! runu nupnt t)ail Wrf Friday. December 9, 1313 'Moose Women Mrs. Oscar Stelnbsrg. vMt e? the late Oscar Steinberg, who! was killed In an automobile ac- Xmas Plans cldent near Nanaimo last week,! and Mrs. A. Mclvcr, his stepmother .sailed last night on the ' rrincc George for Vancouver. 5 Donations and gifts to be sent t lit t . - . tdsiwooa sailed last: Alex Mali sailed last night by to various points comprised ...b... me rrincc ucorge for aiUie Tri ncc O.orgc on his return ( business taken up by the Women to Vancouver. lot the Moose at a meeting Wcd- ip to Vancouver. . - Make It a Habit! Look in Mtod COAL River IT'S HARD, HOT AND CLEAN-BURNING rNuv bert & McCaffery Announcements For Better Scrvicc Phone ""UJjr ' A donation will be made in aid of a dinner to be hold for "Over 70" folks in Prince Ruuert orior . . winuows lor Spec- Skeena Grocery 031 or 531. IJls- 292i (292i n i . I ii. AticiHtK sailed last night'. O. A. Jehus..!' sailed last ni;;lit to H,e Christmas holidays. m uic I'rincc Decree for a Irln .... n, nri.. n r.. i " -f.v 1 1V A i II II V VJl ll 11 M iA L I III lo Vancouver, A collection was taken up and will be sent to the Vancouver Sun ij Vancouver. Home made CYCLOS RANGE OIL BURNERS Your Locker nam, operators l.'ini ii.uuii mail" oi uiincs campaign. L I M I T K D C.C.F. Tea and Sale 2.30 Dec. 10 at the Civic Centre. (2871 W OT.M Card Tournament. December 15. All Welcome. Civic Centre Bridge Dec 10. Scotch Dance Oudlcllows Hall December 10th. Moose Christmas Tree, Dec. 17, Moose Temple 2.00. Oddfellows Rebekah Christ .11 a) becond Ave. operate a. chocolates, siMcially packaged! Members brought Christmas retail meat and fish counter for for Chris) mas e.in.s. Can be seen'""rus containing handkerchiefs, service oi the general public. tf;al Amies, 210 Fourth St. h) These will be mailed to Moose- I'HONK 118 UMBER BIILIHNG SI ITLIES i!0 Soot Carbon Wicks Smell Martin J. Saunders sailed last , , haven, a Moose sponsored home C P. Bai llelt sailed last night ror thc agcd at Orangevillc. Flor-on the Prince George Tor a trip lda to Vancouver. j Member, balloted for five new S.O.N. Whist and Dance, Frl-:mcmbe" 'ho will be initiated at day. Dec. 9. Whist 8.00 o'clock.' the Moose Christmas party Dec- Two hats for the price of one! mas Tree, December 20. Canadian Legion Ladies' Auxiliary bridge, cribbage and whist December 21. Music by Mike Colussi. Refresh- ember 21. night on the Prince George for a week's business trip to Vancouver. Place your order at SHEAR-DOWNS now for fresh-killed turkey - from SmiUicrs for Christmas. Price will be right. 4290) M. O. Kullandcr of the Forestry Branch left on the Prince George last night for Vancouver on a Catholic Hall, incnU. Everybody wtltuaic. 287) Mrs. C. H. Sawle of New Haz-elton is a visitor in the city, the Advertise la tne Daily News. Regular Cards. January 5. jjvrrllsiiiK is payable in advance. Plca.se refrain from Perfect Vaporization Perfect Draft Control ' Easy Oixration SUh-.icss Steel Burner Free Demonstration In Your Own Home Phone Black 881 TH OM SHEET METAL LTD. Cussmcus, c Jti wuiu pvr insertion, minimum girth Notices 50e, Cards ot Thanks. Death Notices, guest of Mrs. S. E. Parker, Second Avenue . SPECIAL DISPLAY. DOUBLE PRICE AT BALAGNO FLORISTS ,y Place your Christmas order for S LOST AM FOUND BlltTHS Don't Let Christmas Time First, give him Stetson Gift Certificate with a miniature red plastic hat in a miniature metal hat box. (He'll use it later on (or studs and cufflinks.) Then, he redeems the Certificate for the Stetson he prefers. Hell love you twice as much for letting him pick the style and color he likes best! GIVf HIM A STETSON GIFT CERTIFICATE fOn CHXISTMAS flowers NOW! Phone us: Green 787 or come in BIT DON'T TTh7 Prince Ru- LOST Small eold bar pin set business trip. All S.O.N, and Sonja members with children 12 years and under contact Green 325 or Black 991 with names and ages on or before December 12. (288) Mr. and Mrs. Percy Welter sailed last night on the Prince ..I iipcnni. iui mice ur. u la. rnune DELAY! (h) II rai i'rv Kxr.. Orccn 276 Reward 1 291 1 Mr and svuK'a ; . 5 YD a son. SITIATIONS WANTED i up with you jCotch nnmmmmmnmik M. and Mrs. Gordon J. Thompson and little daughter, Donna, arrived in the city on last night's train from Hanna, Alberta. Mr. i;MINT I SITUATION WANTED-Exoer lUillllUllllllilllililliilililliJ . - - 1 ' tiOi'ii ItoiltL jfiu-r umLu tvi SI K A nt is made of the llon Auulv Box 032 D.ulv Lay-Away a Gift a Day" George for Vancouver where they will take up future residence. Ol Miss nuui u- News. (287) LL'Xlhl STEAMER PRINCE GEORGE Thompson is here to join the typographical staff of the Daily r,wr oi u.iu . .. SUI1 1 V" inus. News. Furnished livlna from the store that sparkles with Christmas Ideas XMAS HAMPERS Wanted full details of needy veterans or veterans' widows (name, ad . . ...'ill ..i... ritfim a nrl hfHr...m ttr ..!.. In cuumu i .:. ,:.. . ,.,..r.:, . Mr. and Mis. J. P. McBride. ONVtl 13HIO 1NV NVHl tlH NOSU1S IV1M iUOU lOM dress, number In family aud cir v .limn, hut .iiil.ui.cu it. Government Service. AdijIv National Emulovment Service. (290) cumstances). Communicate in F0h SALt George Hills, George Viereck and Bernhoft Peterson, who have been in Burns Lake attending a conference of co-operative managers, returned to the city from writing to chairman Canadian SAILS FOR VANCOUVER and Intermedial Ports Each Thursday at 11:13 p.m. III E-Several thousand WANTED Furnished ap-art- Legion Christmas Hamper Com Blouses, Skirts, Housecoats, Nightgowns, Lounging Pyjamas, Sweaters, Gloves and Purses mlttce, PO. Box 628, City. -List ,i surmir tuo.ii." mcnl consisiinu ol two oca-oiiairs lust removed rooms, livuitr room, kitclien closes Monday December 12. (h) , lollowm theatres. .,nfl bath-room. Aoolv Box the Interior on last night's train. BALAGNO Florists Phone Green 77 Bos 1193 MMMMaMMWHIi J in si i I II ii iiii efc iwW Rcacnt. Victoria, ;633 rjallv Ncws (291, tohimbia. Cinma . We have the largest stock of Nylon III B. Jonsrud, manager of a cooperative flour mill at Saskatoon ,nl write or unouc run itr.iM For KETCHIKAN WEDNESDAY MIDNIGHT -U sane ma.... : w w i Alexander Esler, eiglii-yeir old organist asd soloist. Ki va." featured in a recital at thc United Church Wednesday and Granville St.. vui - iu klixi -" "Vo'iST I who has been In Burns Lake at- Hose in the city. Featuring Gold j Stripe, Phantom, Supersilk and Harvey Woods. J For MODERN BC tending a conierence oi co-oper- Hsll Calibre converted FOR RENT Sleeuina room or For Reservation! Write or Call Thursday, returned to Vancouver i E Storefront Designing alive managers, arrived In' the Miui'imi rinea.i waiu uuu iwm. iu..- (tf) city from the Interior on last I on the Prince George last night I jj jr.jrls; six anu wi wv. DO COME IN NOW WHILE Monev-oaes ; Housekeeolna and night's train and sailed on the accompanied by Mrs. Jack Har- s Prince George lor Vancouver. I rod and her husband. ASSORTMENTS ARE COMPLETE 5 CITY OR DEPOT OFFICE PRINCE RUPERT. B.C. -S rip assort- sleeoina room 221 5th East (2871 4 an rifles, shotauns. Mr nnrl Mrs. Howard Frlzzcll : V and Materials -SEE ISLAND CITY ttl'II.UKRS' SIPPLIKS General Builders' Supplies- sishus.olc. Write Northern Geographical Repre- rEKSONAI ANNETTE HAUSELL citv next I Y onntativ.. nf th B C. Teachers' are arriving in the fcw Bales Co.. 320 i . . . . . . , rt tiMHIMf ; n n ri Heatim? to.; ouawa. vjiu Federation, R. D. Cleland, is v. ecu uu. w....aS iiwoi. Mrtul work, tar and (tfl iM.i.n ,nichf boat for Mas- Christmas ana new xcar hohuuj eravrl roofinE. Phone 543 or LADIES WEAR V Y V Phono 150 525 3rd Ave. call r,29. Sixth Ave. West. H Lctourncau and Sons. U) j 505 McBride St. . Blue 820 : T.ndfrs will be re- " . i. BAr. season with Mr. Frizzell s parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Friz-zell, who are moving into their new home on First Avenue. v Uie undersmncu ; o( Tin suav. Janu-1 sett. The purpose oi Mr. t-ie-land's visit Is to report on Federation activities to the Queen Charlotte Island teachers. AGENTS WANTKO wNTFfl Tcal resident to .....,, tnr Hfltlll Columbia lirm. Part . time mWttt M (or Hie ourcivise B;'ii B. Subd. BlueKs C mi D. District Lot to 1200. Delkatlah i Ouei'ti Charlotte Uweiher with 1m-situate thereon and hip cun.enls to be : iv thc Diirchawr on ORM ES DRUGS basis, no elline reouirea. ao- y Dlv Aiicncv Department. 3J9- J 1C.3 W. Hastinas Street. Van- 5 couvcr. B.C. uuai-.y DRUGS ':irrc is basis. Terms A 2! A A A A A a A A A IIKI P WANTKI WANTED Part time Inspector to make insurance anil credit. fee basis In a-h. Highest cr anv neerssiirilv ae-G F Forbes. Official "iU)r, Administrator i-iJU1 u( Thomas Kii. ".. Owl House. Prince BC. (292) PRESCRIPTION CHEMISTS STORE HOURS WEEK DAYS, A.M. TO PM SUNDAYS ANU HOLIDAYS-12 NOON TO 1 P.M. 7 P.M. TO 9 P.M. ooiJorUmitv lor a retired oer-ij son. school learner, or a per-. y mm with snare time. A car Ijiy Urrv hplnful Tills Is a Bll'l Y Y Y oooortunitv to increase mr Income. Ad1v PJ3. Box 3nl Vancouver. B.C. ,28!!l i - 11)42 Chevrolet Fr 'tiarlirulars rail t .ilirr 5 u.m. (287) 3SI-30 Wlnclirstrr ij.sU'r: Wrst-' Iron. All like new. H 854 alter 6 V) m. 12'JUI 1 SGQOIE Y Y Y "merge nry bicycle deiWery from 7 p.m. till 0 D.m. and Sunday Dally car delivery jervlce from 8 a.m. till 0 p.m. y Y Y WANTED IMMEDIATELY E x o e r I e need strnosratilier wantinn steadv rinoloviiienl. Must know shorthand and b eood tvoist, Aoulv Thc Vv . 1 1. Malkln Co., Ltd. Y Y Y E Babv bi!i :v. Phone t287l Y Y Y Y Y 'E Uwd doors, win-Ht, Phone 543. Call Arc. W. (tl) is an Outstanding Value (mM Here Y Y Y Y Y Y MOTOR OVERHAUL irf& You Grow rvA (M Do,lars -F.-HM'J Ford Fordor, hi-at-r and defrosters. j tiros. Only eiehti "minim, (it Hid rondl-''"iOD. Aoolv N. V. i Ma.wlt. BC. (292) 1 Gents Onyx Initio! Ring Ladies Birthstone Rings 10K Gold Mountings A Real Buy U-E-R-ival tvoewritcr. ! t'HKlitiim. Conibina-. nird ulavrr and wire Having Us Overhaul Your Engine is Like Turning the Mileage Indicator Back to Zero, for your car will hum along the road as if it had just left the assembly line. ' DRIVE IN NOW! TO OUR GARAGE )i nt'int.mann olano. wi'll 751. (.2901 $6.95 BUT YOU CAN SAVE MONEY AT Blue 992 Chrv. half ton wxi simne. Can be toll's Srrvico Klul.iiin I $22.00 Y Y Y 1 it S Ladies 15 Jewel Watch Complete with Expansion Bracelet. ONLY jjj ML RADIO CLINIC KEN'S 'U,Y KNIVAM MA MC.i Il Snerrlrr Kltnvnk ,': I'r nr. I ii.es; Aoauv ;"Hcrs: LltUefoi-d Bros. 4 A A A i For Satisfactory Service 718 2ml Ave. W. Wl . ..I. in i limn. ""It'. , ()o.,.n fMunihl J& Hock Grapples: S, Concrete Mixers; ELECTRIC REFRIGERATORS A LOVELY DISH l I UUCKS: NPISOII "WUfrs fur Kli-lrnllf !.' SlPmi'Val; Rice I'orl- -wiuii'i Piinins' Nil A- "A Now on Display ;'inic Scrapers and .N.lllltllul All Ul A i A A A A A A A A "'t llniiv," Kiii ........ Ladies 2 Piece Motching Luggage Set I1. 8nmlllr,: National inf and Convevors, 'Wwuiaion from Na-"uiliiery Co. Ltd. $32.15 set ONLY 5 Piece Dresser Set For ONLY $9.50 Sec our large selection of nationally advertised Watches Buv with confidence Clips Queers. 7 cu. ft. General Electric $337.50 . 6 cu. ft. Leonard $299.50 USE OUR EASY TIME PAYMENT PLAN sinner Sewlns L lllia Pakl.lnU' Remember a smoll deposit holds any of these exceptional values till Xmas. Gent's Waterproof-Shock-proof 15 Jewel Watch $38.95 A A A A A A . ii A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A vauniv.va W (ribs. Disston ; Sl!S' Np'w LoRKlns aew TCi, vaKons, gws. Typewriter. B.'ots Battleship l V5hllv used Ra-Pun,ii Ule towest prices, 'wniture Co.. Ria-w sud Jeweller GOOH. A NEW HOME Plan to Build NOW For Plans and Estimates It's GREER & BRIDDEN The Men Who Know CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS RED Sfil P.O. BOX 721 McClary ."iter Kt- Du ivicv Phone Blue 393 NORTHERN B.C. POWER CO. LTD. (288) r ho ne 216 Successor to M. Heilbroner PHONE 264 Besner Block PRINCE RUPERT. B.C. STEWART. B.C. 527 3RD AVE 't unn "7" .' ord. Radio, 9 Y Y Y Y Y tonriiti.'ll.covPrs verv can oi' Chone Green '" m ScveYith Ave (.2110 1