WOMAN HON HIGH ACCLAIM (Continued Irom Page 4) JAILER REFUSED ENTRY IIALIFX 0) The Jailer rc-fiused to admit George Martin ,$riiicc, lupm Dallj? J3ctoJ! Thursday, December 30, 1948 of Halifax when the seaman ar- UourUm-m,, n,'re aid r ntvt rived to serve a one- month sen- jtralned ti,j .?,rta tence for disobeying his cap- Clsissr li ? Tar . . . j -. T.. t. ... .:, II. UC U'Tn ),.,,,. I1 ln iir? Mrs. T. W. Sutherland, of Parksville. B.C. now serving her second three-year term on the CBC board of governors, was ap-nointed to her second Royal nP. .-.it- ...... . IWIIIX UL lei IT U I...... " 1M: W LJ N-K ,. , ,. .,.x i. i i i I. '" HM:i ti. saia uiai, uau ii-cnvra no last to niiinths 11 warrant oi commuiaj. Martin Joined another snip. j Advertise u, Ule D USE Vdlll X.MAS GIFT MONEY BOYS' Windbreakers and Snow Suits - For All Ages TODAY AT 7:00-9:15 P.M. SrSTSS ."Si'.f.W-.,.,. ,.,J w: Ji , i-r-t I : it An r .A- e v . lanan rttcui . i th btauliful Quttn rfH Commission this year. A member of the Royal Commission on Prices in 1948, she was In 1943 a member of the Royal Commission to inquire Into the welfare of Japanese in wartime camps of British Columbia. A leader In te field of women's organizations was Mrs. R. J. Marshall of Agincourt. Ont , president of the National Council of Women and recently-retired president of the Canadian Association of Consumers. The first woman to be appointed to a'scYilor position on a Canadian newspaper is believed to be Mary Gardiner of Regina, who was inude managing editor of the Prince Albert, 1 . -v f I Ptarl-Divrtl i'3 - f .i ii- BOY'S WINDBKEAKEKS AND SNOWSWTS Complete stock of all size boy's Windbreakers and both two-piece and three-piece Snow Suits. RUPERT MEN'S AND BOYS' STORE Plus "KEEPER OF THE BEES" LSask., Daily Herald. the purchase of beef and mutton were not renewed. The four-year contract for the sale of wheat to Britain continued and for tha 1918-49 crop year Canadian wheat producers were guaranteed $2 a bushel for the 140,000.000 bushels being shipped under the arrangement. FARM INCOME WILL EXCEED TWO BILLION By GEORGE KITCHEN Canadian Press Staff Writer , OTTAWA 0i Canada's prim A Winnipeg girl went south of the border in 1948 to win musi C4,f X'J'l'JtlJ'A'iSr' Ml cal distinction In New York.! During its session earlier in the year, parliament adopted legislation to continue certain CHRISTENING OF PRINCE BRINGS FAMOUS PAINTING INTO NEWS-The christening of Prince Charles Philip Arthur George, infant son of the Princess Elizabeth and the Duke of Edinburgh, brings this famous painting into the news once again. On May 1st, 1851. the Duke of Wellington piesented'the baby prince with a casket. The child was christened Prince Arthur, afterwards the Duke of Connaught. The duke was godfather to the boy. Queen Victoria and her consort, Prince Albert, made the family group with the Crystal Palace in the background. Donna Ga-aCoe, talented violinist, made her debut and received high praise from some of the toughest reviewers on the continent. Donna returned to Canada and more praise. wartime powers needed to enable the government to fulfil th? food agreements. The mars&rine issue broke on Among well-known Canadian. dish cooked by herself. For the the dairy industry lata in the women who died last year were sleigh-riding party or skiing The Experts Say crowd Chili Con Came will guar year when the Supreme Court of Canada ruled, that the 62-year antee a successful evening. federal prohibition on the sale Ingredients: one tablespoon two Montrealcrs, Mrs. Alfred j Watt and Mrs. Ethclwyn Hobbes. Mrs. Hobbes was a radio person-1 ality whose program dealt with women's news and opinions. Mrs. Watt, internationally-known as and manufacture of butter sub each of salt, chili powder, butter, olive oil, flour and Worcester ary industries flourished in 1948. The agriculture, fisheries, mining and pulp and paper industries all reported a good year, with new high peaks showing in most cases in both the quality and dollar value of commodities produced. ; Canadian farmers, though still enjoying a high rate of income, suffering a setback toward the year-end whan the 1949 food contracts with Britain in some Instances providing for lower quantities at Jower prices-were announced. In brief, Britain in 1949 will take less Canadian bacon than in 1948 with no change in price, stitutes was unconstitutional. neighborhood rink. A supply of hot cocoa and a jar full of cookies will keep the youngsters happy. Nearly any kind of cookie is acceptable, but if there is mince The industry promptly expressed shire sauce; four tablespoons chopped onion; one pound round OTTAWA (Pi The holiday season is getting' a litle tarnished around the edges but that is no reason for facing the next few months in gloom. Mother need not fret if 12-year-old Johnney asks the gang back for something to eat after an evening of skating at the fear that margarine would depress the price of butter, with a consequent loss to the country's steak minced, four cups toma founder of the Women's Institutes of the United Kingdom and prominent ln women's organization work In Canada, had been at various times the recipient of decorations from the governments of Britain, France and Belgium. toes; one can kidney beans. Method: Heat butter 'and oil together in frying pan and fry onion to a light brown; add Worcestershire sauce and chili powder. Stir continually and then add tomatoes, beans, salt and flour blended with a little dairy farmers Complete figures for 1948 farm income still are not available, but government sources say it will go over the $2,000,000,000-mark. Income for the first six months of the year totalled and fewer eggs at lower prices than this year. Contracts for tomato juice. Simmer until to meat left over from Christmas, here is a recipe for a new kind of ' cookie. Mincemeat Cakes ingredients: one-half cup shortening; one-half cup sugar; one egg; one cup mincemeat, two cups sifted flour; one-half teaspoon soda; one-half teaspoon salt. Cream , the shortening and sugar. Add the egg and mix well. Add mincemeat. Sift flour, soda and salt, and add this to the creamed mixture. Drop by tea-spoonfuls on ungreased cookie sheets. Bake in moderate oven (350 degrees Fahrenheit) about 20 minutes. Yield about five mato pulp is thoroughly blended HOW CAN I ? ? By ANNE ASHLEY Thin buttered toast served Steamship Movements For Vancouver Sunday ss Coquktlam, 11 p.;n Tuesday ss. Cardena, 1:30 p.m. i Thursuay ss. Prince George, 11:15 p.m. From Vancouver Sunday ss. Cardena, p.m. Wednesday ss Prince George, 10 a.m. Friday ss. Coquitlam, 1 p.m with Chili Con Carne. and followed by coffee, makes a complete party meal. . $974,000,000, compared with $733,000,000 in. the corresponding period of 1947. Preliminary reports indicate that Canada's commercial fish-erics will show an over-all gain from last year. The total catch of fish, including both east and west coasts A. MacKENZIE FURNITURE LTD. "A Good Place to Buy" NEW -YEAR GIFTS AND VERY APPROPRIATE Q. How can I test the hair to find out if It Ls healthy? A. Healthy hair ls always elastic, and this can be tested by pulling a single hair from the head, wrapping each end around an index finger and stretching it. If It stretches from. a to 1 inch, It ls clastic. Mother probably can use sonic new recipes for sandwich filling- to please her bridge club friends. For Alice Arm and Port Simpson dozen. piiirtioiiij' When it comes to making a Hard boiled rggs chopped and mixed with ham. and sweet pickles which have been put through mincer. Add salad dressing with quantity of cocoa and on short Q. How can I get more wear TOMORROW notice Mother may find her Sunday ss. Cardena, 11 p.m. from Alice Arm and Tort Simpson . Tuesday ss Cardena,. a.m. From Ocean Falls t Wednesday ss Prince George 10 am. ' For Ocean Far.? ' ' LARGE ROOMY ROCKING out of brooms? and inland fisheries, was estimated at about 1,? 00 .GOO pounds, with a marketed value of $118,-000.000. Total landings of all Atlantic fisheries are expected to rearh 738.000.000 pounds with a landed value of about $30,000,000 against $25,500,000 in 1947. The canned pack of Pacific coast salmon delincd, but the upward trend in the value of the pack was maintained by hifjh prices. a bit of onion; chopped dates with half as many chopped nuts a. bcaiu the brooms lor a !AIR covered in tapestry, I? self with not enough milk. Using equal quantities of milk and water will solve this problem. The cocoa will taste just as ts in with your chester and mixed with whipped cream minute or two ln boiling soap suds now and then,, and it will I field suite. Priced at $92.50 AMOm MMIH IHlMtt ,Sl, O J equal quantities of peanut butter and chili sauce. This may be keep them tough and flexible. used with bread or toast. IKIUAY LAST SHOW AT 8 P.M. SAT. 2:00 - 4:25 - 7:22 - 8:3tt good. If there are any marsh-mallows in the pantry, one popped into each cup of the hot liquid will add to its richness. It ls also beneficial to the rugs Q. How can 1 prevent the icing of cake from running off? A. The Icing will not run off WEIGHTY STRUCTURE Thursday ss. Prince George, 11:15 p.m. ; For Alaska Wednesday ss prince George midnight. From Alaska Thursday ss. Prince George, p.m. ; The Great Pyramid of Egypt When Big Sister entertains little flour Is dusted over contains 2.300.000 blocks of If 1 - k. i usually she wants to surprise her , limestone, each weighing about' the top of the cake before the iccn-age inenas witn some new.2'2 tons. I Icing Is applied. BLONDIE TAKE IT EASY VANCOUVER, (P; A magistrate gave a 45-year old .man suspended sentence for shoplifting and advised him to lo his Christmas shopping "where they don't sell anything smaller than pianos." -Another Party Heard From. By CHICK YOUNG 1 FTTH !.!!! 1 I ! M 1 I f", t 1 . . . . i i i . . . BED RECLINING RELAXING CHAIR can be made into a bed for your guests. Priced $98.50 OTTOMANS covered in green vclour with attached cushion $35.00 LIQUOR CABINET with ull accessories, finished in walnut burl. Priced $125.00 Many other items suitable for New Year gifts. I'honc 775 327 3rd Ave. TICKETS NOW ON SALE rDT ALWAYS, DEACjA SOMETIMES 'S. f .1WBl1. I (Ailuonae; Otm'), sisssrpK5B VZmaewvanvgirl' . hearts "dec oe TO h ave a A ' KllL V Xt:-t'y jsMvk. MiV3 ? j? &3 Show Starts at 11:30 Friday, Dm-inlirr 31 ON THE S( Kt I N HOT GOODS EDMONTON, (Pi Stanley Burke's troubles didn t come to an end when a fire in his car yas put out. He then discoverrd someone had stolen a kit of tools from the automobile trunk. (.IM.I K IMM1I.RS ON THE STAGK GIFTS TO LUCKY GUESTS ( OKM I. W'IMiK in 'II ll;ul to Be You 0 SKIERS 1 Choose Your Weapon, Dagwood! Get your supplies at Gordon's. We are in a position to offer you an excellent stock of equipment. t" JUST ARRIVED (IILSON CAS WASIIEKS Brians and Stratton Motors 2-Year (tuarantee Rupert Radio and Electric IJox 1521 313 3rd' li li itt n 1IIMJ dAVAW fl 1 Phone 311 McBridc St. iiiipiii ""iiwiisi jmmm 'S '" v4- - ( WAKE UO VCXS MINO-- SS-s -v OAG-WOOD WILL 1 i WELL. THEN, WILL K A-YOU'LL EITHER WAVE MOST WIVES '-v VOU TAkE ME TO " C VOU TAKE WE TO fJH,VTO TAKE Me TO THE jfX ( WOULDN'T EVEN GivA (LITTLE MYRA McnuffS I THE LADiES CLUaJ In J?, VIOLIN REClTALOR t'.V? THEI9 4HUS9AN03 'ft m W: w'VM Tili i ppr i ripr -ji ni 'Xtv&rA. C I oapcv can) i L vs s eason s Motorists' BE .WINTER-WISL! "k Trcsent road rnndilitnis innke yimr t-r liardrr. rrotrrt il by bavins a romplfte lubriratm" jb done. Drive ln how ta BOB PARKER'S UPTOWN SERVICE STATIO 2nd and McBride . OR ' ,,,lon Greetings LINDSAY ROTORS LTD.