'4 DATES FROM 4TH CENTURY j LlTTI P The oldest state in Europe is The c.-t f V believed to be San M;rinQ. Uny pub!; 0 , An' independent republic of 33 j richest p'tr-vf Mor square miles locat-'d In eastern rd ianci n n!'1?F " w" Italy. iuai ceU Thursday. December 30, 1848 Women Won High Acclaim During Active Year DAILY NEWS CL-'STFD AuVEUTISEMENTS ; 3y MARILYN LAMBORN C:aiadian Press S'aff WrlUT Mai conditions and women's ilghU were Mme. Pierre Cas-grain of Montreal, organizer of the Quebec League of Women Voters to inform women on public affairs, and Agues Macphail, C.C.F. member of the Ontario SWISH.. io ilwNeivYew , TORONTO Q There's nc Clo bt about it Barbara Ann Scott was the Woman of trip Ye-Jf, not. pnly in her native Ca.ada but lo many other "' '' ' ; liS k Iff" - ' , wi k - - , . r1) ; . n r-j- -wika.:'u'. j legislature. It was a busy year :naf. r.vi .anus u!"1,,u I f- -or.n.ln'c nthpp women locis- lflc iron cuuaui ., ,Trs 0advs sirum. C.C.F. j member of pariament for Qu' bo-'.rd to put the smiling facej tt the little Ottawa skating 1 ' Appelle, Sask., and Senators Cairine Wilson and Iva Fallis. eh npion on theh front pages. The year that brought mU?r- Dr. Charlotte Whitton of Ot- the Don-; na ional acclaim to twa iwc-Ainp a national ficure with the gay assurance that cnmp., with that feeling of being groomed for any occasion. Sweet Sixteen has a fine display of striking formais anj after-live gowns that fit right hi w'h the holiday mood. CLEARANCE SALE Prices that will bolster your Budget COATS Fur, Fur Trimmed and Plain DRESSES Wool, Crepes, Oabardines, IJimgalines and Taffetas BLOl'SES and PI RSES wvt oesi-iovea pom ; when she WM charged, along saw Canadian women win fresh mpn wUh corspll.lllg lymphs or renew laurels wonj h dcfamatory j,be, ip the fields of law. social work. against the Alberta , government, E0rnmenL The charges, later dropped, arose from the printing of a re .u.t! the arts. prominent among the Canadians who fought for belter so- port on welfare conditions in Aiberta, prepared by Dr. Whitton for the Imperial Order Daugh & Greer ters of the Empire. It was a happy year for Mis. A small deposit holds any purchase and the Stt Persnn4lized 3UDGET PLAN can be used to tab Bridden th balance. No Interest--No Carrying Charge. George Drew, wife of the new national leader of the Progressive-Conservative party. She shared in the triumph of her husband's election to the leadership and to a House of Commons seat. Halifax produced a champion CONTRACTORS and BUILDERS i Uhis year, top. Petty Jean Fer PROSPECTS FOR NEW YEAR (.Continued from Page One) PERFECT SLEDDING Few Canadian children have as perfect sledding conditions as these Vancouver youngsters f jund when 9 3 inches of snow dropped on the west coast city. While the kids enjoyed the sledding - and the view -motorists and pedestrians found the guliv; trea men us. Many homes were left without water, heat, radios or warm food alter the unusually heavy fall. 'C. P. Photoi guson, 20-year-Qjd singer from the maritimes city, was chosen Miss Canada of 1948 at Hamilton, Ont., last summer. (Cuntinuec on Page Six) RESISTANT. FLOOR COVERING A floor covering resistant to war, stretching and shrinking U being made in the Netherlands. It consists of strips of interlacing yeneer. CONSTRUCTION ALTERATIONS REPAIRS sume shortly after the New Year. Construction work, generally, is more active than it was last winter, although it, tqo, has been SYDNEY BRINGS FISH HERE held up by frigid weather conditions. Current construction sched Floor Sanding A Specialty The Ketchikan fish packer ules include the Miller Bay lies Sydney arrived in port here tnis, Ual Uund and boUer hous. P.O. BOX 721 RED 561 J frozen fish consigned in bond to j eastern American ports. The 'Sydney was under command oi the new Famous Players theatre and demolition of military buildings at Seal Cove for the Colum-bia Cellulose Co. Some of these have already begun and SLiine will start in the immediate fu- Capt. Osmund Hendrickson. FIRST DUTCH LOCOMOTIVE ture. awe young- if 1m . y- 9 jirJv L I V2 OAV, ALEXAMCXC., II I I ( PAGWOOU BOMSTEAD - j ..-r- - IwJW, QOU T j I f .trVhJ tawc TuiC3 i CTrfD .1 I I V r,r. j-y i iiiv At I Tutc S I XajTiCOJ riTAC savoy HOTEL " Carl Zarelli, Prop. rgONK 577" - f.Q, Px 541 'Eraser street PRINCE- RUPERT Te first electric locomotive to! A glance at the year's peak be built in the Netherlands will employment period reveals a shortly be put into service by the notable slump in uiu mployoient Netherlands Railways. claims as compared with pres- . lent ones. In August, when the FIGHTING BUTTERFLY -j district was at its busiest, there The Monarch butterfly has' were 60 males and 22 females lt '. 3 OVER TO THE f JUST TO PASTE j S T V.ONT GO j ! 1 T MA1UROX V A STAMO ON J C TO VWSTc VVTz J Bi 7&T V t V i ( A LETTER? iff- 'J been known to attack a hum-; claiming unemployment insur I 1 ming bir.d . 1 1 1 , i'i 1 j ance. This, too, was a small increase over the same period of 1947. CHIROPRACTOR Estimated employment figures in Auii'-'t show f.4i'i people vorkrnx, a figure which i; bs-' Heved to be the highest In the district's history. Of these, 4 ti!)0 were employed jf j I si J i I John F. L. Hughes, D.C., Ph.C 21-22 Besner Block Phone BLUE 443 for Appointment not its 10:30 .m. to 12:30 p.m. and 2 to 5 p.m. i:kmmis ' Moving, Packing, Crating Shipping and General Cartage and Storage For Complete, Reliable and Efficient Service,, call Lindsay's Cartage & Storage Limited Cor. 2nd and Park Avenues Established 1910 Phones CO and 68 dir-jctly in the fishing Indust ry, in canneries ana at. sea. I I I ' mimmmm n . I I " I -1 . . . 1 1 I 1 . - I'll. '." ... , t J 1 IUADP A LITTLE I I I ' vJHAr KINiLJ Jr i.' i'. Ifm yjwkrr ffcA . MILK AND BUTree 4 FCUnr MAV6 VOU ) fivi V-Ci f BUT RWSNOt 1 fL ( AND SALTTO ITAMO 1 V TO PUT-IN TH6 S V 1? A BIT OC J Monday and Friday, 7:30 p.m. Im ! tliose unable to come during Uu 1 Whilo these .ro definitely estimates, Mr. Whiting believes thai they are as accurate as is possible -to ujUia. Here is a breakdown: day. RHi.-KPTIONIST la attendance afternoons. Fishing . .. Trad3 and finance ... Boat, service, st, vt coring .... Shipbuilding ,.r-i Repairs.. Small boat buiuling Piofesiional services Clerical ... A New Leaf For a NEW YEAR Unclassified Agriculture Forestry, forest products. 750 ' ' I I. Jlr t OKAV THEN ILU ) 1 I I I I csrsXf'iz? f jusr ado Me I InvY? V 'W) 4 ano put the dough ) I I 1-4 XV d i FUOUP AND MAKE I IL.Xj -C. A VSl. S OM THE MOT CAWATJR I The figures, of course, are for the district which extends 315 miles eastward U. Burns Lake. Be ready fro the New Year at hqme and in the office with CALANDER PADS that will help you keep your appointments. We also have assistant Daily Journals and Pocket Diaries. Prince Rupert Florists 300 3rd Ave. Box E16 Tel. 777 Flowers for All Occasions visa: ' i.a vw i" ,i-Ci.TCirv-v . JiCT,t ' w I ; 4 5rf- " '!'. Oppasite AtiME'S Health Unit HOME-MADE CANDY I Phone I5LUE .189 210 FOURTH STREET i , - S: PA6WOOD" I I V here's ( this will deflate 7!T rU- : m FLASH!! SEASON'S GREETINGS and Every Good Wish for the New Year Have the Children's Photos takea at . home around the Christmas Tree. For Appointment . PHONE GREEN 389 Chandler & Cowgill 1 ( H COME LOOK AT J.V . T! Jf5&v-T" Wl I I f C.NCXT TIME DON'T J TMEKbLLY fil R. E. MORTIMER 324 2nd Ave. (Near CFPR 216 4th St. Evenings Phone Black 615 j T.S.S. PRINCE RUPERT SAILS FOR VANCOUVER AND INTEBMi ni ATK PORTS EACH THURSDAY at 11:15 p.m. For KETCHIKAN WEDNESDAY MIDNIGHT For R($ejrvations Write H r Call CITY OR. I'.FPOT OFFICE PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. mj) Our Sincere Wishes to All for a Happy, Prosperous New Year THOM SHEET METAL LTD. to 3 East first Avenue Phone BLACK 884