f ee -e . Prfnrr Ritprrt CWIp sDttos Thursday, peeember 13, 149 ALL'S WELL SANTA SUIT iS RETURNED Legion Plans For Christmas Hey Newspaper Advertising Best Value Jaycees Want Airport Here " When the Junior Chamber of Commerce held Its monthly meeting at the Civic Centre last night wiih Vice President Harold Hel- An lnclprwnrtpnt daily npwrtsnr dprtd tn the lipi.tiiinu.tr nf Prinrc Pupprt nil all oommi:m::ps rorr.prrin": nonhern and oentr.il British Colnmtr.i. t Authorised as Pefonn Ons Mal. Pnst Office Denrtrtment. Ottawa) Published every afternoon except Sunday by Prince Rupert Dally News Ltd.. 3tri Avenue, Prince Ru)ert. British Columbia. O A Hl'NIFR. Marmsine Editor. H O. PERRY. ManaRine Director. Xmas Gift- Men a Boys Saving Prici Kids! Last nights monthly meeting MEMBER OF CANADIAN PHFSS At'DlT BUREAU OF CIRCULATIONS of thp lncnl branch of the Can CANADIAN DAILY NEWSPAPER ASSOCIATION . , . . 8CBSCRIPTION RATES wst aciian Legion was wen uuenueu NEW YORK Tneme of retailers attending the recent fall Vtty earner. Per Wee. 20c: Per Moatn. TSe: Per Year. 8 00. ES5" iAWl fit Mall. Per Unnth RJV- Per Tear aK On .3B gerson in the chair, one of the meeting of the National Dry main topics of discussion was the Goods Association Small Store, Men's SUITS WOol WnrcfJ a PL at the Hotel statier nacDGGitv fnr nn nirnnrt in Princp Division with the younger veterans in the majority. Besides routine business transacted, donations were voted to the Women's Co-ordinating Council towards their annual dinner to the "Over Seventies" which is being held during the Personality or English? gam perfect fitsj3yj Mens TOP COtTrf The big worry is off Rowlie Miles' mind and the suit for Santa Claus' helper has been found so everything was set for the annual kiddies' Christmas Tree Wednesday afternoon everything except countless details that Don Forward 'and Miles have to organize for this great event in the lives of Prince Rupert small fry. The suit, after a frantic and heavily publicized appeal at the first of the week, was returned from Miller Bay Hospital where it had been in use as a pattern. For a time its whereabouts was baffling problem, nobody seeming to remember where it went until Miller Bay solved the OES it really matter, inquired the superintendent D Medium Melton c Smartly tailored bargain i, Rupert. It was pointed out that, if there was an airport here, many hundreds of American visitors would be able to fly to Prince Rupert each year. Also it was pointed out that two hours would be saved on the trip to Vancouver and. consequently ,a of public schools of Saskatoon (according to 'coming week .as well as to the "TELL YOUR MOM IT'S THE LAST CHANCE TO GET THE CHIMNEY' CLEANED FOG SANTA'S ARRIVAL Phone Iihck KH THOM SHEET METAL LTD. here was ' Ho-v to Cut Expenses." Although the general tone! ot the meeting was optimistic j .iicrrn ng iwure business, n; one minced words concerning the necessity of curtailing costs and getting the utmost efficiency. as for advertising it was suggested that all advertising! .j.oney be concentrated on newspapers and that circulars' and rauio be elimiit'U. Men's DRESS SMidt big selection fromi Men's T I E J ! sale of T.B. Seals, sponsored by the Soroptimi.st Club. A donation of $250 was voted to the Ladies Auxiliary of the local branch towards the expenses of the Christmas Tree which is being held at ill Navy Prill Hail on Sunday afternoon when hund- a newspaper interview published hi that city' "whether a child knows when to use an apostrophe?" He was discussing the appalling revelations resulting from the dictation of a short passage of English dialogue to "an unselected group of 94 first-year students at the University of Saskatchewan who (gifts. Latent shaded! saving of some ten dullurs on the fare would be realized. Ed Williams was appointed chairman of a committee to meet with the local airport committer and offer the J. C.'s support. Mr. Tomlinson, entertainment .chairman, announced that plans had been completed for the tn- ;nual Christmas dinner this Friday night ana he urged all mt;m i bers tc attend this' dinner. You Saw it la The pw L ! i from L Men's SWEATER L pullover and bu0nf styles, wools, all si from t: Men's TROUSERsJt 'Iress, ail wool wor , f Perfect gift, qofHc-1 '"''nt from . jr were enrolled in an English class." Of this group reds of children of local veterans will receive gift from Santa ai i u i j-'i- i i x i a 40 per cent could not distinguish between its and caus "it's," 47 per cent misplaced the apostrophe in the Arrangements were also dis-i phrase "friends' faces," 58 per cent did not dis- cussed in regard to the -Bring tinguish between "who's" and "whose," and 62 per Your Missus Night" which win be ' . ... .' , held on Friday evening next, at cent began 'forty-ninth Street without a capital hich Ume lucky patr0ns will DOLCIN EASES THE PAINS OF Girl Guides Are Hostesses Tuesday afternoon, the Guides Rotorions Enjoy letter. Only two Students turned in a paper with- t be able to take home a Christmas Aluvini;, I'atkiiif, ( ratini;, Shipping and (iiiitral Caitaxr HJitl Slulax Complete Reliable and Efficient Service, also aftenl.s for Canadian Liquid Air Co. Ltd , for Oxygen. Acetylene and all welding supplies. Lindsay's Cartage & Storage Limited Cor. 2nd and Park Avenues Est. 1910 Plmnet 60 anil GX ! turkey or a chicken which will and Brownies of St. Andrew's Pre-Xmos Porfv out some error in the use of the apostrophe. he raffled for the Christmas Cathedral were afternoon tea j rvten s oil wool n'- J r.AVy SHIRT-JACK- . nood r,hnrlcv Pni -' SOX I ; , f Does it really matter? asks the superintendent hamper Fund, of public schools of Saskatoon. And he adds: "When si hostesses to their parents andj Elghty Persons, consisting of friends. The program opened members ancl guests, attended an with a formal ceremony of wel- enJ.vable pre-Christmas dancing come to the Commissioner. Then P31 of the Prince Rupert Rot- you speak the w.ord ' hasn't ' nobody will know whether the apostrophe is in the right place." He holds that the primary function of English is "a Officers Of Gyro Club Commissioner Honora L Silver- ar Club last night in the Moose- H'r mmga ot imports-, to ail who ... ' Tomnlo nnnr.in .1 iuHt'r the paui4 ami (iiwimilurt of arthnln fio.es enrolled seven new Brown- lemt"e- uancir.g to the piano ".i riieumum. i-iioun.i ,r victim, oi les-Kay Crist y. Eugene Cristy, music of Andy McNuughtoii foa- iSTt.'SS; tSgSfSl r.. ,it . - tlirpH th pusnitm'c i . oniw mure eriov the fuJluaMM tit iivuur tjv spoken function," and that, while it is desirable to ninlf frorr f SHIRTS - f t hados. from $i Boys' SWEATERS- i o"B, uau erg, Anne La ' w.j.,.,lit-u tlk X)I,,N--. Go w drum ula correct such errors as "ain't" and "he done it," still Confirming recent nomina- sette, Camille Llndseth j uuut :i i eu f.unneius wire served "" n mi. i,n nim a hhih brm iruniit w r.. . roinpouodt-U pouwltHi pnxiuct pnHlucl dnigoud uigod to to Sl oiuari was "the relative imnortance of such errors to the ner- ;,lons- the Prince RuPert Gyr0 Oiadys Green-Wilson and pre- M- F- CuniRlllLOP r"i or patrui due to ttrthritm, rhfumnt mm, SPECIALIZING in Designing and Remodelling assortment f mm ?i i nt'iiinra biiu neurit 1. t'ritnt ly in ckfMrmut of many ihotiMumls. Results are whu ciuni U'heiher your rheuraai 110 or arihrili utild or wverp, rloD t tjeiay! del your lX)l,t IN tablet Uxjay from your tiniitgtt . . . Itn prompt anJ jriong'u' ritf from the mnn and nner y of rhumaiim. arlhriiw, lunilidico. m-iaiica anil neurituu I here ia so em for you to stiller pmn that may (n conic'tflv "rietif Icki, Ur Oil.riN roi amaxintfly ItHlr (.it huiwiitHl pfw rou twhlwfa icwl only $J t' . . . the Itirice. ecinon)v-t Itottlr of 5W ... . .... . , ,.,, , ,Club. at yesterdays regular rented collector's badges to cnairman and master of cere- sonahty building of the child can be greatly over- montWy business luncneon, Suzanne Kergin Catre Fmay! monies, other members of tin estimated. : elected A. J. Dominate, as presid- scm, Elizabeth Pierce and Mary- cmmlttee being William Scubj t a xi f i it ii f i ent for the year 1950 with Mar- nn Farmer and a a goIden oniHan k.nj hand and William Terry. Let us pass over the question whether the first- r'.m L, (in ,,n Va Van Cooten as ,c secretary corrotar and a t ' badge to Elizabeth . Pierce. Next ,, -4 , , i i. r, a year Students of the University Of Saskatchewan Orant Stewart, treasurer. Mark rame the presentation of "Wings" Mr-ard Mrs. G. E. V. MeClin-are nronerlv to be classified as children (a classi- :GcrmeIy and Joseph Chell were and the -FlVine Ud" to Guide, nf tork are sai!inB U-night on the it Boys' SUITS in g j dine c'.-oth, doul Dreasted smartly ta ed, bargain tor Boys' PANTS, c I , 4 .1 ll. Rim" Gatzke CONTRACTING tnr!eti onlv lO.tMi. T'h auonrr you u4 j?- u u iU- I'll -u 4.U 'elected new directors, joining Dr. four Golden uuluen nana Hand Rm.i, Frince George " for Vancouver " and UI1U ""'-'''i- Jh HMn,i' "J"'"" 1,4 Brownies Dolcin ticntinn wnirh think nvnhnhlv thpm iet vp wnnlrl nnnnv i . ... . . . ui.provea. yuUr iudy: WUiiltU, Ull WOCI tV ; Phone I'.lat k 279 Box 13.8 , , J '. , i A.vv. Large and J. S. Lindsay who Suzanne Kergin, Cathie Finlav- erne where the;' v.ul visit clur- if vo,. ennot obtain ik)i.cin from Vei'V CTeatlV). and SO On tO ask Ourselves Whether continue for another vear. The m rn,k(i, r,i ilie the Christnifis and New Vp3, drut. wm. w: , smartly tailored from $2 0 Mtlvtit Limited, Toronio 10, Orurtu. " ------ MotLu " " " - jricice ana Mary- it is possible for anybody, child 01' adult, ' well-built !nual installation will probably nn Farmer. holiday season. 1 . ... ... .. !tl. ! 1 T ...i.U ,V. Boys' ond Gil. 'TOCjt- NGS ond SOCKS bv a university education without knowing the dif- 'pt awards had been district governor or a representa- made the Brownies u x i v ' m, , , and Guides ference between whose and "who S , Without jtive officiating. served afternoon tea to thei V1 i 11 Ut li.' 4( ' 4. ! Movt WsHnoirlgu tho Curnt n ill ' from ueiug tuit? tu . speii xauii or actiuaiiiiance two 1 .Uj.nU4 paifnus ana inends before en-" have their annual Christmas j joying a few games and a Christ-I nartv for children with the ,.. a .u... other Very common sources of error in this test), pup and without knowing anything of the principles of K iubs own Christmas luncheon EBY & SONS Contractors ItKPAIKS - KFMODF.I.I.ING FOUNDATIONS Let us help you plan Ih it new home under the N.H.A I'hiinr irern KK1 Box 5X6 &averu .i punctnatibiT.inquoted sentences. Our own opinion the week following ew I i!K Ruptrt g t. f ,4 . 4 tk s... q . , Prince George rj REAL F.STAT INSURANCE INCOME TAX Why The Mystery? RETUKt.K l'HKI',M;i fort It. K. MOUTI.MH 324 2nr Avff ' N. .ir (1, t 4- i- is tnat no matter now oeauiuuiiy tneir personalities are built, such persons can gain nothing from university instruction which will justify them in taking up the time of competent university instructors, that they have no business in a university and that they ought to be putting their beautiful personalities to a more suitable use in plowing up good Saskatchewan soil or chopping down good Saskatchewan trees. The university has been compelled by this situation (which means by the kind of teaching encouraged in Saskatchewan schools by superintendents w ho think that punctuation is secondary' to personality) to establish "compulsory remedial English classes for freshmen," and thus to assume a task which. is entirely outside of the proper range of a CHIROPRACTOR lohn r. I.. HuEhex. DC.. Ph.f: 21-22 Besner Block Phone BU R 442 for Appoirilmrni HOI Its 10 30 am. to lli .10 pin arm to 6 f,.n r:KMot Monday and Friday. Trill pin ci those unublH to come UurlriK Itu iaf RKc;KI"TIONIST In illml anne aftornoona. CHANDLER'S PORTRAIT HTU!)iO Film Finishint; lnln l lah riiU Takr" :il II Plume Giei-il 3H9 t-6 4-1 I'RINCK Kf'lTi.'l Public opinion to the contrary, the buying and selling of securities is not a mysterious and complicated procedure to be undertaken only those who have had years of experience. Actually it is less difficult than the buying or selling of an automobile or house. Has this mysterious veil prevented you from investing your savings in a profitable manner? shall be glad to explain the so-called "intricacies" of our business to you and show how simple it all really is. Investing may be done by mail, telephone or in person. Communicate with our most convenient office. James Richardson & Sons ESTABLISHED 1857 Pacific Coavt Offices: to most B.C. Centres Enjoy the swirl flight and smooth comfort el modem air travel. On busineii or pleatuie you'll at there (aster, stay there longer and arrive horn looner. Convenient daily, except Sunday, schedule with 10 saving on round trip lares. For full Information and reservations. 0 ,rlM I I TELI PHONE 795 f t university's work. The unfortunate "children" who have to take these classes are seventeen to nineteen years old, and ought to be mature enough to study the kind of subjects which it is the business of a university to teach; but they have been kept so busy developing their personalities that they have not learned a host of absolutely elementary facts about the English language including the fact that it has a visual form which is of some im VANCOUVER VICTORIA FOR HER Cosmetic Sets, Perfumes ond C ognes, Dresser Sets, ComiKK ls on.l Manicure Sets . VA i -, E GIFT :jt FOR HIM Shaving Sets, Shaving Dni'.hc lets, Pen and Pencil Sets, Konson Lighters WITH COLORFUL XMAS WRArriN'l m W aaa 'MtJ ir portance as well as its audible form. Owing however to their ability to pass the matriculation examination they are able to enter not only the university but also the provincial normal schools, whence they will go forth after ten months' instruction (mainly devoted, we fear, to teaching them how to build personalities) to teach other "children" that apostrophes do not matter. And thus the march towards illiteracy (combined of course with well-built personality) goes on and gains momentum every year. Saturday Night. Itlallarr 'Ilarumrii ( V,y--riTC:'--r" SPECIAL ( : i I l. 'tii' -"J'' 11 VALUE ( Stationery ranging from 90c to $3.50 Leather Writing Cases in both Letter and Sixth St. & Third Ave. III I I H.H fm Mi I III I K li 1 f , : S 1 '-. i1 M 9 1 iNote s.zes $4 50 up Pocket Wallets by Tillie $5.75 up i xrttf wr.xr.x.xve't'tf:''- 2 piece matching set $32.75 Complete -it a All Above Leather Goods Gold Stamped Free of Charg TIMK WILL TELL 5 r.-;.xa'r I 'HEN the Buy with Confidence war started and Japanese on w 4-1 11 Pacific coast were reouired to v anaua s VS&MfM GEORGE COOK, Jeweller L II V Remember the 25 tav to nff oil isii.. v 7 Sr'f - rrra - 1 aail a - . - - w 1 j.Titiicjr III 1 . I f 527 1 3raAve. pt,n4, Complete Selection of " I r.itK block. 3RD AVE. I PHONE 234 j II A II I H ELIGHTFUL Xmos Records y -. II Uelicacies GIVE RECORDS I, - ;f or ALBUMS fr t A GFT THAT'S SURE leave the country, opinion was frequently heard that the last of the Nipponese had not been seen. It was felt their presence had long been a source of more or less difficulty and that Mar had at last settled a somewhat vexed question. There were differences and arguments. The years, since then, did not disclose anything unexpected or presenting any problems that could be ascribed to the fact ot the Japanese not being here. From the standpoint of industry, affairs proceeded smoothly. It was, lh short, business as usual. Announcement is now made that the Japanese are returning, a policy, the wisdom of which time can only reVeal. Biggest Selection of TOYS in TOWN TO PLEASE MARCHAND OH, HEATERS VORTEX OIL RUNNERS IRON FIREMAN STOKERS Plumbin?; & Heating Alterations SMITH & ELKINS LTD, Thaf ' What People Say About Oui Calcj and Pastries Baked Frsh Dally RUPERT BAKERY LTD. PHONE 174 BOX S74 (18 Ird Av. Phon 643 fc,,..fct!l,.fc,J),.1,1fcSi.Jh4V