loan by the Text-Book Branch. It's business wise to advertise. 2. That the Department of Education include dictionaries Prince Rupert Daily News Report On I Convention Ray Reflects . . . Tne d3?, May 16, 19IS0 in the list of texf-books i issued ftee for elementary) or under rental plan (for secondary ... and Reminisce Jwvrv ieauciftj ' a heated discussion on a.fchoolsi. ; resolution that "the annual 3. That the B.C.T.F. appoint general meeting instruct the ex-a committee to consider the de-pcutive to review the B.C.T.F. ; ducting of the present fraction bALE SINGER We repair all makes Sewing Machines WORK GUARANTEED For Free Estimates Phone 864 Singer Sewing Centre relationships with organized 0; a teacher's pay for absence. I An independent dally newspaper devoted to the upbuilding of Prince Rupert and northern and central British Columbia . Published every afternoon except Sunday by j Prince Rupert Daily News Ltd., 3rd Avenue, Prince Rupert, ' British Columbia O. A. HUNTER, Managing Editor. H. O. PERRY. Managing Director : Member of Canadian Press Audit Bureau of Circulations Canadian Daily Newspaper Association j SUBSCRIPTION RATES ; Here Are Just a F" Many Canadians now rcceiv- if in gold, is said to be wortl. ing old-age pension would not 9s 4d. c;i:alify for pensions in the . United States, says the deputy Fioacj, frorn the time of Noah labor with a view to withdrawal ( 4 xhat the Central Executive , 1 from the Trades and Labor Con-, prepare a booklet nr handbook j Of the Many $pec minutor nf u-e!fare Or Oeorae u u. gress ana report w me ""' outlining tne growm or. me . Fishermen's all ,;r,4 .......... -- - nave ueru piuwicuis. 10 . -..- -,, resu'i- Davidson. There are tAO sy.Uem? c me extent, engineering ability. adoption" ed non by tne 5 - tne Department of neavy pants Special oy earner, rer weeK, zuc; rer Month, 73c; rer real $8 00; By Mail, Per Month 50c; Per Year $5.00. Men's Dress PAXts, EC.T.F. annual convention, Education allow schools to keep delegates told the Prince Rupert additional excess stock of texi District Teachers Federation tne quantity of which May meeting. yhould be a percentage of th-i ing waters and only too often are battles desperate. The prairies of Canada have seen lor summer ana eve-wear Special i in the States ranging from $13 to a high of about J30. payments beginning at 5 years. In the United States are pensions under compulsory contribution anil and survivors insurance plans. But, says Dr. Davidson in sum- Help For Manitoba Hoods before but never when a Men's gabardine srii-i f . . . . . . , .. . . n vnlntAnf R'hinll 11.-.. a rtt Kfn city, such as Winnipeg double breasted, pe, ,J latest styles. neat oarzam 4 ,. , , . , I up. none are any more tit .uanitopa floods comprise a terrible disaster, j generous than those in cana-the full imnnct of which can harrllv hp prflsnpd I dlan legislation if as liberal. T erown to become a centre of 01 r,mLC "u'" '"-s-". - substituted rfquertin- a 1 p'enlshu!g of stock for issue to a.ound three hundred thousand, committee to review BCt new pupils, The larser the community, the graver the danger and conse- relationships w,th labor How- r. D. cieland, geographical cuent scope of distress. Never f ver' srme !eleat insls,ted on representative, reported on the before have more people been cussing the withdrawal reso- latest executive meeting and Men's gabardine ail o 4 L'UATS-latest sty'... s to $47.00 Now special wmie thos? means test 4L luiu-iuciauic wistrtiiuc, jiumuiiMctiiuiiig uir lera"" about $26, impressive news reports and the graphic pictures 1 paid under the h.tion, contrary to procedure, naUintr WinnlnKO ' hnmn " Huf J provided uiuviucu information nnui u.unvu jfi v..-; Young men's gabardlw'f... how much longer may be One speaker argued that teach- WORKSHOP to be held Augu.-t ers should not strive to be set 23 to 29 at Qualicum Beach. w hich have been published. People who know the city ' amount t0 $44- of Winnipeg and, more particularly, those who have j When on somemin relatives and friends there can more readily -com- ) important enough today to ! apart irom. but ratner Decoim a part of the community." The VANCOUVER VICTORIA Sunday, 9 p.m., Camosun' Tuesday, 1:30 p.m. Coquitlam ALICE ARM, STEWART AND POKT SIMPSON Sunday, Coquitlam, 11 p.m. PUBLIC HEALTH AND CITY GAOL various colors, per:! best mnrte Now Men's whipcord SHlifrs fast colors, pre-shrm well tailored. I Special I. rjr.,(D U'tVnnnf. . . T ' Ar.ollur major strike r this meeting agreed this was not in time the railway firemen in iSSUe in question and reiterated Drehenri the situation fhxti fhnsp whn havp nn nnr- lcause a stir, its purpose, main! showerproof, full zipp , $4 00. Now ! is to destroy or cause distresi. i The men who killed pain, dls-', covered electricity, gav Hint j and power, introduced cars, I movies and sewing machines ' are not even thought of any ; more. It's all old stuff, now. ; What really interests us is see- ing the moon from the inside, after having gone there aboari l a flying saucer. ticular association with the great prairie metropolis. One can imagine, nevertheless, just how terrible the hardship and privation must be when a great proportion of Canada's fourth largest city is inundated by filthy, silty flood waters entering thousands 01 happy , homes to render them uninhabitable and make refugees of tens of thousands of people. And that is not all. There is the temporary flight and the United States. It's only a the reason for presenting the 1 w , ,, , , few davs since the Chrysler re50lut.0n It was- The Bao1 chn'C f0rmS a-rcSalar tangle was straightened out. ,.. That . M . ' ffi,u. part of lhe daily duties of t,lfi Each worker, said one, lost a thousand in pav during the ;lth or was f Ple,e co-operation Is afforded bv myemn a tlme nn strike period. He gained benefit aJ each member of the department of about ten cent, an hour. Yet, ny rf 'h- in"t I nrT'y the month'y of T without figuring overtime or b,c"Z tl. I Duncan Black, director ot th, , . !t , , . , . .... ffssion t that h, t there should he be a . . . .... anythms el,e,.it would take aim unit. Dunng the month of Muy re.con,lderlni?'o the matter 011 five years to make up the lt ; ,his account. ; thirty-three inmates were exam- thousand. "H(nvever all otner prlnce Ru. lned, says the report. I pert resolutions were adop'ed, J 10 p m. FOR NORTH Ql'EF.N CHARLOTTE ISLANDS ss. Camosun, May 12 and 26 FOR SOUTH QUEEN C HARLOTTE ISLANDS ss. Camosun, May 5 and 19 , 10 p.m. FRANK J. SKINNER Prince Rupert Agent Third Avenue Phone 568 hardship but rehabilitation will be a tremendous i The, silt covered hulk, of the -:,.K Wr.or, fV, ,.,.,r u ,,-JH u t,-,A fV,. 'Spanish galleon Florenzia, hav- Harold btassen. Republican , the delesates rerwrted. Thev! ".Jvrrtise In -t.e Vf.'.ly News. It pays to aoVertlse. .ii . , ng been found by the Navy m candidate in the last, election, Tobermorv Bav. it's now ur to recently .remarked that Mr. SHINGOIF ior many u nas Deen an lrreparame oiow since iew homes will even have insurance against flood. ere: 1. That the Department of Education supply certain books that are prescribed for courses but not at present issued for I . Prince Rupert people may be counted upon to j the illustrious Duke of Argyle Truman's record shows him as to locate the millions of ducats, he tleerest p iluician and said to have sunk with her in worst president in United States l.F88. It's his legal privilege or history. There's little satisfac-headache. Incidentally, a ducat, tion in that, for either. 1 I The ideal fini Shingles, Fences rough lumber. M a variety of attrlc Beef, eggs and coffee are ri-ported increasing in price. The change, while not exactly distressing is nevertheless an advance. It will be less hard to bear If, in the preparation of the said beef, eggs and coffee, there will be no crime, such as murder. colors Thompson Hordvj ! Co. ltd. WHERE DO MANAGERS COME FROM? fully sympathize with the victims of the Manitoba high water tragedy and will be ready to subscribe their assistance. It is fitting that the city itself should take the lead ir. organizing, a relief campaign here. As tha. city council made its move yesterday afternoon, the Daily News was replying in the affirmative to an appeal from the Manitoba' Flood Relief Fund to open S subscription list through the columns of our paper. Jtje campaign in Prince Rupert, as from this dax. under way and we would urge the generous people" of the city to rise to this good cause just as theidU to the Fraser River flood relief fund in 194S. Moving, Parkin);, (r REPAIRS TAKE i YOUR Shipping and Ginf Cartage and tStnr ti Complete Reliable an !j! lent Service, also au i Canadian Uquid Air ( for" Oxygen. Acetylene t weldl.-! gupplle. I LinrJ&ay's Carta Storage Limilj for. 2nd and Park a Est. 1910 Phones Bl RADIO TO RADIO CLINIC KEN'S WIIY NOT WHIP THEM? LjARCE numbers of Doukhobors have already : been sentenced to prison following the recenr oirtbrenks of incendiarism and nudism by the Sons 90 Day Guarantee . We pick up and deliver Phone Blue 992 fewSaMfcformi;i7s y? mean longer Lasting mini i(;i,li,.i,iM :i of. Freedom in the West Kootenay colonies. The jails T.S.S. STEAMER PRINCE GEO ARSEIALL-iVIELLS PAINTS VARNISHES ENAMELS SAILS FOR J SOLD 3Y There's Beauty For You and privacy in your home with Venetian Blinds. We have the largest selection of samples in the city. Vancouvi Kaien Consumers' Co-op Hdwe, a.r:l Inlermcilia 251 3rd Ave.W. Phone 179 Thursdoy, Ml are already full of them and more will have to be incarcerated. And still the outrages go on with the laiest incident the serious matter of the blowing up of a railway bridge. So the1 vexed problem is still unsolved with jailing the perpetrators now obviously not the answer. J Hope had been, expressed that some means cf deportation might rid the province of these incorrigible people who have lost all public sympathy. But where to send them is the question. It is hard to imagine any country that would welcome them not even their native Russia where, of course, their goings-on woud be given short shrift, even if ''liquidation'' were the recourse. ; Harsher punishment than jailing is evidently required. Maybe some sort of corporal punishment A dozen men operate tarhei. A dozen clerks itand behind itore counters. . A dozen stevedores handle freight Sooner or later, one operator, clerk or stevedore is going to demonstrate to management that he is capable of handling more responsibility. That's his right his privilege, to try for it if he wishes. Pretty soon his extra effort is goinr) to bring him promotion, and, as a consequence of promotion he will be provided with further opportunity to prove his worth. That's where managers come ' from from the lathes, the store counters and the ranks of workers generally. ' Some stay on the first, third or fifth steps, and do an Important job. They are the foremen, superintendents, department heads, buyers. Some still keep going. The most far-sighted and imaginative climb to the top. This constant movement of men upward is one reason why Canadian business has an ever-fresh point of view. Some one is always bringing a new Idea on up with him." That's the way our system works. And it's only under a system like ours that initiative and enterprise are given an opportunity to develop. Then everybody benefits. BRITISH COLUMBIA FEDERATION OF TRADE AND INDUSTRY FREE ESTIMATES at 11:13 pn FOR KETCH WEDNESOAV Mlf For Z?v"f I l i j floorOmatic MATTSON'S Write or CITY OR I ofhC WE PAINT and DECORATE i-xterior or Interior SPRAY or BRUSH Wallpaper Hanging ""nuTT ATE ST PAINt" Blue 818 330 2nd Ave. PRINCE it aoon waxer may be the answer. We have been patient long P3LISHER BURNING METHODS enough. If an ordinary thug blew up a railway I SMITH and bridge, he would not get off with a mere two or I SPENCE and M ATI! IK three years' imprisonment. There is no reason why Phone Blue 215 233 1Uh st- f r Ptnnf1ftiM (--l-i . 1 . J V. V I'nnt . .1 V . . . -1 .. -1 ...... ', V ELKINS uyiwui i i vtcivjih rnuuiu itc ticatevi ueilcx tllall ally one else. It is difficult to see by what process of reasoning they should rate any further toleration ortpatience. BUFFING j THE BES in Plumbiit Plumbing & Heating Prompt and Efficient Service HOMES LAMPS! 4jJ j,f Service PHONE 10 PRINCE RU? PtUMBlNG HEATING Boys' Runners Top Grade Cork. Insoles Build your new home thru the National Hous-'ng Scheme. Easy payments Long terms For Expert Advice Call Sparkling floors in flath with tha htaj. ditft floor waior and polithar avar. Floor O Marie terubt. waiat. poliihaa and buflt. So aasy. a liftla girl nad ut only 7 flngart to puih it. Eitra ami, tntarchangaabta brmhat (or polishing plut twin buffing padt maka it an all. .around hit with avary houiawita. P. S. Ift to good, w a to'd monr a yroauionW loajr raiiag roaaiiafioaa. BUD SCHUM Be Bop Saddles (Old Post Office for Women JOHN H. BULGE BOUDOIR SHADES 98 BED1 LAMPS 1.95 "TABLE LAMP 4.95 t-ABLE LAMP - 6.95 TRILIGHT SHADES, SILK 4.95 TRILITE LAMPS, COMPLETE 17.95 tORCHlERE LAMPS 18.95 AT HORTHERH B. C. POWER CO. I PRINCE RUPERT 8TEWART, B. C. - Blue 210 i t m iS- . .STjIMMtjU Your Local Builders 1 GREER & BRIDDEN 215 1st Ave. West Prince Rupert, B. C. Phones: Office Black 367 Night Red 561 nPTOME'lTilSl McRAE BROS. LTD. Extra Special $1.95 Family Shoe Store Ltd. Charlie Roberts Pnone 357 ' Box 638 Third Avenue