I Prince Rupprt Daily News I Natural Look 1 ritles boasting about the size of jfckrif3fcv I their foundation garments. E ' H 8 12 i nUUSEKEEPING 'Now we're eettine back to t In Buslline f o J...-.' the natural bust look," says Mrs. Rosethan. "It's still a little high and so probably it will go a little lower. That's fashion for you." Mrs. Rosenthal undertook to rK AFTER N0N CHRISTMAS y 9 9 9 9 I 9 9 9 9 V .ininck nUMtMAKER S PROBLEM V w y v y y y v y y y y y By CYNTHIA LOWRY NEW YORK (AP-The Am erican bosom is coming down. "It's these low necklines." ex v-nruiuruu dinner at noon U blending well. Pour into one explain exactly what a "natural uiC custom in many hornet on large wrge mould mouw or or individual individual mou moulds ds plained Mrs. Ida Rosenthal. account r.r th u o mS ... f and Best Wishes to my f Party Hostesses and Customers i HILDA BERG I Dealer for. jnley Home Products of Canada Ltd. Dust look ' means. "Take a girl of 16," she said.j "There vou will find the nerfect or rinsed with cold water. Chiil y 1 y xou can t have such high busts you need more space.'' Mrs. Rosenthal is an authority on the subject. With her husband, she is a founder of a bras supper confronts the home-maker. She wants something easy to Drenaro nr cnmathi.,.. bust firm, cute and no need for support. But bv the tim she's until set. UnmouW on lettuce and serve with mayonnaise. Yield: 10 to 12 servinsx 20, she's started to sae and i 6 H X a x ti A i A X 15 A : i A m if that can be prepared ahead of CRANBERRY-ORANGE MOULD after that siere company which she says t n 1 .... p 9 - y y y m 9 9 9 9 9 ume pemaps the clay before. After the Mrs. Rosenthal savs that the "well-brassiered woman" l t.'n Our wish to you: May this Christmas be as untrack-ed with care as the season's first snow. I i t X I S s I s one who has the silhouette of i me wona s largest. For the last 10 years, women have been moulded into high, pointed and exaggerated bust-lines. This reached its peak with sweater girls and female celeb- the tendency to eat Just "one more slice of turkey" and "just a wee bit of pudding,- which was so very Kood. no oro warns an un-brassiered girl of 18, no matter what her real age. 2 cups raw cranberries 1 small orange 1 cup sugar Dash of salt l'2 tablespoons gelatine 'i cup cold water l'i cups apple Juice Put cranberries and orange (rind and duIdj through thp Santa points with pride at hir. Christmas wish for you and we SAY with pride that we hope his wish comes true! y y v y y 9 V 9 9 V y y y y 9 9 9 9 9 ; y 9 9 9 9 ENGINEERING PROBLEM Providing American women with spurious but anoarentlv WW 9 9 9 9 V 9 9 9 9 9 V 9 9 9 any rich food. A refreshing Jellied salad with thin bread and butter is usually a good choice. Plenty of crisp celery curls, carrot sticks and pickles should be passed separately. A dessert of attractive youth facades is pri food chopper, using the medium blade. Mix well with the snrar OUR SINCEREST THOUOHT8 ARE WITH YOU THAT THIS MAY BE A MERRY CHRISTMAS FOR YOU AND YOU AND YOU! MISS BARBEAU MILLINERY SHOP and let stand over tiieht Snalr Toys For Christmas marily an engineering problem, Mrs. Rosenthal said, adding her husband designs the garments for their firm. B.C. MESSENGER gelatine in the water for 5 min utes. Heat apple juice, add gela- cneese and crackers with a little fart jelly is Just right and, of course, there will be fruit cak?. For the children, who have not y 9 Une and stir until riUcniiH o.ri 'It's a matter of knowine .T.-.,.-,,... ? . : " T.. KJl.lt. t iv v. i stresses and strains, anrl throw- dined so sumptuous 'as the ture Pour Tntr on? t?I ' ! ing the weight onto the shoul WHALEN'S SERVICE CARTAGE I Frasor Street . Blue 780 ders," she said. "Or providing supports to carrv the weight In the strapless brassieres. Both my aauits, ice cream-In the shapeimouid inriiJiH,.r, 1 . oa you cnoose tne six or ih of Santa Claus or Christmal "nsed waiJfLT . Xr lUt "M","er' lnis ci"i-''1-bells with to u h will be a perfect ending to ed wTth h 0? Chill un?n if if " maS? melr day. These special moulds Sd iKL A,NeW frk toy manufacturer are usually made by the dairies I dressinz Yield decIares that n'y a few parents but a homemade Apple Ice fs "nfc ? wlS riL wnsl:.",to wU1 lt the proper plaything. Cream may be frozen In JelyJ-"ltSrrf,il!i,n- eJ,cVn for thelr chdren each Chrtet-Klasses or other moulds nri LtU.f,,e? r..mouIded in a rln" mas. nus-Dand I are a little embarrassed when we think. of our first ones, in the '20s just a flat oand shirred to make the cups." The industry is at work to Im after they are turned out to APPLE irs riiMM 6ren salad prove brassieres and to make serve, a few small bright colored . .a loumUful k Chrlttmat ana 1 teaspoon eelatine them adaptable to circum Most, he said, buy toys that please themselves, rather than the children. The man ithn Amna 1 tablespoon cold water candies sprinkled over will give the effect of a decorated tree. iJty JtJLiLnjn-A 1 2 cups 't grated giaicu unpeeled unpeeiea "" u " " 3 a rumples sp- (4 medium tart red pa.ny that makes creative play- . tnmffs warns thar "arirf stances. Current models are adjustable, for example, so that a woman may wear her bosoms higher when she's in heavy :lothes and needs the emphasis apples) Bill rr i f The bits of bright red apple skin add to the effect. To make the Apple Ice Cream even more colorful, home economists suggest covering the bottom of the freezing tray or little moulds with cold cranberry sauce before topping with the ice cream mix- For sweaters or sheerer Vt ".up fruit or fine granulated sugar Vi pint whipping cream Soak gelatine in cold water for 5 minutes, dissolve npr hnt 0, " " - toys may be harmful and irus-trating. And, he adds, children quickly tire of them. "The best toy a parent can buy," he said, "is a set of plain, unpainled, wooden unit blocks " --:'-. -J.-:- ;. Good health, Good fortune and .'. Good cheer are just a few ' ' of the GOOD things we wish you for Christmas and the New Year. - a mcctfiful " New Yar.,t dresses she advises the more natural look. "I'd say the way .0 find the t'orrect elevation Is r..f , I water, urate the unneelpH m. ". will use and eniov about 10 inches from the shoulder line. Less for short women, more for tall ones." wen as Mie emiuren woum no . t . - mem rrom age 18 months to aouoi eniov mis not-too-sweei !,., r . nine vears MANAOEMErTT " " and STAFF - im mine wi i.ri Niitfar kiu n A,,,;. " To be specific, these afe the frozen frozen dessert dessert " correct figures! for short girls apple are measured Whip cream e salaJtnat elr between age and add dissolved ireutiru. V and se,en should have a 15 feet, four or less). 9'A inches Albert & McCaffery TOMATO PINK MOIXI) 1 tablespoon gelatine 4 cup cold water 1 10-oz. can tomato soup. blending well. Fold In apple d7 1COr"e f1 the cof-mixture ner shoUld and freeze until it supplied first with Yield: 6 servings , large wodn stove, bed and . . cuaboard from shoulder to mid-bosom; medium (5 feet, six), 10(.'2 inches; tall (5 feet, nine and jven, 11 14 inches. r "Thpre'c rpnllv nn ovpmoa fnv 1 cup sieved cottage cheese 1 nuiCi, rOr ltRR rich lr . - m or 1 4-oz. package cream 11SB tlL , w 'S? J "he doll corner will become Frostie and Staff f RUPERT FREEZING CO . j - .. v. a iwmian n.i. . i I .... I. . .4 n 1 1 i , "SK i , cheese , i cup whipping cream in place H"e most trea-sul',d ply'place-.n cup mayonnaise of the , Ihipg ,ltUe B"''s Ufe'" he said- cup diced celery cream He froin Dissolve the soaked aS geiatW in . 1 teaspoon minced onion I the hot milk and Vta mi" to sel,en mosty e"J"V V cup slivered, blanshed al- "asportation", ture partially wt Combine ay - trucks, young girl," said Mrs. Rosen-.hal. "That's what most women want to lool like. And their husbands want them to look like that, too." . hi if Wrtimwmn ivm "inas 'with rratH 0,,i. n.,u , cars and Doats. . 1 . - 7 hPP. JrK 11 dninmn. ni A 2 tablespoons chopped sweet ped cream ant, fWM what parents should choose at STATELY RELIC "j ' 1 LAVENHA:.-., srano;x, England Christmas for the young teen- Mrs. F. Simson came from ae y or girl in the own tow to visit her aunt i year-old group, - whose Interests - ESPANOLA, Ont. tft An wttu. vst XI u an Soak gelatine in cold water for 5 minutes. Htat soup and add the soaked geiatine, stirring until dissolved. Chill. Combine the cheese, mayonnaise, celery, on-.on, almond3 and sweet pickles. Add to the gelatine mixture, already are deeply grained Inlcient horse-drawn hearse was an- social activities, and who prefer displayed here by Alfred; Pa- nere lor the first time in SO years. She arrived too late. The aunt died ' the day before her arrival. - - , quette, who feels it should be preserved in a museum. The finely-equipped vehicle was brought from Ottawa- in 1919 and until parties and dances to play-at-home actlviteis. Perhaps by next year this ipanufacturer or -, some- child psychologist will have olved tjiis problem. - '.-"W. Vvf- ?-"::' '.'JJS fptt ;A. 1- i lUSi was the only hearse in this town, used at nearly 500 funerals. ... ind may all 1h p7ure and happiness ol the Yuletida abound jt ihrouihout the New Yaar. .tX MERRY Y'H CH RIS Trvl AS fe. "' AND A VERY V "HAPPY NEW YEAR S f - " . .-. i I Mi 2 51 a y i ! ll 5 9 I ' 9 i t I I y I i 41 M From all of us to all of you comes this sincere wish: A merry Christmas, now and ' ever.' LING TAILOR MAC'S SHOE HOSPITAL From home to home goes the richness of this gayest of seasons and with it goes also our wish for a merrier day for all. m w.v.wv:x've:K rwi t'!"l'f'clieet'i A. MacKenzie Furniture Ltd. .l.ihSi8.fclr..l, .S, Ss3.il. ...,.... 5) ..' FROM GEOROE and BOB ALL THE JOYS OF THE SEASON GOOD HEALTH GOOD FRIENDS GOOD LUCK GOOD CHEER. A VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS A HAPPY NEW YEAR . DAVE and JOHNNY or t . : BROWNWOODS G. PERCY TINKER & CO. LTD. 'I I M A i sag' - Abel & O'Dowes Men's Weor Ltd. 7 Any way we phrase It please know our wish for you Is "MERRY CHRISTMAS!" t A A A i A A g A A A A a A ' REAL ESTATE AND GENERAL INSURANCE f. - . . ....... Jl " Christmas bring most wonderful j7fx r s CHRISTMAS At tolling belli plerc. Ih tarly morn with thtir Christmot proclamation, wt oxttnd to ooch Orvd very on of you. our lnctrH wliho for a Joyou Holiday. GOOD FRIENDS GOOD HEALTH GOOD CHEEK GOOD FORTUNE . filS) ' nd iy tJ icomprablo s 1 Vj ' CJuistmM gf friendship "v 4 J generosity be with yon "J CrN throughout the New Tear! , ' 1 Parker Ltd. gjtob "III' VV''' GROTTO Cigar Store w - . .' KAIEN CONSUMERS' CO-OPERATIVE ASSOCIATION GEORGE COOK ond STAFF Cook kvsllers