ft lirinrc Rupert Cai'Ip fictosf Thursctey. December 30, 1!MS n Independent r1ll iw-weoaoer diTfit1 ki thi iiDbul'tilnu Of Prtnn ftupurt PRESENTATIONS MADE AT SEA CADET FUNCTION Prince Rupert's Captain Cook Corps of Sta Cadets held their rif n-itTiir wnr-tiB nAribn unrt r"trftl RriTlh Columbia i I Allt)mT-l!w4 a CwinH rinu Wall Pnet ff ( rtanartmp n t. ClttAWIll 1 ti - i v-. r 1 - 1. ! i i 1 Jf'frw 7.1 ''iMHil Prince Rupert Dally News Ltd., 3rd Avnue, Prince Rupert. British Columbia. O. A. Ht'NTER. Managing Editor. H. O. PERRY. Managing Director. UEMP.FR OF CANADIAN PRESS ATOPI BUREAU OP CIRCULATIONS CANADIAN DAILY NEWSPAPER ASSOCIATION If t TV ; mm SUBSCRIPTION RATES "7 I AH H'lty Carrlfr. Per Week Me: Per Month. 7Sp! Per Year. 8 00. tinol function ol the year last i night, fi dance at which recog t By Mail. Per Month. 50c; Per Year. 5 00 i - if? 9 ' ' - 11 nition was given to persons who assisted in their work during tho last 12 months. Before an assembly of 60 ! c-uupies in the Navy Drill Hall 7 J I canteen, Corps members ant. friends. Lieut.-Commander Alex Mitchell, Corps commander, pre sented a decorative vase and a DCST PROCURABll bouquet of flowers to Mr. an1 s. J. N. Forma n on theocca-. sioii of their twenty-third wed ding anniversary. Mr. forman 1 is president of the city branch! of the Navy League of Canada. I sponsors of the Sea Cadet inn i-. t .- 1 y mil AV s I i vv ILLIAM CSAWf ft 5tS, UMITtO. OUHU' W-'k Chief Petty OfXker Gordon Rothwell. a' member of the Corps ; for the last seven years, was of-' ficiaJiy presented with his ap PEACET1ME BLACKOUTS FOR ONTARIO During the bitter part of 19S OiH.ario. returned to the era of the lnp, lantern '1 i.if fdvertisfnienf m not pub!islid ;r Ji?ila; ci ty t,'.juc.r ContivJ fi.fj or L C.r.vci uuicnt o( Briiisli Coluiuliia. pointment as a midshipman by Lk-ut. -Commander Mitchell. EARLY EXCURSioJ The King and his People GEORGE VI has enteral the thirteenth KING year of a reign overshadowed by war and suggest ion; of war, the problem of a dubious jeaee and - uerplexities of track and finance at home, in poor Z health. X The institution of monarchy has never been closer to the hearts of British subjects than it is to-day. All know the members of the Royal Family " lead upright lives, but jxtssibly all do not know that "tlnnr obligation: die heavy, e&actin and numer- ' ous. - Z The King-, through the trials of war and ers,on- al sorrows has shown' a true democracy; a kindness. T. and an attachment to the welfare of country and jieople. And so today, wjienever and where ever we - are asked to stand to attention, it is not without -reason that the strains of the National Anthem fhould hold a deep and intimate significance. Tan agreeable prospect DECIDED IMPROVEMENT in Canada's holdings A of tjold and United States dollars, announced by Hon. Mr. Abbott, Minister of Finance, will come as an agreeable New Year development, to Canadians generally. The holdings at the end of September had reached a total of S854,OO,000 as compared with $r01,000KlO at the same time a year previously. This gain results in the modification of certain restrictions, such as the lifting of import bans on $1(X) worth of personal purchases and gifts, bought during a stay of -18 hours in the United States. Seeing that the . import bans previously had covered about everything a Canadian might wish to purchase, this variation on. the part . of Ottawa comes as a matter of considerable BKAMFORD, Ont. 0 HOTEL ARRIVALS j Pre.seiiUttkNis were also made ; : to Instructors Stewart, Kidd and ; Fraser of the R.C.N, detachment of HMCS- Chatham in recog-'nition , of the valuable training 'M;- V sions were just as .1 and tallow candles. Electric power, which before the war was i abundant and cheaper than any other place in the world, is running so low that power authorities have had to pull switches plunging whole residential and business areas into partial or total darkness. However, the province has eight new power developments in the making uch as this one at Aquasjiboji. which wont be in operation until 1950. It will feed Port Arthur and j Fort Wilkam and new $23,GOa.000 pulp mill. Water is shown boiling through open sluiceways of new development. eany untario as th day. A newspaper pubL; ! instruction Uwy have rendered j It 11WJ UVCilL'S J ti, Mr. and Mrs. i. tCempster, cursion" on tiie Qukt., uay ai nan-ure to Falls. Oceanic; Mr. and .Mrs. O. A. IKaulbeck, Terrace; Miss P. Hetn-' ei ington. Prince Geortr; K PW k ien. Port Aibernl; P. Main, Stfuny. I during the year, j j Dancing was enjoyed during j ; the evening, music being pro- j ; vided by iean De Carlo at the ! ; piano. Refreshments, consisting, ' oj soft drinks and hot dogs were I i 1 ! ttytht, Better English 7 2ESk2S ZC ." 1 By P. C. WILUA.'. Me; E. Shaffer, OtUwa; I. W. -lacrl. Long Peach. New York; Mis. A. Lips, Terrace; Mrs. E. i. Ashcroft, Terrace; E. A. Erland-suu, Sunnyside; W. Rubiuuion. Terrace; Miss M. Stewart, En-da ko. Ax IW ! CLIMATIC PRANKS 1. What is wrong 'iilencr? "He U a fiflld " LEBRET, Sask. (P Saskatcn- FISHERMEX REPLY .government floats at Fairview ewan's unusually late fall Daily News: j Bay could become of full use to d queer tricks this year. your December 29 issue, I the fishermen of Prince Rupert, ers were reported going read with Interest your The reply to all these represent- "earj In the Qu'Appelle item retarding the action ! j lions has been, as stated bv the ley. bluebirds laid eggs and 2. What U the corr-l Dally hews CumtifKxi 44s pel iuirk Result' nunriatlon of -bamboo' taken by the 1948 City Council I i.Uyor, that permission for a rail j'sy wiUows bloomed. 3. Which one of tl:t Is niLspeIlrd? Recomi omendaiioti. recognizer. 1 I with respect to the Fairview ro.-ung must firat be .obtained Road. On behalf of Uie tisher- j Jioui me Board of Railway Com- 4. What does the serta'.iosi" mean? mm j men's . organization which I j represent, may I say we uppreci-! ate the firm stand which the i council is now taking on this 5 What b a ord M RESUME DOC. liuiui MOOSE JAW, Sask.. 9 The Saskatchewan field dog trials will be resumed in this district next August after a lapse of six years. In past years the trials were the first on a Canadian-Uuited States circuit. mis-sioners. As this body Js solely concerned with protecting the safety of the public, jt can hardly be influenced by representations of local organizations. Think you, Mr. Editor, for the u o ul your valuable space in this paper, and J trust that I ctl in ivi )i' tc :o i Hi R. dc I! r s CitySfarchunts ! j City merchants are asked I n future to iiave py fuf ' display advertisements luto the Daily News office by 4 pm of the day previous to Owir publication. This co-operation will i...-jily assist the mechanical u purttnent In f-eepiug to the Ku;ur bour lur pvbllc&Uon. with le that means "li time-"? ANSWERS 1. Say, He Ls a tp' did." 2. Accei;t st ttie first. 3 R"tr;m matter. At the conclusion of your news item. Mayor Arnold t quoted as having said that fishermen's or- ? ' - ' M ... I .... ? I :,t r;4-- '1 COLLECTOR'S ITEM HUNTINGDON, Que.. f S.'e-crackers got a bonus when ganizatiuns were informed have succeeded in showing that months ago that their support our organization has been quite would be needed in pressing for active in advancing- this matter permission to put through this with the proper authorities. ! . An ex.-.av: thf-is i 1 f e v-;or Is writln a jon Uie habits if the a. Ti'iitjKM!. ihev broke Into Frei Moore's i store. Their luot included a rare 25 bill issued in limited quantities by Uie Bank of Canada in honor of King George V and now regarded as a collector's item. Yours very truly, 1 K. F. HARDING, Secretary for the Prince Rupert i ishermen's Co-operative Association rrtOVD GRANDMOTHER- Q.iepn Eilzat-eih. proud cr.ind-nviihpr nf the li'tle Princ Charles Philip Arthur George, is pictured holding the child after the christening at Buckingham Palace. road, but this had not been done. I would take issue with this, on iM.iiit of our own organization. Our representations have been , numerous and frequent, and have ; had considerable influence in progressing this matter. , Almost a year ago, the writer DANCING DOG HAT 1FAY It ri'lrifn Mmli OLADIATORS POPULAR The Coloseum at Rome, built few I A DRUG CONTENT in company with Mr. H. G. Arch- naVf a animal fan ScQt jbald, MP. for Skeena. nu&.j,,, ki ; .,. Carving SeU Pocket Knivi PYREX DOUBLE BOILERS Casseroles Table Cutlet THOMPSON HARDWARE CO. 11 I in the first century A. D.. couid i Both cife and tea Cfntrd;l ! caffeine. ,eat 50.000 spectators. ( Jolecceur of the 35-ton floating crane Foundation Shipshaw. ; personal representations to officials of the Department of Fish-' eries and the Department of Pub- lie Works in Ottawa, stressing .. , . , ibe need for the completion of " ' P nd da,1CeS 8rwUnd - , .he Famiew Road. ShorUy after . this, the necessary appropriation i for this work was included in the i BUSINESS AND PROFESSI0NA To One and All ... A Happy and Prosperous New Year government estimates for 1948-; ' AGE CANNOT WITHER" 49. This was later passed by J REGINA, P- At a city band Parliament. ;c.ncert, a band member par- Since then we have made re- aded a 61-year old grind organ peated representations to the 1 l ug up from a Regha basenvnt. MARCARFJ M optomfth: t worked fhie. PltlKCK RUl'KRT HOTTLK COJ,I.FXrr0R AND MESSENfiKR Beer, Soda, Prrrex and Glnper Ale Bottles PHONE It ED 751 ROOM in. STONE Bl Department of Public Works engineer in New Westminster urging all speed possible on this part in expediting this construction. In October, a special com mittee or fishermen, of which president. Mr. A. Martin- PHONE p.O U"X i'34 a member, had a per- M ' I I'M & . . OJf our Presl ! ,;7 .' t ; sonal ime f "'VS ' inentenei MATTSON'S UPHOLSTERERS AND FURNITURE REPAIRS Plastic Materials punloplllo Mattressea Drapes . Curtain Bed .Spreads Cushions, interview with the Depart- eineers in New Westmin- mrnlg - i Again they used this opportun HFXKN'S RFAl'TY SI! ity to explain me argent need for prompt action in putting through this road, so that the PermaiK'nt W4VI , Second Hand Furniture Phorw Blue 818 P.O. Box 521 330 Second Arenue PfiJtWE RUPERT, B.C. Beauty Culture all its bian- Ii- NOW AVAILABLE 204 4 th gtreet GEORGE L. RORIE mdV WE THANK- j Public Accountant, Auditor, etc. HANDYMa: HOME SKRV tnrom Tax Returns ComplW Besner Block Phone 387 , ' I FOR OUR CCNERAL "IRON CURTAIN" CRASHER TORN BETWEEN TWO LOVES-S:ithering through a chink in the "Iron curtain" into the Soviet zone of Berlin was simple for ex-paratrooper Edward J. Lada compared to U terrific task of making up his mind. Lada, who b?.ils from Newark, N J., was jailed In Berlin by U.S. army authorities for "Illegal entry" after he had made his way into the Russian zone in an atteir.pt to bring out his "wife and child." He is visited' Cabove i in the brig by Ruth Giecki. unmarried mother of La'tllis ch'ld. Kancy. who seems infatuated with her dad s nose. However, another character entered the cast when Ursula Schmidt. German actress, showed up claiming that she is Lada s fiancee and that he came to bring her back to the U.S. She is shown with him ibeknvi. Lada said Ursula is the woman he loves. Then he said he would marry Ruth because of the child. Both women want him. Uncle Sam has got iiim. Who gets final po-iseesion is anybody's guess. IF IT'S A SMARTLY rnr m tcivrcc ikt GOOD BUSINESS IN STYLED j SUIT FROM ACME IT'S RIGHT AN . 1948. II PAPER HANGING AND WOOD FINISHINO Building and repairs Latest Shades, Styles and Colors j -0 Jtoof's, Chimneys J. P. MOLLER Phone BLUE 155 PHONES mack 687 tieo v i dont forget our WE HOPE THEY'LL HAVE SPORTS JACJSFTS, TOPS IN STYLING AND . SO A HAPPY HOLIDAY PRACTICAL. , . SEASON i ACME ,! VlVIt ALSO A GOOD 1949. j CLOTHING P.O. Box ' LOOK FOR THE NEW RED AND WHITE GOLD SEAL LABEL DK, P. J. CHENEY dentist suite 6, smith bi.ock PSione 765 P.O. Box 1401 FOR YOl'1 ROCK and CON '"M II. 1 OIL WK STILL NKK II WOK CALL BLUE ! THKIR BUSINESS It's the M. J. SAUNP RUPERT MARINE REALTY J. I'l.Al'SEK & SON) We Take Listings of BOATS FOR SALE OR CHARTER BROKERS IN BOATS. MARINE AND FISHING EQUIPMENT TRY RUPERT MARINE REALTY FOR QUICK SALES OR CHARTERS (Just East of Llpsett's, Waterfront) " Box 548 Phone Green 975 PIANO TECHNICIAN Tuning, Voicing and Repair MIKE COL.USSI Phone BLACK 75 872 10th East' - New. Modern Eql Rex Ca4e A!) Work Guar for Tasty Meals Chow Mcin Chop Suey m quality Rtf For Pwntrd"J j U'nrn 31 Chinese Dishes a Specialty Second Avenue opposite Prince Rupert Hotel 7:00 a.m. to 3:30 a.m. . Phone 173 for Outside Orders Wells Cartage Ltd. ! Complete Moving Service Crating Packing Crtrt JS't.fg ... BLUE ft80 ninr UD DAIiy NWS CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS BRING RESULTS EARLY ADVERTISING COPY IS APPRECIATED Box 17