PROVINCIAL. HimiY, LIBNAHY vici-'Hia, 3. c. a: Daily Delivery NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NIWSFAPZR PHOIIEol Published at Canada's Most Strategic Pacific Port "Prince Rupert, the Key to the Great .Northwest.' VOL. XXXVIII, No. 292. PRINCE RUPERT, B. C. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 15, 1949 PRICE FIVE CENTS rifcain- Has Atomic ooinm b-p a per II, 1 I Anti - (Sommunist Program Proposed! H 5 For Aid Of j First Avenue Is Another School Metfakatla Coming In The school board, at Its regular meeting last evening, received a communication from F. E. Anfield, Indian Agent, calling attention to the coming enfranchisement of the natives of Metlakatla, a few miles from Prince Rupert which would Will Not Be Tried Out At Forthcoming Tests LONDON (CP) The baily Mirror today gave its readers the impression that Great Britain has , produced an atomic bomb. The mass-circulated tab- .; loid says in an unattributed un-dated article by its ' atomic affairs writer, Ronald Bedford, that 'Britain's atomic weapon, which our scientists have been devel- 1 .. . oping for more than two years, ; rv j will not be tried out at the ! In I l0aH I I In ! forthcoming test of American , Freedom Sons Pledge Doukhobors Repent And Promise That They Shall Sin Ho More Residential Area Middle East No v change may be made after all bv the citv wherebv the continuation of a bus line head-! JNbLbUM (LI ' hons 01 freedom, radical mem-quarters at the present location I wrs 0f the Doukhohor sect, last night told, the British permTnt T1i,atCo,umbiii l it they had decided to "come for-area have complained against ward to confess, repent and never repeat any more rp CONCILIATOR Mr. , j 0 WiUon of the Hril-.ijiinibKi Supreme Court ,fii appointed to head iral conciliation boards jill sci'k to settle dis-bfiwci-ii railway com-., awl labr unions. ic. p. riiotoi bring the school there into the local provincial district. The number of children there, of IV lVUi III Sioux City the bus line there and petitioned I destruction." ' '"t.."1 The zoning committee l"m"n had , , no I I A statement, signed , by ' . four sect members, was .school age, totals 28. Absorption super-atom bombs. , ; ; A government spokesman would make no statement as to whether or not Britain had the atomic bomb. of the Metlakatla school would report to make when the matter v"'" "-i"- ""' Involve the working out of sev SIOUX CITY Sixteen persons, incl iidltirr two women were eral matters of detail. While son of the British Columbia Pol-f I Jul" Ice who agreed to discuss the? KlYGrlUG actual enfranchisement has not killed yesleraay in lhe bonib-like ling In as yet taken place. Mr, Anfield i i i! Still Shipping 'Xmas Tree Girl Lost matter further at a public meet-' ing In nearby Krestova on Sun-j: day. The Dotikhobor-seUicd region has been under police guard sine i LONDON (GT)-Great Diitain is pressing the United States and Canada to help launch a giant new program for the Middle Hast and Southern A..., i, a responsible British source, reiwrted today. He said the Idea had come up "In most general terms" at top-secret, three-power talks now going on In Washington. Three-fold aims of such a project are said to be: 1. To save these strategic potentially rich regions from the spread of communism. 2. Help of Western Europe, mainly Britain, to close Its debit ap between dollar buying and dollar spending. 3. Take off Britain some of the load she claims she Is carrying in paying off wartime sterl-I n g debts, accumulated by countries like India, Pakistan, Egypt and Iraq. ppines STEWART Rivfr.skle Mine came up at this week's city council meeting but Aid. Casey, the chairman -suggested that a new location for the busses might be found on First Avenue near the naval headquarters. After some discussion, in which aldermen urged a definite stand be taken on the' matter, it was decided to communicate with the residents concerned, Informing them that the residential area j mi r.ttP Ai:ik;i n skip nr uor- explosion at the Swift & Co. packing plant here, it was announced last night. As darkness fell, hours after the blast, rescue workers were braving gas fumes to continue digging into the debris for possible additional victims. At least 76 persons were known LA " Constabulary jrllT.i tdlllgllt ITMll'U'll thought advisable to bring the l matter before the board now. Without discussion, Mr. An-field's letter was laid on the table, for the consideration of the 1950 board. The meeting was presided over by the chairman, Dr. R. G. Large, the others present being the provincial government in- j (pr cmMnw!i to ship ore wiUl aim led a crackdown on bomb- -- g0Hd resuiU. The weather ings of Canadian Pacific R-il-lwhicn around nas bccn down i i ! i i i ! ! ' i I I I'hii men welt- killed uinl way nnis. rf the zero mark may cause a ces- New Clue in Search fur ; Sixteen-Year Old of Kelso ; KELSO, Washington O, More ; than 500 searchers, spurred by hopes of a new trail, at dawn today went into the fifth day ": of a hunt for Ruth Aberle, six- i teen year old girl who has been One of the signers of the stale-- salion of t he work owing to mcnt is John I.cbeduff whose freezing. So far no difficulty would be maintained there under j the zoning bylaw and the coun-1 humc wus b1 s"',s ol j has been experienced it Is said Freedom followers on December mishit; and presumed j;iy following an encoun-,;,iy between government ami M'iro outlaws on Jolo in !h- southern Pliilip- rrf nf lUOO Mori) outlaw u Kuiiilou Is reported riving government forces IumI of Mount Luuk on and A. Bruce Browh, W. J. Scott, A. J. Dominato, H. F. Robins. Mrs. E. Becker and Mrs. M. M. Roper, secretary. Dr. Large congratulated Mr. Scott and Mr. Dominato having been returned by acclamation at the recent municipal election. injured. The blast is attributed by city fire officials to natural gas but it is not known what touched it off nor precisely where. An area a block and a half in each direction from the scene was roped off. 4 in the last piece of violence the' cil will endeavour to see that the bussses are removed to another location as soon as possible. area has seen since arrival of perty continues, Vould Postpone special squads of the British Col missing since she went into the . Oruhg forested country northeast of here, looking for a Christmas tree. William F. Aberle, father of the girl, said: "I think we've , got something this time." That was . last night after A letter from Port Essington re Gas masks were used by rescue Lower Coast Is "Seeing Things" umbia Police and Royal Canadian Mounted Police. i The four signatoiies said they were told they hud "gone too far" and the crisis had been reached. quested that something be done ; workers .n giving assistance for janitor j Rent Increases QUEBEC Premier Dup worn there. This will be acceded lenders To Be Reconsidered VANCOUVEM Vancouver Inspector Nelson said he had FAY'S STOCKS rcent had been taken up from footprints that matched carfl- Vrvarrl .nf niif nf "Ruth's shnPK 1 .1.1 ii S II .1. Conrad Street School Expands anntnced that he told the delegation that, if thcy,ossls today were sincere, their statement J?" ,askf?K infance M!msUf , , . , " .... -Doug ' as Abbott lor a postpone- would be "very gratifying to Ml" J MM .H, t-w-l,;. The search party, stopped last. In connection with the pro-i jeeted school building at Port,' Edward, a letter from the'. Deputy Minister of Lands was1 read, this making reference tor the necessity of determining the site, before the sale of the newi night but went out again today f at daybreak. j U though a report of the board of works committee, rccommend-i Ing the adoption of a tender for ;the Shawatlans Lake emergency ! water pumping plant, was pre- Vhik Oliver 'Si'" Con X " 6.T,; 9 30 .03 .05 'i Sons to prove that they meant what they said. Principal T. G. Bateman informed Conrad Street School and Victoria were "seeing things' last night. Vancouver speculated over a great black cloud that drifted over the city and which did not seem like an ordinary rain cloud. Victoria people saw a .mysterious flash of light out over the Straits toward Victoria. r-rr . 1 1 Non-Partizans Uwnsite lots before long. This ftiatter will be the subject of a i Parent-Teachers' Asociation at 1 37 i suited at a special meeting of rent increases until the Supreme Court of Canada has dee'ded on the validity of rent controls. Mr. Duplcssls said he had advised the minister of finance that Quebec will step in if the Supreme Court of Canada decides that rent control is a provincial matter. Manitoba Stays Out '"3'2 .city council last night, it was Jap Oranges Are Delayed Thirteen Perish As House Burns ROTAN, Texas 0 Twelve or its regular meeting Tuesday night that, owing to the crowded condition of the present classrooms, a new basement room Is to be added during the Christmas va- report. 11 Attendance Reports Attendance reports for November showed the total enrolment of 1260 compared with jq Quartz !T?SS, .")' Mascot !ic Eastern jOnille .t . m Border .07 5.70 3.15 i Alderman Whalcn said that, although he suggested the ac-i ceotnce of the B. C. Equipment 12G1 in October and 1164 in'cation. and a new teacher will Sweep Election WINNIPEG .CP; Manitoba 031 Co. tender of $7,828, he had 14 i chanced his mind. Information ',err does not propose to enter the With two ships which had been due in Vancouver from the Orient about December 15 having been delayed until December 22 or 23, there has been a hold-up In large shipments of Japanese oranges : received a short time before the 'J McDonald 2.00 ) 03 ' join the staff. The meeting cnoyed a telling of the Christmas Story by Rev. L. G. Sieber, pastor of First United Church, whose discourse was field of rent control ''at thio time," it was announced today. November, 1048. Booth School, total 454, average 418,525. Borden Street, 230, average 27.97. Conrad Street, 253, average thirteen persons were burned to death today in a 4-room house j eight miles northeast of here. All j were Latin-American farm work- t ers. Two families made up the j victims. . It was believed that four i adults two sets of parents and j The Information was contained VANCOUVER Non-Partlzan Association candidates swept the civic election here yesterday. The C.C.F. was successful in winning only one scat on the Parks Board. p Creek 'I Premier River destined for the Christmas mar n a letter sent to Finance Mln 1 1 .30 .12 .11 ,o:s ket in British Columbia and it is tstcr Douglas Abbott by PremlCi- illustrated by a set of colored slides. "The Red Wagon," a techni 212.60. King Edward, 317, average 282.77. I possible a shortage may develop Campbell of Manitoba. eight or nine children perished. within the coming week with a Saskatchewan ana Alberta Valley . . Catlitrl color film, was shown by Martin Stuart. During a brief business session Digby Island, 20, average 14.05. j Port Simpson, 4. i Port Edward, 75. ! Buy Railway ; meeting, prompted him to do i this, he said. j "I feel that all the tenders i were not given a square deal," he said. He added that one of the j tenderers approached him and i staled that a lower figure could , have been arrived at If he had been giver. tr,c fame specifications. i It. was finally tickled that the board or works committee again 'meet, and report the final clc-1 clsion to a special council meeting Friday afternoon. possible deluge around Christmas have already annpunced their Eve or later. Meantime, some intention of stepping into the stores here are still carrying rent control field, supplies although the market is ; t Cim Ic Marun oiuan, wnuc. ... To some extent, non-attend-! had been caused by illness,1 ignation as program director and Mil 4 50 .2'J 1.21 :(! i.3:i 12 7:) 1.7:i active and Uicsl may be exhausted before long. I Tickets Early VANCOUVER-With a long holiday week-end this Clirlit-reas and a heavy demand for tickets, the Importance of buying tickets and making reserva it !ral Li-due THE WEATHER Synopsis Sunshine will appear in the ) British Columbia regions today : in the wake of the disturbance which moved inland during the night. Cloudy skies and scatter- ; ed snow flurries are expected tc : continue over much of the interior. The cold air mass which mover. Into the northern areas of tht J "Oil . chiefly measles, mumps, chic- Jenkins was named 10 succeed kenpox, and to a lesser degree, him. F. Harold Thomas was .swollen glands Jt was mentioned named publicity convener, in the report that some of the Gratification was expressed at children's parents were anxious the decision of the city council to have them return to their (,, build a sidewalk on Claude studies as soon as possible, fol- street, between Sixth and Sev- HOCKEY SCORES Pacific Coast New Westminster 3, Seattle 1 San Diego 3, San Francsico 1 Fresno 2, Los Angeles 2 N.II.L. Detroit 5, Boston 2 Toronto 2, Montreal 2 Chicago 5, New York 3 LOCAL T1DL5 Friday, December Hi, 1049 IliKli 10:09 21.4 feet Chennault Ships Off To Formosa lowing recovery, and it was sug- enln Avenues for the safety of geslcd that this coulld have (n0 C1udren. caused set-backs. In other j Tne proceedings closed with tlie 18.5 feet 7.8 feet 4.1 feet 23:12 Low 3:55 16:57 4. or. - .34 ',2 ! .mi : j .i:t .53 I I i!if- Pete WS5 . 'I Caiiadjan alii,. Tiiriiiitu '.mi wque !le . ''Hilt woras, mcy naa remrneu w,K,.rvill 1r delicious refresh school a little too early. I province twenty-four hours ag( iias remained almost station ari since that time. It is now creeping south again and should ente: tlio rrlncp ftpnrrrp rplrinn tjinipllt tions as early as possible was stressed hern today by S. M. Gicene, General Passe n gi r ai?-ent, Canadian National Railways. Trains will carry extra equipment, to accommodate the large number of passengers who will take advantage of the long week-end to go "home for Christinas." For convenience and to avoid the last minute rush, pre-ions travelling during the Yule-tide should buy their tickets as soon as possible, Mr. Greene snld. ments.- .25 . .14 Kegler Sets Mark 1 Colder weather will follow ir October accounts of $1,007.34 and November of $25,808.20 were passed. ine traffic situation in Claude Street presents disadvantages Irom the standpoint of school children security, according to MONO KONO Eight of Major General Claire L. Chen-inault's civil air transport planes ' left unexpectedly today for Formosa and a highly reliable source said they were spurred by possible British recognition or Communist. China. Excitement At those areas. Another Pacific disturbanci approaching the coast will reaci the Queen Charlottes , tonlglr and is expected to move sout'., Bowling Alley da . 'ii;a Eight other Chennault planes 'were getting ready to leave for Unit Nationalist Island fortress on the southeast coast of China. I Klllliy-;,., C,! Vel',,ul;!lir ' I .Ik- "'llU-l; 'flvaira Oil Sandstone Is Encountered Minister of VICTORIA - - r.mifU Kennev said that the a letter read. The city clerk will be communicated with, respecting this matter. An application for the position of school teacher was received from Mrs. K. K. Cameron and accepted. Previous to the meeting of the board, the teachers' salary committee met, those present being R. G. Moore, G. Bateman, W. Wright and Mrs. Dons Cobb. Power Strike Flares Again Plilllips Petroleum Co.. now drilling at Lone Mountain in the Monkman Pass area, has struck Dunvenan sandstone at 1250 feet. over Vancouver Island and th lower mainland early Fridaj morning. Forecast North Coast Region Cloudy with a few showers today. Rain tonight. Cloudy with scattered showers Friday. Little change in temperature. Winds westerly ( !5 mph) gusty, shifting to southerly (25 mph) tonight then westerly (25 mph) again Friday. Lows tonight and highs Friday at Port Hardy, 35 and 45; Sandsplt. 35 and 45; Prince Rupert. 28 and 47. i or.. on 1 20 .r.7 .43 . 5.1!) ! (1 30 .30 .23 .00!; .10' . .1r' .0(1 .73 .or. .o:". ,4'l .. .VVi ... 3.0') ... i i i.e. ... C7.'i"i l :Vz ... l.s i .t i "knile Quebec b Il'iW.lll I'teka ... This is the same formation which occurs in oil bearing areas in 'If U Lae. AIR PoiENGERS To Vancouver isoday) M. P. Haughton, J. L. Wright, R. F. Northwestern Alberta. Lone Mountain Is near the Alberta border on the Red Willow River in the Peace River Block. C'ily bowlers were given a I mark to shoot at and no little i excitement was stirred up at the Prince Rupert Bowling ! Alleys last night when Jack Paul, playing for the pace-making Manson's team against the Royal Blues, scored a one-gaine total of 435 out of a possible of 450. When the word got. around of what was going on in Paul's alley, play was suspended in the rest of the place as league competitors turned fascinated spectators of the sensational episode. Paul had a spare in the first frame and then went on for an amazing feat of eleven straight strikes. ' Uranium is now being prospected for "from the air" in airplanes especially equipped with new detection devices that react to radioactivity. LONDON 'OV- The three-day wildcat strike in stale-owned power plants flared back to life today hours after It appeared ', settled. The 2700 strikers voted this I morning to resume work but the ! workers at three or four plaats ! failed to go back when scheduled ! .... n... i.w.trirni authority had Faulton, S. B. Roberts, G. A. I iJrennan, Miss E. Schild, H. j Hamei. ;lsr Hc, Lake C.k k ;liutt. ncta 'Ms 'fanda ""'court coun "'lUonio Looks Like Oil On Charlottes Drilling for oil on Graham Is na Kin; viv.v.... posted notices telling the men To Sandsplt (today) Mr. and Mrs. F. K. Richardson, D. Darosh. . From Vancouver (Wednesday) E. Green, Master OToole, J. R. Durkin, D. J. Campbell, S. B. Roberts, Mr. Rystad, Mr. Elkins. H. D. Thain. From Sandspit (Wednesday) To Advertisers To Insure publication of display or classified advertising, copy for same must be in the office of the Daily News by 4 p.m. the day previous to advertising. Requirements of the mechanical department make this rule necessary. 3.30 j that they were returning "uncon- .:. flil.innallv." :lJtr R0llyn land of the Queen Charlottes, Royallte company at last reports, was down 500 feet with Its outfit. It has been announced that 'mit Cordon o. a 1 . Tim ctrikprs said the word "un- ;p Ro( 2.13 conditionally" was too broad and THANKS TO CANADA This little Italian girl, orphaned by war, has half Ur of milk to drink today. She received it from Canada through the United NarnsTntematoal Children's Emergency Fund (UNICEF). A score of million sick and children in United " Nations countries are helping u hungry and East. The postal address "UNICEF OTTAWA" i accepting Canaan fund, tn buy Canadian f"i 'h-PPed "vetteaa by UNICEF. -own (llVfr they woum oniy u u- Mr. and Mrs. Richardson, Mr. Cook. oil-bearing for the characteristically Miller .' A3 the terms existing before mation has been encouiuerea. Canada walk-out.