6 ptince Uupcrt ai! jtius Saturday. January 3, 1943 jend of the present dock. The existing shed Is to be taken left off tii' fma! il consider it an down and a new one erected. honor to have been been picked MEN'S FIVEf "B" LEaI as candidates for all-itar and torn by the tide and currents, the raft drifted near Holland Rock before it was brought to bhe'.'.r at Kir. than. The long holiday which the coast herring fishermen have enjoyed will come to an end next Sunday when the boat put Ecclesiastical peregrinations for the week between Christmas and New Year for Rev. Skipper Peter Kellv with his United rhnrrh Waterfront Whiffs J.unmry u - Ku i . 1-n.ri !.!; I, ''s r,f . "I'-lllT. if t . i niwrt Mrtal. t; OXrWbZ ' A strange aui-' of this year' team w the showing of those two youn? "upstarts" from the , Bo-Me-H: team who have just i moved into senior company. Arm. v u H.J- ' r, if .lu.ii.up.. ia J mission boat Thomas Crosby, out BASKETBALL CHATTER (By BILL LONG! ( Tl,,.m Kli'V' i.-fanlinio: Fih . "v cotin. Th i.,;. ' These two laoU, Flaten and La-1 vigne. lookd like top-drawer: January 'li of Ocean FaUs, consisted largely of the delivering of Christmas hampers to lighthouses and isolated dwellers of the coast northward from Ocean Falls through l.-t .!. It u.mri 1 nortif Annv English League, First Division Arsenal 3. Sheffield United 2. Blackburn Rovers 1, Wolverhampton Wanderers 0. Blackpool 5. Everton 0. Bolton Wanderers 1, Burnley 1. be a surprise to this writer if Ctiifif . TV. Damaged Log Raft Hrought Iiack to Port Herring Fishermen Leave for the South v r-lsli !', Gn.it v, Haul. one. or perhaps both, are not on The Number One question in 1 local iport circles these days is: Who will Coach Alex Bill put on I the floor against Vancouver Ar- ( Bella Bella. Milbank Sound and ! as far as Butedale. The Thomas U-i,;, January :to (IrtJlU, Vh M the players' bench at the open- " Anti ,. Ttu.m u.. IMxk: Mutta m whLstie. ing CMI1WI. February o- nttm Charlton Athletic 1, Marl-'rows next Wednesday and Chester United 2. j Thursday? At last night s work- Derby County 5, Chelsea 1. -jout there were still 14 of the Grimsby Town 1, Sunderland ' seniors on the strip. Definitely There will be two more practices before the first game or Wednesday nii;ht. these b: ing on Sunday afternoon and Monda? evening, and the gods will handle matters from here on In. Minus between .ix or even sections of logs, thr-flat raft which left Prince Rupert for Ocean Falls last Monday was towed hack here on New Year's night after a battle with sea and wind that threatened the whole 46-section raft. The raft, containing about 1,500,000 board feet of MCTtll. t o-oii is HiotUirm; fiisco, lraj ir.ilio Ffbrunry lr M'itl, Army Tliiwtuiiij,, r 1 2. ! it is known that but 10 of these Liverpool 0, Stoke City 0. 'will be on the players' bench Manchester City 0, Aston J come g?me time. V1!la 2- With the Di-emUe of a trip Middlesbrough 1," Preston s,mth later in the wason. it s Oroito; Kuh I Crosby is back at her base at Ocean Falls this week-end following the voyage. Her calls at waypoints having been shortened because of light cargoes following the holiday season. Union steamer Cardena, Capt. Ernest Sheppard, arrived in port in good time at 7:30 last evening from the south. The vessel got away at midnight on her return to Vancouver and waypoints after loading twenty tons of fish from the Canadian Fishing Co. plant. iui. ten naroor nere just ahead Cai;!i-. Urn M.-UI. The average human brain !i three times the size of an av erape gorilla's Watch the Clas.su'icrt North End 1. i Portsmouth 3, Huddersfield Town 2. ' Second Division J certain that all tho.se who are being given a chance to try for the team will t!so be allowed to try for future .series with teams back to sea with their seines ready to dip herring. The boats have been in Vancouver and Victoria since before Christmas while their crews spent the festive sea.on at hime. Prince Rupert fishermen, who have left, or are leaving for the south to -e.-cin their boats are Pete Iceland, Ole Stole, O. Johansen and Knute Rysstad. all of whom have been with their families for the la.st week or more. 111 KKING PLANTS GOING INTO OPERATION With the herring seining -leets moving north from Vancouver and elsewhere down the coast fiV thing next week now that the Christmas and New Year holiday season is over, herring processing plants of Nelson Bros. Fisheries Ltd. at Port Edward and Canadian Fishing Co. at Butedale will be getting into action. The Port Edward plant will concentrate on reduction rather than canning of herring this winter. With no signs yet of a sizeable sun in this region, packers will, meantime, be bringing the fish north from fishing areas down the coast. A substantial extension is now :in process of being built to the way north nw. It U feared that the original boom sticks may have been strained and the Pacific Mills Co. is taking no chances on is;n? more logs. The raft will be re-formed and another effort wiil be made to get to its destination the of a storm which caught it in Chatham Sound. Efforts of four tugs, the Wireless, Capt. Bales, the kaien I. Capt. Henry Hanson, the C.R.C., Capt. John Cur rie. and the Phippen, Capt. Max Sieverts, finally brought the bobbing booms of logs to shelter in the lea of Kinahan Island, TODAY at 7:00 p.m. !:00 n.m. B.rmingnam city l, Plymouth from Alaska and whoever e:.e Argyle 1. Imav challenge or be challenged Bradford 1, Chesterfield 3. i by the local All-Stars. I I Alex said tort night that he J had the chore i found of picking j 1 I 10 men a difficult one since all AFBOTT AND COSTI.'LLO in BUCK PRIVATES COME HOME SUNDAY M I D N lTTol? Cardiff City 6, MillwaU 0. Coventry City 3, Brentford 0. Doncaster Rovers 1, Bury 3. Fulham 3. Leicester City 1. Leeds United 0. Southampton FISH DOCK KEEPS LEAD I With Scotians Scores Clean 1 SneeD Victory in Mn' the boys seem to be in top form and any one of them could be pulp mill at Ocean Falls. The southeast gale, which reached a peak of 43 miles an hour In gurfts, broke away the four front sections of logs as the four tus-s struMt'led to get it lo shelter. These drifted away to pile up on the beaches. Small lofts from the other sections also escaped under the boom sticks and diit:d away. 'Newcastle ; of great value cn the Hoor How-0WTi United 4, Luton j , ever, that is the way it is done where it as moored to shore on i Wednesday. New Years Day was Just another spell of hard work for the crews of the tugs as they towed the battered raft back to harbor here. They moored near the elevator, its original starting place, shortly after 4 o'clock Thursday afternoon. The raft will remain there la.J over me f ports wor.d and 1 Nottingham Forest 2, West ive Pin "B" Bowling GI.RALD MOHK NANCY SACNDIKS In 'LONE WOLF IN LONDON' PHILIP TUtia JUH H.1M. wilITt In 'SEVEN KEYS !. TO BALD PATE am sure that tho.se who have been working hard and are. Fish Dock and Scotians scored ! clean sweep three games to nil' victories In resumed Men's -B'. The s,rubT;'.e to sve the re- , League Five, pins last night with the former remaining In the i , league leadership and holdintr a ! MONDAY TO SAVOY HOTEL until the Island Princess, an maining sections was an epic Island Tug and Barge Co. tug, j one in which the masters of the arrives with new boom sticks, four tut;s displayed superb sea-The Island Princess is on her'manship Buffetted by the rir.d. WEDNESDAY main wharf of the Canadian Fishing Co. plant at Butedale. The extension is on the north Ham United 1. Sheffield Wednesday 1, Tottenham Hotspur 0. West Bromwich Albion 0. Barnsley 2. Scottish League "A" Di.ision Aberdeen 2. Motherwell 1. Airdrieonians 3. Falkirk 1. Clyde 2. Hibernians 2. Hearts 1. Celtic 0. Morton 2, Third Lanark 2. Queens Park 1, Partick Thistle 2 Queen of the South 2, St Mir-rcn 3. Rangers 2. Dundee 1. two-game margin over the latter. The scores were as follows: ! Fish Dock 3, Thorn's Sheet 'Metal 0. a m n Carl Zartlli, Pron. Phone 37 P.O. Box 511 FRASKR STREET Scotkins 3. Canfisco 0. Co-ops 2. Thorncllffs 1. Mutts 2, Grotto 1. Maple Leafs 2. Armv KhrnalK Prince Rupert Alt KK1 IN THI JAW IT a MtnMI JUIrtCT aNI Ctl UIIN F0I 1 UK II. Stones-Moose, postponed. High three game scorer was Jurmain of Maple Leafs with! BUSY WINTERS BRIGHTON. Sussex. Eng . (P Working in spare time for three winters, Kate Clarke made 18 curtains, knitting a total of 3 -000.000 crochet stitches. Margaret fMeod Optometrist (24 while Stapleton of Signals) had the high single game of 288. Fish Dock had the high single! game score of 1060 and also the high three games of 2702. I ! CLEARANCE SAL vR Individual scoring was as ' ROBERT MONTGOMERY JTillINC IN M-CM S MTSTCir V- I FISH DOCK , ... . Kv ...... C. JohnKon AT - MANSONS Jewellers 522 Third Ave Phone Green 324 tot THIIIKI. EVEITTHINC THAT 5 215 155 172, 180 130 195 1S5 M 193 2f)3 155 277 127 155i 1060 770 871 HAPftNS TO HIM HAFflNS TO YOU NOW B Wallace N. Hheppard J Pope Total THOM (SHEET METAL E, Miller iga 91 148 FOOT Satisfaction r. Hpwr.1 U De Hastl 164 U5 111 167 177 l i J " X Ijw Score 180 127 15i 96 178 C. Dixon 123 Handicap 51 51 51 Children' Snow Suits Children's Bathrobes Yard Goods Children's Coats Ladies' Coats Ladies' Dresses 'otals 817 606 784 CANFISCO H. Thoma 188 109 262 H. Paulson 181 135 152 . w W! Ri ta bi AUDREY TOTTER-LLOYD NOLAN Low Score 139 133 150 I.. Mooney 154 189 160 L Garner 196 201 117 TOM TULLY LEON AMES 1'tMTirHfu t rut ft nn ..vwf. 44 A t 860 769 853 10111m SCOTIANS IV Pifcttd by BOBUT MONTGOMERY Moving, Parkins Crating, Shipping and General Cartage and Storage For Complete, Reliable and Efficient Service, call Lindsay's Cartage & Storage Cor. 2nd and Park Avenues Established 1910 Phones 60 and 68 J Laurie IS1 134 183 ; M. McChesney 139 193 150 J WlUe 238 133 171 J Davidson 190 181 201 g J. Oralmm 173 201 153 a ; Totals 891 842 858 lOO's of BARGAINS limes Change BUT WALLACE'S VALUE S NEVER CHANGE Z; MAPLE LEAFS J, Hilton 137 103 191 whlttaker lei 180 129 . . . THAT IS WHAT YOU GET WHEN WE SERVE XOV. Morrow 126 157 94 'Jurmain 261 228 237 :L7lpka 177 150 inn l Totals 882 823 811 ' ARMY SIGNALS BiM Stapleton 168 288 125 H Hhlv 148 102 233 m ; H Wllon 109 133 125 T. Lushlngton 171 154 136 iL. Hasc 107 172 83 COTTAGE CHEESE New Creamed Fresh Made VALENTIN DAIRY Your Dally ALL-WEATHER SERVICE Just Arrived Another Shipment of Handicap 46 46 46 Totals 737 895 748 flt MILAGE' Of Course CO-OP N. R Powell H. Ward O. Vlen-ck . . 208 196 215 I 180 174 193 157 119 167 j 112 168 142 224 204 178 71 71 71 POPULAR I Connor Washers f IN THREE MODELS I ' Now on Display " Handicap I W I STORMY WEATHER to Urn'. Be ( .unfurl ulile. 1.1 I 111 III1UI KOOTHKAK SEE OUR STURDY SMART SHOES FOR MEN & CHILDREN. USE Totuls 952 932 688 THORNCLIFFS - A. Matheson 202 282 88 A. Crawley no 205 141 S. Davlt,on 180 239 192 B. Simmon 238 162 162 E MuBsallem 151 197 187 Totals 921 1065 770 Rupert Radio & Electric 1 HONK 611 UOXL'Kl uuiKiey valley "ct i MUTTS B. Tout;h 222 R. Houston 178 175 103 168 189 E Llndseth 100 111 103 A HAPPY NEW EAR Chandler & Cowirill COAL AND SAVE SHI T (U X THAT zrj'ur- acousti board He liip direct to you -and SAVE the rost r handling SMOOTH AND SLATE Sl'KFAt'KD KOOFINU 4th Street, Prince Rupert i W. Landon 228 123 133 H. Llndacth 203 156 182 Totulu 931 733 860 Hand cap 115 115 115 Totals io4fl 848 975 GROTTO Hhrubaall 125 214 154 Leverett 181 138 171 Low Score 100 III 133 Tllbb 207 259 196 Moxl-y 214 182 133 Totals 827 904 787 Tfam Standings: Pish Dock 13 Hcotlans 11 OK if ' Avluv(ikU I'l-dliwl c LING Get 25 More Heat From A Ton of Coal Your dealer, can supply you Asphalt and Asbestos Shingles Wallboard and Masonite Lustrelita Ffexl))ard Rubber Floor Tile Fashion Footwear STONE IJUILDING BULKLEY VALLEY COLLIERIES Thorncllffs jo Co-op jo Mutts o Maple Leafs a Army Signals fl Thorn's Sheet Metal 5 Canfisco 5 Moose , n Stone's 0 THE TAILOR We are taking cleaning and pressing and steam pressing while you wait. PHONE 648 - 220 Sixth Street ii i : Telkwa, B.C. LIMITED GE0.R,i1ILL SPECIAL We have just received a shipment ul ASPHALT FLOOR TILE PRINCE RUPERT ROOFING CO. 208 Fourth Street Phone Blue 389 ' I I P.O. lix ;n 41 3rd Ave. 1 1 f j tjj ' 1! Advertise In int Daily News 1 - . . j LSS5$Sffs January 7th - 8th I