I ' ... . ' .- . f " . ': A ' PROVINCIAL I I LJCRARY J i f 4- ' VICTORIA r- - ' PROVINCIAL LIZT.M't, vicmii, b. c. H2 V..-.1 :i n ' ' I ' n, i ! . ,,-' ; I 1 . 'I i " -y-" : -A ' ' I - -v . L X - . f ' XS-c rf-Tr-' spjt'-y ? If NY ' ffjHfVff) I J -v i - v.. .tl : 0 ft i X X X X X X ' X X f X X X 5 X X X c X X X X X : X X X tf X X i X X X ; X X X X s s E .X'.'V' jverywhere, among good people, there exists a longing to mak our world tranquil and prosperous a desire for man to unite for peace good will and understanding. For from good will comes forbearance and from understanding, a better way of life. -And what better time than Christmas for every man to renew thejaliiaca that all our good human relationships yes, even our business rtlationships, are based upon our faith in God and our fellow man. Only through this fear without tyranny -democracy and lasting peace. faith can we assure the continuance of freedom without -tolerance TT 1 1 is in this spirit of good fellowship that we wish everyone - A Merry Christmas and o Very Happy New Year: DAILY -tVe x Prince Rupert, B. C, Saturday, December 23, 1 950