there are others climbing the j Prince Rupert Daily News LETTERBOX City-Province Tiff On East Gambling 50 per month 404,700,000 60 per month 485,640,000 PENSIONS OF SCO PER month! ar. age 60, such as I have iongj advccated in this column, would I hill with all the sound effects of a Stuka dive bomber or a rjight fighter taking off on a mission. It seems to me that it these vehicles are firing their fuel back Friday, Jane 2, 1950 McBRlDE STREET NOISE Member of Canadian Press Audit Bureau of Circulations Canadian Daily Newspaper Association ' . : : , SUBSCRIPTION RATES TORONTO CP' A controversy Vic 4 moon Tnmntii mmitMniil nrwl As m it in the tail-pipe of their exhausts, cost the people of Canada $1,- , 174.962,000 in 1951. But as the Editor, Daxly News either the engines are badly out . . ,,, -.,.,,., total number of olderfolk is la- i For the Dast six months the - n. th vhlr!M be- ... . '. ....... - By Carrier, rer Week, zOc; Per Month, 75c; rer Teai. $8.00; By Mall, Per Month 50c; Per Year $5.00. ceasiiiff the would be- SI , " . wnciais arose wuay over u c cost' . ,, , , me wjuiu up - ..rasing -"l nf th CltV livinff in- the la ,.!j,-ir,t.j ,. v,,,.H aa far o firp , , and $1,644.- . ,... .". have " ' , - ---- --, gamDUng suuauon in loronio. 418,814,000 in 19U vicinity of McBride Street,' concerned: Provincial Secretary Welch After Marshall Plan 1C2.000 in 1971. The federal and provincial governments combined are that contradicted Mayor Hiram Me-; are'Callum over the matter fo the It is a well known fact some of pur local trucks By ELMORE PHILPOTT PENSIONS COMING ORDINARILY GAB .pending $135 millions per year had the pleasure of attending an impromptu School of Warfare Noises and at present the said residents aie capable of withstanding anything- in the shape of the noises of modern war-Iare. First we iiave some of the local of the complex of recent ministerial talks-two GUT three twelve in - power, - power,, - power "toTi'dorrhave come two major results. One Is the either having their mufflers removed or, if the muffler Is due for replacement, well, it never is replaced this In order to give the vehicle a little more power, to carry a little more load, the Ontario government, giving oharters to- clubs. The mayor stated that at least six professional gambling syndicates were operating in Toronto and intimated that city police were hamstrung in the matter of clubs operating under provincial INET ministers' speeches' on Old Age Pensions now. Hence there Is no argument that adoption of any one of the. mors generous schemes will cost SOMEBODY more than the present plan. development and improvement of the machinery of i ,t k WW readme. for Summe HERE ARE JUST a-OF THE GOOD VA Men's Pure Wool spj JACKETS blue and I Reg.$ 30.00. f Nw A : $ Men's Brown OXFoit, good fit, latest style. I Special Now Men's WINUBKEAKiHs Reg. $5.00. Now .... m , Young' Men's Gat-PANTS-perfrct fit ant From Of Men's Union SlTrS-" needle. Reg. $3 00. 1 Now Only iBoys' WINDRRRAKHi ' showerproof, all b!- I $4.00: Now "J Boys' and Girls' 'n, , HATSbetter quality i ' ' ift. Sells $2.50. I ! Now only 4 Boys; PANTS for dro selHKil wear, good fit. , strons. Prom c vehicles which, when they coast straw that breaks the camel's broken down McBride Street, emit back referring to our . But what we will do, in fact. ire iNonn Atlantic ireary urganization. ine oilier gut t,he one made in par-is the decision to begin talks on the subject of eco- j ijament on Mareh 10 by nomic co-operation after Marshall' Aid ends in' the i Qn pauj yiartin is aii - summer of 1952. The second is probably more im-! exception. . 'portaht. , , I It gives the whole background .. The decision which Acheson, Bevin- and Pear- If irZSc- is to put the whole matter oft flashes and noises, reminding down streets and highways, (forj tavi-.g for old age on a new and J one of the concentrated efforts Whlch all the repair money it systematic basis. Somebody has 0f a machine gun company. Then g0ne ' 4 j to keep old people now. This Is, Mr Ed,ttor! now done either by personal! advance and humanitar- tnat there lg. a. provision in the . thrift, by younger mmeoers of ! . .... i ,,. .... SOn took in consultation with Dr. Stikkoris some- dian who reads it the facts on the families, or by old age pen- " "t Z!""?: JS . thing entirely new. It is the first step taken towards . 'nlcn t0 et a cIear understand- ' ' business ever devised. It will d I thlg lJf the. tneui thinSs now stand the stabilize the purchasing power Ihriftv r.Pr! nnt nnlv Vav tr I . .. , , v,cl, there SnOUlQ DB more supervision-1 SUperviMUIl , pay Z"L to "aT'Z: stay alive In their ZZ old T ?. p,."".l.wrr: of thk. delinquency by the police. answering the biggest problem apart perhaps from Anybody can get a free copy defence which faces the countries of Western j of this speech by writing to m.-. Europe and North America. That is the question of SLS . Reviews It will -aise away num w.e ., ,o . . tn; ...- wisintss is BAD for Cars In AUTOMOTIVE S E R V ICE as in any moeTand a nayba'can comply with, the law, then age. But they also have to pay t. keep the more thriftless alive Under an all-put-ln-and-tako-cut scheme the whole working the other tenth should' be made wnat to ao aoout economic co-operation in ivoz, tr. thi neoole that same money J Old Age Security." ! THE MAIN FEATURE OF MR ,ph thpv aro old and no-longer i t0 comply; ! Martin speech is that he in pcpuiauon wouia contriDute ac- aDle to earn. cording to capacity rich most j Tnere are a dozen different Yours for a good; night's sleep. "HIBERNIA." thing else, you get ex poor least. Everyone In Canada. ways in which we could pay forj rich and poor, white, black red j sucri pensions. We have plenty! or grey- would draw out his or of room to argue about such' actly what you pay , tor Their7"; th reason Mrs. A T. Ivarson leave on cludes complete figures for coses of the various schemes. Suppose Canada decides to pay everyone of 70 years of ag?, or over a pension without means test, starting next year. Here is what Mr. Martin's experts figure it would cost the nation per year: ' . . her same-amouni, month. pension per way. But let us NOT argue about this evening's "traim for Dulutn, J why you're wise to bring I the objectives. i ' . Ulr.-....., viBi. hhi ...!-. n. Built .:!. SHfMGOLE m this matter at least, let -.,...,., your Chrysler car to a man who knows it FUTURE GENERATIONS will wender hew we could ever have been so dumb as to delay proper pensions so long. A proper plan Canadians think of themselves her son and daughter-in-lawN Mb. as just one big family, solving I and . Mrss Harold: Ivarson. Mrs, forever the financial worries of'lvarsow Will' also visit with best . .. . Our trained: The i d e a I finish! $30 per month $242,820,000 mechanics havethe its older folks . friends in Wisconslni; i 323,7CO,000 will prove to be not only a great Shingles Fences 40 per month I "Know How" to make rough lumber. Mai a variety of attmd It has for a long time been taken as axiomatic th'ar the organization for European Economic Co-operation, which was set up in 1948 to deal primarily with Marshall Aid, could not simply be scrapped.. There could be no going back. In some form or other ; J'anfzed economic co-operation between West European countries would have to continue. . At the end of four years it had been thought that Europe should be nearly self-supporting. It would continue with a policy of European co-operation. But the U.S.A. could then withdraw from anyjdnd of organizational association and revert to "normal" trade connections with Europe. The assumption was that in the "post-Marshall" period Europe's economic problems would be "Eur- opean," capable of solution within a purely European framework. But it has gradually become clear that this assumption was a false one. It 'has become clear that if post-Marshall co operation were to be effective it could not be confined to Europe. The U.S.A.; and probably other overseas countries, must in some way be associated with it.' But it is one thing for such things to be plain repairs quickly saving you time and money. They use only, factory colors. " fhomDSon Harws ; engineered and inspect Co. LrT. I ed parts ond special fac A tory approved equip ment. Moving,, Parklnir, Cratlf Shitpfn and Cineii Carta and Slrae4 complete Reliable and I nt) Service:, alxn aw Ruperf Moforstfd. Canadian Liquid Air Ca t tir Oxysen; Acrtylrnc ail Phones 566 Service Dept. 866 Parts Dept- vwltflrn supplies. Lindsay's Cartagf S-y :t --j, to economists. It is quite another for" governments, j WE OFFER AS PRINCIPALS Storage Limite Cor. 2nd and Park Av Est. 1910 Phonrs B9 a 750,000. CLASS A COMMON SHARES OV THE lf!W! tlii.n'iltiiii: tHItl Ul III, I W . f) T.S.S. STKAMFIt ENGINES St RQ11IPMKNT W rtwll ltrt llnv fur mIp rummtnir illwln, Hlnllv iiiH Huelnr FlPxilild illwrt FMtuiixt ililne. Klv1lili fun nnr-, Trolllne ll Hwhrl. lllrhrlvt' 4ilil Hilrl Prf lli-nw nrl iron KllMi Piston- Hint. IMr nixl I'll Flttlne. HnlllilKHl llfrif llraHnx. Jbm- ClMtclira aiifhor Mfr-llnicll. . Wlwl iiihi lira" ShnMliie. , Hull. NutH, stuiu nnrt t'ap Ilaliluit side Roller Shrnvrit. AfHhor Curilv Mssrrlintiln. I hit Mild Hlwl, Varlnui. mill Irs of nlMrlnr ImH-war and riiiiuiu-nt, ttm niini-r-ou to llll-lldilll. BYTOWN MACHINE WORKS PRINCE RUFH a SAILS FOR Yancouve which have to take many other factors into consideration; :to act. Credit for the first move goes to Canada. It was Lester B. Pearson, who proposed and secured inclusion in the North American Treaty of Article 2 by which the signatories agree to the principle of economic co-operation with each other. The big decision taken in London is that not only must Europe economic co-operation continue after the end of the Marshall Aid period but that : there will have to be a "working; relationship" between the European body, the tLSA. and Canada. . . The exact nature of that working relationship has to' be discussed and decided. There are other problems-ahead. What are to be the relations with the sterling . area ? What are to be the relations with' the big Sbviefc economic bloc, which includes 'all Eastern Europe :.afi 3nore than half of Asia? :;.5iiit the big step has been taken. It is now . accepted on both sides that the economic problems of the post-Marshall period cannot be solved in a ar.:l Intermi'iliati Thursday CORPORATION LIMITED - (at Prince Rupert, B.C.) At $1.00 PER SHARE For the purpose of erecting, equipping and operating a Hotel, theatre and stores in the town of Prince Rupert, B.C., on a site where the Canadian-National Railway had proposed to erect a hotel, we are offering 750,000 Class A Common Shares at the par value of $1.00 per share. For prospectus, etc., and details of offering of shares,, fill out and mail the attached coupon today. These shares are available from your own hank or broker. at 11:15 p.m. FOR KETCHIK wt liNI'SIIIY MinMI For Rcserv;.' Write or ( 1 CITY OK nil ISs ... OH K M TPJNCE RUij , B.C. OFFICERS AHD DIRECTORS- ...... President and Director ...... Vice President and Managing Director . - ' - .Secretary'Treasuref . .. ...... Director (Past President of American Hotel Olibr Bmner George B. Mulligan James T. Harvey -Thomas D. Green Brk .WI Vancouver, B.C Toronto, Ont. Prince RJpert, B.C. New York, N.Y., U.S.A. New York, N.Y. . ' Association, New York, N.Y.) ..... David B. Mulligan ......... Director ..-............. I 1 -Mry Soicitort ............. Registrar and Transfer Agents Head Offices Russell, Dumoulin 6? Company, Vancouver, B.C. . Crown Trust Company, 569 Howe Street, Vancouver, B.C. ' 1010 Credit Foncier Building, 'Vancouver, B.C. continental framework. They require some kind of continuing organized working relationship between j Western Europe and North America ; probably some kind of working relationship between these and the 1 rest of the British Commonwealth as well. The acceptance of that proposition removes the twin danger that has been threatening the Western World American economic isolationism and a new but equally dangerous trend towards a sort of European isolationism. We have already perceived that the economic problem cannot be solved without co- , -operation; between nations. The four great powers) "now declare, in effect, that they cannot be solved! without co-operation, between continents. It is , difficult to over-estimate the importance of- that McGILL SECURITIES (B.C.) LIMITED 6G2 STOCK EXCHANGE BUILDING 475 HOWE STREET VANCOUVER, B.C. , MArine 6435 V THE GRAY MAGIC ROYAL PORTABLE Get it on EASY TERMS! ONLY ROYAL GIVES YOU flNGER F10W KEYS SPEED SPACER STREAMLINED SEAUTYVMAGIC" MARGII Reistcrrd Trade mark Iga mm kb n sa m warn warn SS m mm mm mm mm- mm mm. M Mi- Ml - tSti tSl UkV lrlS m Jo: Mcliill Secunties (B.C.) LimitedL t " ov c u u r D.ij. . Only $17.50 cash and $1.50 a week See it NOW1 -- .aiiii tuijuing, P 475 Howe Street, Vancouver, B.C.' ' . Phase send me prospectus and detail of offering of shares for CUrle M. Hays Haul Corporation limited NAME . . ADDRESS . . , ' ,1 8 . 2 i Hi KSSS E9 El n B) tm fas HMM H 9 l t or r rm Jt VANCOUVER VICTOR Sunday, 9 p.m., Camos Tuesday, 1:30 p.m. Coquit ALICE ARM, STEWART PORT SIMPSON Sunday, Coquitlam, HP 10 p.m. FOR NORTH QI'Htf CHARLOTTE ISLAND ss. Camosun, June 9 am FOR SOUTH Ql-M" CHARLOTTE ISLAND ss. Camosun, June 2 and 10 p.m. " FRANK J. SKINNEI . Prince Rupert Agent Third Avenue Phon MAE BROS. LTD. COPY OP THE PROSPECTUS HAS BEEN FILED WITH THE REGISTRAR OP COMPANIES OP BRITISH COLUMBIA , Applications for Shares fn May be Made to ( CHARLES M HAYS HOTFL ARMSTRONG AGENCIES UIIHIlLLd III. IIHIO IIUII.L Local Representorives' or Your . Bank !' or Broker GOOD WATERFRONT NEWS I -ETTTNG of the contract for the breakwater for I the protection of the fisheries floats at Westview Bay is welcome. if overdue, news. It is- satisfactory, too,, that the important job, being stalled' almost immediately, is to be completed by September. This means that the fleet will not have to face the risk of Being; caught by one of those severe westerly gales; which blow up occasionally once in a while during a normal winter and pound the Prince Ruper. waterfront. . ' The building of the big breakwater together with the putting in of the level crossing road, which will 'connect the city road with the Fairview Bay floats, as well as with the big Prince Rupert Fishermen's Co-operative plant, will complete the eff ective-nes&af, facilities which were installed a few years aga at the west end of , the waterfront. Safurday LE(SHN m Canadian Legion IFILIQ) BLEHJEIF Proceeds to Flood Relief