i FAMOUS Prince tttipcrr Daflp J3eto$ Thursday, December 30, 1948 Local News It ems ;t?cLeod River Coal I Now Available J K(;(;, NUT AND STOKER SIZES Pete Leland is sailing tonight on the Prince George on a trip to Vancouver. Mr. and Mrs. James Bruce are sailing on the Prince George tonight for Vancouver. Joseph Franky, well known local pianist, played selections to the Rotary Club this afternoon as the entertainment feature of the club's weekly luncheon meeting at the Broadway Cafe. . Will Robinson of Terrace was a visitor in the city yesterday. On' a holiday visit to Vancouver, Owen McFadden of Stewart has been looking up old friends In the south. Mr. McFadden is well known as prospector and packer in Portland Canal area where he owns several properties. In the Salvation Army Citadel Friday evening 10:45 a united watch night service will be conducted by Divisional Commander Senior Major and Mrs. t . ... y ' '-i ' ' .1 ? r ; M7 ' U I ; f, i - ALBERT & McCAFFERY LTD. lL - MLMIJEU - BUILDING SUPPLIES PHONE 116 FORMER GOVT . HEAD LOOKS BACK II Ur0' II ON HAPPY LIFE 10CIATION 1 SCOUT, k WEEK Warrander. Speaker will be Rev. Mr. Sendell. Start the New Year in prayerful meditation. (306) Gwyn and Monica Holtby are sailing lonight on the Prince George to return to the University of British Columbia after spending the Christmas holidays with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lionel Holtby.. A. 3L. Coiruthers, retired deputy Minister of Works for British Columbia has been appointed as special representative to Investigate flood conditions of cling of the executive of nice Rupert Boy Scouts ion held last evening In Guide Association. A co-ordinating committee will combine the activities or the two associations for the observance of the week by Scouts, Guides, Cubs and Brownies. Scout-Guide Week will conclude with a monster rally In the Civic Centre. A feature of the rally will be the presentation to the local Scout patrols and Cub packs of the colors donated by the local branch of the Canadian Legion. 3. S. Wilson, who represented the Canadian Legion at the meeting, assured the executive that the branch would do everything possible to make the rally a success. Chairman F. E. Anflcld welcomed the newly - appointed Commissioner, Colonel Hamilton-Grant, to his first meeting with the executive. Staff-Sergeant O. A. Johnson A ivic Centre considered )) the Scout-Guide week . to be observed from Feb-:0 to 27, 1949. Hunora Silversides and R S. Blackaby were pres-delegates from the Girl Okanagan Lake. Mr. Carruthers BUSY AT WORK A lot of people already accustomed to pictures of the Marquess of Milford-Haven On-The- Town, with young ladies In the news, are in for a bit of a shock. Criticized roundly by certain members of the press who cite his night-clubbing as a bad example of Englishmen abroad during this period of austerity at home. Milford-Haven has, insisted that he is in the U.S. as a salesman for a heating equfpmer.t manufacturer. He Is shown above in the process of selling heating equipment to a customer. File that with your pictures of Milford-Haven with Sharon Douglas, daughter of U.S. Ambassador to Britain, and actress Peggy Maley. OTTAWA 'T feel as good as I did at thirty," said Mackenzie King, in an informal interview here. The former Prime Minister was 74 this month, and looking back over his life, said he lound it "a very happy one." Political life had been good to him, and had opened the doors of friendship in all parts of the world. "I have enjoyed the years," he commented. If I had them to live over, again, there are some things I would have done differently, but I would still choose public service." He now is taking life easier, but this is not so simple. "I find it a little difficult at first," said the former premier. ''It is hard to break a life-time habit of constant pre-occupation with one's work and responsibilities. Now that I am feeling strong and vigorous again I think I should be doing something useful. But I am going to years ago, was stationed in Prince Rupert in the government service. 4mSk Simon MacDonald, who left here last autumn to visit in Seattle, where two sisters are living, :o relieve miner- rub tlirreit. has been in hospital In that city n Viest and and baric bark WICKS fipst villi iUi comforting comforting V VoRu for some time. A letter, just re HUNGARIAN COMMUNISTS DENIED CHURCH ceived, says his condition is more encouraging. In Prince Rupert, THIS AND THAT Mr. MacDonald has been identi fied with the War Assets Corpor ation. learn how to relax and enjoy my-" self: to read the newspapers and books something I have never really had time to do. And to enjoy my friends, and my cor-respondncc with friends ail over the world." presented a report on the results of the symphony concert which had been staged in support of the Boy Scout movement. The thanks of the executive were extended to Neville Gerrard, conductor, and to the members of the concert. A caterpillar nas nearly four times as many muscles as a man. TRUMAN TIME'S MAN-OF-YEAR New York, 0i President Truman was today announced as Man of the Year by Time Magazine. t Weekend Transport Strikes Loom In Britain Over Wage Demands By STUART UNDERHILL Canadian Press Staff "Writer VATICAN CITY (P The Vatican today excommunicated all Roman Catholics who had anything to do with the arrest of Joseph Cardinal Mindszcnty, Primate of Hungary. The Communist government of Hungary announced his arrest Ionday. They accused him of plotting against the government treason, spying and black market money deals. He also was charged wilh being the sponsor of Hungarian fascism. Ten other church figures are also held. EX-COMMUNIST HIT BY LIBEL NEW YORK Elizabeth T. Announcement All advertiseruuiM a tnis column will k charged for a t ill mcnti U 25 cenU a word o All 8f Modern Etiquette By ROBERTA LEK Bentley, self-styled former Communist spy, Wednesday was served with a summons in a $100,000 libel suit brought by William W. Remington, who claims she said he was a Communist. Q. What would be a good reply for a man to make, when LONDON Increased hours of leisure for British working men mean extra toil for bus drivers and the drivers are beginning to grumble about it. London bus drivers are demanding they be paid overtime for Saturday afternoon work. Despite stern S.O.N Christmas - Dance, Dec. 29, 9 to 2. Refreshments. Everyone welcome. Music by Mike Colussi. . Queen Mary Chapter I.O.D.E. Bridge and Cribbage, Civic Centre, January 10. Burns Banquet, Presbyterian a toast has been offered to his bride-to-be and him? Tl Mill ! ;:.i.K SEALED TENDERS will be received by the Minister of Forests at Victoria. warning by the Transport and General Workers' A. "It would be very for a man as happy -as I Union, they are talking of strik B. C. nul later than 11 a.m. the 25th TRY A CLAboAflED AD! Advertise in the Daily News! day of January. 11149. for tlie pur am to make a speech, butlwish ing every Saturday afternoon if Church Hall, January 25. tkQi, r, nt . ! tansc ui Licence A-o-loO. 10 cut w c , ,u, mi 5,205.000 rt) w i-un.vw i u.iii. m. ui ofji uce, nt'illiwn Helen s name and mine. I and t-uur im jj;trL oi ourveyea l mi I ber mr Q ljIrp,lce ""P- soutti snore oi, ls it 11 nprtrss.-irv necessary that mat t a man nnn i .;mi,., Arm r, ...,,... ,,,,. QtlM.n- increase in wage rates of 12 shillings-sixpence ($2.50) a week. RAILWAYMEN ALSO DISCONTENTED Their demands tiave been unsuccessful but last week they gave formal notice that a dis Charlotte Island Land District. Two years will be allowed for re-movul of timber. Further particulars of the Chief ForesU-r. Victoria. B. C.. or District Forester Prince Rupert, B. C. they don't get them. , The final decision will be taken this week. If the drivers carry out their threat it means millions of Londoners will have to walk or use other forms of transport to get to Saturday afternoon football games, concerts, movies and parties. DRIVERS OVERLOADED The very fact there would be such widespread dislocation is remove his glove to shake hands with a woman? A. Yes, if her hand is glove-less. If she is wearing gloves, it Is not necessary. Q. In what direction should dishes be passed at the table, to the right or to the left? be A. They should always passed to the left. m tired of planning a dinner of lett-overs only to find them gone In the morning." the mainstay of the argument No-riri-: or c('i;i.i..'i ion iik ki.si;uk NOTICE Is hereby given trmt the reserve nainst alienation established pursuant to Order-in-Council No. 466. Notice of which appeared in the British Columbia Gazette March 27th. 1847. covering certain lands in the Tsimpsean Peninsula, Range 5. Coast District, and certain adjacent Islands, Is cancelled in solar as It relates to Lot 73H8. Range 5. Coast District, containing 0 28 acres. Oeortsc P. Melrose. Depuly Minister of Lands. Depart ment of Lands and Forests. Victoria. B. C. December U. 1!HH. ( 1M NUjr43WAl m CARRE d'F00BS fk liMrtwfl LBgll Rljfa W Stork Shoppe pute exists between' them and the railway executive. This procedure means that Labor Minister George' Isaacs has 21 days in which to try to avert strike action. The feeling they can probably count on the sympathy of the rallwaymen may influence the bus drivers in their final decision. On the other hand, they have had warning from the Transport and General Workers' Union that a strike would be unconstitutional. The agreement between the Union and London Transport forbids either strikes or lockouts and insists on arbitration. If the drivers do pull up the big red buses on Saturday afternoons it won't be the first time the leadership of the 1,000,000-member Union has been defied recently. Dock workers and truck drivers several times have gone on strike unofficially in moves that mocked Union discipline. "BUILD B. C. PAYROLLS'" of the drivers. They contend that the five-day week has given Britons so much spare time in which to gallivant around that it has placed an exhausting load on bus services. The London Transport executive refuses to accept this argument. It says bus services are meant to. run continuously and the drivers know that when they enter employment. Anyway, they say that an incease in wages might make it necessary to increase fares with a corresponding rise in the cost of living. This argument leaves the driv-erscold. It has been just as ineffective against the demands of the National Union of Railway-men, whose members seek an DERBY n ! V i i if :i t ''I '$ - tl II m- XI 1 ii Pacific ! V.' .;,M .Al Kf 0 A Happy Prosperous New Year the first baby born I'linee Kupert Cen-I Hospital in HMD, e Stork Shoppe Third Ave. llluc 810 i uive a lovclv shawl I liand-made woollen 'V set. It looks as though 1949 is to be a happy your, so with exceeding pleasure we embrace the opportunity ni behalf of Pacific Milk, to wish you one. and all a very happy and prosperous New Year. PACIFIC MILK Announcement ... BOAT OWNERS are invited to visit our showroom to see the SIMPLEX Gas and CUMMINS Diesel" Engines now on display. We maintain a parts and first class repair service and are equipped to service all makes and types of internal combustion engines. If you are contemplating the purchase of a new motor be sure to see the SIMPLEX Gas and CUMMINS Diesel lines. T large range of sines and types to choose from. Economical to buy, dependanble to operate. Bytown Machine Works (AV. J. RICHARDS) " THIS SI'ACi; ON JANUAKY 3 .Ae Tacked Varmun Irradiated ami I COTTAGE CHEESE New Creamed Fresh Made i VALENTIN DAIKY I Your Dally ALL-WEATHER SERVICE 1 FOR YOUR 'CHICKEN IN THE ROUGH' CALL RED 705 CIVIC CENTRE DINING KOOM REETINGS Commodore Cafe To share your hopes for a glad New Year with your friends you will find fitting messages among our assortment of NEW " YEAR CARDS. . A HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL For tlie ''"ins Year We Wish ch and All le Very Best SPECIAL Tl'ltKEY DINNER NEW YEAR'S DAY Mitchell Eve VS fc s Open New Year's Till 5 a.m. & HOME FOR CHRISTMAS! Nine-year-old Philip Burgess of Vancouver hugs his nurse in joy over his best Christmas present a trip home. Suffering from a rare kidney ailment, Philip was not expected to live to see Santa Claus but his condition improved and hospital doctors released him from, nurse Drusilla Bennett's care. (C. P. Photol COMPLETELY RENOVATED "Better Than Ever" Best Food and Service In City Phone 17 for Send-out Orders Third Ave. David Chow, Mgr. 4 ! I numbing or Healing can SMITH & ELKINS Hione 171 Box 271 518 3rd Ave. W. Phone Red 400 Broadway Cafe urne 3rd Ave. W. Thone 200 608