VICT02IA..B. C. lt5 m 31.-49 JONE A M 33H IE OV1NCIAL onr.iEs DRUGS Daily Delivery taTNcabs NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER v " Published at Canada's Most Strategic Pacific Port "Prince Rupert, the Key to the Great Northwest" PMOIJE 81 VOL. XXXVII, , No. 305. PRINCE PTTPFPT , R r TWTTPRnAV , TVEV-Pvmra on 1G,Q tvotw wt T tw t.i - v w wwva MiiWUUUJUiV Vt AiTIU i F-sILl fiVfii I'll I 0 ) AY A I j..n i - B? A MQPAP T QVT ff II A-JXlLJJL Mi H ill . I I ME PREDICTS Provinces Win Demand in Hail ' 1 ,. ,T 1! DOMINION taWA Record -brcak-i.aes of production, externa! I income and employment STORM STRIKES HARD The worst storm to strike the Vancouver area in 13 years caused damage estimated at hundreds ,of thousands of dollars. Wet snow toppled communication Rate Struggle B.C. Men Are Appointed OTTAWA(CP) Broad nowers which die: deeply -f I f ,J ; '"n't ' -1 it ""i"u - atu vanfloa s ivta maus-vrir. Trade Mini.ster Howe year 1948," he wrote in f-nd review of trade and ry. "has been marked by sliest levels of 'production rterual trade in our peace-.ilstury and by Icrels of inane! employment which never been exceeded at any Forrestal Asks I Military Aid to ! Non-Ccmmunists WASHINGTON Defence Secretary James Forrestal on Wednesday night urged military aid to non-communist Europe JURY FINDS MURDER III GIRL'S DEATH VICTORIA P) A coroner's jury found Wednesday that into Canadian transportation problems, particularly railways, have been vested in the new Royal Commission on National Trans- poles, isolating British Columbia from the rest of the world for 15 hours. This photo, taken on Lulu Island, near Vancouver, shows how telegraph lines were swept down. (C. P. Photo) New Year Prospect Good Despite High Jobless Level GROWING POPULATION BRINGS MORE EMPLOYMENT, HIGHER SCALE OF UN-EMPLOYMENT THAN PREVIOUS YEAR Prince Rupert will enter 1949 in a better position from a standpoint of employment than it has in any post-war year, despite the fact that unemployment insurance claims are at a high level. . - Claims registered at the Unemployment Commission Office here now total 560, a slight increase over even though the cost may "necessitate hard decisions by our I port. Linda Jean King, three-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edgar people." In ""iieral the commission's Seditions are eood in Can-:ram every point of view." I at the s;niK' time, he not- King, View Royal, was "murder ed by person or persons un In his annual report U President Truman he laid down a program to bring greater harmony among the often-quarrel .! rhi Hpnpndpnep tit f!un- known." The little girl was found shot through the head, lying beside thi family Christmas tree early dimiestic prasperlty upon reign tnrde never has been apparent than in the last authority closely follows the lines demanded by the seven provinces whose dissatisfaction v ith the rail freight set-up prodded the government into taking action. Hon. W. F. A. Turgeon, High Commissioner to Eire, will head ! ? . . ... . -;;r L - ""jT -- r - Hr nse-sl serious nrntj- ling armed services. He also urged a universal military training law to become effective when the draft was no longer required. ( on Christmas Day when the the dismal year of 1947, but at mother went to the house to came from abroad, from I ibiiiiy ol her customers to codk dinner. The body of the the board. Other members in fasher, dead from - a bullet wolmd in the head, lay near the clude Henry F. Angus, head of the Department of Economics, .it;, "hyrd currency" for imports und from the is wrought in the very jre of world trade and linancc. NEGEV FIGHT CONTINUING TEL AVIV W An Israeli army spokesman said today that fight-in;? is still going on in the Negev the same time, more people are working than at the corresponding period last year. Prospect for increasing employment are good for the coming year, according to Unemployment Insurance Officer E. V. Whiting, who feels that the die university of British Columbia, FOURTH PLACE IS N.H.L. KEY MID-SERIES SPOT giro's body. An inquiry into the death of th father will be held today. Evidence showed that there had been marital trouble between ar.d, Hi'vold Iunis, professor of Political Economy, also of the :nn tll, Invpvl nifiU 1-HU.m ! University of British Columbia. the parents. desert in southern Palestine. He trict Is in the early stage of a said that the battle was less in- period of steady growth. jed and a "phenomenal" :i-20 per cent of the y's euMte national out-.i-s devoted J capital tx- WEINERS VIA MAILSLOT Aiadino Fanini gazes forlornly from his three-room Vancouver home in which he choe to stay when it was padlocked as a bootleg establishment. A friend is slipping weiners and chocolate bars through me letter slot. Later, Fanini left the house to appear in court as a witness and. police locked him out. T'anini somehow got' back in his hmssn and later was arrested. tense than earlier in the week, I UUICIUEIZE t'.jre.s on plant, equipment, TORONTO Vfi They're not contesting - National -Hockey League leadership right now. The big fight is over the fourth and last playoff spot and Toronto AUSTRIAN NAZI IS SENTENCED VIENNA W Herman Goering's "S and construction. iirity had been expanded but over a wider area.' Air activity on both sides was reported confined to areas where ground fighting was in progress. The United Nations Security Council yesterday ordered another "cease fire" in Palestine and the withdrawal of Jewish troops. THE WEATHER Synopsis "While more people are actually unemployed this winter than a year ago, there are also more people working. This is an indication of a. population growth . during the last 12 months," he ; said. Here are the current unemployed figures for the dlstrlpt, which includes the area as far east as Burns Lake, with comparative figures for December, SUMATRA OIL BAT VIA, Java T The Dutch authorities announced today they seized the last economically important' area controlled by the Indonesian Republic, the Djambl oil fields of Southern Sumatra. The installations were undam and the Montreal Canadiens should help the year to a rousing finish tonight when they clash. The two Canadian teams meet again Saturday at Toronto, and "h long -establish d Indus- ' jsmolor vehicles, farm ma- ry and textiles. Now in- j f- had bern successfully j islic d and consolidated, as i ' " ease of synthetic rubber. brother-in-law, Dr. Franz Hue-ber, today was sentenced to 18 years' hard labor by a Viennese peoples' court for high treason and Illegal membership in the Nazi party. He was Austrian Minister of Justice before the RAILWAY MAKES CHANGES IN GEN. MANAGERS WINNIPEG Appointment of A Jewish spokesman said that the result of the mldseason ser-1 his government has received no I tries which onoe were les could be important when the aged "on the whole," but efforts Anchluss. word of the Security Council order, therefore it has not dealt with the question. Very active Pacific storm is sweeping toward the B.C. coast this morning preceded by gale force iouUieasteriy winds and rain. The storm is expected to cross most sections of the coasi this afternoon and to be followed by cloudy and showery weather. Snow will spread over tiie Interior Uiis afternoon ahead of the storm. The southwesterly winds following this disturbance are GAS EXPORT hart lnreased their ean-tn the point where they i in first-rate Importance. out aluminum, plasties, icals and machine tools diyovcry and d.-velnp-nf new raw materials and IS OPPOSED an assistant general manager for the Western Region is announced today by J. P. Johnson, vice president. The new official is D. V. Guilder, formerly general superin 1947: 1948 1947 Males 410 305 Females 150 173 Total 560 523 Most of the present unemployment is caused by seasonal lay to set fire to them in line with the scorched earth policy resulted in a few important fires. The seizure marked the part of the Dutch Army's race to complete the campaign before the cease fire order became effective on Friday at midnight. CALGARY Calgary will op pose the export of natural gas Six-Power Parley ' In February "m resources went on 1 tendent of motive power and car outside of the province until consumers arc assured of adequate long term supply at fair expected to once more keep temperatures above ireezing over the coast. prices, the city council committee said yesterday. It was prev last vital games are totted in the record book. I Detroit Red Wings extended their lead to three points by walloping the Boston Bruins 10-2 in last night's sole game. The Bruins, in second 'place, are just half-a-game ahead of the Chicago Blackhawks and the latter hold a five-point margin over Montreal. Toronto has fifth spot with a one-game lead over New York. ' ' HOCKEY SCORES Pacific toast League Los Angeles 5, San Diego 2 San Francisco 3, Fresno 2 Portland 3, Seattle 0 Oakland 5, New Westminster 1 TROOPS MASSING ON CHINESE-BURMA BORDER Forecast Oueen Charlottes and North iously mooted that B. C. might get supplies of Alberta gas. equipment. Atlantic region, who lias been located at Moncton for several years. Mr. Gonder will arrive in Winnipeg early in the New Year to make his headquarters here. Mr. Gonder Is the son of Baptist missionary parents and was horn In Pingyao, China, in 1908. In early youth he was brought to Canada and decided on rail LONDON The Ruhr International Authority announced Tuesday by the six-power London Conference, will be set up in February with its headquarters probably at Dusseldorf, it was authoritatively forecast yesterday. Proposed Military Security Board, linked with international authority, is also expected to begin functioning shortly . offs in the fishing and logging industry, the former being the backbone of the district's economy. Closing of the Silbak Premier mine at Stewart added a few unemployed to the current roster, Mr. Whiting says, but this has been somewhat offset by activity at the Silver Standard mine at Hazelton, which now employs about 50 men. i "One of the bright spots in the picture Is the Torbrlt Silver Canada now could look '"1 witli i-ntnnism "even ihr next century," with the "slvc array of develop -; which now were in their 'y. ada had new products to the world markets. Her try was efficient and its ie low. With a vital in-in a large and nxuaudinu trade, she had b?en at the ;ljnl of International con-for the reduction of barriers around the world. LOCAL TIDES . Friday, December 31, 1948 RANGOON P Four battalions of Kachin troops were rushed to Huih 2:20 19.4 feet the China-Burma border today following reports of Chinese bandits massing to attack Sin 13:50 21.7 feet Low 7:55 8.2 feet 20:30 2.0 feet lunkaba, a commercial town on roading as a career. He became apprenticed to the Canadian National Railways in 10'J5 in the Coast Rain mixed with snow, becoming cloudy with showers by this evening. Cloudy with showers of rain or snow and rain mixed tomorrow. Winds southeasterly (45i shifting and decreasing to southwesterly (30 1 this afternoon and to southerly (20i overnight. Milder. Low tonight and high tomorrow at Port hardy, 33 and 31!; Massett, 31 and 35; Prince Rupert 33 and 37. the frontier. Earlier reports said Canadian shops at Stratford and five years that 200 bandits attacked the town Christmas Day, obtaining ;: TODAYS STOCKS :: arms and ammunition. Courtesy S. D. Johnston Co. 1 td. FisheryValue i i i. i FIRST SKY-WRITING ACE RUMORS Skywriting was first used In later he transferred to Toronto us mechanical draughtsman. He worked his way through the department and returned to Stiatford as shop foreman. In i!H2 he was appointed superintendent of the motive power shops in Montreal and two years later he was moved to Moncton Toronto Athona 11 i England about 1922. POD CHINA mine at Alice Arm," he said. "While it is not in production yet. it will employ between 250 and 300 sometime early in the year." . Another is the Columbia Cellulose operation which will employ about 1,500 men in plant construction and in the woods when work begins. At present, preliminary operations at the Watson Island plant site are dormant during the Christmas and New Year season. Work will re-(Contlnued on page 4) INKING War or peace Aumaque , 17 'z Beattie 51 Bevcourt 23 Bobjo 131i 4 i? itt fv'P is nigner OTTAWA (CP)-Fish-ermen on Canada's coasts took in about $13,000,000 more in the first eleven months of this year than they did in the corresponding period last year. The Bureau of Statistics reported Wednesday that the V Mil Hooded Nankinii today, 11 government spokesman 11 reports that Chian Kal lifs called together his ""ants to discuss China's al future. said the spokesman as general superintendent of the motive power and car shops in charge of the Atlantic region. Oilier Important changes in the operating department of the C.N.U. efiective January 1 are announced us follows: Will Buffalo Canadian 18 Consol. Smeltesr 121.75 . Conwcst .". 132 Donalda 56 Eldona '.. 72 East Sullivan 3.15 """"U i--nuan, ui a nisi, 4.65 .43 .21 Giant Yellowknife God's Lake Hardrock iam McSparron, formerly superintendent or transportation, Manitoba district is appointed assistant to the general manager, ESTABLISH LOSS FUND landed value of sea fisheries went up from $42,744,000 to $56,439,000 during the eleven months. The quantity also in conference, the Chinese lry leaders came for "Con-'tions rather than a confer-This is taken to mean ""'.V are here to rindividual, r than collective talks with ''1R. Vancouver Bayonne 04 Bralorne 8.60 B. R. Con .03 B. R. X 08& Cariboo Quartz 122 Congress 03 12 Hedley Mascot '.40 Pend Oreille .v 5.45 Pioneer 3.15 Premier Border 03 V Privateer 14 Vz Reeves McDonald 2.95 Reno 06 Vi. Sheep Creek 1.47 Silbak Premier 35 Taku River 30 Salmon Gold HMs Spud Valley 06 Vananda 42 Oils- Anglo Canadian 4.40 A. P. Con 23 Atlantic .93 Caunont 51 C. & E 6.20 Central Leduc 1.60 Hofne Oil 14.50 Mercury 1934 Okalta 1.60 Pacific Pete 2 75 Princess 38 , Royal Canadian .12 Vi South Erazeau 19 creased from 1,084,000,000 to 1,181,000,000 pounds. Other features of the report were record catches In the Atlantic haddock fishery and in the Pacific herring catch. VANCOUVER Pi Dependents of B. C. Fishermen who die in Marine disasters may soon be assisted by Union Welfare Fund. They have had a fund for a year (Herring Pilchard Welfare Fund) to reimburse fishermen who lose their personal kit in disasters. It was established by the United Fishermen and Allied SIMP AHOY! KYO CP A.Twi inliuihiiT Jan- succeeding J. R. McMillan, promoted to general .superintendent. Robert A. Craven, formerly transportation assistant, is pro-moled superintendent of transportation, Manitoba district, succeeding Mr. McSparron. F. Mus-grave, formerly rule instructor .and inspector of train despatching, is plomoted transportation assistant, succeeding Mr. Craven. W. D. McPhersun, formerly assistant superintendent, Port Arthur division with headquarters t Lookout, is promoted I. Ushins havr hren dls- Harricana 08 Heva 10 Hosco 20 Jacknife -.0434 Joliet Quebec .42 Lake Rowan 06 Lapaska ..!v 10 Little LongYac 80 Lynx 12 Madsen Red Lake 2.36 McKenzie Red Lake 34 McLeod Cockshutt 97 Moneta 40 Negus 2.23 Noranda '. 54.75 Louvicourt v 36 Pickle Crow 2.05 Regcourt I....... 05 San Antonio 3.85 Senator Rouyn 42 ' Steep Rock 1.56 GANDHI MURDER ll'd and kitd iin Hip hlurk IV. TRIA1 POFJPI I inF Workers' Union,, and now has JMicc repurted. )asl tetball lng paying grants to widows and orphans of the victims. The fund is made up of payments secured through working agreements with fish companies. At 10c a ton, herring brought $10,000 to it. NEW DELHI ?) The trial of Nathuram Vinayak Godse, and eight others, for the murder of Mohandis K. Gandhi last January 30, concluded today, after six months hearing. Judgment is expected in about a month. RALLY AT PALACE-Over-entl usl-astk STUDENTS LONDON students retreat from the gates of Buckingham Palace, f Rfii attempting to force their way into the palace 1 wl a S ZZtvlOa of the first 'Bonnie Prince Char-he their 'Prince" dispersed when the police students and 'The arrivlf demonstration which followed bizarre and ended the S dining of Prince Ch.rle, Philip Arthur George. transportation a 8 s i t a n t In charge ut rule Instruction and inspection or despatching winces, succeeding Mr. Musgrave. He will make his headquarters in Winnipeg. , TONIGHT l tr . . auchikan vs. Pr. Kunert