.4 ) KITCHENER, Ont. Seven Prince Rupert Daily News ! v- VA v children, from three to 13 years Wednesday, December 20, 1950 of age, patients In the Freeport sanitarium, donated $15 to the I Red Cross from sale of Christ-j WINNIPEG f?pnruB Uisnl . t A,l;? Al' 'i T- n T.xuvy. XJJi UU-Ui UliiailUIi IS mas cards. They asked that the ' oi Austin, Texas, a restaurant tprhiio Honoii-.n xprt u 1 donation be earmarked for tna consultant, said In an Interview he said, "jitterbugs' make W Crippled Children's fund. ; here the best v " remedy for flat feet best waiters and waitresses. I ..... yA tv:: VLTU' LA U , VICTOR GRANT and f-N&jjj : l ; - Sid Inr MtSECHE-John B- Hachey 01 Tetraultvme, Que., aet hJmrtlf a Holy Year pioject- frnfhi lftheNatiVityscene- Imltatln "ass matting covers the stable floor of the e' The lnsWe ls palnted t0- """We the walls of a stable. The walls themselves nuJf''eoncuimu. Ttra roof Is of straw and the front is. LWhu u I SPrUCe treeS- At nlght a revolvie l'ght casta a flow similar to the Northern n'":" , "achfy made cement replicas of small figures obtained from his church. It took 700 u "ni' , lirf ngures 01 the humans and animals shown. Christmas musir for the display Jed his huis-e to a loudspeaker. ' ' (CP PHOTo' I I V b arr- -r- -2 2 iri There are nearly 1.000,000 com-mercial vehicles on British highways in addition to passenger cars. There Is No Christl Pitli lest vviiere f 77 ere Is No Christmas! 1 he good will and patronaire By RT. REV. JAMES B GIBSON, Bishop of Caledonia As year succeeds to year the customs wVnVh havp :iti Seaaoifs M ',, It is our sincerest wish that long si V after Christmas Day It gone. I I - ( ' I'VS' ) you may enjoy Its abundant - S f IJ I P'easures """ on memories. ''''' I f i-zrt f And throughout the New Year "C tel 5 ; 't. t Vi& 4 j4 I la ' fcw , I T.5-.' rir may there come to you all the ' V:7i Ji' y'- l precious things of life-Health, ""-V VipVh &iif?r'l, I Happiness, and Enduring . f7 ' Friendship. . n - fleIson Bros- ' IS' -vj-' Ikx Fisheries A L 7ij. r) Lid; grown up around the joyous festival of Christmas' accorded us by our friends these jmany years are worthy indeed of :our sincerest wishes for a Joyous Christmas and a Happy New Year. m i I f i-cyuuiu tio exacimj as to become burdensome to many whose hearts are bigger than their purses. It is a sad travesty of the season of "glad tidings oi great joy" when the present method of its observ-i an-c lncrcafts rather than - . . ... HrrVt t - I 1 i m i.. I bhavn & Hanson Lfil Maij. Christmas ' and the New Year be 'Tne advance of commercialism e " t,nerue sPirlt ,th,e " is the of fel-, threatens to rob rmr mlioinn nf ?eason- seasn lOWShiD and fripnrtlinpse thi i.s true value. 1 bright with happiness put aside our differences and join together in a spirit of devotion to our one Lord and Saviour, the season whose happiness depends upon cur hearty goodwill to all mankind. Thank God for such a season which calls men back from wrangling and dispute to the feet of the newborn Babe. We say that times have changed and this is inevitable. ; Perhaps, dm ins the last decade or lo. thsv have chanjed more rapidly than uiual. Has Christmas changed too? In some respects, yes. The carefree, ligh heartetl Christmas cf childhood days, when inta loomed larje in the little liffc, when thf Christmas hymn-, the Christinas t,nmes and above all the for yen. . KAIEN HARDWARE M (Joe Scott ) " .... i., ,v v. - ""l v--r- - .'"' , Christmas r.ie-sa;2e combined to j nivc m tho -e happy exp-rier.cos Ik Christmas Piayer 1 the memory of which can nev be effaced from thp mini) i By GRACE K. STICHT A star shone down on quiet fields, . .Lo, many years ago,' To le.l men that the light of Truth Was there to heal earth's wye. That' light of Truth still shines today, In spite of hate .and greed, To comfort, heal, and s.rentneii men ' And ever rrieet their need. this h;vipy C.tr.ctraas s.;irit Ifp m sr -Die a? tj be a. mo t out of reach. i ruri, ant.l'j i'; is th- t i:ti" "ClirLtmas as it always wis. j'lnere can be no Christmas , A.icre there 15 no Christ and (where Christ is the Christmas i f p.rit always retgjw in the heart. The sa:nc truth? as of old rin? out with the Christmas tells for "Jesus Christ is the same yes- terday, tocl-jiy and forever. In fpitc of w ais and rumors of wars Jit Is still the season of peace fi r7.'.-T-.r- 1 I L I AA A. A ana i'cottM.1. In mmmm rip- So at this hBly Christmastide .otioii to the liabc of Bethlehem men who are dividpd in almost Let each one Pus to pray .iv. r.l.n.iH, p -n finrt th,.m.o!c inat men vlli open wuie jx: thought fiends our wishes of one mind. Men and wimen can join in worshipping th ' To see this light today. From the Christian hmu Christmas and a A'ew ti-y Child whese coming biojkht unto!d blessings into a Science Sentinel. troubled world. We must not be fcJlAi s,.t;Sia.3iss,r.5 'is. bcun'ifnl success and good health. TOM PESUT uir1 STAFF Ocean View Hotel I V I , .The Holiday Season affords us the opportunity to express our appreciation to our many friends for their good will and thoughtf illness during the past year. . ! ; , And with this appreciation goes our wish for a memorable Christmas-one that will be abundant with good cheer and good health followed by a New Year of contentment and good fortune. - T$ Merriest ChrUtma you NvJ' have ever known- I 7- fSVyf 1 Th! Happiet NeW Yer I Wfl ' ' j 'f you have ever spent I ! fii And day msi wilh A Jtft''' ' A ft brightness of good cheer " f soJl ' j A andcontenU TTt-' From - ($Wh 'sit-kW1" PAT .WALTER h: ond BILL ViJfl ?;-. 1 W. F. Stone Ml Philpoii, tviil & Co. Lid. xtend to everyone our warmest wishes for a Merry Christmas and a New Year of .good prosperity and the happiness of many FROM THE STAFF OF THE B.C. CLOTHIERS