Prince Rupert Daily News 1 1 Saturday, December 23, 1950 AIR PASSENGERS Sgi. Poiierlon To Court House w-Exposure ;e of Death PhUip't brother Howard, they tried to get Philip home, but were unsuccessful. Howard later moved him under the partial cover of the entranceway where he was found dead. Howard said W: Former divisional headquarters To Vancouver (today) Mr. and Mrs. G. Thompson, D. S. Cooper, J. Smiles, C. P. Stoney, R. C. Gauthler, M. Mirall, R Dick, E. Norton, Miss E. Edwards cvath of Philip Victor Philip was alive when he had U IS found by a coroner's' J en him about 7 a.m. I . . . Thursday. Jterday afternoon to have The Cash for old gold, Bulger's. Mrs. (3. L Dick returned last . might on the Chllcotin to her ., ,. ., Dance n, nt at TT Valhalla Hall to- K. i of the provincial police in the basement floor of the Court '"6"'. mine ioiassi piaying. uw House, which the police radio operator has had to hlnvelf for d some time Thursday Oreene was that, after examin-g from alcoholism and lng the body, he had found no re m the entrance to a evidence of foul play. In his beyond the end of Comox opinion death was due to over- D. Challenger, Mah Chuk, K. P. McClure, Mrs. P. Sorenson, Mr. Erflc, W. Froese, V. Froese, W. H. Barnes, W. K. Newton, H. Cope-land, K. Christenson, D. Lindsay, the past three months since In- McRae Bros, store will be closed all day next Wednesday, December 17, out of respect to the memory of the late D. C. McRae. (It) sDector F. B. Woods-Johnson Mrs. Hilda Berg will sail on the Camosun Tuesday next for a three-weeks holiday trip to Vancouver. Do not forget the Salvation i ' indulgence m alcohol and ex- left her after the Royal Cana Mi. Canavon, J. G. Hicks, J. Dig- mnn KTi-iivmvt Dnfrar H CI Vf f- v whose body was found posure. The contusions found on dian Mounted Police tooic over the B.C. Police, Is to be occupied inv morning by Robert his face and marks on the body Miss Joan White Is spending ! "'""' ,'" i..i.n. with i mii,. in in ionnen. Army. Thorn Sheet Metal. Black itun in the doorway to his would not be factors contributing Christmas her family aeain as area headauarters. Uft this joyous Christmas we wish to extend our heartfelt thanks to all of our patrons end business associates for their friendship - their cooperation their loyalty during the past year. A Merry Christmas and Hapry New Year to everyone, To Sandspit (today) Miss A. Young, B. H. Craft. From Sandspit (yesterday) ;vas said by his cousin, to the death. sankey, to hav been Jurors were William Clark, fore a v If Sergeant L. A. N. Potterton, whose promotion to take over command of northwest British 884. (tf) Miss Dorothy Balllnger is sailing tomorrow night on the Chllcotin for a vacation trip to Van Masset. She sailed last night on the Chllcotin. " j MOTORISTS Bob Parker's Service Station will be open Christmas Day, 12 noon to -2 Mr. Carlson, Mr. Mr. .Stevens on a boat at Cow Bay In man, Rene VareWalleghan, Henry ni-pn condition. Charlie Hanson, James Kelly, Oscar Columbia was announced this Mark. Tn Vancouver (vesterdav) week, will now make his head- 1 with him as far as the Hovdebo, Leo Micholuk. . . J TTll t couver. Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Johnson and -quarters there. Corp. A. E. Wales Is now the the Mioses K. and L. Johnson, C. of Thira Avenue u riiavi I where he "passed out."j Mr. and Mrs. P. Lambert will then went for a cab, be passengers on the southbound took them to the end of trip of the Chllcotin tomorrow city chief following the promo- Cowan. K. M. Brows, "drs. B, p.m.. Boxing Day, 10 a.m. u p.m. for your convenience. (299l'( F. M. Good, former city engineer here and now assistant district engineer for the provin ! 'tk Waits & llickerson Johnson. O. A. Greenway. E. w. j "on of Sgt. Potterton to the wider flnrrinn W Hnwnt.t H Miller. J. duties. Mrs.-Nancy Kennedy and T. G. Bateman were among members of the local St. John Ambulance class who took recent examinations here. S.O.N. Christmas Tree Wednesday, December 27 at 2 o'clock. Avenue. Wlln vne neip ui uigm ior Vancouver. ',,e,e',,,,t'f',,',,,''',',,''',t't,',''2 Mitchell, Cst. Hornell and four prisoners, E. Peterson, A. Crowe, A. Vincent, C. Clouthler, D. cial department of public works on Queen Charlotte Islands, is In the city from his headquar Program in evening at 8:30, Dance 10 o'clock. Refreshments, j ters at Port Clements to spend Graham, H. Howlck, J. Larson, B. Pallone, D. G. McGregor, E. Anderson, O. Prossek, F. Bngddnn, A. Howard, T. Mc'Cann, M. Jer-genson, J. Polacik. O TAILORING for Ladies and Gentlemen Merry HRI$TMAS I29fle Miss Anna Swang, who attends the Christmas and New xear holiday season at his home here. Mrs. Pat Sorenson, who has school in the city, sailed last To Sandspit (yesterday) G. R. niaht nn tv phiicnttn for Port been emnloved at Manson's Clements where she will spend j Jewelry 8tore for the past few Lett. From Port Hardy (yesterday) HUG, the TAILOR the Christmas and New Year months, left by plane toaay ior vacation season with her par- Vancouver, where she has ac- ents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Grafstrom. cepted employment as manager 1 , of a lunch counter. The Directors or .i. the Aero, Club wish to announce that Union steamer Chllcotin, Capt. L'RING this Yuletide Season alld throughout the New Phone 648 220 Sixth St Mr. McKechnie, J. R. Gillett. L.O.B.A. Holds Christmas Tree Christmas trees are rising all over the place. T hursday afternoon the L.O.B.A. held theirs at there are a few tickets available Harry McLean, on her weekly voyage, arnvea m pori at i o'clock yesterday afternoon from t.ha smith and sailed last nlKht may you enjoy . . . The Gladness of Christmas which Is hope, The Spirit of Christmas which Is peace, The Heart of Christmas for their New Year's Eve Dance. Tickets may be picked up from Mr. Woods at Brownwoods Shoe Store. tfi for Masset Inlet points whence ; me unaienows nau. ouuauiy decorated on the Christmas mo JOHN H. BULGER she is due here tomorrow eve ning on her way back to Vancouver and waypolnts. Frank Lawrence is now relieving purser on the Chllcotin for Reg Stover who Is taking a vacation. which Is love. To our many patrons we would like to express the 1 t ,.lif (hnm that un U111 hp ringed OPTOMETRIST tif, the hall resounded to the voices of about 40 children as Santa Claus received a great welcome. ! A short program consisted of a duet by Pat Wilde and Joanne Way and recitations by Donny McNeil and Lon Rudolph. Convener of the committee k fifty 7 pve messuKe umi i-u uvnj .....v "... ANNOUNCEMENTS S.O.N. ChrUtma- tree and dance, Dec. 27 Junior Chamber of Oommrce Christmas cabaret p-rty ec 23. Presbyterian Burns Banquet, Friday, Jan. 28. New Year's Eve Dance at Odd Christmas and Boxing Day. We WILL BE OPEN ON V YEAR'S DAY, and would appreciate your reservations HOTEL ARRIVALS John Bulger Ltd. Third Avenue m as possible. j CREDIT BUREAU OF PRINCE RUPERT making arrangements was Mr3. E. A. Evans, assisted by Mrs. J. Wade, Mrs. V. E. Morrison, Mrs. A. Auriol, Mrs. 8. Hansen, Mrs. D. McNeil, Mrs. H. Smith and Mrs. Srickson, fellows' Hall, 12:01. P 1 ' ' " . - IIIIM ll (Prince Rupert) J. O. Lyons, J, Booth and Mr. and Mrs. J. W. C. Graham, Watson Island; W. A. Burgess, Alice Phone 868 Lennie and Bill Priest Civic Centre Dining Room OIL HEATING Legion Card Party, January 3 1951. I Conrad School P-TA card party, January 19, 8 p.m. ki..,..fc.'''''i''''""""''" IT Arm; R. Wesley, L. Dudoward and Mr. and Mrs. G. White, Port Simpson; N. Potter, Riverside, Alaska; H. 8wartz, city; G. Reid, city. , , Mr and Mrs. H .Thorkelson, f ' " I -ii i nn I. i i I'li'imw, W", i ! -i J r.t. U,1 S .'M I city; city; W. W. Froese, Froee; George George Littla,, Itttle, H h. Hart Han and ana Mr. Mr. and u Mrs. " J. at its Best MARCHAND SPACE HEATERS Convenient, Economical ' . High mechanical efficiency. VORTEX Automatic Burners 30 saving In heating costs. , ' r"m' synX:" ; ? i r JTMa snlt.7.1. Bpltal. Terrace; Terrace; J. J. McArthur, McArthur, I . l I jVVV U ) Vl' Port Port Edward; Edward; E. E. W. W. Eamor, Eamor, J. J. LC V ' 'IUiAQF-V Russell, Russell, J. J. N. N. Kelly, Kelly. H. H. Harrison Harrison and J G. Mitchell, Vancouver; R. E. Zorn and Miss it. aoenme, f ' 4 , I l May gifts galore 1 Smlthers; smlthers; L. L. Arbour, Arbour, Terrace. lerrace. . . J i i-l. TERMS ARRANGED Smith & Elkins LIMITED Plumbing and Heating Phone IV, P.O. Box 274 jfil 3 may joy rule in all s,.. I L 1 1U nttcc ..'' I ; JTTrrTrRSs-, 1 jXX yrJt poiniiJ'"-' 1 ' j U Njj; 1 vancouver-victoria 5 a May Joys beyond description be yurs for Christmas and the New Year. Vera and Mike VICTORY CAFE HOLLYWOOD CAFE KIDDIES' DRESSES THE BEST SELECTION of DRESSES IN TOWN We Specialize tn THE STORK SHOPPE J g DISHES Blue 810 303 3rd Ave. W PI- PT Merry W i CHOP SUEY CHOW MEIN tor Outside Orders PHONE Ui OPEN FROM "7:30 P.M. to S:30 A.M. j, I 1 IS FRANK J. SKINNER M L-rnV Jf ' J C 7fl Radio Cabs - "T"?? if ' ' mMm raCbL VClUi Ltd. -..inr' ' IU RdUlU Stages Xhird Avenue Phone 568 , Jjiy. 1 Crating' XWXfRli , Moving, Moving, Packing, racking. Crating g. "1ZJ. . i - , Shipping Shipping ami I General General VfcT, (fX V in ...iiljm " . I . I mssSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS' I Cartage Cartage and and Storage Storage 'rkA' f '0. r Complete, Reliable and Efficient Service. Also agents for Canadian Liquid Air Co. Lto.. for Oxygen, Acetylene and all welding supplies. LINDSAY'S CARTAGE & STORAGE LIMITED "Hospitality and Good Food" That Is Our First Aim Phone 17 for Orders To Take Out on your next 1 Ohristaias WMMP CHARTER FLIGHT Commodore Cafe Ci.r 2nd and Park Avsnues Est. 910 PhnreH 60 and 68 I .ATI ..' D m m . m I -m ma l I I V r s i t I I mm -wm VfWA how "and feood !kM'Y tSV-.v-d A- CHARTER FLIGHT PLANES available for O Aerial Surveys O Aerial Photography O Private Charter, O Timber Cruising, etc. . ALL INTERIOR AND COASTAL POINTS For RATES INFORMATION RESERVATIONS i.' PHONE 476 : fill FPU CW API HTTP AIPIIIIF ITI1 img all !; jSilVV V, (sincere greetings. VIAX? Cfti" ' (:-" Here are our three SL f W-0svV ' - -' Yuletide wish mijr 1 A iV6?W';.( ,hey .11 comfe true for your ' - you a very i Merry Christmas! f'' nnnn hfaitH! GOOD CHEER! C00D rUUlUlNb! 1 1 I , AV Killas & Christopher Bldg. Air Freight on all Flights Rupert Butchers AND STAFF Alfred .now , x ' s- Hollywood Cafe ;:, " -BgggggaaagsB3egg - M.J.Saunders General Contractor Rock and Concrete Work