Senior Steward J. P. Haw- leod; Wor rtm m S. An.lo gnncc Huptrt ?atip Mtw Thursday, December 15, 1949 The installation 0f , U"kt3 Will aW kinson. Junior Steward O. Hornell. Tyler D. Munro. Trustees Wor. Bro. R. Mac- Stewart Masons Name Officers STEWART Officers elect for Enoch Lodge, No. 99 A.F. & A.M. God Ore From . I Tide Lake Mine j STEWART Returns from; forty pounds of electrum ore Stewart Election 3ood Ore From STEWART. The recent muni-.ipal election here gave W. R. Bella Bella Couple Marry shipped by AI. Phillips from his Hospitalization At Stewart STEWART The Stewart Gen 1 yjiiM'i i rooth a substantial majority I Tide Lake property, netted 58 -vpr his rmnnnnf. Jamp P. dollars a pound. Mr. Phillips is At Alice Arm Sleigh Dogs Recall Past i ALICE ARM This Is a. write up about Buck and Duke. They have other names but they were as follows: Worshipful Master Francis H. Hoadley. Senior Warden J. W. Crawford. Junior Warden J. G. S. Anderson. Treasurer L. A. Behnsen. P.M. ! very enthusiastic about the out-I come of this winter's develop-t ment. eral Hospital Board and Dale jarlick. In view of the small lumber of property owners resi-lent in the district, the vote L Pitt and James C. McCut- A wedding of interest to Bella Bella residents took place In the Bella Bella United. Church re-; cently when Mr. and Mrs. George I VickTs were principals in a cheon, representing Silbak Prem ier Mine, met Trevor Musto of M If VZaT irIIed 1 67 iljwas very good. Re-; clerk Tom Forsyth, and the uminjT inficer was' Village poll clerk, Mrs. Jean Stewart. r . like to be called just that. They Chaplain S. F. MacDonald. mm were arrivals on the last boat Director of Ceremonies Bro. and will spend the winter at the Torbrit Silver Mines. Alice Arm's oldest prospector was particularly glad to see them and, in R. Macleod. M.P. Organist T. M. Bailey. Senior Deacon T. Hughes, P.M. Junior Deacon D. Ferguson. Inner Guard D. Geddes. a monologue conversation with them, relived some of his life ! ceremony conducted by Rev. W. R. Cantelon. I The bride is the former Maud ' Ethel .daughter of Mr. and Mrs. ! Mark Campbell, and the groom, 'ton of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Vic-kers. Families of the bride and groom both reside" at Bella Bella. ; Maid of honor was Miss Cath-; erine Dixon and maids, 'Miss j Irene Vickers .Miss Louisa Brown, ; Miss Joyce Jackson and Miss Nora Windsor. Groomsman was Maurice of better than thirty years ago back when he used to freight f .j I ' n it m i "BUILD B.C. PAYROLLS" in winter supplies to the old Dolly Varden mine before there the Britsh Columbia Hospital Commission, to discuss the problem of supplying a doctor and the possible taking over of the Stewart hospital by the provincial government. ' Mr. Musto suggested that a system of voluntary contributions front the residents of Stewart, Hyder and the Premier Mine would take care of the doctor's salary and the maintenance of the hospital. In any case, he said, the government, if they took the hospital under the provincial hospital scheme, would not look after the maintenance of the hospital and that Its maintenance would still have to be made up from voluntary contributions and hospital fees. . A special committee was appointed to go into the matter was any road at all up the Kit-sault river. Yes, at that time the old prospector told them, I $ A LV M ft if the winter snows were deep XMAS he did not know It and the SEALS North Wind, well, phoey! Maybe, Buck and Duke understood. Anyway, they wagged the old prospector a good-bye and maybe, it was given them the Insight to ' vision him returning to his cabin and pulling Windsor, with Taylor Brown, Donald Vickers, Herbert Hall and Herbert Campbell as witnesses. Wedding dinner was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Windsor followed by a party in the community hall. In the evening a grand march, the bride and groom leading, was held, and final phase of the celebration w as a dance held in the hall. up his chair close to the friend ly warmth of his B.C. heater. But as to Buck and Duke they left for the Torbrit Mines riding in a five ton truck and upon arrival will literally get into It's a Canadian Tradition to use Christmas Seals on Yule letters and packages. It's your one chance each year to help finance the nationwide campaign against tuberculosis. Buy Christmas seals now. PACIFIC MILK and to bring in their recommendations later in the week. An agreement has been made for a system of voluntary contributions under a doctor. This will be tried out for the next five months or so and, should It prove successful, will be continued. The rate of contribution will be similar to that in the rest of the province under the provincial hospitalization scheme. Judge W. O .Fulton and J. T. Harvev, local barrister, left on lat evening's train for Smithers I where a session of County Court is to be held. harness and go to work. For Buck and Duke are a couple of sleigh dogs brought in to freight in the mail and winter supplies to the crew of the Torbrit hydro plant zone five miles further up the valley beyond the Torbrit mine. Irradiated and Vacuum : Kki --Ml Matured fl ' Bottled pj Snow At Stewart Late This Year STEWART Snow has come to Stewart during the past week and, with sharper temperature at the end of the week, it very likely is now here to stay. At - . V y v g I 5 y y v V V y A .V.SX V At V... that, it has been unusually late ! in arriving although for 'several j weeks it had been edging gradually down the mountainsides ' .f W fn-nn folrpnr y finally within the last few ! itlr.V5S . r days to start falling copiously on the flats and strees and ROYAL NAVY Our best Xmas Cake Decorated, per lb. $1.00 i remain there. "V VICKERS IS OISTIUID IN CANADA a no is oisTiiiurib svCalvrrl 'City Clerk H. T. Thain retum- J DEMERARA RUM Ihis advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control v . Board or by the Government of British Columbia. ; Not decorated, per lb. 85c . , ,. . . , , . , . ,. ed to the city on yesterday after- I his advertisement is not published or dis- , , ... played by the Liquor Control Board ot noon s Plane from Victoria When by the Government of British Columbia, he went to attend a federal-provincial housing conference. Light Fruit Cake, decorated, per lb 60c '.'..'.'.'. per lb. SOc each 75c Light Fruit Cake, not decorated Christmas Puddings, l's t ihi T --" CHRISTIE, BROWN AND COMPANY, LIMITED j llfitl. TORONTO and WINNIPIO CB'41 AMOUNCIG llm WiiiHllV Fo'Es,imo,ca i 11 mu 1 ,i If II f If if J a c.,i;, : Christmas Puddings, IVi's . each $1.10 Christmas Puddings, 2' .,t.:. .... each $1.45 WE WILL BAKE AND COVER YOUR MEAT ..PIES FOR A.JMOMINAL CHARGE O Don't forget the Co-op Xmas Show for children Wednesday, Dec. 28, at 2:30 p.m., Capitol Theatre. Tickets available at your Cow Bay store, and Bakery, for children of members and employees of all local Co-ops. ANOTHER SERVICE TO MAKE YOUR SHOPPING EASIER THESE LAST FEW DAYS BFFORE CHRISTMAS. iff ft P 1 Mitchell & Currie Ltd. g O Builders and Contractors Tickets will be given to parents ONLY upon request (2971 j i"',4''ciie'i'v''t'f'' Or TASTY MEALb AT MAN SON'S Jewellers will remain open every evening ti 10 p.m. ft ii IRex Cate Chinese Dishes a Specialty CHOP SUEY CHOW ME IN OPEN INVITATION Tft All d. S l mm o " J McClary Refrigerators I? and Electric Stoves, w" w -"-- oring your wire or 5 sweetie. Come in and brouse around for Xmas idea Westinghouse Radios, !J Westinghouse Wash- y ing Machines. y A Trilite Becona Avenue opposite Prince Rupert Bote! :ihi .m. to S:S0 .m - Phone 173 for Outside Order The Surprise and T a b I o ol Her Lamps, Toasters, Irons and Waffle Makers, Heatinq Pads. Sold on Easy Budget Terms DON'T FORGET OUR FRIENDLY SPECIAL CHRISTMAS BUDGET PLAN Pay only I, down. Balance on easy payments starting February 1st next year. Pyrex Ware y I I y l I ' y sr y y y y TEA POTS PERCOLATORS PIE PLATES DOUBLE BOILERS BREAD PANS CASSEROLES CUSTARD CUPS UTILITY DISHES s ti ft I i n I ti McBride Street Phone 311 THOMPSON HARDWARE CO. LTD. A BEAUTIFUL PERFECT DIAMOND 1 $50.00 l0 $250.00 I ti" SHORT OF MONEY ? Government Has Helped Your Xmas Budget , Gives you a wide and varied selection 1 I Gifts For Motorists! Credit Note for Gasoline Lubrication Contract Book Seat Covers Radio Heater Spot Lamp Fog Lamps Bumper Guards Fire Extinguisher Cigarette Lighter Skid Chains Tires and Tubes Spark Plugs and numerous other auto accessories. s ft ti ti I With the removal of the twenty-five percent luxury tax from jewellery the government has made It possible for Christmas shoppers to buy more gifts for less money. For the first time since before the war you can now buy Jewellery free of this nuisance tax. So make tnis a Jewellery Xmas, that she will appreciate and he will value. Remember also that you can buy now and pay latrr at Manson's Jewellers. Pay only half now and the rest in easy weekly or monthly payment starting February 1st, 19M- For that friendly service where value and quality come first, See MANSON'S Your Friendly Jeweller YOUR FRIENDLY JEWELLER ' Box 998 1 ti Phone Green 324 i 518 3rd Ave. Motors LIMITED IRlUlTJEeirtt I