HOSPITAL, DUES prfnre Rupert Da!? rectus Fridav. January 14. 194!) Civic Centre . Dates I ':UI '-'M n,tU f bV t owner f " 1 Chandler &( j An U.d(X-l.diit rtUj itv8papr tUvntrd tn the upbuilding of Prlnne Ruport J NON-PAYMENT BRINGS PENALTY (Authorized u Second Class Mll. Post Of lice Department, Oitwa Published ew afternoon except Sunday b Prince Rupert Dally Newg Ltd., 3rd Avenue. Prince Rupert. British Columbia. Q A. HUNTER, Managing Editor. H. C. PERRY. Managing Director. UKMBHrPt OF CANADIAN PRESS AUDI! BUREAU OP CIRCULATIONS CANADIAN DAILY NEWSPAPER ASSOCIATION SUBSCRIPTION RATES . , City Carrier. Per Week. 20c: Per Month. 75c: Per Year. 8 00. KrsLjiHtE- SAFES DRIVING PLEA FEELS GRATEFUL Editor. Daily News: Editor. Daily News: I am writing this letter in , On behalf pf the congregation the hopes that the party who 0f Knox United Church, Terrace. By Uan.iPer Month. 60c; Per Year, 5 00 VICTORIA Because of the In-1 crease in hospital ' public wardj rates persons not covered under the Hospital Insurance Act will j have to pay an increased basis I rate per lay. Rlui thf usual) charges .for a.11 speciaj services.! According to Dr. J. M. HersheyJ director of the plan, the average f bill for public ward care, in SATURDAY Spurts P.M. 2:00 Teen Akc Badminton 2:00 Adult Casual Badminton 7;00 Teen Age Badminton, liasketball League imex 8:30 Junior: Rupert Hotel and North Star. 7:15 Intermediate: Stones and High School. 8:30 Senior: Brownwoods and Co-op. 9:5 Women: MiH'ir Bay and Peoples. ran over and killed my son s i would like to use your columns little' collie pup Wednesday af-, t0 say "Thank You" to all those ternoun while on the rounds wno WOrked so splendidly to save of his paper route will read our ehurch from flames, ivtth at least some feeling of, Thfi local fire brigade did a Box 645 "Moral Values, Too irejrret! The pup had just re-, n t job and the T THIS CRUCIAL STACK in the world's that a decision many hospitals for such persons r A cently been purchased and paid &nd helpfulness of numcr-for by the lad. who is a earner.; Qtner volunU.era ancJ own. HEAL ESlJ affairs in which it appears naviUS icccjiuiy "'' ,,, ,..,ir.ks anri stnrnQe Kiv.ce Income T tl j dog. the blow of the second pup's death was much harder to bear. The driver of this cari did not have the decency to stoo after running down the was Indeed moving. The Kindness of the Anglican Church and the local Oddfellows in offering us accommodation is likely to be in the nelghbor-hod of $12 to $15 per day. In making this announcement, Hr. .Hurshey pointed out that, in addition, they will be required to pay their outstanding Hospital Insurance premiums, pltis the penalty for. delinquency imposed, under the Act. In n case can such a porson be billed tor services. "Hospital cost-s," he said, "have Increased mately 40 over those of 1940." broken- wiil als0 be long remembered. 324 2nd Ave. ,N ! wee pup. The lad, Yours sincerely, Fev.-i P. H. MALLETT. ' Minister, hearted, carried the little body, home. ' ! I do think that m a n y j as '4" Knox United Church. Terrace. Door Mats art' cars travel at too high a speed, especially along Seventh Av-have no regard whatsoever for human or animal life. I hope that this particular party responsible for the pup's death, Heavy Uubbcr and Wire Const nictiioi:" y SLEEPER FARES ARE MOVING UP iver. i . . . 1.83 Size 11x22 " 10x27 Size 21x1 " 2ixsfi:. an amount less than would be paid to the same hospital for similar services on account of a beneficiary under Hie Act. - The reported .increase . does not affect those fpverpfl under; the Hospital Insurance a,ci smce the Hospital nHiirnne Service ' Rays for all services at a public ward level, pupeflfiiaries under' the Act, using semhprivate or 2.5 realizes he not only left a bro-! Travelling costs will mount ken body but aloo a broken again next Monday when (i gen-heart so drivers please drive eral 25 per cent increase goes A I'-'' j. i.: more slowly! i into effect in sleeping and chair Thanking you, Mr. Editor, I car fares on Canadian rail-JUST A SUBSCRIBER, j ways. The increase will restore these fares to the -same levels ,ncrs SPECIAL SIZES AND SHAPES MADE TO OR Price J.15 per square foot Coco Fibre Mats Size 10x27 1.23 Size 20$30... must be made between chaos or cosmos and the Tvery existence of mankind, social studies are a matter of the greatest importance, particularly in view of the continuing challenge to our free way of living. 'Much of natural science today derives its foundations from the inventions .and studies of the past. Men have labored through the years to fur-- ther the progress of science and their- efforts have been adopted and enlarged by modern scientists. We have made .rapid advances in all the pure sciences. But, wjiile men of science have grasped avidly for discovered truths and inventions, the knoy- ledge of man of his social, political and economic relationships has been sadly underdeveloped. How many of us comprehend or are even interested in " anything beyond the merest surface of these mat-., tf'vs? The fact is that natural 'science has probed far beyond man's capacity or desire to grasp. While we live in a scientific world beyond our conception, live in a normal world which often seems little beyond the caveman stage. : , It might as well he admitted that the path to world peace lies in knowledge and higher moral values. This should not be only a practical world. It should be a spiritual one. We must accept both practical and spiritual ideas in working toward world peace and unity. Tbe ground for a sepure future lies in' the search and acceptance of moral values betv?n man and man and nation and nation. - Only wjf'h such an understanding can knowledge and spiritual values go hand in hand to build a better world. Until there is such a synchronization, ve only grope and hope. e FREE INDIAS FIRST NATIONAL CONGRESS With the national flag of the Dominion of India carried by one of the riders, a huge elephant leads the procession that marked the opening of the 55th session of the Indian National Congress at Jaipur. This is the first aongress to be held since India won its independence. The place has been named Gandhinagar in honor of India's dead leader. op- PRINCE RUPERT YEARS AGO private accommodation, will be billed only for the difference in type of accommodation. ; Dr. Hershey pointed out that the increase in basic public ward accommodation is due to Increasing costs of operating these as 25 years agp. As from Monday the lower berth single minimum goes up from $2 to $2.50 $2.90 including tax) while the upper berth minimum Is tipped to $2 plus tax i $2.35 1. PRINCE RUPERT SUPPLY JI2 Second Ave. CAMBERLEY, surrey. Eng... CP A bandit crow here steals clothes pegs from washing .lines and lets the washing fall in the mud. It takes only spring top pegs. Twenty-Five Years A fisheries biological station was to be established at Prince Rupert, according to John Dyb-hdn, a member of the Biological Board of Canada. The station was to be the third in Canada and the second on this ooast. HOTEL ARRIVALS Prince Hupert G. Qloney. Aiert Bay; S. Mc-Dc-rmi'd, Hqpe; V. Skopan, Alert Bay: H. Bloomficid. Edmonton: M. II. Barr, Akut Bay; Arnuld Stone, Prince George; W. Locker, Port Edward; L. Buckanan, Smithirs; G. Parkin, Sandspit; enroute to Vancouver on a holiday. Mr. Wright was manager for the Graham Island Coal and Timber Syndicate. i The largest real estate deal, from the standpoint of land involved, in the history of Prince Rupert, was closed when John . Frederick Duthie of Seattle purchased 3,365 lots from the j Grand Trunk Development Co. i Ltd. for $33,650. SuperintenUdn; oraham of; the firm of Bates and Rogers, concrete contractors for the O. T.P., arrived in the city after a business trip to the south." He reported that concrete work on ! CLARIFICATION NEEDED EDEN SAYS, Foreign Secre- -Tt j 'i B. Webb. Shirley; I,. Unvvin, Vancouver; L. Grosell, Vancouver: A. Wallace, Alert Bay; J. Souter, Campbell River; J. H. Inrig. Quathiaski Cove; F. C. Buckland, Vancouver; A. A. Shipp. Prince George: Mr. and Mrs. T. Doucette, West Lake; S. Hunt, Quathiaski Cove; W.'E. Bottomly, Smithers; O. J. Mos-crip, Vancouver; S. C. Huson, Alert Bay; Allan Brodie, Aiert Bay. 'F, AS ANTHONY E I tary Ernest iJevin's terms in the Palestine situa- S. J McLeod, manager of the j Duncan Ross tunnel W J,'!l1 be completed in six-eeks; local branch of the Royal Bank tion are confused, it is equally true that the situa- : and that the tunnels near Kit - of Canada, was elected presi selas had been completed and the slow order to train move- ... THE H0SPI1 dent of the Board of Trade for 1924. J. W. Scott was elected i vice-president. ; ments revoked. At Mile 44, he said, about 40 feet of the tvet- iiKHRBfinp Jirvr RFniiiRC? pudtiidati" Tliirty-I'ive Years i ern end uf the tunnel was be- Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Wright of ing concreted and would be fin-Graham Island were visitors ished in a few days. Daily News crammed Ads get ) Quick Results! wwiiiiiiwfta nwi iihywnikv I nil I ivil rill BY EVERYONE Persons .who have not already paid at least sii months' premiums are in art's ARE NOT PROTECTED Briny your payments up-to-date now Said a Disillusioned Labor M.P.: r is now di to he followed Ity two more instalment payments in February and Marrli l w i -overage lor 1949 ' DON'T SLIP BEHIND ' Perspns who have not made any payments should make arrangements to ilo sp immediately Persons using the instalment plan who have allowed their payments to lapse must complete them to aripiire coverage lor themselves and their tion itself is a highly complex one. A lot of things . are not .bkinfjj told or said, particularly when one '. essays t6 analyze the reasons for the attitude of ". United States and the less clarified one of Soviet " Russia or, for that matter, that of Britain which : has been called anti-semitic by some but the actu-' ating circumstances which, of course, have deeper motives and reasons than that. Circumstances are precipitated in Palestine to-; day such as have prevailed for many yeas. In this i cradle of the Christian civilization, are concen-; trated not only cleavages in religious but also eco- nomic and political conceptions and commercial in-; terests. The elements are all those tending to a final struggle for supremacy not only of the ide- alogies but for the economic control of the world. There are so many factors which we inight sur-' mise or suppose in this Palestine situation that it is a daring person who would assume too strong ; convictions qn the rights and wrongs. "WHAT NEXT IN CHINA? WITH THE COMMUNISTS seemingly likely to take over control of China, no matter what ; happens to Generalissimo Chiang Kai-Shek who ; missed the boat on coalition and whose fate might ; t. be -almost anything, things may not be greatly different in China. : 'The Confiiumists will keep the vast territories ; they have' overrun, including the industrial strong-1 hold of Manchuria and, dictating to any new coali- "tion government which may be formed, they will " have political control over the rest of the nation of historic vicissitudes. j The outcome of the Chinese civil war will at ; -Jfast, it is to.basupposed, upset the usurical rental system of thv-Jand under which China has long operated. Whether communist collectivism will be : the next development remains to be seen. Tbe ; western nations will be making "such .efforts as ; they can to preserve the honest democratic forces ; in that great land. NO HOSPITAL INSURANCE CARD CAN BE ISSUED - UNTIL SIX MON PAYMENT HAS BEEN MADE Mai! or ihinu Pawmms to v THE LOCAL OFFICE WHERE YOU REGISTERED ; U)(! 2, HKSNKK HMX K Uidi(. your Hospital Insurance Card is issued, keep your receipt as proof of fl9' for benefjts. to J i : I 1 Alfred Edwards is a Laborite member for Middles' ..borough in Yorkshire, England. Two years ago he toured the United States and his lecture subject was socialism in theory. Back in the United States recently, after seeing two years of applied socialism in Great Britain, Mr. Edwards said in an interview: v "I am retracting some pf the things I said , about the beauties of socialism. "Whatever is wrong with capitalism, we British have found socialism is not the answer. "When you look at the record and it shows a 100,000,000 loss for 12 months of operation, that's not the solution to anything . . "The weird paradox of our social change is that despite the fact that our coal mines are nationalized, and therefore belong to the men who work in. them, the laborer has proved that he has all the ills, all the selfishness, all the laziness of a capitalist." ' Socialists, everywhere, have little understanding of the problems that arise in running a business until they get into business. The more realistic amongst them admit to disillusiqnment when they learn the facts. They may remain reformers but, with Mr. Edwards, they say: "SOCIALISM IS NOT THE ANSWER" BRITISH COLUMBIA FEDERATION OF TRADE & INDUSTRY I f f , v DO IT THE BROAD'V CAFE f EASY Always the Ik-' ' HIOH QUAWfi TRY OUR - sj.prii WAY ) Orroes Drugs Yes Madamp, EASY Vacuum Cup WASHERS ARE EASIER IN MORE WAYS THAN ONE: No Twisting. No Wrenching. No Rubbing. Nothing to . -harm delicats fabrics. 50 TO 73 EASIER ON CLOTHES Priced at $J6!.P the EASK Is guaranteed. Convenient s terms can be prrapced. PRESCRIPTION CHEMISTS feTORE HOURS WEEK.-DAYS, 9 A.M. TO 9 P.M. SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS -13 NOON 2 PM., 1 PM. TO 9 PJA. i TRY OUR CHINKSE f 10 ' gxtra Spectu' Emergency bicycle delivery from 7 p.m. till 9 p.m. and Sunday Dally car delivery lerrlcc from 9 .m. till 4 p.m. 'J . i - a"" f iow E PHONE 81 B08 3rd Ave W. '