Announcements Irisl Doclor Is Thursday, December 15, 159 Uc. ir.ervtJ by Donation has bwr. reef-i-.M & New Health Head W.O.T.M I. i December 15. All Welcome. office in the sum o Mnr .-nmii at ih. ritv Hnii the may or s Civic Centre Bridge Dec lfi. for a Mrs. Mary Gaskell $10 from Canon W. F. Riishbrool thp rnnvnr rannut luitp The for use in providing comforts a UK Scotch Dance Oddfellows Hall letter Js bemg held at tne city the Pioneers' Home during December ICtn. ; Hall for a claimant. ' ' Christmas season. '" For Fresh Frozen and Smoked Oolichans Phone 48. (293) Mrs. Lance Stiles is sailing to All members F. A. W. V. a ! general meeting will be held I Thursday, Dec. 15, 7.30 p.ra., 1 Metropole Hal!. Fishermen mem-j bers note discussion . on Special Purchase Ho 1 COMMON ROUGH RED CEDAR 2 x 8 and 2 x 10 Random Lengths, 6 ft. to 24 ft. The R'9hr Moterial for Sidewalks and Driveways PER THOUSAND F.B.M. $53.50 Albert & McCaffery ' LIMITED PHONE 116 ( o ii,vmih u in ii.DiNCi srrn.iKS Position of director of the Prince Rupert Health unit after the New Year wjll be filled by Dr. Duncan Black, formerly of Belfast, Irelanu. . I This was announced at a meet ing of t)he Prince Rupert and District Board of Health held Wednesday in the Health unit. Present acting director, Dr. A. W. Large is expecting to leavi the city in the near future. changes in fisheries regulations. (292) Moose Christmas Tree, Dec.; 17, Moose Temple 2.00. 1 Oddfellows Re&ekah Christ- i mas Tree, December 20. j Canadian Legion Ladies' Aux-J iliary bridge, cribbage and whist i December 21. night on the Prince George for Vancouver to spend the Christ- mas and New Year holiday season. ! Mrs. H. L. Frank of Terrace will arrive in the city from the interior on tonight's train to sail on the Prince George for a trip to For Skeena Better Grocery Service Phone 951 or 581. (292) Mr. and Mrs. Howard Frizzell FOR YOUR..::- CHRISTMAS Hewillappreciotcl the lasting gooc, looks of an Arrow rtTTrr.Tim nnppTAfG whte shit per rOtXVyJ- i 11 KJ fect fjrting with the one and only With Mrs. M. DupuU resigning from trie position of steno- Catholic Hall, ai rived in the city on the Prince, George yesterday from Chicago Regular Cards, January 5. I grapher at the unit, it was decided to advertise the vacancy Mrs rinniife frniliiHp h I for a Christmas and New Year holiday visit with Mr. Frizzell's Vancouver. Morris Dahlquist, well known Cedarvale timber operator, returned to the interior on last evening's train after a brief business visit to the city. ! . Advertise w. ma Dally News! i - "u ci6" duUes at the end of the - year part rnzzeii. . but promised to act as 'ARROW WHITE SHIRTS'"; ' Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Wilford returned home on the Prince Fri- S.O.N. Whist and Dance . c, . , - day, December 16. Whist 8.00 George yestrday from Vancouver, o'clock. Music by Mike Colussi. 1 Mr. Wilford had an eye removed Refreshments. Everybody Wei-j following a recent accident tome. (293) while hunting and is now doing time employee If needed. President i. Forman was iu the chair. Members attending were Mrs. Carl Vetterli, representative from Smlthers; Alderman W. McLean, Alderman William Stone and Miss Freda Hilton, senior public healUi nurse. Celonese Chief well. I jjsificl Advertising ls Payable in advance. Please refrain from Graduate Nurses You are i!h"m"H !Buim, z per wuru per insertion, minimum ' " iin-th Notice Sac. Cards nt Thank Iti.nth M..ii,.o a Habit I windows Look In for invited Lo attend a showing of j Make It medical moving pictures in the j Shearduwn's "iL ' li mA I.' ........ .. . . . icral Nulu'cs, mauwiss tiu ciih(cuu.-iii miiiuuiiceiueiiut', z. SPECIAL DISPLAY. DOUBLE PRICE Nurses' Home at 8.30 tonight. ! ials. (It) Christmas Trees, all sizes. Engineer Here LOST AND KOL'ND Mrs. Clare Warskett of the Canadian national Railways cilv i 1 s x- ' A r, ASi v. t ' ' delivered, reasonable. Phone Black 889 or Black 937. (294) Rev. James A. Munro, general ea onrunK.. Priced at . $4.0( ft" Gabardine Casua I Shirts, with spoh collar or regular ; collar., Priced ot . $6.91 $7.50 & $8.50 ' O ... Broadcloth Paja , mas in plain col ; ors and b r i g h stripes. ) $4.25 to $7.50 I I i li Xl i On one of his periodical visits of Inspection to the Watson Island celanese mill construction here, S. B. Robert of New York, iR fiAlE Xinas trees, anv o. P).i Rim-If LOST . Fox Pal. Teller Awer'lS office is sailing to-Phone Red 633. 1 292) 'night on the Prince George for . . ! superintendent of missions for ! the Presbyterian Church of Can- LOST Red wool glove. Phone ' a vacation trip to Vancouver. V1CKERS' l 0IST1UIO IN CND hub n istiuii tvCaivtrt This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or bjr the Government of Diitish Columbia. .a CAI.K B-ibv buitirv tou chief engineer for the Celanese 94. . (292) ii Bmker Place. (ilMi AuulV ' A. R. Fulton, representative ! aria, who has been In the city for , of Gardner diesel engines from the past two weeks supplying in Corporation of America, arrived in the city on yesterday afternoon's plane from the south. ,.p sale 1947 Monarch ;i (Mud condition, six LOST 5.25 x 16 Tire Chain. Ambrose Ave. or Sixth E. Finder please notify E. Woodward, co Cilv Stores, or Phone Green 71 after 5 Dm. (tf) Vancouver, arrived in the city the pulpit of First Presbyterian on the Prince George Wednes-; church here, is sailing by the day from Vancouver, being here prince George tonight on his re- (vuc Station. on business. turn to Vancouver. Gifts of good used clothing WAN'lXtt Mrs. Eric Parr and child arriv- ' SHERIFF'S SALE IN THE COUNTY COURT OF CARIBOO . HOLDEN AT PRINCE GEORGE STRESS SALE 40' troller, 1 Lil in 142. 12' 4' beam. Newj ,m h o Diesel less than year 'ii udii) - phone, direction 'iQikr automatic nilot. troll- llu v.. .Ill Lignr weiqm i tun WANTED TO RENT Young ed ln ,ne ,, ,he Prince ta ln lne cl1 on " me rrmce married couule. no children. wish to rent two or three room, George yesterday from Vancou- lor needy persons are 60licitea by the Salvation Army. Please call Black 269. We do the rest. KUl'iiH'S. iiauuuv uku. Aot or house turnisnecl.! vpr tn 1nin Mr Parr who ls pn. i u f i f rm It! i ; if 'n 1 ri$ , i .i niii-rds? Must sell to sat-' Plione Green 914. nelette Pa jama: ' $3.25 Good q ii a I i t v Plaintiff Defendant POLLARD BROS. LIMITED HAROLD SPIDEL j gage"d in contracting work here, i. They are taking up residence In WANTED TO RENT- Furnished i-tv cremtnrs. Bvtown Mach-; Works. Phone 211. P.O. & M3. i: Ml. ir H (298) "70" Radio Cabs, first in now first with radio despatched cabs. For speedy morn- the Summit Apartments. W. S. Arneil, commissioner of Yama cloth Paja mas $4.25 suite or housekeeoinu room. Youne couule. no children. Aoulv J. Johnson Box 1000, CitV (296) FOB RENT K SALE Several thousand :UJJ uM'd surimr cusluon iviilre chairs iusl removed !-,ni the lollowinK theatres: i - - :. time i.i' ii xin the Department of Indian Af- j lng service Phone beven-u. ui La,rA SL BrttUh,CoIul- ndj Austin Goodenough, general R G. Thomas of the Civil Ser-I for tne Hanson t I ro Pnmm ccmn apnuorl in T nP " r Vfihii.i)r. He Kent, victoria. t,;i.viii. (Julllllioia, iiirum M tit rand. Write or phone C1iv tn la Saile" Marine jw4 946 Granville St., Van-cjuvi-r. BC. (292) 8-ROOM Suite for rent. Cen-i trallv located on Third Ave. New stove and bedroom suite. I radio." wushiiiK machine and j Misc. $315.00 cash. P.O. Box', 1531. 2y5 ' Timber & Lumber Co.. is city on the Prince George Wed- paying is first Vlslt 10 ie cityta five nesday. from Vancouver, being tnnitrht nn officia years.' ai.ivcu nuiu omiui- 3 BKITISH Calibre converted here until business. iYitor.rAcaTrjVi J ers on Tuesday night's train and will be returning to the interior Under and by virtue of a Warrant of Execution issued from tbe above Court and to me directed against the goods Harold Spldel, I have seized defendant, and chattels of the one D4 Caterpillar Tractor Serial number 759091 WSP, with Hyster Winch, serial No. 44RX1356, Angledozer and attachments and on Thursday. December 22nd, 1949 at the hour of eleven o'clock in the forenoon, at the Sheriff's Office, Court House, Prince Rupert I will offer for sale at public auction all the right, title and Interest of the defendants in the above tractor which may be Inspected at the garage of Bovill Motors, Smithers. Will consider bids received by mail. Terms o fsale: cash, and this sale is subject to the Social - Security and Municipal Aid Tax. The highest or any bidder not necessarily accepted. ' There ls a vendors equity of approximately $2,555.00 un paid on this tractor. , Dated at Prince Rupert, B. C, this ninth day of Decem-161949. M. M. STEPHENS, Sheriff of the County of Prince Rupert. (294) Hi-u .iwereit suortliiK rilles; ifvcrul models; six and ten liwl iTiKaters. Money-back i tomorrow with a visit-at Ter- FOR RENT SleeoiiiK rooms.1 Also naiai;e. Phone Green 438. (295i FOR RENT Sleeuint room or board and room. Phone Brack 600. tfl race on his way back to Smith- i.4 juu-r. 48 rounds am-cuiiiiioii $3.00. Larue assort-nr-iit new rifles. shoUuins, vii-wiidic stiriiis.etc. write EXTREMELY Well Built Home ers. on three lots, six years old.; 5-rooms and attaeheti Karate, .si tin latest loiuers aim Wii-w. .oix o.nes o., w GETS TWO YEARS Ellis Ladds has been sentenced PEKSOXAI concrete loundations ana basement. Hot water heating, jiii-ii street. tJiuiwa. win,. Pembroke bath and snower. with i0 tw0 years' imprisomnent, less Brick tile construction storase-one day. In city police court on a K HALfc Tenders will be re- itiv.-ii bv the undersiuned stucco finish; amole PLUMBING and Heatinir Slu-et Metal work, tar and Kiavel iuolniK. Plione 543 or call 29. Slxih Ave. West. H. Lelouitieau and Sons. (til lockers and cupboards in kit- charge of indecency. " chen and bedrooms. This must be seen to be appreciated ORMES DRUGS u:. tl imim ol Tue.sdiiv. Janu-! itv 3. i!i;')0. for the purchase ii Dit 1. lilock B. Subd. Blocks ft B. C and D. Dtrict Lot 2o4 Flan 12t0. Delkatlah Tnsite. Queen Charlotte iiiirict. toi'ether witli lm- and beina sold lar Deiow replacement cost. Armstrong Agencies. Phone 342 or (evesl Green 297. (295) DRUGS HELP WANTIil) WANTED Qualified janitor iin s sit mite tnereon ano wrteiiu i ne eon ten is to be n''iiilid bv the liuirliaser on and wire lor emuiovniem ; i both ) in new Canadian! Leeion Buildina and to be resident on the oremises. ii u- is where Is basis. Terms j FOR SALE Well located Duplex dweliins with two attractive four room apartments. Full basement with automatic oil furnace servine both suites. An excellent investment for the man who wants to cut down exoenses. PRESCRIP1ION CHEMISTS STORE HOURS-WEEK DAYS, 9 A M. TO f PM SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS--12 NOON TO l PJA 7 PM. TO 9 P.M. Veteran nreferred. Suite provided, touelher with huht. heat, water, electric cook ft ive and floor coverings. Write fullv statine aaes. experience and wages expected, o.:i.u l.lMl. fiiunrfti. i.i urn tf!.Uer not neeessarilv ac-oiii Ml li. F. Forbes. OffichU A .!inii-; r;it nr. Administrator ol Uic K. tate of Thomas Kin. '" i i ul Court House. Prince Kuirrt. BC. 1292 1 r GOOD) GOOD1 J Kallogg't ntw, quick way t "' 1 BRAN MUFFINS to P.O. BiX via rriiice huib-i (295) BC. R SAI.E-Used doors, wln- Emergency bicycle aeuverj from 7 p.m. till 9 D.m. and Sunday Dally car aellvery service trom 9 a.m. till 6 p.m a -s. lumber. Phone 543, Call Five room house very centrally located. Cement footings part basement. Yours for $2000.00 down. Modern four room house on Alfred Street close to stores and schools would be ideal for small family. (tf) ta 6Ui Are. W. WANTED IMMEDIATELY E x n e r 1 e need stenoarapher wantlna steadv emuloyment. j,,tf iinna- shorthand and be rfiR RAI.E- 1949 Ford Fordor; tv,.st Atmlv The W. H (tf i Malkin Co., Ltd. S-iiaii. heater and defrosters.! snare tires. Only elttht ; runninu. Gotxl condi-''"ii $1 1175(H). Aonlv N. V. TjUui, Massett. B.C. (2921 WITH RAISINS No creaming, no egg-beating just one easy stirring! Make some to-day! 1 cup Kellogg's H teaspoon salt All-Bran i cup sugar or i cup milk Ho" y 1 cup sitld 1 Bg, flour 2 tablespoons 2U ttaspoons ' soil sliorlemng baking powder H "P rl81n8 1, Combine AU-Bran and milk in mixing bowl. 2 Sift together flour, baking Pfwdf and salt inlo same mining bowl. Add m aunin eyii sliorlen- cTrwnr.BAPHER with short- i,,,rf onH tvrilnsr. Medical ex- n an nsset but not Large four wartime close to bus line and school, has excellent view, includes oil heater Full price only $2 3d0.i For information or inspection of these listines see Robert E Montador Limited. (2951 7,..,.0vvnrv Annlv Prince Ru The Prince Of Christmas Presents I IS STILL A BEAUTIFUL WATCH. I NATIONALLY KNON NAMF5- 9-12 and (2971 m-rt Hi-iilth Unit. 1-5. Ph. Blue 722. MOTOR OVERHAUL i augur oi S",lty aj Stir . . i u until raisins. only ii'ii-bi'll Speeder Shovels t'ruMfs. DratrllKes; Aoain' H'ne (iraders; Littleford Bros. Hi.r Tup Road Mtlntenuncf 'jwipmont; Owen Clamshel Hiirkc's and Rock Grannies; " I. ."mith Concrete Mixers; Clark Purklift Trucks: Nelson mg, and cttmbined. S full. 1 ...rKn nitna Hake in pre-healed moderalery hot oven (400F.) about to minutes. Makes 9 luscious muffins. Un..t...t i i ninl...ilo SITUATION WANTED RESPONSIBLE voime ; man would like emolument as office or sales clerk. Experienced. Phone Blue 639. (93' n.KSOSAL MIKE MESSENGER SpVICE. Phone Black 889 or Black 937. Santa frm. v 'S- Your O Having Us Overhaul Your Engine is Like Turning the Mileage Indicator Back to Zero, for your car will hum along the road as if it had just left the assembly I ine. DRIVE IN NOW! TO OUR GARAGE M t tilliUMTJ Ull niUi:ivlJ"ti nd Snow Removal; Rice Port-"le CentrifuKal Pumps; Na-tiunai Dragline 8crapers and Rnikfls: National All Steel Gasoline Holnts; National Hnriiible Sawmills. National "'ilurv Scrfpns anil Pnnvevors. . Canada's most famous natural laativ ceraal for diets ol in-suHicient bulk try bowllut ml today i "Advertise ::i tne oUly News WUMT WIMk Mother Knows Best: full inlormatlon from Na-'"'nal Machinery Co. LUl.. Vancouver. B C (tf) Christmas p0R SAI.E-llioh nnwer Ger r CALL Flower J lor ah man licUl ulusses. Apply L. 's. Empress Hotel. (292) Tel 77 i Rue 'inn 3rd Ave. Box trie We have them in endless variety. 1 1 1 I The famous Gruen and Bulova makes 1 ' II I from $33.75 up. I I Waltham and Elqins from $42.50 to M fOR SALE New & Used Furnl- RADIO CLINIC KEN'S SPECIALS A LOVELY DISH "ie, Hardware fit Office, Flx-"ires.Electric toasters, Cups nd saucers, singer Sewing Machines. China Cabinets rrcxs Irons. Cribs, Disston "and Saws. Ne-v Loeeins 2!imas Jacks, Heavy 3-r ty Roofing For Satisfactory Service 718 2nd Ave. W. Blue 992 rawer, New Tei. Wagons, plroom Rues. Typewriter, "wnK Boots, Battleship ""uifum, Sllghtlv used Ra- etc, at the lowest prices B c- Furniture Co.. Black 324 .VW I Hamiltons from $60 up. I Pierce, Balco, Westfield etc. $22.50 up. 1 rR SALE One steel babv crib nti mattress. Only two mu"Uis old. Phone Red 24ii. (2951 v IK 'V SAI.K Tu.n 10iQ HtllHp- VANCOUVER - VlUl'UKia SEATTLE Sunday. 9 p.m., Camosun TuesQy, 1:30 p.m., Coquitlam ALICE ARM, STEWART AND PORT SLMPSON Sunday, U p.m. FOR SOUTH QUEEN CHARLOTTB ISLANDS ss. Camosun Dec 16 and 30 10 p.m. , FOR NORTH QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS I A NEW HOME Plan to Build NOW V S,r champions. Apply Ar-rw Cabs 640. (tf) Torchiere Floor Lamps $14.10 3 Light Trilight Lamps with silk shades $16.10 Table Lamps $4.95 and $6.95 G.E. Mantle Radios, assorted colors .... $19.95 G.E. Washers with pump $149.50 Floor Model Glad Irons $129.50 Noma Tree Lights-., from $1j40 Noma Bubble and Bird Lamps 25c Noma Extra Lamps 08c to 15c Electric; Irons $4.20 to $23.50 Waffle Irons lll'll Electric Toasters $7.20 to $32.5 NORTHERN B. C. POWER CO. LTD. f'2'0 Besner Block PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. STEWART. B.C. SALE Purehred cocker n El For rh,'i S1X weeks old at YP.'.'stmas. erand gifts. 78 "Pn eves, weekends. (293) Commodore Cale "Better Thn Ever" SALE- -Broken up cement. !e;nonn Blue 981. Kaien Trans- (2971 GREER & BRIDDEN The Men Who Know CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS for 5 Best Food and Service In City; SS. Camosun, Dec. 9 and 23 and, 23 FRANK J. SKINNER Prince Kupert Agent Third Avenue P"one 568 tlnn? u Ouebec range with Rilrt ,se and euard. Phone Phone 17 for sena-um .uC.- (i!a" -fi Third Ave. David Chow. Mgr.; and AL? Bpd chesterfield aWchair. Phone Blue 650. 241 RET) 5fil P.O. BOX 121 "uu West. (21)7)