PROVINCIAL LIBRARY, VICTORIA, B. C. phovinci1- 165 1 I PHONE 1IGS as. rrv lORTHFRN AND CKNTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NKW8PAPZB Published at Canada's Most Strategic Pacific Port "Prince Rupert, the Key to the Great Northwest." starAcabs VOL. XXXVII, No. 222. PRINCE RUPERT, B. C, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 1948 PRICK FIVE CENTS jet P amies Said Flvitira Over A asks - " ; U & ' ' i " : ' .'-v :" V ',: Archibald Observes Birthday I -II ""7iii 1 IniirmLjiuiir.. II Mil H'MTHIU" ..p r pot aft Willi Prospect of JVinter at Home . Harrv Archibald. Member of EDEIftUT DATE Parliament for Skeena, cele IuLIUM! KAIL brated his thirty -eighth birth- - Tl.o 1 Mon- r a tti r AKriir day today with the prospect of KAlllr IlkrNX spending the winter in his WAR WOULD END CIVILIZATION VANCOUVER, to; Bearded Arctic explorer Sir Hubert Wilkins of Australia and jet aircraft Inventor Sir Frank Wittle talked of war here Monday while attending the North West Aviation Planning Council. "If war comes," said Sir Frank, 'It will not be a war to end war, but a war to end civilization." Sir Hubert said that If war Jlronsoii, ryw - Kir- f'l .lid ! fei? V v Lsir&'X uniikk vi hw I home town constituency for the OTTAWA to A courtroom ; first time iri 'two years, tussle over the Canadian rail-1 snPPiai session, he felt "with from of the ith re THIRTY -tIGHT TODAY ways' new round of freight some degree of complacency, is ft s fly"'! rate increases was set to opch ' highly unlikely this fall, des-here today. 'pite thV fact that M. J.'Cold- Alaskan A spokesman for seven prov- well,'' -C.C.F. party leader, is could be eliminated by a carefully marked jpassage. H Vso iplans to seek navigation lights on the west coast of the Charlottes at Tassu Sound, the west end of Skidegate Chan- jj Brons.n inces went before the Board of j seeking one in order "to set up Transport Commissioners to a Royal Commission to inquire comes, both piloted and guld- Itkimos of; ecj missiieg would be used. oppose the companies' request into the rail freight rate struc- Houston Stewart Chan- nel and .u on t .j,. ,, , cinuLiici iu uwwui Yvii.ii iwu Tfte nevr reeuiar session, rur.' , ..itiJ-n, t toCC,i a . " i " 1 IJCl. iVIUab Tlttti lo I"" moves in mind: . ! Archibald expects, will not be 0 A v,n jjthat W" pines wit'i i f the ai'C-nofliiernniost i jvninsula. 4 from the BERLIN CRISIS "BEYOND U.N.," 1. Deferment of the latest called, until late in January,' . hoat. flshlntr on the west increase until their appeal which is soon enough consider- j coast against the 21 percent the way the past sessions, .. last March is heard. 2. Consideration of -British ive been drawn out. , experiencing wav of pros. 'The eood old days of three 'npritv hased on lumber, al- SIDH lit" l 1 Ontario wuh Mrs. Dre and their two children, DREW AND FAMILY Premier George Drew of Sandra and Edward, at their Toronto home. tir rnou REDS DECLARE BERLIN Oi German Communists said today that the. General Assembly of the United Nations lacked authority to debate Columbia's request for removal jmonha jn Ottawa and nine though uncertainty over the ex-of the "mountain differential." m0nths at home apparently are'p0rt price is beginning to be Ontario and Quebec, the twojgone forever," he said. 'Since feit. I cenirai provinces ior wnom me . 1945 when I went into oince, "one lumber firm has ceas- Parliament has been maintain UN Hopes Raised For Finding ed shipping export hemlock be BANK HOLDUP SUSPECT CAUGHT VANCOUVER, to Leo Bur- cause of the increase of freight Stafford rates," he said. last increase has had little effect, are not among the provinces which are contesting the freight boost sought by the rail companies. The "mountain differential" ing the same length of sessions as it did during the war." Last year, following the close of regular session, which was :i finan- the Berlin crisis, which, they said could be settled only by the four powers Involved. Bringing the question before the assembly will result in the "torpedoing" of the orolongefi unfcrcnc" m-ii 4!)-vpnr old susnect in a Missing Plane :. ister in. iinnnno bank robbery at Mil Small operators are having difficulty gettins their timber from the bush because of wet weather which nas made their roads almost Impassible. greatly extended, he was called is a higher freight rate Imposed back to the capital in Novem- by the companies through t ber, remaining all winter. He Big Four conference In Moscow. They also charged that the ton. Ontario, 14 months' ago, was arrested last night and is in police custody after a tip from eastern authorities. western mountains to covrr looks forward to a winter on what the companies describe, the coast, even though it won't Germans were being groomed flashed to a searching plane by mirrors and spelled out with strips of cloth on the ground are being investigated today as be a holiday. as higher hauling costs. for the role of mercenary soldiers In a future war against j.aet min-f-lung rcla- I i M that he may I himself t country field of :.",:r rela-Jo coun- ISRAEL SEEKS is -y m Another mau is now serving 20 years for his part In the hold-up. Since returning to the con the Soviet Union. a clue to the possible fate of a" United States Navy plane. stituency eariy 111 nugusw "c lTff fVf has made a speaking tour of I C0NTR010F I IN 1 1 11 I If In the police linc-up here he Robbery Thought Murder Motive tVio Intprlnr in whirh he envpred V ' v v could not be identified as one missing iu days witn five men EXTREMISTS of the exhibitionist oanoiu on board. comprehensively the area as lar FRENCH CABINET RUMORS DENIED tvip penrrai teeliiiE was that! RBiir.E ; A cache east . as Endako, tire eastern limit of the riding. fJext-monttt, who have staged several bank "jobs" in Vancouver during the last year. He will be stnt cast ior trial. cabinet of Henri Queuille will U6-.BWciwoMldvMHi "today. - ,-)or grKrtrray "have "been- the-mtf The messages -came from aive for the slaying of Mrs. Ber-group of villagers in tiny, re- tha Stickney, 50-year old own-mote Skownan, Manitoba, 100 er of the Gold Pan Cafe here, r.-iio sniifhpmst of here. Thev.' Llovd Williams. 30-year old he plans a similar trip along the coast as far south as Bella Bella. Commenting on requirements. JERUSALEM to The Israeli government has given Irgun Zval Leumi 24 hours to surrender all its arms and turn its men over for enlistment in ITS resign ran like wildfire through Purls today as a special cabinet .... . t I I J trrJlf today session was called. linemDloved miner, was caught the searcn pianes at in the constituency, Mr. Archibald pointed out warmly the The cabinet was formed only i...i h fiachina mirrnrs In 1 charzed with her murder. fciWa keyh SEEKING MATERIAL ON TRINCE RUPERT Claire E. Wallace, CBC women's commentator, one of Canada's best known radio personalities, who has written to Prince Rupert for material on this city for a feature spot on her program "They Tell Me." Hor 15-mlmitp hroaricast is Berlin Dominates U.N. Conference TARIS, to The Berlin situation topped the minds of delegates arriving at the opening It llUUll u Jf 11U111 ...... - , f the sun and setting strips of, Friends said that robbery may mAiu nn t hp prr.mri. I have been the motive. The $ of a sever" need for navigation markers in Skidegate C h a n n e 1 on the 10 days ago. A . cabinet minister, who de the Israeli army. A spokes uan for Irgun, an extremist Jewish organization, said that he believed that the ultimatum resulted from the assassination of Count Folke Bernadotte, United Nations cllned to be named, said, "there Charlottes, which this Yukon-born woman, almost a Queen a (,,rii,r nm laid nut .me u a siaml- is no disagreement on any sub- the ground told the crew'egenaary "gure . in ..oiuu summer expenencea a uugc session Ot me uniieu - - Jmlnln ramns uas found beat- ennepnt.rat.ion of vessels, narti iect hetwren anv members of of the search plane to iook, ... .... . . . . thrice weekly on the CBC ' General Assembly's autumn en to death with an axe in herjcularly in the tuna fishery. j the cabinet." "about 25 miles east" of "Skow meeting. mediator. H3 assailed the commercial network. - tiny bedroom Saturday. So narrow and dangerous is . o( Key West, m U'undeterU-U ftid that it t in 'any direc- f '"'i-for a big - 'Itu.ster units ' Ichools arc the channel, he said, that many vessels have to wait to be guid At Cairo, the newspaper Al RAINFALL HEAVY DURING NIGHT On the eve of the first ses- nan." sion, foreign ministers of Bri- The missing plane carried two tain', the United States and ranking Canadian and Ameri-France called a halt to their can military observers, two-months old attempt to ne- ed through by fishermen who Misri quoted Abdel Rahman Azzam Pasha saying that the BRITAIN REFITS 100 WARSHIPS LONDON to'-Britain con Prince Rupert was drenched with 1.61 Inches of rain in the Arab states will reject Count Bernadotte's report to the United Nations on Palestine.' gotiate a direct settlement. What Canada's stand Is on know the route. This creates dangerous congestion which Dunlap Is Made Air Vice Marshal TURKEY GETS U.S. WARSHIPS WASHINGTON, to The Turkish fleet may soon be bolstered by several modern American destroyers, diplomatic officials said today. Negotiations for their transfer under the siders the International siiua- Hon so grave that Its has sus- the Berlin situation is not cer- 24-hour period ending at 4 o'clock this morning," according to the official reading at the Dhny Island weather station. nended commercial work at the tain. Prime Minister Mackenzie WILL EDMUNDS DIES IN SOUTH Was For Many Years Popular Musician In Prince Rupert the Royal dockyards and has or- King arrived ycsieruay dered the refit of aoout 100 war- head of the Canadian delega OTTAWA R o y a 1 Canadian Air Force headquarters yester ships for service. U.S.-Turkish military aid program are under way. tion. ! PARIS, (P Dr. Juan Atilio Bramuglia, .Argentina's foreign day announced promotion of Air Commodore C. R. Dunlap of j Highest wind velocity yester-i day ' was between noon and 1 p.m. when the- southeast gale ; reached 36 miles an hour, Weather this morning" was 'clear with occasional sunshine, Prestige The funeral of Will Edmunds, FACAS BRINGS LIGHT SENTENCES George Hrychyk, Paul Trent and Walter Klesavitch pleaded guilty in police court Monday to a charge of creating a disturbance in a public place and sentenced to the two days they nnnnnrl Hid tlllrfl PPI1- Ripen golf LEGION CONVENTION Sydney Mines, Nova Scotia, to the rank of Air Vice Marshal. eral assembly of the United Na- nofd musician, who lived fOi particular j I LOCAL TIDFS . (Standard 'Timei Wednesday, September 22, 1943 IRQ fret fori (Some 20 years ago Air Vice Use of the Civic Centre Mints, was! (ions here today. He said that many years m m.. f-i althouch rain set in again at afternoon t' announep-! ho Hiri nnt want, anv country in was held Thursday the provincial command convention of the Canadian Legion "'b11 .!.. ... ,. . i..jj i tr mhlph eitv he 1 rum wUlinoon had already served. The here May 25-28 next was granted at a meeting of the execu 15:28 zu.u ieeiithe woria to oc excuiuuu num m unvuu'.. - fl.17 6.2 feet the U.N. There could, he said, had moved some time ago. His 21-56 4.8 feet be no outcasts. . , passing regretted by nnMnn niany old friends here and else- Marshal Dunlap spent several weeks in Prince Rupert when the Royal Canadian Air Force sent two planes north from Jericho Beach to, conduct a search for a missing American flier, Robin Renahani. arose out of a fracas which k MASSETT MAN SUCCUMBS HERE tive of the Civic Centre at the end of the week. Regular con mey man fcm profes- I " American 1 1 last min--e I given the fu.fhpr entries Richard Colthurst, 78-year-old vention rates will be paid. eHMwaHWwwwWWOT'""'' ; TOD A TS STOCKS : : Massrtt man died in Prince Ru pert General Hospital last night where in the north. Mr. Edmunds led a distln-Ctiished and an interesting life. He was widely known as 'celliot and cornetist. His age was 62. Born in Blackpool, England, it was in "Ireland he received his Courtesy S. D. Johnston Co. Ltd. cured Saturday night in front of the Rex Cafe. ' ' ' Jean Ware and Ivor Montgomery who were also charged with creating a disturbance which took place in the vicinity of Jones' Newssand on Second Avenue Saturday afternoon, appeared in police court yesterday. Jean Ware pleaded guilty and was fined $5 and costs or sentenced to time served. Ivor, CHSOOOOO shortly after arriving here from the Islands. A pensioner, h'J had lived at Massett since 1930. He is survived by a brother, Wallis, at San Francisco. I iround the 'eem to be in who can l lfi'ky greens Vancouver Bralorne B. R. Con n R. X 7.25 .02 Vi .08 Vi Bobjo 1U 2 Buffalo Canadian 08"2 Consol. Smelters 113.25 Conwcst - 110 Donalda 6 Eldona 107 early intensive musical training, together with the famous John McCormick When he was but sevent years old he played a command cornet performance for Queen Victoria. During the East Sullivan 2.70 11 ' Cariboo Quartz 01 " Dentonia Hedley Mascot 36 Minto Pend Oreille 41b n, 2.40 . 4.85 PORT SIMPSON WOMAN DIES Mrs. Mary Anderson, 23-year-old Port Simpson woman, died this morning in Prince Rupert t First Great War he was bandmaster at Victoria, and had also i Montgomery pleaded not guilty and his case was to be heara at the next session of the court. Percy Morrison, charged with not having any visible means of support pleade dguilty and was remanded for sentence. leather is t. coast this Giant Yellowknife God's Lake Hardrock ' Harricana Heva Hosco .02 premier Border .55 .24 .07 .11 .32 .04 feist Pacific General Hospital, where she was Privateer iw over the admitted shortly before mid I 1! been bandmaster of the Vancouver Firemen's Band. He served overseas. Surviving 'members of the family are threo sisters in England. Mrs. Edmunds died about six Reeves McDonald 1-8 .O'i'z 1 r '-! ' VI disturbance night last night. She arrived per island in the city from Port Simpson Jacknife Reno 1.18 Juliet Quebec 4 shppn Creek SCOOP' BRINGS ,"ve inland last Thursday. Bon accom- Taylor .Bridge Lake Rowan - Lapaska 05''2 .32 ... years ago. REPORTER FINE Little Long Lac Taku River Vananda ... Congress ... .07 LONDON J. C. Atkinson, a .32 .03 .09 Lynx Baseball Scoref National League Brooklyn 4, Boston 2. newspaperman, has been nnea Madsen Red Lake 2.50 LOW COST HOUSE PROJECT GIVEN UP Pacific Eastern s wes and ' Ihowers. No1 is expect-1 jn the wake J during the I I 32'2 ten pounds for having made Hedley Amalg Philadelphia 5-7, Pittsburgh ,25 w ,Vlv r V V:J A .v f x "si use of information he had managed to obtain in advance of Silbak Premier TORONTO A project call- ... . . r 2-4. Others postponed, rain. ing ior construction oi iu Oils cost houses has been abandon Ia'id North "tly over-I .93 .33 2.20 49.00 .58 1.90 .06 3.75 McKen'ie Red Lake McLeod Cockshutt Monet a Negus Noranda Louvicourt( Pickle Crow Regcourt San Antonio Senator Rouyn 1 ed. Jo start with, the land would have meant an outlay of $65,000. V V the police. In other words, he was prosecuted for having secured "a scoop." What he knew was termed "premature" and its publication unauthorized. In other times, the reward of a reporter for a good beat would be a substantial bonus, Instead oi I a police prosecution. American League Boston 7, Detroit 2. St. Louis 7, New York 8. Philadelphia 3, Cleveland 6, Pacific Coast League -Oakland 6, Sacramento 1 PRODUCES MAHOGANY .20 .42 5.35 2.75 8.50 .nr,i2 .18'2 .65 .31 ' i e T5nviiio nnripr sentence to death in nls A. P. Con Calmont C. & E "- Foothills Home Toronto Athona Aumaque Beattifi Bevcourt - .47 V2 i today and change in tow tonight ,aV as foi-t48 and 58, prince Ru. i naSeTra" S g the Ger occupation, as he red in Montreal, hearing following his illegal entry into Canada. deportatio-i Superior Court, Tuesday, during a On the left is an immigration department guard. r Sherrit Gordon 2-30 Steep Rock 1 80 Sturgeon River 15 Honduras is noted as a valu able source of mahogany.