Radio Dial m Prince Bupcrt DaHp 3T3ftoS Friday. January 14, 1949 CFPR 1240 Kilocycle MARGARINE IS BANKED itsubject to Change) Reminiscences ! By W. J. and REFLECTIONS I rATiDEN 'Notebook 2 la.Rw: Int CHARLOTTETOWN. PI .1. r -si- t i NOW IS THE TIME TO BUILD THAT GARDEN COLD FRAME 12:30-T.b.A ; 2:00-MusicaI 2-4a-Thta ' Wwk 3 2o-Rec. In- Attorney General Wismer is , Manufacture and sale of mar-reported to have informed the I garine in Prince Edward Island Transport Board at Ottawa has been prohibited under the that the Pacific Great Eastern provincial Dairy 'Industries Act Railway in British Columbia 0f 1937. The question is esrvct-goes no where to no where. It 1 ed to come up at th,e session of Housecleaning? get your Ains at THE VARIETT STORE FLOOR WAX-GLASS WAX WINDOW CLEANER BOIL-OFF LIQUID VENEER MYSTIC FOAM WALLPAPER CLEANER GREASE SPOT REMOVER and many other items to help lighten your -.asks. f t 1K5 A Cbu Sti need not have been so stark as all that. He might have suggested something like, say, "an examination for discovery." It would have . been more lawyerlike and given the board at least something to chew on. cnassiiiea J GROUND LEVEL E2?x? j& . FRIDAY TM. 4:03 Ed McCwros smgs 4:15 -Stock Quotations and Interlude 4:30 Sleepy Time Stories 4:43 Easy Listening 5:00 String Styling 5:30 Keyboard & Console 5:45 About Town 6:00 Musical Varieties 0:30 Malkin's Melody Money Time 6:43 plantation House Party 7:00 CBC News 7:15 CBC News Round-up 7:30 FeWler Conducts 8:00 Your Favorite Band 8:30 -Citissens' Forum 9:10 -Ci(.wcns" Forum News 9:15 Emma Caslor 9:30- Prairie Schooner 10:00 CDC News 10:10 CDC News 10:15 Bill Clifford's Orch. 10:30 Blltmore Hotel Orch. 11:00 -Weather and Sign Off the provincial legislature which opens February 22. Meantime the existing act will be referred to the Supreme Court of Prince Edward Island for a test or validity. Almost as interesting watching someone manoeuvring her way across a Prince Rupert street, as it was umpteen years ago, staring at Eliza crossing the Ohio River ice, in "Uncle Tom's Cabin". The only difference is that now instead of bloodhounds, there are cars. SPEC! Well, there's always something to be thankful for. Consider today. It might have been Friday thethirteenth. S18 3rd Ave. W. Phone Red 400 '4 11.5(1 fF 2" Common 6ALVA1 WIS ALSO j ALL TYPKSOlj - F O B. VirJ CANADIAN SPtdL Vancouver l" Never having had a $25,000 000 . industry working the year lound and employing a thousand men for a starter, placed at her door before, Prince Rupert, as yet, "can't get the feel of it". Of course not. Whoever talked in millions before, except in happy fancy? And what n lot of It there was! E m a 1.1 wander Saskatoon where once we inhaled the I fair city has the nerve to boast 1 kaitiu lieu Z 7:00 -Musical Clock about the -beauty" of e thirty u-f U S.. TCZ 8:00-CBCNews below zero night. Gar, Gad- "V""' yTf 8:15-P.U of the Hits BARGAINS for quick Sale 1941 Plymouth Club Coupe 1941 Dodge Station" Wagon . Beth vehicles in good general condition. Can he seen and lemonst rated at Rupert Motors Ltd. Corner 2nd, 3rd and Park. Ares. PHONE SKfi. RUPERT MOTORS LTD. zooks and little fishes, you're ncv tOOAKi . P r . ! R -30 -Morning D?voUons 1 telling us. Far be U from this ,,. ,. ,, . , . ... .,,, 8:45 - Little ' Concert ' ...tiK , Working Drawing for Standard Snifile Sash t old Frame ,, scribbler with q .solemn pas- j 9:00 BBC News Commentary sion for truth, to deride love- ! There is no better way to use I where the winter sun shines. It j 9 Saddle Serenade liness but not that kind. - 18 square feet in any sunny gar- ', i.s well to hinge the sash at the - 8:30-Melodies for Junior den than by covering it with a ; top of the frame, so it can be; 8:59 Time Signal BEAR -GUOOTINQ RECORD I parden frame. If yew have none, i easily opned for transplanting 10:00 Bandstand ' . Doctors say Ernest Conduit, engraver, risks becoming a mental wreck, because of shock suffered when in the power of alleged counterfeiters in a Vancouver house. A strange and sinister case! Reporters, hungry fur first hand statements are barred from reaching him. It's not the fault of the press that readers are being denied knowing more about it. ' thpn a linur'c u-nrlr in thp purposes and airing. A sunny spot in the garden. 10:15 World Church New, 10:30 Concert Favorites 10:43 CBC News KEMHTVILLE. N.S. 0 -Lawrence Durrlll qf Kemptvllle set a record for this district and possibly for the &laritiies this year by shooting five bears in basement this winter will prepare all material, ready for a quick assembly job as soon as the weather outside permits. It can be put to use throughout the .. ......... .. 1 1 on T 1 R OA' A from the full force of winds and driving rain, is the best Silua-IH:30-Wcuther Forecast tiun for the cold frame. ! 11 :31 Message Period EARLY ADVERTISING COPY IS APPRECIATED i one week. A. MacKEf lActors, Acrob A v i a t a r s , Aud x t o r s , Act ua r i e s , Announ g e r s FURNIT. , Architects, Artists, Apiari Barbers; Butchery, LTD "A Good Piat: i year for some garden purpose. ! The pattern now used is much the same as has been followed since f&ss first became available, ad serves for both cold frame :id hot-bed. The standard size Is 1x6 feet, made to fit the standard sash, which was scarce Curing the war but is obtainable again. You can build your fram" to fit any sash you have on hand, however, and instead of glass many prefer one of the plastic L ake rs , Band Leade rs . Eifrs , Billiard M Blacksmiths , and Check Up ... Your car takes a terrific beating in winter. Save It from worse by having us Janua"i i Bedding $i conslsii; f 2" Steel Tubimf" Bricklayers J i.rewers , iieaut loianF I Y$ keep it Rieased properiy. mi Connoisseurs irpent opoaists. uen so r s Steel HihboD' Sprir - Filir4 ' in ITJ ALL FOE ALSO SPRINt substitutes which are much lighter and unbreakable im-: poitant advantages in windy locations. Wood Is by far the best ma- terial for a frame, because of its i he fs , Oh' c t ors Coopers , Chamiions , Co, BOB PARKER'S UPTOWN SERVICE STATION r. Co j i TlTiHI MflT 1 etec t iv entasis tors yraen , ! insulating value. Anyone who can use a saw and hammer can ! MATTRESS Si 2nd nd Mt Kride Oil Phone 791 Divers Epicures Eie lector?- - Aeers Royal York, p; Roal York; pi Sani-Fiilfd ... t build a frame . from the accom-j panylng working drawing. Boards j at least one huh, and preferably j two Inches thick should be used, j of a type that resists dampness, i such as cypress, redwood, or i o cuti on' i s t s E n tym olog i s t s , ... E i O' rip 13, i arnie:H;::e BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL All above U fp, tenmered cri I" add ir"ZX Fr eshmen . Smii peat ors taroeers , Garage mL .. ; j g r anh e Herbal a st s , Lovers , A. P. GARDNER & CO. CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS 475 How? Street VANCOUVER - B.C. PA 9545 AM. "SPECUl b FRKE DEL"!; Thone 775 r IJYTOWN MACHINE WORKS Agents for SIMPLEX OAS and CUMMINS DIESEL ENGINES Sales, Service and Parts white pine. When it is practical to assemble the frame outdoors. di a hole in the ground slightly larger than the size of the frame. It should be at least a foot deep. Into this hole put the frame you have built so that 4 to 6 inches of it is beneath tile surface and the remainder above. This wi'.i storians . Hi r. a d e ru ryi e r s naraw'sjNI-i .Horsemen ... . - , m I cer.en, importers , - In mg-i al i s t s , Invest ots , Boat Owners and users of industrial Engines "ore invited to our showroom to view our various engines and talk over equipment problems. udges,, Jewellers , Journal i-Jja Juris sT- 1E-ys; PRINCE RUPERT MOTTLE COLLECTOR AND MESSENGER Beer, Soda, I'erlex and Ginger Ale Bottles PHONK RED 751 insure that no drafts enter from beneath. Place -the frame so that the front slants toward the south is e n , Kidder s Ke 4 1 MATTSON'S 4. pgraDhers ,. " jarians T!"' ' if Lawyer? iarcis.;, ;.!ach i n i s . gl 1 w r i g It MARGARET McLEOI) OPTOMETRIST ROOM 10, STONE BUILDING Merchants UniOI-STERINO AND ; FURNITURE REPAIRS Custom-built Chesterfield ku'.te and Occasional Chairs Spring-filled Mattresses Repaired I Drnprs Curtains M iriners iaatnemax..i c i ans.-t . ;;v:us i" I V n hncrfi. Manicurists Miners An Extra? or two where & to be added Hons will rt'' the value ol Bridden CONTRACTORS and BUILDERS vry . - - laturaii s.ts;, .Notaries , i ?hone Blue 818 P.O. Box 528 330 Second Avenue ; Prince Rupert, B.C. PHONE BLUE COS P.O ftox 11 34 MITCHE- 1 GEORGE L. RORIE- Public Accountant, Auditor, etc. Income Tax Returns Compiled Besner Block Phone 387 CONSTRUCTION ALTERATIONS REPAIRS PIIONE HELEN'S IJEAUTY SHOP Permanent Waving Beauty Culture In all Its branches 204 4th Street Phone 65? i i f a PAPER HANGING AND WOOD FINISHING Latest Fhartes, Styles and Colors J. P. MOLLER Phone BLUE 155 Floor Sanding A Specialty newr I HOI HANDYMAN HOME SERVICE GENERAL CONTRACTORS r g 9 RED 661 P.O. BOX 721 V a UAmA Away n DR. P. J. CHENEY DENTIST SUITE 5, SMITH BLOCK Phone 7G5 P.O. Box 1401 T.S.5. Hot Sweet Caporal Cigarettes always reach you So enjoy the consistent tmoothness, mildness, satis' faction of Sweet Caps, the V cigarette. Climb on the Sweet Caps bandwagon. 60 Rooms, Building and repairs of all kinds Roofs, Chimneys Oil Burner? Wat Listen to Ti.twa id tHt ftts" CBC Dominion nitwork, Bundav CvfMtNOI i PRINCE tiV&i Phone m JL PHONES ff' ih popular thing to do. Black 687 Red 894 evenlnes NOW avad PRINCE RUPERT SAILS FOR VANCOUVER ANJ INTERMEDIATE PORTS EACH THURSDAY , - at 11:15 p.m. For KETCHIKAN WEDNESDAY MIDNIGHT VJO. Box 1C70 PIANO TECHNICIAN Tuning, Voicing and Repair MIKE COLUSSI Phone BLACK 756 872 10th East j! Igj lT7j t.) 'JWd tt g e ii (? " n i? It's the FOR YOUft ROCK and CONCRETE WORK CALL BLUE C39 M. J. SAUNDERS New, Modern Equipment All Work Guaranteed Wells Cartage Ltd. I Complete Moving Service Crating Packing Cartage' BLUE 780 BLUE 980 Rex CaUe For Reservations Write or Call CITY OR DEFOT OFFICE PRINCE RUPERT. B C. JOHU H. BULGER OPTOMETRIST ; John Bulger Ltd. Third Avenue ... for Tasty Meals Chop Suey Chow Mein Moving, Packing, Crating Shipping and General Cartage and Storage For Complete, Reliable and Efficient Service, call Lindsay's Cartage & Storage Limited Cor. 2nd and Park Avenue Established J9J0 r Phones 60 and 68 LOOK FOB NFW RED! i WHlTf Chinese Dishes a Specialty-Second Avenue opposite Prince Rupert Hotel 7:00 a.m. to 3:30 a.m. Phone 173 for Outside Orders TRAIN SCHEDULE For the East-Monday, Wednesday, Friday, 8:00 p.m. From' the East - Tuesday, Thursday, Saturda: 10:45 p.m. QUALITY REPAIRS ' For Downtrodden Heels and Worn Sole MAC SHOE HOSPITAL Box 774 Second Ate. GOLD SEALJ ' - , a