-rode perforated pire for Septic Tank leaching beds, foundation footing drains, soil irrigation, field drainage. Both types are backed by a 40-year record of out-Standing service, a CALL 651 4k? , ' W ' WW'' ... , t. Pill LPOTT EMIT? fpaaaa 4HRnff..HMMtnK RUGGED TERRAIN Some conception oi the na ture of the country where it is believed a V S Air Force plane with 44 aboard crashed may be gained by this photo. A large fleet of planes combed the area for the missing piano. Th, photo was taken from a plane flyingfrom Edmonton to Whitchorsr to join in the search. (f, p r,v.t c Co. Ltd. LUM3ER and BUILDERS' SUPPLIES l!iP?!rffr11ltii;iBIw'!tt!'ff''"l'l'"1'