1 -,'iA prince Hupw Daflp rectos Th'jrsdAr, December 3fl, 1948 .caasginefl overusing alww brings results. 1 I 1 1240 Kllocyc w iaubjct to Cbange) Philpott, E vitt and Co, Ltd. THIS AfiD THAI Reminiscences By W.J. d Reflections A publisher in Fergus Falls (Ont.i asks that when it Stakes Can Supply Vou With UMBER Including Fir, Cedar- etc. FLOORING In Fir or Hemktck SIDING-,AU Typet SASH and DOOR and IV l ammis FOOTHILLS AMSKKTA COAL In atl alien PHONE 651 I Another city council has ended i ; its deJna,ionfi for the yar and i fnms ifiU) municipal history. If . i the highhghis .of every ujaetiiig sritiee 19ifl jeould he deftly con- derwtaj and ijckefl into shape, Hie t-esvtH, ijgb.t ffake readable 4arn. ft will be recalled, ia coiinec-Uon wiih iinAiuerkiui activities iovcstlgjttwn, yiat siicrofilms yyere disfioveued mi a hollowed out pumpkin on jarm near Wash-1 w&ton. Tiui find could have Seen usejtjl t$ Soviet agents. iU&im th ait)r,o"ilfe i mch a titel ay tooks jite au attempt Ao fiftuisJU the evi'ic.re. TJat ridae of ad loitking snow, o longer spotless and pure, extending along the centre of Third Aoue M'ouss a Jaded curiosity. There used to he something very .similar on the same avenue, only aearer McBride Street, until re-moyed by an efficiently handled plow. The rest remains undisturbed. There may, of course in civic administration, develop a perplexity nd intricateness that cannot be foreseen, this being not uneommon in northern latitudes, where snowfalls are fie-jQ.uent. ' Prince Rupert, where there used to be two daily papers, is now served with one. Halifax, where few dailies have long been printed will have only two, commencing January 1. Thus, the power of suggestion, felt I across the wklth of a contin ent. . i I' "Come here! Why are vou always jurying away from me?- 6oc; Card tf Thank. letb Notloe. FumkI Aottoea. HjtrrliJ, and EnfrageuHint AjiuouoceauuMc : t; " JfcClM, biaPLAir. txjfci ffttCK Jtu AMMUK to Jy-toi Ui tmwu. fcteau Urn IrUepbonlua filiienose Piwk Fans Really Blue Over Calibre Of Players For MEN And BOYS : MEN'S AND BOYS' CLOTHES AND SHOES AT GREAT , M'S tS$ SHIRTS '' 25 io $4.00 MXV'S SPOKT SHIRTS io f 5.75 MEN'S SILK TIES 50c to $1.95 Mt VS SCARVES Paisleys, etc. $1.50 MEN'S SOX for Dress ,-, 45c te SI. 25 ' MEN'S DRESS GLOVES $2.45 to S4.00 MEHi'Ji 0ANDKERCIUETS " 20r Ui "A MEN'S BELTS and BRACK!) Hoe to S .75 MEN'S WORSTED WITS Perfect Fit ud Good Wae Jj5.J7.50 yet MEN'S TOPC OATS j nm . jfl: MEN'S PANTS For Dress and Semd-Dre? f $150 to $9.50 -3 MEN'S GABARDINE COATS Tallor-Made, AU-Wool .Begplar ,$45 NOW J' . . $30.00 MEM'S HATS New Styles and Bhadej $3.00 to $6.45 MEN'S DJtESS SHOES -j. Solid Leather, Good' Fitting Black and Brown $6.00 to $10.00 BOYS' SPORT S0JKTS Assorted Shades if $1.4a to $1.75- BOYS' HELMETSU-Lincd 95etoJ?15 i; Boys GOLF JkDSE i' Pure W.ooi , 90cio$l,J5 S BOYS' BI J.TS atid Brae. 50c to 85c fi BOYS' AJ.L-H'ftOL.SPORf JACKETS-Plaids $5.0,5 i SILK DRESSING GOWN'S Shantung, ffand-enibroiderdd Made in China Reg. 22.0&V NOW $8.95 5-PIECX LLCHFOtV SETS Beautiful JJesipis i Reg. $4.50 NOW $25 ; 1 LADIES' HANDKERCHIEFS i Embroidered and Lace Edges fOB SALE coa77Z T1 Z, FO? 8ALB Lwgaee Trailer 4 THURSDAY -f x :00Tony the Troubadour 4:l5-6kock Quotation! and Interlude 4:30-Storieg of Adventure 4:45-Easy Listening 5:00-The Happy Tim 6:30 Hawaiian Echoes 5:45 Platter ?arad 6: 00 -People A.sk 6: 10 -Recorded Interlude 6:15-Freddy Martin and Orchestra :3fl-Mitelcai Varietirs 6:45 Smoke Rings 7:00-CBC News 7:15 -CBC News Roundup 7:30-Eventije 8:00David Hughes 8:15 Vocal Recital 8:30 Holiday 8trings 9:00--Winnipeg Drama 8:30- Back to the Thirties 10:00--CBC News 10:10-CBC News l(J:15-Por Your InformaHon 10:30 Nocturne 11:00 -Weather & Sign Off , . FRIDAY-AM. ":0u- Musi-al Clotk 7:45-Sinking Sam 8:()0 CBC ttewa 8:15-Morning Song 8:30 Music for Modrrna 8:45 LltUe Concert 9:00-BBC NEWS 9:15 Morning Oevotiont 9:30 Morning Concert 9:59-Tlme SlgnU 10:00 Morning Visit 10:15 Morning Melodies 10:30 Round-up Time 10:45 Scandinavian Melodlee H:00-Lefs Play 11:15 Hit Songs of Yesterday 11:30 Weather Forecast ll:3IMessage Period. 11:33 Ree. Int. 11:45 Famous Voices. P.M. -12:00 Mid -day Uflodtes 12:15 CBC News J2:25--f,rx)graj ioe.sutne ! 12:30 B.C. Farm Broadcast J 2:55-Recorded Interiude 1:00 Sympltooy Hour . 1:30 -Bernle Braden Tells ' a Story 1:45 Christmas Carols 2:00-featui-e Concert 2: 30- Musical Program 1: 45 Don Mesaer and His Islanders 3:00 Ethel ajid Albert. 3:15 Spotlight On a Star 3:20 -Sketches In Melody 3:30 Divertimento "HAMS" CLUB SUDBURY, Ont. Cf Radio amateurs of lhi.s northern town hav; their own clubhouse nhere iii.jy noia meetings twice mouin-ly to discuss developments in radio and listen to lectures. i 727 727 Ffi"r F!,HI,"t,on- Street. A?ivi .305) i 1 r j roll totalling $1,800 a week. JX that Is correct, not much wonder the hacker are losing money. It means that Uiey are paying $Wa a week to imports who, I am sure could not make a senior A tean in Qubec or Ontario." He concludes that the demand for players jar exceeds the sup-piy mi the result is "almost any player who can skate an get a berth somewhere at a salary con-juderafely bigber ihao he would rmive if oi-i;ing at a retfujar iob." i FOR RENT Sleeping Room. 801 Burden Street. ufi FOR REN T 7 room nnf urnishprt house, house. t cW in. G. P. Tinker & Co. Lxd. Huxte 67. ( Ui FOR REMT-To quiet couple. 4 room Hal. Ajoly 215 4th East. an LOST-One Heavy 8:25 Truck Chain. Reward, Phone 53. 3) UtJT uck waiUt' Lost in lam. torluiout Mutel. or Sons of Norway CuntiMiu vry Muporuuti navy uts-cUir((e pa-por.,, huuw please return u iituiy tit-ins. Kard. inosi ; MAX-MIMjf'l tin feAI.K TO SAW better lumlier more) eeonoaiicaliv use the modern i aud tio-to-date type Vationalj Portable Sawmills nianufac-, tured tjv National Muchinery; v.tMnpany unmeti, Vancouver, B-C. (t) SAS JIFJ.P & AGENTS VANlr4 By REUBEN CXPIN ' Canadian Press Staff Writer HALIFAX 9 -Many Maritime htjey fans have been grumbling this year that they have to pay -too much for tickets to watch the calibre of Senior "A" hockey offered in both the Maritime and Cape Breton Senior Hockey Leagues. An now one fan, receirtiy re turned from a trip, to Ontario and Quebec, has expressed bis views in writing toex (HalJta Herald. NicJterson. Taking as Ihis general theme , that hockey of proportion to their ability, the tan goes on to .compare the hookey played in the Maritime ! 'U'(tn Thai itlnVArt 1 fr,t rin nnA Quebec. " i '" Nick n notes the fan as saing: " . . . Jn my humble opinio, the Montreal Junior Royals Of Mil InrlO dB t Ka In 5 rha Anflrian Junior , flould " jTrT ! A iaop defeat any t team in the Cape Breton League ' a 131.1 (,jvc tuuy tea ixi iii luc 3ig Four (Maritime Senior League a stiff battle to a four-out-of-scyen series. - "We hear a lot of talk in the papers aud radio about Uie small i irowds attending games In Hal- fax and other towns in the prov- lnce. J believe I read . . . that some of the teams have a pay- hi3 time t0 buried, the prV ceeaings pe not unauiy noum- ful, this to apply in particular to those we.ll along in life. Well, we've known of fui.eruls where the bereaved bitov-i"anaged to conceal the fact tul the-? hadn't felt so cheerful hi $e. a: On hU first voae io the New World Christopher Colum- bus had a total complement of 87 persons aboard his three ships. DELIVERED FREE Phone 654 25c per dozen paid (or tmptiti ItbcUd by ny B.C. ittmmty , Thit advcrlitcmcfM U Mt ptfbtitlwd at dupliycd by ox Liqvoi Control tout Of by th Gornonl of 8rktdl f, olunbia. OF PRINTING GREETING CARDS PENS AND PENCILS Phone 234 MADE-TO-MEASURE AORNTS 1 1 1 " 1 1 1 ... r fm DEMERAM ! ' RUM ; 1 X Salesmen-agents wanted to handle made - to - measure suns of last-selline ' APPLE-HK1N" finish tropical suitinn. Bie money. Write tor FREE Selling Kit and state experi-i ence and references. Henry Faber. Yonue St.. Toronto, Ontario. Classified advertising always brings results. 35e to 95c LADIES' HOSE 55c to $1.05 I KNITTING WOOL 1 J Skeins and Balls, Best QualitO" 8 and 4-Ply Big Variety' . . BIKTH NOTICE US-Born to Mr. and Mrs. :;?iPLUi at the Prince Ru- rt General Hospital. Twf iv December 28. a brother j ,r Gary. Many thanks to Dr. i . G. Laree. 4lti ( KJ) Of THi tin to tlauik everyoue bo ijM-d us no kuMlly and geiiM-ousty i.T (lie loss ul our tuMtut toy (ir ., one who twlped dttvrtly wd ) tbr.iUKti Mrs. Aiwwt JohoMNi. ,d :ioo toe fiinoe Kupert Uul pws fur their kind ftMUstuncr and Mr and Mrs. Terry Byman and family. Pow, B. C. (It) FOR SALE i'. SAI.E-tOw u nd Used Fw- i.uii- new tJiiu.sti lmiu m. New CirD.s und Saucer ji iai 4 lor f 1 75. New House -a. New Bookcases, New t u-hen Ranges. New Hard- ite. Siiuhuy Used Radios, ramophones, 3 ulece Cites-iickl. Oil Burner RauKes, .iters, au Kinds oi ouu-r use- articles at low prices. RC KM lit; RE CO., Black 324. I Ufi ! SALE 1048 -un Diamond T .1700 onlf. like new. Auoly ! B..K ISVH Prince Huprrt, l4i j SALE -15 watt Amplifier,! Die as P A. System, prac- i iilv new. Keaxtp.able. Phone i 433 between 6 and 8 p.m. i i3U6i METAL WORK MBING Installations and wirs SHEET M ET A ! OKK Tar and Gravel Roui- Letouriuiii &i Sons. 29 uh West, "hone 543 ltl .'holders Install a steel under vour oil drum d eliminate that (ire haz- fa THOM SHEET n'AI. LTD.. B;u.c k 8M. 253 First Avenue. UI MASiTEU 'HED-Boardine plaoe and ni liuusekeeuinif riKiins f(ir (hers. Phone School Board n-etary. Red 442 or Red KMT. (305 1 i'i'TED Steel Baby Crib. me Red 807. (305i l ST ED Car :atter!es. car li.aois. Dra.vs jrrn ctipner; vino on.( N'lTURE Q 'Black 32i TED Junk scran Iron and jo lel. Phorve 543. Ufi TED TO BUY- - Acetvllne "iw. out lit. Reasonable " Write Box 423 Dailv (30(U TKD TO RENT Three or if room apartment, in de- ii mean .v riu reauutn 10 flea.' write Bo 2m r''" 306 TFn TO RENT-Kor one vrur. ' I Ix-flrootn 1 nunrtmriit or liuus "i"hfHi preferred, Call Room mnct. Ri.rt Hotel, or nhon 394. (4) ft-ie in u,e ijany News! , 'AND DEOipTRy ACT "ifirU' ul I'ltlc M. 2573 1 " Lot On ..... Th H 1-1,.. 1 nuunniiu 1 hut Iii "iihilrrtl ,d Thrw au03), lUnvr Pv .111 r-t. n.4ri WtEAS iiatlHfHctory proi of 'ie RhftVA r,.utirtn4a yi Tll of Anthony fcHko htm b.n filed in this . ""ore Is in-iT-u KlVfll Vllllb the explrntlon of one ;' "m the date or the first m hpreuf. issue n Provls- 1T Hl4 of Tltp 1(1 ltr" of CTiiruate. u,,iess -ill the valid objection be mnde rFDnUn- . nt the I.nnd neirlutr R"Pert, B. C. thin Ivn " inuMrflUH, ' Kis-nr or Titled (18) JOHN H. BULGER 4 OPTOMETRIST Un Bulger Ltd. Matured' V .-; -Bottled .$$fs LADIES' BOWLS an. 3 -WesUU:w vs. Taft OrcMge vs. Annettes, Variety vs. Savoy Swingers, Scuby's vs. -G. & A., Manson's Vs. IeJong's. Ian. 1C Westvlew vs. De-fong's, Scuby's vs. Savoy Swinc-ers, Annettes vs. G. & A., Man- son's s- Taft Si Odowes, Variety nra4, . . lADItS' d TIME TABLE Jan. 4 Brownwoods vs. Noble & Wick, Stars vs. Rosa Lees. B's Sisters vs. Busy Bees, Boostei? vs. Toilers, iviiller Bay vs. Bci- , monts. ' ! . Jan. 1 1 Boosters vs. Big Sisters, Brownwoods vs. Miller Bay, ; Stars vs. Belmonts, Busy Bees 'vs. ToHers, Rosa Lees vs. Nobis . & Wick. I FAST WORK j ; MIDLAND, Ont. -One hun-1 jtlrcd and twenty shipyard workers poured 1,250 cubic Ceet of ;jC(-mcnt and -drove niote than 1 1,200 piles. ,eaeh 1 feet long, in i two eeks ta reinforce Austalla-s tnos so that the 640-foot ke?l of .an ore earrier could be laid. ; '7G.oi.RVM-:M' l(lR V'T" '" (Section 20 1 Entire nf AjiU(ntlim fur ( lub ;," iJMwe t tietli is hej--liy given thiit on the i Sjlai xliiy of Jjniuary. 1U49. Uif un-, Jislnnitl Ciaiudian Leglou ttf the MlUiit Fmpue Service Leaptie. Prince t Hupert Bruiich Niuiilxr XI JuuuiUs u tpjly to tio tiquur ,;tMitrui Ihjfwca 1 (or lub Ltcr.iioe ui pect of pre- 4i)tsi situate at B12 Thlixl Avenue : IWest in the City of Prluce Kupert , upon lAlirtc, Auisrrtbed Lt 'umher 16. Block 20. Section 1, Map mirr.iier I 8ai). Prince Hupert Land KeKtsiratlop. ; JJimrlct. in the Province of British ' .Columbia, to entitle each member ot the said Club to keep on the pre- 1 ! mlses a reasonable quuntlty of 11- ! quor for personal consumption on j the premises, and entitling Uie dub 1 to purchase liquor from a vendor ' Infl tj-i baII hv T.)e ctImbr th lining or purchased to .tts members and uats fur consumption ou the Club prc-(nises In accordance 'ltll tlte pro-vltions of the "Govwnment Llciuor Act" and the regulalions promul-! gated thereunder. j L Dutud this Twenty-Jtrst day Qf 1 December. 1048. j CANADIAN LJEGION OP THE BRI- TISH EMPIHE SERVICE LKAUUE j jtiNce kupb:rt branch kum- JER 7 (0) ' LEI 'ER . , , rifht for strike! Hit or Miss, you Hi enjoy bowling with your friends on our alleys. Rex Bowling Alley Open fb general public Saturday and Sunday afternoons and evenings. Monday Tuesday and Thursday evenings after 9 o'clock. , i tuns ma 30c and 4-oz. 60c BOYS' PANTS Tweeds and Worsteds j tug Assortment. Prlce3 $2.75 to $4.75 BOYS' SWEATERS-rAuVV.'oo! Assorted Prlws $1.30 to $3.75 M3HB i T ... n,, 1 i J U Hi IJI1V A I JU II lU I Ml HOTEL A Home Away From Hon. ' - f0 Room. Hot and Colo : Water - PRINCE ftfJPERT, B.C Phone HI P.O. Bo L Ti VANCOUVER VICTORIA SEATTLE Tuesday, 1 :30 p.m.,. Cardena Sunday, 11 p.m., Coquitlam MAC ARM, STEWART AND PORT SIMPSON ; -Sunday, 11 p.m. ' FOR SOUTH QUEEN'' CHARLOTTE ISLANDS s.8. Coquitlam, Dec. I, 17 and 31, 10 p.m. ; . .. FOR NORTH QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS S.S. Coquitlam, Dec. IP and 24, 10 p.m. ! i FRANK J. SKINNER Prince Rupert Agent Third Ave. Phone 6(8 This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Bo.rd or by the Government of British Columbia. FOR ALL TYPES OFFICE SUPPLIES HOME STATIONERY SEE flaytr't Mild yovr favevrU tigorH if new available in both the Pooch and the Fli Facie. ChoM the ona that uit yaw . And rtmembor in eithar pack of Plqyw's Mild you get the am great cigareHe with the wotproof papaf thatdoi not tick 4 your Up. And remember, too . iilik Printing Co. Besner Block HOLLYWOOD cafe Most Up-to-Date Cafe in the City Open from 8 p.m. to 4 a.m. We Specialize in Chinese Dishes CHOP SUEY CHOW MEIN FOR OUTSIDE ORDERS PHONE 13S Third Avenue's..!