prfnrf Huwrf EaH& r5cte3 Thursday, December 15. 1049 i Sprinq frolic Biz-Pro Porty At Mayor's Home rest room facilities will be In- complete list of events, eluded. A fancy dress and masquerade The Frolic, which commences ball will add a touch of the 1 For Smites on May 4, will get under way European to the festivities. This This month's regular meeting with a huge parade which it is event under the directorship of of the Business and Professional pst.tmit.pri will he one mile long nr""Wphr nf fimithpra irhn ha IVunmnV riuh tnnk the form of a for Christmas . . ... By the C.N.R. Elaborate Plans Being Made ! and be a blaz of color headed had considerable experience to Christmas patty. After a dinner i- For Many y Fealures reaiures : by two drum majorettes carry- Europe in this form of enter- m j,i,e civic Centre the club Backed by en-ing the blazing banners of the tainment Is expected to be an numbers adjourned to the home SMIHIEHS- SMIUjEHS fm i v; , iimsiiisra ' ana new ft i Smith; 1 rhZ, "Z "! C; . mjSSSL .OUUtandmg Sm ' Mayor Arnold where, follow- For the latest in ; j IDEAS and r .J modern MATERIALS SEE ISLAND CITY Bl'Il.lHW StPPMES General Builders' Supplies 505 McBririe St. Blue 820 - - - . ...... ; u jl ci: wji SI ut-l i uu&buuic jf. Commerce is rapidly completing , Corson of the Provincial Police plans for the presentation in will uphold the fame of Smith- ! A large quiz program Is lined jjjg a short business meeting, the , up with first prize being a 19j) tVt.-ning was spent in parlor Chevrolet Sedan. paint.s 0f skill and hilarity. The Tickets for the Spring Frolic .evening was broueht to a close by ; wiil be g ying on sale shortly. tue serving of delicious refresh fa coend this Christmas with rhe home Go Canadian National and hether in coach or sleeper, you tra-el in relaxed comfort, arrive re-Jre5hed for the festivities. cars . . . excellent Air-conditioned meals in cheerful diners . , , attentive service. Florists ments. I 3ALAGNO Phone ftreen 28: n.i oi i-u oi a gigantic spring ers which has become to be festival to be termed "Spring j known for its outstanding par-Frolic." It is hoped that before ades. long the flashing comet which Games and sports will find the is the insignia decided upon by tw. o days with an Athletic Exhl-the Jaycees will be a common bltion intended as a highlight sight to residents throughout ; 0f the daytime festivities. A the whole of north central Brl-; beauty contest for which it is SPOKT SHOTS ' mtiuuftl page C ) i ttux 113 Mr. and Mrs. B. Bendickson are I I . ..... A on the Prince Onlv Mnnrton nhvpr hp em.ld 'sailing tonight George for a trip to Vancouver. recall offhand as being familiar : . " ' planned to obtain entrants . witn was Ooalie Us colvin, iuii?.cu Hum me rrunc win no throughout the whole northern i whom he thuul,ht he nad met ft ft a? ft ft fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa towards the expansion and com r rn interior of the province will be GO while on the Pacific Coast. Jackson promised daily orac- bEnjoy Your. I rip one of the feature attractions. plctiim of a large modern children's playgruund com-menced last year by the junior Chamber from the proceeds The chosen queen of this event! tices so lnat hp mjght bf..come to be crowned "Miss Northern j a(.quaintea wilh U)e calibre oI B.C." and will be suitable n?- the players You might call warded for her merits. She will j lnat coming in clM on a tPam. become the hostess of the i " FOR All - 5 lealiwl from a Klondyke Night CANADIAN NATIONAL put on by the Jaycees in April AT of 1948. This playground will junior Chamber for the two include all modern units nfi,in.. nt ti, h i, hao Jackson, 38-year-oid Toronto- VARIETY ' i u jg ui vilu infill, nnu mc hii . Rlnv!n.i:r.. i l.. .... in. ! ... - .. ... i lan finished his 15-yp:ir N H L. t 'i'i'-" FfiBiuin uersunainy over me career in 1944 with Boston THOUSAND GIFTS i Since then he has coached i ?S meiTV-BO-roillld Also romnlete I ' i in the stipRKME COURT of Naivaimo B.C., and Fenelt - - - - pit- fi ii n Falls, Oiit., where lie played bit last year. HHI11SI1 COLUMBIA IN PROBATE IN THE MATTER OP THE "ADMIN-IH'lR,-T!ON ACT" AND IN THE TO Y S HEW ROYAL matter op the estate op I Jackson asked McKay how his LD' I old Toronto teammate, Go.cH Gift the Whole Family Will Enjoy HOTEL A Hume Away From Hume take N071CF that hy Order of , Drillon, was doing with Saint urn Honour jwiM w. o. Pui on j John Beavers. "I'll have fun ck1 )ud('- rrf the Suprrme C iirt ' . of Brlllh Columbia. I ws on the needling him, he said. Acc 1st day of December, a.d. 1949. j (Halifax Mail-Star) Foley says npiKjInU'd Administrator of the Ek- ; r-..-,,, ,. , ,,,,, , ... , ,, Drillon still still all , .L ,.t ,.i,.,.lm probably probably gets gets EVERYTHING IN TOYS TO MAKE YOUR YOUNGSTER HAPPY fleets0'1 late of iowi-r Post. British Coium-ithe needling lie feels like from I'la, who died on or about the 13th " ,- f.,ni duy of Si ptcmber. I49. at the I SO Riwipn-Hot and Cold waXer Columbia All persons lndebtl U) Kfttlement of Daw&on Creek. British Columbia. All DerHona Indebted tot Says Ace in his column "An i lie mid eotnte are required to j-ayieven break": "Drillon was booed! K PRINCE RiJPEKT. B.C. I The Rodio-Phonogroph of the Year Thil dvtrtiieitifM n not publnked o. d(ipUfJ by the LguOf Cool Botd f fcy lb Goeinmnt ? 2K1 PjU. Box li)b the amount of their Indebtedness to ,n Toronto for not back-Check-me forthwith and all persons havini!, . . ciuims against the said estate; booed in Montreal for the CHRISTMAS CARDS t The Widest Assortment of Xmos Cords in Town XMAS DECORATIONS 2 Different Models to Choose From with required to iiie them with me pro-' same tning. Even these days ptrly verified on or before the 15th i., , , day of January, 1950 failing which; the fans Jeer when Drillon rests distribution win be made having against the boards while await-regard only to such claims of which jn uig th uie pulu j. f iw "i"e pti I shall have been notified. 3 Speed Automatic Record Changers A 4 4 l PA MtAA rA JOHN H. BULGER i j ! cedfrom 5 M.OU 10 dd3.3U DATED at Telegraph Creek. B.C. ' fplrlllg teammate. But. as III thia 1st day of December, 1949. j his big league days, Drillon is EoiciIi Snts, ; stU1 a "P orts specialist. He can 294 Telegraph Creek. B C get goals." FOR XMAS SHEAFFER3 "TRIUMPH" OPTOMETRIST Xmas Lights, Wreaths ' Candles, Wrapping All J rim Ask about our Time Payment Plan with life insurance at no extra cost NOBLE & WICK reaper, Kiuuon, etc. John Bulger Ltd Third Avenue Phone 100 Exclusive Dealers iff. w s V V w : f w DON'T WAIT FOR TOMORROW SEE IT TODAY AT A A ,;:;..g.J.,,!;;i!,4;'::2;:;;iiiii!i;i!!ii!i J.t:?:i.M MF.AMKR PR1HCLGE0RGE- SA1US FXJrt VANCOUVER and Intermedial Port The Store of a Thousand Gifts GIVE THE GIFT THAT ' PLEASES "ALbWAYS" j Shtolir'i "TRIUMPH" fm nj , motching Finalin Pncik or a ; gifl-cbeic that il built to ploi . In nif) way , . . olwoyf. DIBB PRINTING Company S TOWELS- PAPERCUPS .TQWEL NETS LIQUID SOAPS SOAP DISPENS--DISINFECTANTS DEODORANTS and URES LAMPS PASTE and LIQUID WAX DUSTBANE ond SISAL yuslrUI Janitor Suppli at Vancouver Pri Manufacturer Itf prrsentative 1W Each Thursday al 11:15 p.m. B Attractive, easy-to-use ' ' I i i i Vi Hartt Gift Bonds available rjC .''f It 1 for your convenience i! -w MM i ! - Red 400 A Xt S18 3rd Ave. Box 1118 Phone 234 i"snpr Block I or KETCHIKAN ICE RUPERT SUPPLY HOUSE lM:SI)AY midnight Jur Reservatloni Write or Cal' r.lTV OR DICPO'I OFFICE Give Your Friends A Gift Thai Will Be Appreciated Phone 632 P.O. Box 772 Strand Ave. , FOR MEN , , S&Zf . . PRINCE ftUPW BC. BRAHD Smoke Black W ASSURE DELIVERY - mm, . ill " ! i A A A ii K A X X A A in H & x A M A A A 1 i A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A .5 . A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A if A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A Limited leryour , , , , v mm. iNOW AVAIEABLr !best hamburgers(! IN TOWN g i !"lf your wife can't cooky i i) Keep her for a pet" I! 1OTKL 10 Pound Box. .. $3.95 20 Pound Box' .. $7.50 30 Pound Box $11.50 VsAPLE LEAF CHRISTMAS HAMS 'MPLE LEAF CHRISTMAS PACON and MPLE LEAF GRADE A TURKEYS DUCKS and GEESE From your dealer NOW! Canada Packers Limited W. u woons, rron ( '"fl ; 'ai hi tut ui . . . . i s PROCESSED IN THE PACIFIC COAST'S MOST MODERN SMOKEHOUSE Prrpaiil to any points served by CN R. Rail in B.C.. Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba. Frelfhl. extra to other points. Use Coupon Below I Send to I.IKIVK 37 P.l- 1391 rii'Trt'ii KKASKK STIiKWT PRINCE RUPERT WWtfttXtWtWK'r.VV.'-M'W' I''' SNACK BAR 1 j i PEN 6 a.m. to 1 a.m. DAILY 1 i Just off Third Avenue j ( 15 318 Cth St. Vh. Orders Hlue 92l LOOK FOR THK NEW RED AND WTUTE GOLD SEAL LABEl E-PRICED Fon JjB&t l Name Addrcf Sent by Name A Xmos Cord Will be Enclosed With Each Shipment H ELEIIDlLTC'irnOM 20 Address 9 FINE PRINTING at REGAL PRINTERS STORE ON ANY ITEM $10.00 OR OVER IN OUR lo n Indicate by X in circles below j Cash O Cheque O Money Order O $3.95 O $7.50 O $11.50 i, i up PHONE 21 222 Second Avn. Tricycles Pedal Cars Baggage Badminton Eiderdown Sleeping Robes Men's Jackets . Men's Dress Trousers Boys' Parkas Boys' 3-piece Rackets SOtiBROADWAY CAFE ll!l French Binoculars ' 7x50's ' Fisherman's Co-operative 1 Producer and Processors HjWave Brand Fresh, 141fcflfcl"t I Ii It 118 1 IIHvl 1 Pl . Frozen & smoked Fish also Mild Cured Salmon Canners of Challenger Brand FIRST QUALITY CANNED SEA FOODS Processed at the Prince Rupert Fishermen's Co-operative Plant x A A A A Best Food O Many more items too numerous to list don't miss these re-priced xmas values at E Finest Cooking Hours 7 a.m. to 1 a.m. PRINCE RUPERT, BA-. 5 A 1 A i i A A A A A P.O. BOX 1580 .HttTSMOP EVERYTHING IN TOYS THE STORE THAT HAS YOU LIKE TO PAY AT THE PRICE For Take-Home Orders Phone 200 Blue G9 "3rd Ave Box 1693 v4 lkttfliifekM4tk9.M.ifti.Wi)Nkfl km UDlUHWmiMIJNHIW