AGREEMENT STJSPEVDED Continued from Page 1- Prince Rupert Dairy News Tuesday, February 7, 1950 company has at al ill times oeen I J requirements? impreSSGu thought in .... , alert to power can be proud of your handsome hospital," he saw. "WXf it is 'Have they exercised sd performing miracles for Ufe sic); increasing the producing capac 1 J With City and injured.' f i ity ... I don't think the comppnj "oi oi tt I : An initial inspection stores. I has ever Increased that capac x-v i j : . D en Cc ntest New Director of Public Health Happy After Faniilarixing Ilimslef hotels, restaurants has impressed pr. Black with he amount of health work that is being-carried ! Editorial 'l! ity." "I will personally take the re-! sponsibility," Aid. Black explain- j (' v, Dr. Duncan Black, newly ar- on. ed, "that I did recommend the , The first .week in February will see Booth Mem-! tu eu.i rv rived suPervisor ot health Dr. Black lease and utilizing the dry dock senr- f mentioneu thsu he ices in Prince Rupert for the had met the doctors and other ts m orial Hiffh School students EoinK to the polls not to , 7 " T,j . bl DdnCe vote for civic adminiatratorbut to elect their camp ' TJZ.L have approached for a power in- steam plant. I the company public health unit, has been fam- citizens. "I have found the peo-iliarizing himself with the health pie of Prince Rupert congenial crease." He further added "T wa Mo services of the city with which and pleasant. I feel I have been . I I 'queen who will reifrn over the Valentine Dance Feb. the ',,,. M..haDS, Up;10. Candidates who were chosen by the student. of "c " ""i"' IUU m oemg seni nere. to persuade them to purchase a m h y 110111 UA L,lt; Benior classes, are: q,hooi win on, 81 attire this Fri dlesel installation which vd! be available this year costing in the neighborhod ot one half mdlion dollars." He explained that Grade 10-1 Joyce Farrington, Manager, Ronald Kryklywyj. i ival Drill Hall. beauty contests. This contest reflects . in it's way the taste and desires of the future citi . r.t,v II la in producing costs will be doubled. INDUSTRIAL DEFENCE CHIEF H. J. (HARRY) Car-miehael of St. Catherines, Ont. is one of Canada's greatest in- 10-2 Clara Varfeldt,1 Roald Feness. i Oracle Manager, for the lull emergency net ds. i "Thats an honest opinion Al- ' zens of this country. Jt ,4 STAFF Editor-in-Chief -D. Kerrighan Editor Bernard Carood. Reporters Carql Moorehouse, Joyce Moorehouse, Tommy Moorehouse, Sheila BeanHt, i Irene Keekie, Irene Hanson, Rene Nicholson, Willie Wilkinson, Henry Martinusen, Olive Strand. derman Casey . . . . be seen that many ;GU-'trtaiists.He wasco-ordinator' can r tUuilul rangements. sident Arnold Ol--ram cards will be door to the ladies, ill be expected to ,r each dance. The -sweetheart of ,pn will preside over It was suggested by Alderman Don Fitch that the British Columbia Power Commission b3 con of the candidates have not been chosen on beauty alone. It can also be iiiuiiiuuus production during the Second World War and became chahman of the peacetime Industrial Defence Board. i CP Photo) tacted in order that the city ob- Grade 11-1 Iona Hardy, Manager, Victor Brain. , i Grade 11-2 Madeline Young-' man, manager, Elsa Schmidt. 1 12-1 Lenora Faught, manager. Ray Hunter. 12-2 Geid Lien, manager, Frank McFadden. rev r ss- ns y entertainment. lees. Doorman will be Arnold Olsen. A Junior School dance Is scheduled for the same evening Idt. Gerry Procter. respectively are refreshments, de- m cummlt- in the school auditorium. 4 i urogra 'I Girls For Students' Favor harming tain information as to what car be done here. Alderman Black said that Mr. Weston of the commission was here last year and issued a set of figures which could be readily obtained oy mail. He added that at present, the commision is in a worse situation than the Northern B. 0. Powr Company due to , conditions in the Okanagan Valley. Th- commission had not been able to furnish emergency equipment here. Discussions kept arising and the meeting; lasted one and one-half hours. A large ot noticed that the more mature the nominating group, the more the candidates popularity d e-pends upon her personality. This shows that the trend towards culture and charm with beauty as second choice is coir, tinuing. Because of this then, it seems likely that a girl who has more attrac tions than mere prettifies,, will become the Bo-Me-Hi School Queen for 1950. This is even more likely when on' considers that half the voters will be girls themselves. Anyhow, the only way to lie sure is to wait and see and hope that the most suitable, whoever that may be will win. Ira Varfelt Her voice, especially, has attract- passes all her classes with hon- it is a very good "d much attention, having sung orsi, she would probably 3ay she ays willing to help hi the local theatre on the ama- is going to be a atenographer. jme of need. Her teur contest and over tlje local But her secret ambition is to be-her form is excel- radio station. , come a dress designer and a fash- looks Rood In a ' lona has taken part in many Ion model. social events and this experience Her manager says Gerd Lien Is : 3 inches, ash blond coupled with her looks and per- the only candidate for School eyes, and is 115 nnallty go towards making her Queen who wanted to be intro- i.'auty. 'Her marks the ldmil candidate for the Queen tluced to the Junior grades. 1 "ZZ-'&f TI.e Crfe MtlWw Alami 5'"t, luc wS 111 - n.f m citizens listened to proceedings. "All the boys drank root beer out of my slipper what a mess!" I . I I ' ' ' I I OV3WOOO, I'M GOING TO .. VTy-N I IT t , of Booth Memorial. I ra's liuit year at our se next year she Is Convent for a busi-So let's give her io remember our Gerd Lien ! Orade 12-J's candidate for School Queen is an all Rupert lnss; she was born here on "Feb- Lenora Faught j Lenora was born on June 12, 1932, in Innislail, Alberta, but j now after residing here for seven years, .she is an all around Prince Rupert girl. Lenora's iigure compares with any other girls in the school. You've seen her leading cheers at the Civic SAME RESTAURANTS ) .iUft if L NV F , V- iAl-T-T A' -fr t K1.1K ne, wu.-n. oi , nmr, 17 1932, and has had oU her schooling here, having at- I PQcrinnton ' t,nc"cl Sod old King Ed before Centre. . 'She keeps her classes in con- iitu an education ot Bo-Me-Hi. Gerd has a very pleasant per-, tlnual roar of laughter much to the DELIGHT oi me teachers. an average standing and is interested in ctivities. She takes .terest in school af-as mi the Student ; Jr. Council Presid- 49. sotmiity. She has acquired a rare knack of prompting a conversation along with a two letter word, "oh." iwith a question mark, following it.), Seriously, IhfcugbL. she is a great conversationalist and puts Just the right amount of humor in it. ' ' Oerd has one of the most perfect figures in the school. She cute blonde, With Site is 5 2". and Is I in all the school. iq Hardy of Bu-Me-Hi Iona 'should be seen In a bathing suit position excellently. ' ph-la-la. And to compare her :n years old, five figure with any of the other Lenora is usually found with a piece of gum in her mouth and her way of talking and chewing at the same time is quite a feat. Seriously, Lenora in really quite l itnl and a lot of fun. Lenora is a senior in Bo-Me-Hi. She is one of our Cheer Leaders, and has many ther school activities to her credit. She has brown hair and hazel eyes. Stands about 5' 2". Modaline Youngman Maddy has long been called "Everybody's Pal" and she really does live up to this name. She is always gay, bright and happy, with a smile for everyone, or a cheerful word. Maddy was born here on a windy day in November, 1933, and now at the age of 16 she is one of the most popular girls in Bo-Me-Hi. She is taking the Commercial course and hopes to be some poor man's secretary some day. She really goes in lor blues records and banana splits, both of which she enjoys at a certain cafe every idles tall, has brun-d brown eyes and a are Everything con- .5 very nice to look at onderful personality. n interests centre 'na. an .and singing. girls contesting for School Queen, measurements may be obtained from her manager, Buck McFadden. If Oerd were asked what she Is going to be after graduation, (and there Is not a chance of her not graduating cause she CHICKEN SALAD. - I I LOCK, BOSS, VV I 1 H tl . S -vJ . I 3 f COSNED BEEP AND . f OH, , I S DONT HAVE TO GO J KJ.-pt J ( . A IS cweese sampwiches ) ( vummV, jfSl ( cajt to eat tocw ASP r ? lStsRS'-;J v-1 5 5 V APPLE Pt r- V Vjmmv.Vi b.j --BLONt FIXED IpTr d ii K ' N & I cake, fpuit vJna. yjZ M ; ' 7 a delicious rrfrxU J ncJlliTi i I I I II DID VOU SAY "S. ,-r( AND CORNED BEEF ) I I II I x ( ITS JUST TEN -THiPTV " I VCHICKEIM SALAD J sijV)v AND CHESE J L . ALL RlGMT ) -V Mf?. DITHER'S IPS " f j AND HOME- -r-rS SS ( MO CAKE V. 'M RFADyV m' A AN HOUR AMD A ) ! : j ' f - i WHY OONT THE HANDS ON THE. I j I I 'LL CLEAN fVEr?VTHlNS OFF V I Here! 1950 CHRYSLER PLYMOUTH Jou get the Good Things first from the Chrysler Corporation ligh Compression Engines hydraulic Brakes . . looting Power- "v " - H Steel Bodies . ; PILES , , Every day we receive letters r from former sufferers, who had i given up hope, grateful for the I U-W.K MWt r-AbTt V I M T I I , , , OKAY -4. , I MY UtaK. W WtLL SjKKfcAU' I IJ jpviNG cSTARsinoN) M boss'S CJJy ( hutomatic Over Drive Transmission f luid Drive And Many Other Firsts lCC your lornl rkrucl PUmAiith nnlr new Pyltone Treatment, many after years of misery. You know how modern science has advanced. Pyltone is a result of that advancement. Pyltone Pile Treatment eoes direct to the trouble source ( internal i. The t-.iKts nf Pvlptmip mnv be dis WPEHT MOTORS JJMI1ED agreeable but results are what! vou want. You get results with lh iirst bottle or vour .money rt' rlritir PHONE 363 refunded. At all modern IH) gists. For Estimate nnd Supplies Mitchell & Currie Ltd. Builders and Contractors ' ' THlS e BUMSTEAD MrMliPte I ( I "C 1 ' Illi'PIPI J NOU SUIJE DID YOU CAN 1' jP SllllV"c',c 1 LEAVE MY trflf AND ITS ,T1J'SiH"fiul i' f GOTO JAIL SZL fS f vN, 5 ' Q j Phone 311 l Mcflride St. V A NCOli V lilt V ICTORI A SEATTLE Sunday, 9 p.m., Chilcotin Tuesday, 1:30 p.m., Coquitlam ALICE ARM, STEWART ANI 1'OIIT SIMPSON Sunday, 11 pm. FOR NORTH QCEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS sr. Chilcotin, Feb. 3 and 17 10 p.m. FOR SOtTTII QCEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS ss. Chilcotin, Feb. 10 and 24 16 p.m. FRANK J. SKINNER Prince Rupert Agent Third Avenue Phone 5GB Headquarters for W'NTER SPORTS EQUIPMENT Skis L urT' ched Ice Skate Outfits ' "odmirttori Racquets and Shuttlecocks Sleighs re at