LONDON HAS PKIEONS i from the air to pick un a . 3nnrc uupctt Dailp rsctos Ltn. Saturday, January 10, 1948 (Contained iro.n Page II bit of meat but they p,,,t J to eat on the street. ' not a particularly difficult Job The Bi'Usi;.e ajf ''jv, .. L mm UI in independent dally newspaper oeorea to the upnuliaing or Prince Rupert 'ad all immunities comprising northern and central British Columbia. (Authorized as Second Class Mall. Post Office Department, Ottawa) Published every anernoon except Sunday by "nnee Rupert Dally News Ltd., 9rA Avenue, Prince Rupert, British Columbia a A. HUKTKR, Managing E-vo. H. G PFRRY, Managing Director. 4K.MBER OF CANADIAN PRESS AUDIT BtTREAU OP CIRCULATION? CANADIAN DAILY NEWSPAPER ASSOCIATION SUBSCRIPTION RATE& - " Carrier, per week. 15c; Per Month. 65c; Per Tear, 17.00; Bj Mail. P-r Month. 40c; Per Year, MOO. c B for Black Jim. a mete ii a and taxes out rrfr J , stretch of pavement, a wharf or in the aprlng when Unyai a cluster, of rocks handy the with us. Love, with its rf. crow will clutch his packaged family raising, draws them lunch with his talnned toes and the confines of the riy take wing. From, an altitude of front and other fectiint. flT 20 to 40 feet he releases his load to uninhabited Islands and swoops down to see whero the female tends the P, he can eat or must continue the the male forat;es for f, bashing process. Although re- guards against marauders pea ted dropping may have no ticulurly the bald Iu uiU-i , effect on the protective shell of who has a weakness fur u the morsel, the crow seldom ear- .eg'js-rles out his bombing operations, ..,,.. .... ,., The Salvation Army Captain and Mrs. E. Jarrett, Corps Officers. SUNDAY 11 a.m. "Quiet Talks on Holy Living." 2:30 p.m. Directory Class. 3:00 p.m. Sunday School. 7:30 p.m. Gospel Meeting. Topic: "Spiritual Suicide." Tues.. 7:30 p.m. Home League. oldest not more than 21 years of, i SATURDAY SERMON a?e, formed a (.roup. They asreed to mi el oiifp a wetlc for prayer in an ola s.iiir.mer-house In a f rnm more than a helaht of 50 Wed., 8 p.m. Prayer Meeting. ,,., i t,i..u 'Prince Rupert their r i ( t i, ri i iiii iiiiii io t.-j inmi - Harden. TIuil tney formed the idea of winning 1?0 souls for By Rev Fred Antrobus, First Baptist Church 0 LOUD, REVIVE THY WORK In this chapter of Acts, we find the great apostle the King, and thrust us out Into he can go and still keep an eye,"""16 ln"r 8''m to the rain and htoh-water to brlna on the Intended meal or more 1 factions or strata of htn. , Christ in 12 months. The telliii'? of the story of Christ M Saviour the lost to Thee! likelv he is afraid of losing his ,Kr"uU apiM-ar to prefer a diet of fish and as a cui. A revival Is a renewal of prise to less ambitious friends, ' Christians to a more .spiritual a? usually loitering near- suck close to the fruitful HIGH SCHOOL SITE BOARD of school trustees is well advised in THE seriously considering, as it appears to be doing, ' the possibilities of a site other than Acropolis Hill for the proposed new High School. It will be a. permanent structure that will be used for a long time. It would be too bad, therefore, if, in esthetic enthusiasm over the natural beauty of the site on the hilltop, a site would be chosen which experience would soon prove to have disadvantages causing subsequent regrets that a more central and conveniently-reached site had not been selected. The city engineer has presented to the school board a most interesting and attractive plan for High School development. At first sight, it would appear to be somewhat on the elaborate side but, at that, it might be something to shoot at. After all,-we are a long way .behind the rest of the province today as far as school buildings, grounds and facilities are concerned. Considering first things first, however, there erles dock. Other pi. and Lord brought groups of men and women into the Christian life and church Hunt utong. They set others on fire to do the tiling. Do it asaln, LoM, and kindle that dieted flame ui) the cold altar of our heui'U Uol frame of mind, to more fervent j by In the hopes of picking up, prayer, and to more earnest en- 1 a I1,'' meal. . more adventurous and Paul on trial for his life. He was really on trial for his way of life as over against that of the world with which it clashed because of his uncompromising allegiance to his Saviour. Paul was the greatest of all explorers, crossing seas and continents with one - aim in view, daring every danger .scoured town and hamlet with to capture the kingdoms of this the new evangel. With ChrUt in world for the Christ who died our hearts, the commission and on the Cross that his sins miht Passion for His service always t;o be forgiven, and that he might together. Lo-d, give us men like I'H NIC LUNCH ON Tlllltl) AVKNI'K of the city confines. tH i the beaches si ekiiii shciilm (other eatables or vie ,'-t. morninK bald-headed eagles fur . deavors to promote the Cause of Christ and redemption; and. consequent imon this, the arousing of Qm? imptnilent to the concerns of the will and the work a cool winter the mall'r lush. A timd ?. the sun is .struggling to' f when Many similar stories come from England, the United States rnd other parts of the world, showing that the Church of of personal faith. O Lord, re- j Ret ja t.,j ov,,r Mount Hay I .,ollw,Ut) ' LV vive ray work! be brought to God. The secret these! It wa? the same In th Christ is awak here and there of all this was that at Damascus 'Eighteenth Century, the days of and is awakening fresh to her one day Paul saw a vision of the Evangelical Revival, when ; task of winning men to saving ; evergreen Lack, Black Jim and Rrfat attracUon or lh(. his Mends often enjviy a picnic they escort it during nn; lunch on the sidewalks of Third its tour throuuh the city c ! Avenue. Undisturbed uy passlivj picklnKS are too slim v,.r j feet, the birds strut about the wm hoist themselves i-nc 1 .streets, apparently deriving a air and In fllRhts ot u.t , Christ and became a Christian, the Wesleys, Whitefield. Brain- DON RITCHIE TO LIBRARY BOARD is trie selection oi site and. the more ambitious the i He spent the remainder of his erd and others went ovpr all life in exploiting the limitless England with the good news of landscape for His Master. faith In the Siiviour. What are we Christian doing In thU place? Are we satisfied with the spiritual rtsuits In our own lives and church Loid ,hak u1 loose irom our complacency, Irthargy and laziness, and from I cei lain amount ui Kiu.nai mm inrees, win wing out to i salvation through faith in Rod's dear Son. J. S. Wilson, owing to pressure , n .showing off their bldnesd be- j dump where they will n-, of duties as principal of Borden fore their equally hungry but the accumulation o- in c . A few years ago in England, five young men, all from cultured With the vision there cam into his life the Passion of thf far horizon. All the narrowing limits of Jewish prejudice and Pharisaic superstition fell from his eyes like scales. Single-handed, he stormed the ?reat i mi- wuiiiii.ii :ti'u i-i nil i oris oi our K.,, . u .. .j n homes, all qonverted in the same , , , . -u.n- ,....,.. ..., .u 1'omes! Give us o new vlj-ion of Street School, has resiRned from ' ieSS daring cousin the raven. tu( f As nlcht comcfi mi ih the library board and A. ' D. while the ravens are relatively , . . . , , Ritchie has accepted appoint- 1 numprous on the waterfront and I " ment In his stead. It was an- on Ul0 olll,kirUs 0f the city, only iM Rra,'Mul fliKl'1 M !hr nounced yesterday by. Mayor a fcw of lh,,m wili venture to j wakward on the troiim! Nora Arnold. pau,s(i at a spot that man is f re-i ' " TunjrirauL llllA3nll, UI1U tlir j DIRECTORY Mertii-r In ull rhiiniim at II a.m. mil 7:.'n p.m.! Niinilay i hml at l !:n fil a xhtiMii. : qucniing i ne ixia one, uiiracLeu BACK ON THE JOB ' j bv lne activities of the crow mmt. NEWPORT Mon. f Arthur dan. will sometimes anuni on aMHMUtuil q Martin. 76, who retired from the a -store roof or even the top of I A5THMA a parked car but they seem to ' " ' 'i - sea 3if w..strT t I i.m pxst office 10 years aao after 41) AND HAY FEVER HNI tl HH KV I 4MIU , tHlflHtlf. Kl l years' service, went bark last have an aversion to restinn their J month to help sort the Christmas j feet on the pavement. Occasion - j mail. I ally one of them w'il .'kid In I 1,1 centres of civilization in the Name of Jesus Chi 1st. No diffi cultv could daunt him, no danger impede h's splendid pro-Tress The hunger for men was In hii. soul. He felt himself a debtor t: all men. because of the gospel He climbed mountains, forded rivers, crossed continents, bore stripes, imprisonments an1 shin wrecks, courted insult and dared a thousand t'caths because oi the Passion in his heart, to carry the Godgivon message of salvation to every corner and crevice la A A S si li project, the more important it is that no mistake be made. Havs. Cove Circle, to begin with, has the important advantage of being more conveniently mick'd than Acropolis Hill which would be left for the plan of park development. ORE SAMPLING PLANT THE LOCAL C.C.F. clube fittingly enough urges : that therev should be no removal of the provincial government ore sampling plant, now being held in storage her, but rather that it should be retained for future use. The time is bound to return when such a plant will be once again, as it was bef ore, a valued aid and facility for the mining industry in this area, for the testing of ore and also for the benefit of the small operators who can have their ore treated there, as it was in the days before the war when mining was flourishing in this area and there was much interest in the development of new properties. The sampling plant here never was very popular with certain quarters in the department at Victoria.' .We had a hard enough time getting it and, on occasions, retaining it. We do not want to go through all that again. Not only the C.C.F. club but all other organizations in the city would join in vigorous protest at any move to have the equipment removed. t( (1HKilHil, 4th Av W. at Dunmnnlr 8t Hoty Communion 0:30 a m. Sli'idnv Krluiul l:t)0 p.m. tor: Baiill 8. Prorktrr. B A , B D (Blue 73J HHT HPTIT Ml) Am. R t Younu Ht Mtiilsiw: Kcv FTwl Antrobua Klrwn Bill IIKST 1-KF.HRYTMtl IV 4th Avfinif East (Green 98'J I IHxr I Mill) 6110 6th Ave. West Minister: K. A. Wilson. M A (Green 013 1 CLEARANCE """s First Presbyterian Churrl Fourth Avenue East Rev. Allan M. McColi, Minister JANUARY 11, 1948 11 a.m. Morning Worship. Anthem by Junior Ch.iir: "O Come to My Heart Lord Jesus." Solo by Miss Barbara Teng. of the earth. A more thrilling story of hazard, hardship, heroism and adventure has never been written. . O Lord, give us this same Passion! In the fourteenth centurv th III. I.OM'H. TtMl:KVM'I.K 221 6lh Are. West PuKtiw: Puul A Burlier (Green 620) vision of Christ broke In upon S.M.VVTHtN AKMY Krnser Htrwt CO.: Capt Earl Jarrett Dlre:tory CUtm 2 30 p m. Sunday Srhxil 3 00 p rn. Black 2061 $2.95 DRESS PUMPS CUBAN IIKKL Kruwn anil Hla k Widths A A (o (' : SANDALS iiich am) (than hi:kls Res:. S3.95 Jo $(.!)." Sermon: "The Great Purpose." "To this end was I born." the soul of John Wycliffe, the Mornine Star of the Reformat'-" in England. He gave us the Bible in English for the first time and the common peoDte the Word of God. Instantlv there arose the Lollards, trios'-itinerant missionaries, who t. fti i:n ii mi a w Bth Ave. at McBrlde St. Pastor: . fkilland (Black 810) HT. I'KTIK'H AVI.I.H V 8el Cove Arehleacm K Hodmn Sunday Selionl u 00 a m. Evening Prayer 7 30 pin. (Blue 8-7) -John 18:37 12:15 Sunday School. 7:30 p.m. Evening Service. Sermon: "The Tears of Jesus." "Jesus Wept." - John 11:35. "Come and worship Him that together we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need." $ ELDERLY LADIES' DRESS PUMPS AND TIES Values rft WUtth I .3U ) to KKF. 3-50 DRESS PUMPS IIIC.1l IIKKL Rrown, Black,. Itrd Rck. $.".;).") to .;." POLITICAL SITUATION THE POLITICAL SITUATION in the nine Cana-I dian provinces is an interesting one. Of the total number of provincial governments in existence there are three Lileral governments, these being in the Maritime provinces, namelv Nova Sco MIMMIMTV M'MIIV SCHOOL K:if,t End Hall, 'i M p m. REGULAR BAPTIST LADIES' SLIPPERS TO CLEAR Kiddies' Korner DKKSS HOOTS OMOKUS AMI PIMPS TO CI.KAR (I IM) MI.T l.l ftth and MrBrldr si) Phone nH9 lODE Hull- SPECIAL ! 5 -Eyelet Rubbers mkn's S2.95 hoys' $2.50 CniLDRKYS 1,25 $ 1.95 $1.95 Sunday, January 11, 1018 "He that hath the Son HATH life." 2 Jno. 5:12. 12:15 p.m.--Sunday School. 7:30 p.m.-Gospel Service. ( Prayer - Praise- Testimony I Come and begin the New Year ariuhl! Speaker: Mr. O. R. S. IMackaby. Topic: "WHAT'S AIIKAO FOR 1918?" Hearty Gospel Sing. l l-ltl ( II Till: (ll ll-TIMK HI I K.IOV Krnwn and Rck:. $2.9." to $1.25 lllaek ria, New' Brunswick and Prince Edward Island. One Conservative government rules in Ontario, this ; being the lone Tory party machine in office in the Dominion. , ! Two Coalition governments are in office in Canada at the present time, these being in British Columbia under its new premier, Byron Johnson, and the other in Manitoba, where Liberal Premier Carson controls the government with the alliance ; of Conservatives and Social Creditors. The remaining three provinces, namely Quebec, Saskatchewan and Alberta, have deflected somewhat from the pld line parties. In the first named Premier Duplessis, National leader, heads a government which is strongly opposed by the Liberal ; party. In Saskatchewan, the C.C.F. controls power ! under Premier T. C. Douglas, being the lone power j which the C.C.F. has in the Dominion. The Social i Credit party, on the other hand, has held office in' ! Alberta since 19:1,5 and still continues to be seriously ' ir hallenged. DUO-THERM Air Condition Oil FURNACE UNITS Save You MONEY TIME EFFORT TROt'BI.E They Provide Constant even Heat everywhere in the house every minute of the day. SHENTON'S SHEET METAL WORKS 95c- ODD LINES SLING IIKKLS SANDALS ' IUJM1 RUMMAGE Sale Offer! RROWN AM) BLACK Electrical Contracting 3rd Ave. East Phone 33 NO KX( HANCil S NO KlilTNDS ALL SAI.K.S FINAL SHOP F.AULY ron BKST SELF.CTION Sale Commencing SATURDAY January 10, 1948 HOUSE WIRING RKI'AIUS Rwltfh MrLlte At Your Service. PAPER GOES LONG WAY Also HE EDMONTON BULLETIN has gone a long-way since it was founded by the late FYank Oliver more than sixty years aeo. The Bulletin SINGER 1 Reliable Radio and Appliance Service Free Pick-up and Delivery RUPERT RADIO & ELECTRIC A. Mackenzie Furniture' LIMITED "A GOOD PLACE TO BUY" WE DOCTOR SHOES HEEL THEM ATTEND TO THEIR DYEING SAVE THEIR SOLES MAC SHOE HOSPITAL Box 774 Second Ave. Immediate delivery of nf BOX 132 PHONE 644 J treadle and electric sewiwr marhinex in Prinre RuK'',t i and district. t ! SINCER I Sowinp Machine C I Phone 864 Prince Riipf11! CHESTERFIELD SI'ITES BEDROOM Sl'lTES Beauty Rest Matlretis, Beauty Rest Box Spring Walnut Tables for every purpose WATCH OUR WINDOW FOR SPECIALS Phone 775 327 3rd Avenue FOR PRINCE RUPERT PEOPLE GIFTS thai are PRINCE RUPERT DRY DOCK AND SHIPYARD SHIPBUILDERS AND ENGINEERS DIFFERENT! was sold last week by Charles Campbell to a group of financiers for, it is said, about $000,000. When Oliver drove his little rig from Winnipeg, across the lonely plains, later to become known as the provinces of Saskatchewan and Alberta, he had courage, confidence, vision and foresight, but not much else. Edmonton was a faraway village, and the prairies neither well known or understood. JN WAR AND PEACE A SEAPORT with new, modern and ample facilities and, particularly if possessing strategical . advantages, ought to be kept that way. There is usefulness in both war and peace. Prince Rupert fits the description. Suppose, for example, as 1948 commences to unfold, world affairs uncertain at best, took turns that eventually led again to hostilities. It might be a matter of great satisfaction to find the splendid installations at this port still standing and ready to function for t any purpose. KMOX HOTEl ARTCRAFT NOVELTIES SOUVENIRS WAX FLOWERS NOW OPEN From Tbla Date WAR ASSETS COAL will be: LUMP Sacked J12.80 per ton MINE RUN Loose . $11.00 per ton No rebate for quantity HYDE TRANSFER PHONE 580 Iron and Brass Castings Electric and Acetylene Welding A QUIET, PLEASANT PLACE TO LIVE COMPLETELY RENOVATED ROOMS REDECORATED I SPRING-FILLED MATTRESSES . UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT i Proprietors: TOM PESUT STEVE VRKLAKN J HANDCRAFTS AND SOUVENIRS SPECIALISTS UN SAWMILL and MININO MACHINERY 211 SIXTH STREET (Vera A. ParsonS) i ...CSl .'. .