w Prince Ruperl Daily News Saturday, December 23, 1950 i As ! Christ Came lo Bring Peace A : A i ; 4 ' (r :- v. Tell Truth About Santa fen -W MOST REV. A. JORDAN, O.M.I. -arrier. Per Week, 20c; Per Month, 75c; Per Tear, R00: By Mail. Per Month. 50c; Per Yenr, $3.00. J yr V. Peace is My bequest to you; and the peace whteh I give you is Mine to give John, chapter 14, verse 27. Sirc'JL See 11 Mi Among the myriad problems Jesus Christ, the Son of God and Saviour of the sincere which beset parents at Christ t world, came to bring peace. He promised us "that liLjLiLJ It & Spirit of (Cltrtstuuui I peace which the world cannot give." But we have not Bw ELMORF PHII VfYTT MAN, if he so will, ran put his mind and heart ml' peace. For -our Lord can give peace only to those who want peace. And while ihose of us who hate war and tune tune with with the the spirit spirit of of Christmas Christmas to to. remind remind JEXMSON '.c;0 r;: FORESAW 'aAv mas time are the many questions from the small-fry about Santa Claus. And the business of telling ing Junior junior or or his his little little sister sister the the truth truth about about the the Jolly jolly old old gemie- gentleman in the red suit is really a major task. However, the situation is bound to arise, and when it does, it does something to your .The.piro(oulbusinewBi -W henbe,,MlhaBoo j0- iorou,Yuie,Me,flJonit;tj;; nl t Saccewful St at. Commercial him of the birth of the Christ and brine a revival of i 11 A1 1 1 -lM its horrors are many, those of us who want peace are few. Most of us simply want to - : ! be left alone- to pursue our own see)r. to render to Ood our willing the hope for good will among all mankind. IF YOU and I could stand tonight on the hills It does not come through undue generosity of it Hoiel civine, or those outward displays which too often outside Bethlehem we hearutnngs-so you draw the &' . , litue ones clof and cast about discredit the real meaning of the day. m These are only i 1 might I-, u be a wee bit down- i for lne t explanation -symbols which n:an has attached to the anniversary hearted. ' J oddly enough, the true story . . . . . , ... I V,;n 1 is best nd the easiest to tell. way, untroubled about the hard- service by obeying His lawk, not hips. the needs, perhaps even nnm we are concerned for the the rights of others. We forget righU of our neighbor are wt that peace is not merely the working for peace, absence of fighUng, that it is My greeting to you all on this something just as positive a Christmas of 1950 is embodied fighting. It is the butldlng-uo in these words of St. Paul: -May that is opposed to war s tearing the peace of Ood which sur-down. It is the enforcing of Jus- laMlva au our thinking watch Ire that is opposed to war's en- over ytur mind and hearts !n forcing of Injustice . Christ Jesus" "Peace Is the work of justice", that Is the motto which needs oi me most important event in numan nistorv. ui "uoC mna wuciv, So whv not iust tell the littl . , a little ones mlsT sheDherds To be genuine, the spirit of Christmas must bej-Jn9e5 p. entnroneci in tne neart ci man, a personal i eanzu- neara me angeis sing oi peace Cjaus. real name He lived tion which he alone can know and enjoy ... a certain J'J pnTnleTo !? nw a"d waVhe !?.!!! the Greek v..u, ...u:l u:. ...itL ; C u uns. "JSJS" "hoP of church iiuinuieiic-.-s which uiii.;.- huh n inc hvjjjc uhh huui b"""'- of Myra in Lycia. He is the A few hundreds yards away n.. . ., to be eneraved on the worlds CANTERBURY , England - through his humbleness man has taken the true at titude for his own spiritual salvation. .Arab sentries stand, permitting , aropean countries a rensciou'ness. Let us not - The barber was surprised when none to come from Israel, and n- ansfA oe vlUhn whether as Individuals or as na- an 11-year-old boy sat In the ' beyond thm are the country- imbies the children and dis- tions deceive ourselves. . When chair and let fall two pigtails, men of Jesus, the Christ, uni- ,riK... ,. ,,. ... e forsake lustlce we destrov The boy's father said: "Mv first With this meeknesr, must come love for his fel- lowman, a determination to live helpfully to search ' formed, armed, challenging all and other nJce t0 ltw peace. When we tolerate injust- thi ?e children were boys. I vowrd ice, we are mainereni to peace, mat 11 me lourin was a Doy t for and eliminate the dross in his life, and t)lace lovei ..,' ,. w.- ocd boys and 6irl e. vtiu..i., On'v If we actively fc-ek to make would let' his hair glow like a Children loved and kindness in its stead. ... rr" , . , and trud.fd al.mir heirtp hia. JU"-e jjirviui aie e ... i-w i reU1r u , waa rong.' To whatever extent man can live by the spirit of j giooe arrnies are mobilized. More " trudged the dusty roads btf ... verv naturc re. Mi Christmas will his life be a benedition and a thing and more of the worlds produc- :u, c"h Z v t T t'h. gds ood and our neighbor. n! PENS1LVA. Cornwall. England tion goes into tne Diooay jaws - - - demands not only that we have of the pnds of war Fear is near- that Ood Who Offered for sale at auction ' ' our rights, but May you enjoy laming good ly everywhere, with hate, the One of. the many stories to'd child of fear inflaming human of his goodness concerns a poor hearts toward wars- more dU- nd honest man and his three bolical than those of the days food and beauytifu ldaughters. of the Caesars. Tr father was unhappy for made us and our fellow-men, here was an ancient six-sen'" j who are the som of Ood, should wagonette complete with whip, have their rights. To work for "Come on." said the auctioneer, the securing of our own rights "somebody make a start." It went is good; but It Is not working for to the sole bidder for 40 nts. tliecr, tliecr, liappinrM liappinrM and and jood jood tA- j ,eah.,.U,.,ougHfi pf beauty. PEACE, GOODWILL . . . were the words the angels sang to the WHAT shepherds in the hills above Bethlehem on the first Christmas eve? Present-day biblical scholars are not sure. There is general agreement among them that the Gospel of Luke in the King James version did not set down the heavenly message correctly. Bvi Not until we earnestly including whip. In the face of these obvious porty prevented his giving the ce facts, how can the average man customary dowries to his daugh- eaon and the or woman really be joyful this lers, and Tor this reason they Christmas? could never have suitable hun-' Granted it is not easy for any . bands. and impossible for some. But It I One night a b.g of" coins was mm r New Year. is my firm conviction, oasea on (tossed in at the man'i window.: thev maintain that the earliest document? differ nn manv years of study of the ln- Iff! V f Tt.tT tJt The next night the act was re-' peated. But on the third night the father watched, and the anonymous girer was detected The Jolly bishop stood with the third baa of coins In his hands. ! that the hope- ternation . ii f ,i scene, the meaning of that message. ; f ul tne betteri lne more hUmane The King James version translates it: "Glorv to is winning out. Things only . . j because what Is de- (i i v , , .,: seem worse God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will to-1 manded now ls a total world reelintif 3) Her. It eur wish to all our friends-that this may bt the Merrieit Christmas ever-the Happiest, HtsithUit and Most peace. No piecemeal peace will The father was very proud and suffice. Man Is learning, the would not accept the money. Tha hard way, by atomic bomos and good bishop begged the poor similar devices, that, like it or man accept the gut and use lump it, there is one world. We them for his daughters' dow-have to organize It and pacify ries. requesting that his name it as one world, or perish. , never be revealed. oOo 1 At last the father accepted the JUST 107 YEARS ago Alfred money for his daughters, but he Tennyson wrote a great pro- could not keep the name of the phetic poem, Locksley Hall. Over generous bishop secret so the ward men." The new Revised Standard version of the New Testament prefers:, "Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace among men with whom He is pleased!" But a footnote adds that some ancient authorities read "peace, goodwill among men." There is a great difference between the two translations. Did the angels bespeak peace only for men who please God? Or did they hold out the bless-;nrs of Deace and goodwill to 11 men whether or rmr ' Prosperous New Year of all. Dibb Printing , Co. half a century before an air- legend of the goodness of St. plane ever flew he foresaw aerial Nicholas was further spead and ui. ' 4. , -.commerce and the conflict oi strengthened Geo. Hill & Sons Hi me muitais idii miui l ui vjuu s iiieasui enienis lur "airy navies grappling in trie i. V f . i n it .1 ... i 1 i a I , . , V. 1 . . i" .nlninir ina'n n1 ' me sons or earth wnat mr inp anrre a Rincr if1' uiuc .6 o 1 tn ' earth a "ghastly dew." Since the scholars cannot be sure, a layman h lf you want to sell It, adverts It. News classifieds. fTi , .. i ... Tennyson foresaw the world wars and he clearly described the turbulent period in which we now are. But above all h foresaw the end of wars! Till the wwr drums throbb'd nc longer and the battlMlags wc:i furld In the Parliament of Man, t.s' Federation oi the world. There the eommonsnse of mo-, shall hold a fretful realm In awe And the kindly earth shall slumber, wrap t In universal law. If Tennyson was right abort the planes, right about the world wars, right about the turbulence originating In Asia, was he wrong In the very apex of his free to accept either version. He can accept the view that the angels would not promise peace to men careless of God's opinion on the ground that such a gift cannot be given to such men. Or he can hold thivt there is no limit to His compassion and believe that in good time the pledge will be made good to all mankind. For reasons there W no need to supply, Canadians in this day and ?ge may be tempted to favor the modern version. But on Christmas Eve it is good to remember that the tidings of great joy were to all Sv'-';f-"i',SxA'4tf- s"' 'f.f . . f..". If 1 i j prediction about the parlia- people. It is well to have faith that the promise of ment or man? Aw i ' ; 4 ' ' , tt - y i ' " , Z y -iijx . .v;'-- '-fix :A J "in" - .nfv,r . - I do not think so. oOo THIS IT A TIME of great trial. But most of us will come throught It alright, once we really start to organize the peace. And then the world will be a better place to live in than it has ever Deen. Peace on earth was a heavenly promise when the angels sang about it. Now it becomes the condition of our survival. When 7- . 1 ivy 1 ,1 "A, Y' we get that Into our heads and hearts we will get peace. It will be based on law, applied -with common sense, and backed by a good big police force. To our faithful old friends, to our devoted new friends and to those whose friendships we hope BLANDFORD, Dorset, England (P Local authorities have ruled 1 that tenants of council houisl may keep only one hen for each member of a family and no1 roosters. peace will be redeemed when all men, like the shepherds, can see and hear the heavenly choir and in simplicity of heart, hasten to the manger where the young Child lies. MAKE IT SAFE PA.SS UP that cup of holiday cheer if you're driving home from a holiday party. Records show that one-sixth of all traffic accidents involve a drinking driver. "Don't Let Death Take Your Holiday" is the slogan for Christmas and New Year. Traffic accidents Srem to reach their peak at the. end of the year because of winter weather, earlier darkness and holiday festivity. The spirit of Christmas emphasizes the sacred-ness pf life, but the tragic deaths from needless accidents make a hollow mockery of Christmas joy and festivity. To keep death from taking your holiday or someone else's is a simple thing. All that is re-ouired is extra cautior. and courtesy, and a little more time during the holiday rush just enough ' more time to be extra careful when driving on the highway or crossing stieets and in recreational and home activities. vlf you're walking, watch for traffic and wait. Carry packages so they do not obstruct your view. Motorists cannot always see you, especially during early evening darkness. If you're driving, start early and take it easy. And take it easy when you're celebrating. Don't let holiday spirit or spirits replace your usual caution and common sense. Assume personal responsibility for a safe celebration for yourself and others and you can help make Christmas happy for everyone. Season's Greetings ito earn-we wish a most cheerful Christmas and a New Year filled with all the good things in life-Health, Happiness and enduring Peace. We extend this greeting, not because it is the customary thing to do but because it is a sentiment genuinely felt, for as the years go by our apprecu:! cf cherished friendships becomes greater and greater. DOM, SEV AND THE STAFF, AT . Fashion Footwear, Doms Department Store - . n J t , T t ! In a sincere wish that you and your family may gather together this year for a merry, merry Christmas. and the 5, 10 and up SILVERSIDES BROS. C.I.L. Paints