J 12 Prince Rupert Daily News j Saturday. December 23, 1850 w. wi - I nre in Agea and emptied their tockir.M Larger social function, will , , deferred ln the most Cf ca r! ! Bonn. rw . . T, ."5 10 1 we wish to extend proaches. ."1 ."v.: ;-i;" Christendom's Festival Is ! Home Kills 10 AMARILLO, Texas O TUe ' v.ulUMJ ounaay wii Our best wishes for o VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS and a PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR to our mcny friends in the fishing industry. i hwi, ue mined with special ravaged the main dormitory of, VUCIIIII III TIIIICC fUUCI I a convalescent borne here yev K'7ccc'(ci(icvif4Yif terday and at least 10 persons! Dolr, f.K,u-,. v-w ... Di I uuwmfnu appear on a Chnrsar :- i oday,. Midnight ma will hi bJr.?:?- -'3 u J We also wish to rfiorf in th flam. .v.l ofV,- ""v t - , ceieorated in the Ch..r,h n. ,ZZ 1" '- "i k inrw-uaT wrrir-fiin vitrxLiuii n nn rra ni navs nMn taya y y y y to Prince Rupert since Tuesday, a movement culminating this that"0? tv,0" hl the deVout i as Boxing Day. .ill be generally week. , frlendm "tto . ers were injured. The Walker convalescent home is in Pleasant Valley, a. suburb of Arnarillo. Firemen were handicapped .because Amarffio Thank you for the fine reception you gave our representatives during their recent stay in Prince Rupert. observed as a holiday. There-' v - viuuuj iiijiv rtrivav j D15-23 city water mains did not extend v nded on thU Christmas others for the essentially family , there may be trial and tnt to the home. Eve. the resumption will not hoJday. ! Itiona but the mmt r,f Pacific Coast Fishermen's Mutual Marine Insurance Co. Vancouver, B.C. 2 Denman St Ta 4941 take place until Wednesday. i Home dinners will, t,I course,' Rupert will pause thes n t Recent days hve marked be the keynot feature for the three days in observance f many departures of f'ngle fo.k most of folk after they have , Chmtendomi great fesfval heading southward for the va- unloaded their ChrU.tn-.as trees' There will be special thou ht " ' - - " .of thus homes .here thn.,i'.'. Want Ads, Sure Results! For Action, Advertise! itlap tie ; turned to loved ones in the bi-jt.e ares which even today have jaevekpel. Jo? anb Jtaa' of Kinsmen's Tree lAflrarl m A ! PL. byaa wwwm yesterday afrnoon . youngsters bounu for Christma. nwm$ fie toitlj p altoapg, uu j Joys at the Kinsmen's Club party t Following movlv shown by Principal R. t. M.jore of King Edward School, Santa Claus led j community singing and pasoed out bags of candy and nuts His supply ran out before he ha1 completed his rounds but Kinsmen came to his rescue and fi.M m ve bags. None wrnt witht terc... cuerumhcrc... Fred Scadd ells rinm'no... instmas j j 1 The scene shtftd last night to Mil.er Bay Hospital. There all '" " received treats and Santa Claus handed out presents ' a'l children under 12. Club members were later servH coffee i "jr th-j staff. The committee jn i harge consumed of Mickey Fud-eer. chairman. BlU Lawrence' Harry Saf field and Eric Jan-s who were assisted bv all club' members who were able to gpt to the parties. Presx.-nt Eddie Garner of the I K.nsmen was pleased with the' co-operation he received fr,m Civic Centre officials. Mr. Moore H'tgo Kraupier and the staff at Miller Bay for the co-operation i the club received to make the' parties a success. ! &ueri IIUI tcrc... cuerijuilicrc... PORTRAITS Films Dfvi.iprd sr.f f.a fROMFT SET.Y1CI CHANDLER'S STTWO 21S - 4'.h Slr-t In a uiect carols smauifl... Phone Crc a 3K9 t.y 9 ly Jim k ' . iii.r tu ttx ! iristmas on cucrgreeiiD.Jroati and tall. J ! NEV. YORK (T-Wa'tr Dam-irovh. aicd 88. noti conductor .ind composer, died last night, j He suffers l.-art attack ; The whiie-h.rcd German-: ' bo'n musician had retired In 192C but came back a year later to j . bgln a .ew career of bringing i , rnuic to schools and home via radio. I t 1 i .ri r i triotmao on prairie and mountain and all... i Prince Rupert Flc ish t Flour n fur All ktim jM i-u Ait. B;x i.5 TS" i iimuiuiu uiiiltu in ii5 o a iiiPir snouiri soft and deep... mshnas where children lie dreammi... i WKLLII!VJ TP"' . J 1. 1 tkrt asie ep... Our strctrtKi poo " yon trtty rt)ny n Mary Ch'' and nil the fm,d Imtum f 0'ir .SVic )" -trn Hn;t E. C. Bamcr and Staff RUPERT TOBACCO STORE Mono Gould BEST WISHES for il Merry Chrisimas Gnd A Happy New Year Special Chrisimas Dinners j From 11 a.m. to 8 p.m. Chrisimas Day S rcctuifjs to cucrijonc c a s NEW YEAR i Open Until 3:30 a.m -fc',t,'l't!,l Jrom the jami'iij of oenenAL morons "t'i'e,,eTX'ci't' GENERAL MOTORS Early Make Tale Reservations CLOSED ON BOXING DAY AND NEW YEAR'S DAY -Jlt'l,, v y v y y RDfunwAY CAFE U t V M " . CHEVROLET PONTIAC OLDSMOBILE BUICK . CADILLAC VAUXHALL CHEVROLET AND CMC TRUCKS