SCORING IN Prfrue Rupert Dafip r3ctos Friday, January 14, 1949 B" BOWLING Philpott, Evitt and Co. Ltd. BIO SISTERS iua Sports B. Gomez 207 178 216 150 133; iUtl i 162 66 I i. MuPCeV l'J5 91 M. Smith 117 107 E. RpthweU 137 l-b M. ttond 159 106 Handicap 56 M Totals 811 824 BELMONTS " SWAT LEAGUE JANUARY MEN'S WORK BOOTS $8 50 Now $6.50 MEN'S ALL WOOL WORK PANTS $7.50 Now $5.50 MEN'S DRESS AND SEMI-PRESS PANTS $4.25 to $7.50 MEN'S SOCKS Can Supply You With PLAN EXHIBITION I 'JvlBER Including Fir, Cedar, etc. i L '. V fx y-iV'V , " ' 1 " 5' - . i , pa rr 7 ftp I jib 11 "l, f I I A ' ' DETROIT IS WELL;AWAY Showing Heels to Boston Bruins Now in National Hockey League Race 822 147 130 78 145 141 77 718 M. Lewis 139 P. Andrew 119 O. Tubb 117 M. Schaiff. 160 B. Windle 93 Handicap 77 Totals 7U5 191 118 85 123 143 77 737 t LOORING In Fir or Hemlock CHICAGO, it A spring exhibition schedule of 241 games, includiqg 132 meetings with National League clubs, has been arranged by teams of the American League. The skirmishing starts 12 days after the March 1 opening of spring training in California, Arizona and Florida training bases. NEW YORK Scoring an easy 4 to 1 victory over the New York Rangers on Wednesday night, SIDING All Types SASH and DOOR and Famous FOOTHILLS ALBERTA COAL in all sizes' phone o.m Detroit Red Wipgs added an-! qther full gam for two points in their margin of leadership In the National Hockey League over the runner-up Boston Bruins who were taking a five to three defeat from the Mont- ' : if It rW. ! . .'1 ,Y ' If J Aj I SAFETY MEASURE VANCOUVER (P A recent bylaw amendment makes it illegal fnr r,prlns;t rinn In frrwc in frnnl for Dress and Work 45c BOY'S LONG PANTS all sizes, from S2.75 BOY'S SPORT SHIRTS $1.75 BOV8 LACE lU BBKJt BOOTS $1.95 BOY'S HELMETS all shes, $1.25 Now ftOc CHILDREN'S 2-PIECE SKI SI ITS all wool. Regular $10 t $11 Now $6 J LADIES' AND G1RL$' VNDERWEAK . AT REAL REIH't'TIONS STARS ! 0- Mclntyre 121 148 1691 L. Keavs 128 161 255 M. Nesbitt 158 70 108 H. Kasoer 135 91 79 J. Dickens 202 113 115 Handicap 69 69 63 Totals 813 652 793 MILLER BAY B. Peterson 175 187 152 V. Roberts 166 181 13 D. Aschulf. 154 135 19f E. Davis 152 128 141 N. Vincent 118 189 210 Handicap 31 31 31 Totals 7'JC 851 918 TOILERS M. Wide 92 223 175 G. Richards 133 143 165 E. McLeod 71 98 89 B. Ellison 150 105 109 J. Men.ies 127 171 134 Handicap 77 77 77 Totals 650 817 7iy NOBI E & WICK iTir; LWf standing buses at corpers where where there there is is no no traffic traffic control. control. ' ' ! j Wings frqm the Bruins while their victory put the Canadiens Into a tie for third place with Games scheduled for CITATION FACES OPERATION FOR LEO INJURY-Irtjmqd during his appearance In California recently, "Citation," wonder horse of the year, immediately underwent examination by Ben Jones ilefu, general manager of Calumet Farm? (owr.prs of the horse t, upon arrival at Hialeah Park, Miami, Fla. Jim Jones (right), Ben's sen, who trains Citation, Is explaining the injury which will necessitate a minor operation. Citation should be well enough to run again in two months. to- So per word per insertion, minimum charge, boo. Birtn nonce : Cardi of Thank, TBth Mv Funeral Notice. Marriage T and Engagement Announcement: (2. tiFEUIAL DISPLAY, DQUHLE PRICE (Advertising U payable la advance. Please retrain from Ulepbonlng. 109 120 Holkestad 211 Black 77 mm jjljj week-end are as follows: 164 1 Saturday Chicago at Mont-150 real, Nev York at Toronto. 13' Sunday Montreal at Detroit, t JfJjf 1 I 130 84 135 73 651 145 170 103 73 779 I HJit iirnt ts. Mccpesney Baxter Lindseth Handicap Totals FOR SALE. 81p Toronto at New York, Chicago ,E Heater, call ai FOR KENT 2 room apartment.. Meat Mantei. up tz pin tasi. rnone ttea hu. TO RAISE CATTLE IN AFRICA NOW at Bostop. The league standings to date: National League kLE Spln-Drv Washer.' I ut conaiuon, sau.uu. juk t;t.N r smcie sleeping i For clean, comfortable, good-looking shaves use MINORA BLADES Canada's favourite in quality and low prica 4 for lOfi Sport Shots ti4. City. (liii room lor quiet man, reason- '.i.v.rf.-.W;' 'es-.::-k 1 12 ) I LONDON British scientists able. "224 5th West i.E 3 cylinder 52 HP. 131 119 X 151 46 687 99 0,.e""l;t.e-ro(.nilhave found a v drug for cat- Mnrlne Diesel in excel-1 FOR RENT Pri-ltle which Is believed will make BOOSTERS Y. Chartrand 166 138 V. Patrick 96 52 T. Cole 150 107 N. Kennedy 104 183 A Dentqn 142 126 Handicap 46 46 Totals 704 672 BROWNWQQDS D. Rands 115 77 L. Donaldson 124 184 G. Brown Ill 97 M. Krecsv 114 191 M. Ebv 152 82 Handicap 134 134 inndition. and complete ' suiie. niceiy uirni.snea Detroit 19 3 13 115 90 41 Bostpn 16 4 14 100 97 36 Chicago 15 3 16 1Q8 123 32 Mqntregl . .. 13 6 13 86 73 32 Torqnto ... 11 8 14 84 93 30 New York .... Ip 8 14 70 87 28 12 for 25 liuft, propellor and uux-j vate nam. I'houe Black Africa the world's biggest meat hngine, xau pir.-eu tn.-; , - supplier. It will prevent or cure The flat-race jockey's offseason bogy the threat of accumulating poundage arqund the waistline lepvos British cham luoie iu caa. f'UK KKNT-Uarage. 2i bin .he sleenine sickness carried hv t, WhfKS. Kilt Auo Wout Mil ' " " 78 100 97 90 134 598 the dreaded tsetse fly. Discov iENew and Used Fur-I kpw British India pion jockey Gordon Richards undisturbed. Gordon, Britain's ace 1IKI.P WANTED Totals 7o0 765 CALLINGTON, Cornwall, Eng. f Bert Maunder, ex-Navy cpok, cornet player and foot cry of the drug antrycicle has been announced by Colonial Under .Secretary D. K. Rees-WiUlams. Ah area p.f 4,&QQ,DQ0 square, miles in Atrica, hitherto deadly to map and best because jNew Cups and Saucers 0 4 for $1 75: New House 1 New Bookcases. New In Ranues. New Hard-iHliuhtlv Used Radios. 85 jockey with regularity distressing to his colleagues during the last two decades, has found hte 1-eep-fit medicine in winter ball linesman, tried out his WANTED Oflice ClPrk with knowledge of book-keeping, typewriting and stenuaraphy. Apply in writing giving ouali-licauons. salary expecieo, etc. to Box 4.25, Daily News. ui 59 r'1vvC Pi " -: It phones. 3 ViCCIi t"' spqrts at St. Moritz. He finds it oi Burner Kanges, 124 voice as town crier here. The 190 council accepted him, so he 95 'chose six callipg sites. His f'rst 095 1 pews: "I'm town crier." of sleeping sickness, will be , nil kinds ul other use- Bg?M2w25t . rles at low prices. B.C. BUSY BEES T. Stewart 171 156 J. Helaersop 129 88 J. Guthrie 149 140 M. Hobson 150 113 K. Davidson 174 168 Handicap 95 95 Totals 868 760 ROSA LEES M. Postuk 160 143 Basso-Bert . 107 184 E. Clark 133 169 A. Smith 171 179 J. Warren 19 153 Handicap 56 56 Totals 801 884 I1URE CO., Black 324. the best build-up for a strepu ops racing season, though maybe it adds a little adipose tissue. "I always do in the winter," he said, "but It will eume off agaiu i in OFFICE HEIP reauired for lo- . , , f f rrtina mACle hiIe Un tJtUe rsm cai pioiect. Consisuius of Ac- i;uuiiuinu. Clerks. Timekcup- ei(f. Stenographers. Must be! ' " pxperienced. Apply only to' Box 477 Daily News, givjng " RFFR PRICF IN lull details in first instance. . . Y, . 12. HA FAY IIPPF.n Adverti.'-e in tne Dairy News! E-Ladv's winter coat. IMione Red 924. tlJ' 139 79 148 187 158 56 767 Phone, 654 Vi II.E-- Radio. Automatic quite easily when I go into training for the season." Changer ana mi re- 1 Giutar, Kiignsn t-ram, fiY, tiJO i)iu nvc. iicii. UNITED FISHERMEN & ALLIED WORKERS UNION un-einuluvtd fnembers register for work at the Union Ollice, Metropole Han. Ollice hours: Tues. 7:00 om. -10:00 pin: 1 bl ' HALIFAX Commencing New Year's Day, beer in Halifax increased in price three cents a quart. In future, Nova Scotia If - nr""'Vai-.,iiii ;Y r t '- - - :S45r.-iiSS7K' B? inm ,.1 As conscientious as he was 20 years ago, Gordon prefaces each' Classified advertising a.';ay opening of the flat season with brings results. three weeks' serious prcpara-, Fri. 7:00 pm.-10:0l) p.m.: Sun. will sell beer at 43 cents a quart. I -J. and Quebec and Ontario at 53 tion, which includes plenty of ; MEN READ THIS rarlv-mnrninir road work, exer- Vlvax Pomade the AMAZING HEW 25c ptr'doten paid (or tmplict , labeled by ny B.C. Bicwry 5 t-n ;. i;'i&ivv;'ifev&& Thit dvttiimn( ii nt published Of '' displayed by the Liquor Control Board v by the Government of British Columbia a .DISCOVERY 01 the Vivas Co. grows . j , , . . v.i r. cises ana rigni aiei,. 11 s ms iui - , hajr d chwhs dI,ndrUff . Results i!:o Pin. 4:uu p.m. aai MEN & WOMEN INTERVIEWERS to do occasional assiijn- -ments fai " WlDHrT'Opllllon poll and marketing research coin- ' panv. Scuior Matriculation reauired. Air Mail details, age, education, experience. GRU-NEAU RESEARCH LIMITED. 80 Richmond Street. West. Toronto. (lti I mula for Starting the season will amaze you. After 5 years of sue I fighting fit. Even so, riding six .rZ m Li I cents. You saw It in the News! MF.TAI. WORK races daily, he finds he often ' covery is offered to you with the ltkies as much as three and a half guarantee that it grows hair or , , . ,,t i jil,l...j double your money back. Complete m Im i i.E- Boat Building Shed, 1 wharf, all carpenter ,1 Blacksmith Shop and , ftcetvline Weldiitg, Lum-;nd material as it stands. , t-iient position for mach-e s.!Min. Kell chean account, leaving the country. C uerg. P.O.. Massett. B.C. 19i t SALE-Two pair skis and lies, never used. Phone reen 6i:o. i!3i ? ?ALE Cabinet treadle v ' ig machine. Apply Suite Leeds Apts. Phone Black .1. noi f ALE McClarv Ranuette, t new, reasonable. Phone .;i. 1 15 1 1 ! VI E Muskrat coat In irsi jtiass condition. Phone K.n mi. itfi PLUMBING Installations and IU iuui ijuunua. (iai m pujmn trealmciit 3 postpaid. (C.OU. Post by saddles of varying weights If tme .urat. his horses all are required to ...tVr'S. carry' the same. 113 Repa i i s. SHEET M ETA! WORK. Tar and Gravel Kuui-ina. Letouri'eau & Sons, us Sixth West. Phone .543 (Hi SALES HELP & AGENTS WANTED MADE-TO-MEASURE AOENTS -Salesinen-agunts w.mled to haiuiie made - 10 - pleasure suits of l.isl-stillinis ''Ar'lJLE-SK1N" finiSr tropical suitiiv'. Bui moiii'V. Write for FREE CHIROPRACTOR John F. L. Hughes, D.C., Ph.C. 21-22 Besner Block Phone BLUE 442 for " Appointment (' hoiks . 10:30 am. to 12:30 p.m. I and 2 to 5 p.m. 1 (AEMMiS Monday and Friday, 7:30 p:m. foi those unaWe to come duribs th day. RECEPTION 1ST in attendance afternoons. Selling Kit and slate experi-l ence and rert-iem e.s. Henrv Faber. 2i;8 Yonae St., Toronto. Ontario. VCHINEICV FOlv SALE mi I3jtrll sr if,"" T"P i2 .SiA-toA-nSAp1 (4 M m ' better lumber more tNirally use the modern fu-tii-date type National b)e Sawmills manufac- WORK WANTED ACCOUNTANT Available full time or part time. Box 478. Daily News. (12) bv National Machinery iiv Limited. Vancouver, r Uly DRESS MAKING Done Phone Black 9'JO. (lii WANTED K Tfl SUPIIEME COCRf OP BUITl.ll CUl.UMHIA IN PPOIiAlE U;ilter if Hie liMHle or .V. .NeHilupi. lrl';lel L WANTED USED ROOFING m iJAr'EK. As reauired tor insulating purposes. :cw nail holes and small tears won't matter. Reply Box 38 or Phone 791. 1I6) a- ..N(TK;E that by Order ol ' i fiMir Judne W O. Fultmi. ' lDlh day of January. A.6. '' I .is apiMiiiitcd AdmlniKtrulor f ;iU' of Charles A. Newman, WANTED Car batteries, car 1 ("Ins havlnc clnlmn hgalnM s I Estate live hi.irby required Int t sitme proptiiy verilied 10 radiators, brass and copper: pavitm eontl prices See B.C. FURNITURE CO.. Black 324. WANTED Junk scrap iron and scrap steel. Phone 543. itf) WANTED TO RENT Light r belong Ui .ifUh day 01 A D. 1!)4U after whli.i is Iiled may ! paid willi- f tin 'ttru' le c t ti Rex Bowling Alley Open tp general public Saturday. nd Sunday afternoons and evenings. Monday. Tuesday and Thursday evenings after 9 o'clock. nce to any claims of which liad no knowledge. housekeeping room, near hos- j pitai preferred. Box 47li Daily 1 News. 03i LOST AND FOl'ND 1 'its indebted lo the said f hereby required to pay i"t of their Indebtedness Uiwlt.h. it the City of Prince Ru-vlnce of . Columbia, diiy of January. A D. 194C (lOHDON K. FORBES. Official ArmlnlHlrntor Prince Rupert. BC Ul) FOUND At Post Office. Gold Weddinc Ring with three stones. Owner mav have same bv calling nt the Dally News oflice and paying lor this ad. (tfi Apnly 112 1 LOST 4 keys on chain. P.O. Box 771. City. AIT" RVMF.NT IKJIOR PERSONAL (Section 28) 'if Application fur a Chili l.lienee is hereby Riven that on the of January, HMD, the un- N- fl Canadian Leu Ion of the For a new drink that's really exciting, try a Captain fVforgan 1 ffm Rumhatton ... To one jigger of Captain Morgan Gold Label Ijl Rum add Vi jisfier f dry Vermouth. Add plenty of lFSsG J cracked ice and stir we.ll. . i J FRANKIE STEWART wishes to announce to his many friends nnd customers that he is now operating 53 Taxi situated across from the Rex Cafe. Your nnt.ronaue would be CHARACTER Ale-wise folk, the province over, rate Old Dublin as THE ale for perfect hospitality. In OU Dublin, there are extra dividends which can best be described as breeding, balance and delicacy of flavor. Where gracious hospitality prevails, Old Dublin stands high in preference It is a satisfaction to know that this high rating , is the achievement of our brew master to whom nothing less than perfection of product is the ever-constant goal OLD DUBLIN . EXPORT ALE mplre Service League, Prince liranch Niimber 27 intends to the Liquor CoiiU'ol paird ib Licence In respect of pre- greatly appreciated For 24 hour service call 53 Taxi. (18) 'liale at. flia Third Avpnue l f the city of Prince Rupert mis t'escribed as Lot Number ' 11 1 re Runort Land Registration In the Province of British . to entitle each member f ld Club to keep on the pre- reasonuble quantity of 11-r personal consumption on 'Uses, and entitling the Club dase liquor from a vendor '11 by the Klasa the Honor so VANCOUVER VICTORIA SEATTLE Tuesday, 1:30. p.m., Camosun Sunday, 11 p.m., Coquitlam ALICE ARM, STEWART ANp PORT SIMPSON ' Sunday,' ll p.m. for soirrn queen 1 CHARLOTTE ISLANDS j s.s:' Coquitlam, Jan. 14 and 28, 10 p.m. FOR NORTH QUEEN CHARtOTTE ISLANDS s.s. .Cqsyltlam, Jan. 7 and 21, 10 p.m. FRANK J. SKINNER Prince Rupert Aasut Third Ae. PUqob 568 CaplainMorgan COLD LABEL . RUM! Captain Morgan GOLD LABEL RUM The rich flavour and full body of Captain Morgan Gold Isabel Rum result from master blending 0 carefully selected rare old rums. f' d to Its members and Kuests LAND REGISTRY ACT Re: Certificate of Title No. 25731-1 " to Lot One Thousand Three Hundred and Three (1303). Rhiirc Five 15), Const District. WHEREAS satisfactory proof of loss of the above Certificate of Title Issued in the name of Anthony Tercschenko has been filed in this oflice, notice Is hereby given that I nhall, at the expiration of one month from the date of the first publication hereof. Issue a Provisional Certificate of Title In lieu of said lost Certificate, unless In the meantime valid objection be made to me In writing. DATED at the Land Registry Office, Prince Rupert, B. C. this 14th day of December, HMR. A D. ANDREW THOMPSON, Deputy Redlstrar. of Titles (IU uniption on the Club nre- 11 accordance with the tiro- XaA VA?ilrV.te-4M'M ' LTD "f the "Government Liquor fiid the regulations promul-Iheretinder. 8 this Twenty-First day of T, 1B48. iDTAN t.Pmov rw tup t PRINCETON BREWING COMPANY PRINCETON, B. C. f EMPIRE B1SRVIOE LEAGUE This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor RUPERT HRANCH (20) AtivtlMifir n noi fiaiismu o PisetWJ ir mi iiuion conjoi oai o r tut wuvteNwtNi or am LOiUmi. Control Board orty the (jcvernment .of JJritish (-.oiurrjf 14,