V )fWsTnn j NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLOMBIA'S NEW BP AP 13 I TAXI I J Phone 255 iiLACK AM) W1UTK CABS published at Canada's Most Strategic Pacific Port "Prince Rupert, the Key to the Great Northwest." fjj "VII, NO. 8. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., SATURDAY, JANUARY 10, 1948 PRICE FIVE CENTS d o Sea d Holy uy L niam ou iLaim McNaughtons Hew Duties T Continue on Atninio Commission and Joint Defence Hoard OTTAWA, 0-General A. U. Firmer Action Is Initiated In Support of Partition Meek Still Interested L. McNaughton, aged 61, yeste.-day was appointed by the gov CAR INJURIES PROVE FATAL Joseph F.. Jack, Pioneer of Prince Rupert, Passes Away In Vancouver ernment as head of Canada's iiiiiiniihju .ujua.juuwiii.in v22f , " -v 'ijPx ' permanent delegation to the United Nations la New York. In th rapacity he will lie the Canadian member of the United Nations security council and will take his seat next Thursday when the council meets again. The General, who commanded Canadian forces overseas for the Following a motor accident last Saturday in Vancouver in which he sustained serious injuries, Joseph E. Jack, an early Famous Regiment Takes Up Stand Against Entry of Arabs From Outside of Palestine JERUSALEM (CP) British lancers of the famed "Death or Glory" regiment stood armed guard over the northern frontier of Palestine today across the head waters of the River Jordan in what appeared to be a move to seal off the Holy Land in the partition battle from outside Arab attacks. If this k an pioneer of Prince Rupert, who moved south a few years ago. I passed away last night in the j Vancouver General Hospital, ac-' cording to word received byj indication of British policy, it Is LEGISLATURE IS friends here today. In the same accident. Mrs. Jack and Miss E.I M. Earl also sustained injuries I which necessitated hospitaliza-1 Negotiations Continuing On Waterfront Installations Reluming to Prince Rupert Kenneth Meek of Calgary, the terms of whose original agreement for purchase of former I'nited States Army water-font installations here including large warehouse, portion of the ocean dock.elc., were to expire December 31 last, is still negotiating in regard to the property, it is indicated in telegrams received today by the Prince Rupert C hamher of Commerce and the Daily News from F. P. (iutelius of the lands and building department of War Assets Corporation in .Montreal. Mr. Meek, according to the message, plans to be in Prince Rupert again within the next ten days. When last here he CALLED MARCH 2 VICTORIA The British Columbia Legislature will convene for its next session March 2, it was announced yesterday by Premier Byron Johnson. Tlx; session will last for six to eight weeks, it is expected. The Premier's announcement of the I a ? '.., l v i A: - i v I V r V V r - -A 1 V rf '-,. i the strongest move yet. Credentfe that this is the British policy through Britain's "strong representations" to the Syrian government over yesterday's border crossing by slit hundred Arabs who were finally beaten back by the lancers and spitfire planes. The attack yesterday appeared to be a possible beginning of a general attack by troops of the tion. j Mr. Jack was sixty-three years' of age and came to Prince Ru- j pert in 1909. Born in Ontario,! he left for the West as a young! man and, before coming here,' was located in the New West-! minster and Vancouver areas.' m . r opening of the session came after a cabinet meeting. It will be the , third session of' the veteran Arab revolt leader, Fawtsi Bey Al Kaukji. commander of twenty-first legislature. Finance .rf laW hlom 0,111 ho hlohi "le OJlllII TUjm.vcno He was a carpenter by trade and followed that occupation for years, finally joining the staff of the elevator here with which he was identified for considerable time. He purchased the apartment property now known as NT, Arab leaders declared that "the hour has not yet struck." Meanwhile government sources in London said that Britain had proposed that a campaign he instituted locally for the raising of $500,000 to take over the installations but he was asked for more specific information in regard to a proposal he was advancing for the use of the properties in port L. Lr . ..... on the legislative calendar. NO marriagF IN MEANTIME Angus Apartments from the late S. P. McMordie and erected the NAMED TO UNITED NATIONS - General A. G. L. McNaughton who will represent Canada. Angus Court nearby. Before leaving here, he sold out that property to George Eales. SNOW, SNOW, BEAUTIFUL SNOW BEFORE THE DELUGE The record 25-inch snowfall in New York City was Just starting when this photo was taken In Central Park. The young man may be indifferent to the few Inches of snow that had fallen at that time, but now, with the city traffic and normal movement almost at a standstill, no New Yorker can look upon snow with a friendly feeling. would welcome any force the United States -might send to guard the United States consulate in Jerusalem. United States, they said, had "sounded out" the British High Commissioner for permission to send a "small forca" of marines. It was added that no formal re Michael Advised Against Wedding Anne for Time Being at Least LAUSANNE. Switzerland. 9 RICHARD TAUBER, Deceased was a member of the Masonic craft from Ontario. In his younger days here, he took a keen interest in rifle shooting and other lines of athletics. Be LONDON HAS PIGEONS, VICTORIA Two Men Are Held Following Robbery VANCOUVER (P Police today Major Jacques Vegotti, aide to ex-King Michael of Romania, de- j first three years of the war and who also is one of the country's . leading research scientists, w ill continue to hold the post of Canadian member of the United Nations Atomic Energy Commission, it is learned. He will also continue to be the Canadian representative on the Canada- SINGER, PASSES LONDON f Richard Tauber, 56-year-old singer, composer and ri.nriuctiir died here Thursday. sides his widow, he is survived j by two daughters Mrs. Birdellj Thompson and Mrs. Beverley! clared today that "for the moment" there was not going to be any wedding for Michael and BLUEBIRDS, RUPERT, CROWS, GULLS Creighton, both owhi Van quest had been made and that no decisions had been reached. ARABS CROSS In Damascus, Syria, it was said today that 300 Arab volunteers had crossed the Palestine border to supplement the forces of princess aiiiic ui duuiuuu- held two men in custody and sought a third after Charles Jerome was robbed of $200 last night on a West" End street. He was held at gun point while men took his money and a diamond stick pin. couver. Ql fone'or the" leafllitg teflors Wthf United States JjjiAt P"d Defence. ; German-sj)eaking world, he spe It Is expected, however, thatj Parma. He saia mat ine iormer monarch might "eventually marry Princess Anne," who is "ideally suited to be his wife." He hint cialized as an Interpreter of Mozart. He became h British subject in 1940. Fawsl Al Kaukji. The pigeons of London's Trafalgar Square are internationally, known. On the West Coast pigeons of Victory Square, and Archie, Vancouver's pet seagull, have gained certain publicity. Whether Victoria actually has flocks of bluebirds fluttering about its staid streets or not is questionable but, according to advertisements, these birds have- been leading droves of tourists! T"H WEATHER UNEMPLOYED IN NORTHWEST WINNIPEG There are 29.000 unemployed at the present time between Thunder Bay, Lake Superior, on the east, and Dawson Creek, in the Peace River Block, on the west, according to figures ed broadly that the former monarch's advisers are opposed to4he marriage, at least for now. Declaring that Michael hoped eventually to return to his throne Vergotti said that the ex-King's adisers felt that a "romantic entanglement" immediately after CONTROLS MAY BE RE-IMPOSED General McNaughton will resign I M chairman of the Canadian Atomic Control Board as i. Wt'ld be physically Impossible for him to carry on all three of hie present responsibilities. A second appointment announced yesterday was that of Dr O. S. Patterson as counsellor of the Canadian embassy in Naukinu and as Canadian rep- iecntaUve on the United Nation Korean Commission gathering in Korea now to facilitate -and exiM'dite Korean ARABS NOT CO-OPERATING LAKE SUCCESS The Arab H'ch Committee has flAtly re THREE BANDITS ARE CAPTURED Part of toot In Big New Orleans Rank Robbery Is Recovered NEW ORLEANS (P Three bandits who yesterday staged the made available here yesterday. There are upwards of 18.000 men j leaving the throne might be used to the capital city ior years. In the past Prince Rupert has had its whales and herring that were wont to cruise the harbor in larste numbers. But there Synopsis The outbreak of cold air which Is moving southward over northern British Columbia and Al- and more than 3.000 women re- by the communists to say that he Hut on Limited Scale, Says i Canadian Finance Minister i in New York quiring jobs with five thousand j had abdicated to "enjoy himself." (fused the proposal of the Unl- jobs available for the right class about'berta dropped temperatures as Isn't much one can do of labor. ted Nations Palestine Commission to participate in any conference with Great Britain and ! NEW YORK It is possible, cultivating these inhabitants of .much as JU degrees m me t-eace and civic at-, H'ver District overnight. Tills the sea as pets as inrtmn, Thev ran't be denend-! co'd weather is expected to move said Hon. Douglas Abbott. Cana- rii.m minister of finance, here the Jewish Agency having to do biggest bank robbery in the United States in years were cap-1 tured last evening before the sun had set two hours, but two others, described as-"ihe brains They go and come with- ed on into the Prince George and Cariboo regions tonight and with the partition of Palestine. It would never co-operate in any way directly or Indirectly with CHARGED WITH SUPPLYING Henry Tingiey, 19-year old youth who arrived from Vancouver yesterday, appeared in police court this morning charged with supplying liquor to an Indian. The case was adjourned by Magistrate W. D. Vance until this afternoon. Tingiey was taken into custody last night. Little change is expected in LOCOMOTIVE TURNS OVER Kight Persons injured in Freak Train Accident at Boston Station partition and it was "fantastic temperatures over the remaind to expect the Arabs would, a spokesman said. of the outfit,"' remained at large today with almost $114.00 in loot. Police said that $65,000 had been recovered after the arrest of the three, leaving 449.000 in er of the province today and PASSENGERS BEING SAVED ISrscue of Those Aboard fSlranded Russian Ship I Now I'nder Way last night, that price controls on ; limited scale might be relm-posed in the Dominion but there would be no such over-all controls as there had been In wartime. Mr. Abbott was here on his way back to Ottawa after having been in Washington in connection with the arrangement of a $30(1,000,000 loan. Selective re - Imposition of out regard to man's designs. However, we do have crows. They may not look as attractive as pigeons but they are interesting and .smarter than the puffed-chest birds. Getting the meat from behind the armor of the smaller shell fish or tracking the covering of walnuts is The partition comnilssioa to day facad up to the pressing problem of when it should enter BOSTON. (P At least eight the turbulent Holy Land and what it should do about meas tTCKYO- Removal of 780 pas persons were taken to hospital j and more than 50 others were j PERON S GIFT T TO shaken today when the locomo- flFNFR Al FRANCO (Continued on Page Two) Sunday. Cloudy skies are expected to persist In most regions. Forecast Prince Rupert, Queen Charlottes and North Coast Cloudy with occasional snow flurries today and Sunday. Wind light. Little change in temperature. Lows tonight and highs SundayAt Port Hardy 32 and 40. Massett 28 and 36, Prince Rupert 30 and 38. price controls to stem the rising cost of living in Canada is pos-tu,l,. " said Ml-. Abbot -but the i BUENOS AIRES President Peron of Argentina has pres the hands of the "two brains." The bandits entered the bank the mid-city Hiberninan-Na-tional shortly 'after it opened Friday, herding the staff into separate rooms before proceeding to rob the vault which they forced the manager to open. An overheard conversation in a tavern as to robbery plans led to the apprehension of the three tive of a Providence to Boston train overturned at a Back Bay station. A railroad spokesman said later that other passengers were ented General Franco, the dic-'tator of Spain, with five fine 8emers from the Russian sleam-h I'vina. ashore off the roast of Japan, has commenced and was proceeding today in spite of continued heavy seas. For the first time yesterday ft Russian patrol ship succeeded in putting a line aboard the Dvina. Seven Russian and Japanese ships are now standing by. i horses and three cows !n testi not believed to be injured seri FRENCH COAL MINE DISASTER Five Known Dead and Forty Injured in Colliery META. France, (P -Five min ers were known killed and 40 in mony of the friendship between ously. Argentina and Spain." ures to enforce Its decisions. The Arabs, to emphaslzze their opposition to partition, are, in effect, boycotting th,e commission. The five-power group hopes to draft a tentative program for entry into the Holy Land subject to consultations with Britain on her date of withdrawal. The General Assembly resolution, providing for the partition of Palestine into Jewish and Arab countries, calls for the end of British rule by August 1 and the independence of the two states by October 1. government contemplates no return to the wartime system of over-all control as there Is no justification for it," -said Mr-Abbott. -I do not believe the imposition of an over-all price control policy Is possible in peacetime." the minister said. "It Is uossible there might be selec Northern B.C. Cloudy with occasional snow flurries today and Sunday. Wind light today. men. .15) Sunday. Much hired today in a fire-damp ex-, northerly colder tonight and Sunday. Lows The engineer was trapped In the cab of the locomotive but was rescued by firemen. j Four coaches tilted off the track after the enginer smashed j over the loading platform at the i station. A piece of rail flew clear and i smashed windows in the sta- j tion. Embers from the overturn IMPORT SCHEME BEING REVIEWED Close Check-l'p on Trade In Non-Essentials tive re-imposition of price con-i,i hut. that will depend on MAXIM UPSETS OLE TANDBERG Title Hopes of Swedish Pugilist Deflated Last Night tonight and highs Sunday At Prince George 5 below and 10, Smithcrs zero and 20, Telegraph Creek zero and 10. jThe passengers from the stricken ship are beins trans-J feried to a Soviet destroyer and ; an escort vessel in the water? ' Off northeast Japan, it was re-I ported today. ' '.The United States Navy says i; there Is no indication as to how ' munv of the Dvina's passenger I plosion at the Vuillermin coal mine in nearby Petite Roselle. Approximately 60 men were below ground when the explosion ! occurred. Rescue workers are removing the dead and injured but the total number of victims is not yet definitely known. One re-nort savs that 20 men are ed engine started a blaze on the ! what Parliament decides and also what may happen down here. "We import so many basic things from the United States th.t thp mice level here Is platform. I By JAMES McCOOK Canadian Press Staff Writer LONDON P A token Import scheme which allowed manufac may have been rescued. Report;' OF BUYING CARS u ,a ,i h.ive a serious effect ! trapped. NEW YORK Cleveland's Joe Maxim deflated the heavyweight litre hopes of Ole Tand-berg, crude Stockholm workman, by pounding out a split ten-round decision over Uie Swedish upset conqueror of Joe Baksi in a bruising battle last night In Madison Square Garden. on our level." turers of nine countries Including Canada to sell 20 per cent of the value ot pre-war shipments of non-essential goods in the United Kingdom will not con FOOD PRICES ARE UP 100 PERCENT Canadian Press Compares radioed to the Navy from Japan- Sc vessels at the scene said that i the passengers were being transferred in small boats. Earlier today a Russian rescue frssel succeeded in putting a pump aboard the leaking and foundering vessel. Ban on Ameircan Machines May he Lifted But Not Excise Tax LOCAL TIDES Sunday, January 11. 1948 tinue automatically in 1948. says High NEW YORK Within a month 18.6 feet 21.0 feet 8.7 feet 2.8 feet 1:56 13:21 7:29 20:04 it is expected a quota system for Low CRIME LESS IN VANCOUVER Statements to Contrary Resented by Chief of Fottce VANCOUVER Crime has decreased in Vancouver during the past three years in spite of a 100,000 increase in population in the area. Police Chief Walter Mulligan states. He resents statements that there has been a large increase in crime and that there has been looseness In administration of the law. Persons making such statements should learn the facts before they talk, he says. The drive against gambling here is proceeding effectively. Increase In Street Car Fares Delayed MONTREAL The Montreal Tramway Commission has postponed its decision on the application for an increase in fares on Montreal street cars and import of United States to Can Harold Wilson, president of the Board of Trade. Each arrangement will be subject to revision, he said, Indicating that there will be drastic curtailment of "token" ship ada will replace the present Cancer Expert Has Finished Mission MOSCOW The Swedish can EQUABLE CLIMATE J Puerto Rico has an average temperature In summer of 70 degrees and in winter 73 degrees. complete ban. Hon. Douglas Abbott, Canadian minister of finnniio eairl hprp ltiKt. llipht. TEA PRICE UP SO cer expert, who was called here t ments of unessential goods from This Year with 1938 TORONTO Canadian Press has completed .a tabulation of food prices in Canada between 1938 and 1948 which shows that the cost of living has gone up more than 100 per cent In the decade. Bacon was selling at 48c per pound in 1938. Today it is 98c. Butter is up from 28c to 74c, eggs from 23c to 52c per dozen, and bread from two loaves for 10c to two loaves for 21c. buses from four ucKeis ioi w to three tickets, rrenner iviaui-ice Duplessis announced yester-rfnv that legislation would be in recently, will be returning to Stockholm in a few days, his mission having been completed. It has not yet, however, been disclosed who the patient was. Rumor has it that Premier Joseph Stalin was the patient. STEVLDUKfcO VjUU, There would be, however, said SOUTHAMPTON A one cent Mr. Abbott, no lifting of the increase in the price of a cup of high excise tax on automobiles tea provoked an unofficial strike as it was the desire of the gov-of 1,700 dock workers. This de- eminent at this time to discour-layed the sailing of the liner age the buyirig of cars by Cana-Mauretania for New York. ' dians. countries such as Canada with which Britain has an unfavorable balance of trade. The import plan, developed two years ago, was designed to Continued Jh Page Five) troduced at the next session of Basketball Tonite f:3C High School vs. Gyro. 7:30 Merchants vs. Morgan's, j 8 30 Bi ownwoods VS. Co-op. 1 the Quebec Legislature to prevent an immediate increase in ti-cet car ana mis rares.